Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think you will find that it is human as backed up by the varoius mo cap vids.

I know what you mean and its down to personal preferance.

For me FIFA looks better in this regard.

The thing is, FIFA with the animations have never changed. The way it looks when kicking and running is the same as FIFA 99. So they can do all new mo-cap and it doesn't matter because the way they've made their player models ruins anything new. It's certain;y not sensational like a lot of people are saying

Pro Evo isn't much better in that respect though to be completely honest. ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Bank Holidays aint universal mate...

I have played it and its very cool. The trick stick works a treat and flows so fucking well its untrue

Well Well Well, nice to see you join the darkside old man. :)

Tell me one thing tho, can you use the first touch stick to gently knock the ball in front of you (like on last gen fifa), or does it still just wack it (next gen fifa).
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

PES is an arcade game, you can be up the other end of the pitch in 4 passes.

...and fifa2007 is realistic? ;) Sorry but i think both games are not realistic! But Fifa have more scripted shooting and also gameplay.

i hope theres demo tomorrow.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Who is commentating in this years Fifa? And is the demo still out tomorrow?
Martin Tyler and Andy Gray, confirmed.

There was news a few weeks ago to say the demo wouldn't be out tomorrow, but OPM noticed a "usually reliable" source on a German forum stating he'd had word from EA that it would be.

So in two words, who knows.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It's way too early for a demo to come out. People said last year that one would come out a month before release but it ended up coming out a few weeks before release. People are getting their hopes up for nothing.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It's way too early for a demo to come out. People said last year that one would come out a month before release but it ended up coming out a few weeks before release. People are getting their hopes up for nothing.

The final game was far superior to the demo as well. It certainly wasn't an accurate reflection.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ CW, how did you find the reponse time and the shooting control?

Those are pretty much the 2 elements that will determine how well the game will do for me as the rest i think is pretty good/excellent.

Is the reponse time the same as UCL, or sharper/slower?

And do you have more control over shooting?

In fifa07 i always felt like i couldnt control the direction of the ball as the aiming was to sublte with the analog. Passing was great, but the shooting just seemed to be far to close from middle of the goal to the corner to wide for me.

And what did you think overal from the game? A good improvement?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I don't see why it's such a big problem getting excited over something which looks like it might be good. Does it really bother people that much that some people consider the possibility that FIFA may be the superiour game this year?

I'm pretty sure everyone is aware it's possible it doesn't play as well as we hope. But there is no need for PES fans to come in here every other day and try to convince us it will be crap!

Andesson u are missing the point, first my aviator doesn't make me a fanboy, i am not trying to convince no one, i actuall love to see that happen, + i really hope that fifa ll be a great game this year. from the vid we have seen it does look great, (u should have read my impession few pages ago) anyways i just don't want to get over excited, with out actualy trying it, as i was disseppointed in the past years. but that's a good thing cos if i try the demo with out expecting a lot, it could be a big surprise. at the end of the day i will be getting both games, & play more the one that feels like football sim
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Andesson u are missing the point, first my aviator doesn't make me a fanboy, i am not trying to convince no one, i actuall love to see that happen, + i really hope that fifa ll be a great game this year. from the vid we have seen it does look great, (u should have read my impession few pages ago) anyways i just don't want to get over excited, with out actualy trying it, as i was disseppointed in the past years. but that's a good thing cos if i try the demo with out expecting a lot, it could be a big surprise. at the end of the day i will be getting both games, & play more the one that feels like football sim
It wasn't directed at you. It was a aimed at a few other people who seems to think they have to come in here and let everyone know how shit FIFA is every time there are 5+ positive posts in a row, almost as if they are offended by our excitement. I knew of these peoples opinions 10 pages ago so it's just kinda annoying that they have to repeat it again and again. That is all :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Fuck I knew I should have kept quiet...

For me it plays at the same tempo as CL but there was no option to change the speed in the demo version that was on the show floor.

First touch is now a little more gentle Kevano

@ tiktiktik The response time to me seemed the same as in CL, which to me is no bad thing. There is a lot more control over shooting though, shot placement is key to putting away them chances
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

...and fifa2007 is realistic? ;) Sorry but i think both games are not realistic! But Fifa have more scripted shooting and also gameplay.

i hope theres demo tomorrow.

Dude are you even really interested in getting/playing/demoing, (or even seeing!!!) this game?, honestly and this is not an attack or anything but, to 99.9% of real enthusiasts here that want to actually experience something new other than PES, something with a breath of fresh air and looking like a very good one at that from what we've seen, including me, you seem to just want the game to "FAIL" for whatever reasons you have, because you just seem to be very very, VERY negative towards absolutely "ANYTHING" coming out of this game atm, which inclines that you've got absolutely NO chance of having any form of LIKE or enjoyment when/IF EVER you dare play it. if its something you're looking foward to, then at least you'ld have ONE positive thing to say or at least you'ld be a bit optimistic towards (even if its) ONE thing out of the videos we've seen.. to me personally though, i've got no doubt you'll be downloading the demo just to come here and rehash its bad points (IF ITS GOT ANY..what you say jack? we can hope right? :P ) which i think is pathetic... your negativity is similar to winston's in the PES threads but (unlike winston) you hardly make any valid arguments, which just shows how PES-infected your views are...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

to me personally though, i've got no doubt you'll be downloading the demo just to come here and rehash its bad points (IF ITS GOT ANY..what you say jack? we can hope right? :P )
It does have its bad points believe it or not, haha. I said this earlier to try and prove I just want to play the best football game but I'll say it again - the reaction times may make dribbling impossible, especially online. It depends on A) whether the slow-sprint they've implemented boosts reaction times, and B) whether you're a passing kind of player or a dribbling kind of player. I hope for A to be true but I'm a passing kind of player anyway so I'm not too disheartened, but it is a shame they can't fix it and appeal to everyone.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

yeah lol.. it obviously would have bad points as you've jst mentioned one, (and F'd up my day, thanks for that) but then again, i din't get to play UCL (as i couldn't bother getting a 360), so maybe, just maybe, i dont notice the reaction times you're talking about as i dont have the exerience of UCL as you do to compare to 08. plus i try not to play FIFA with a PES mindstate, or vice versa, because like you said (with your PES360-FIFA sessions)that can be deceptively annoying, trying to compare both. But yeah i know it'll have its flaws (ala, PLAYER MODELS!! EA!! PLAYER MODELS!! :mad: )but after seeing the videos, my mindset is, absolutely NOTHING!! can stop me getting this game now, so jack my friend, try again!!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

regarding the demo, it was said about a month back by at least 5 different sites and sources that the demo would be out august 27th.

so where has new info came from that has changed that.

and that bank holiday comment is the funniest thing i have read in ages, i nearly wet myself.

ok guys, lets leave that fifa demo, coz erm, its a bank holiday in the uk!

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

regarding the demo, it was said about a month back by at least 5 different sites and sources that the demo would be out august 27th.

so where has new info came from that has changed that.

and that bank holiday comment is the funniest thing i have read in ages, i nearly wet myself.

ok guys, lets leave that fifa demo, coz erm, its a bank holiday in the uk!


Oh apart from the fact an official EA representative said the demo is coming out "some time in September"? All these "sources" saying its coming out tomorrow are false and all stem from one source.

I apologize for the bank holiday comment though. I didn't release Fifa was released from the US.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Mr Wenger, it was said on the EA UK site by an EA admin that it wouldn't be out on August 27th and that it was now going to be an early September release, so it was straight from the horse's mouth (as Noted has just said). However, as I said above, OPM has said a guy on a German forum who is usually reliable has heard from EA officials that it will still be out tomorrow - although it seems unlikely, you don't announce a date, then retract it, then make the original date.

I really really really hope it is out tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i am with the power, let's play the domo first before we getting excited over a game we haven't played

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

german source says the demo is at microsoft for final touches and certification since LAST WEEK and it will most likely be out tomorrow.

this comes straight from ea and is posted through as i said before a very reliable person who also confirmed the last years demo (+owned a beta version of the game long before the release)

i can't promise but we should be optimistic at least!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Fuck I knew I should have kept quiet...

For me it plays at the same tempo as CL but there was no option to change the speed in the demo version that was on the show floor.

First touch is now a little more gentle Kevano

@ tiktiktik The response time to me seemed the same as in CL, which to me is no bad thing. There is a lot more control over shooting though, shot placement is key to putting away them chances

CW can you answer the following for me please:

The net animations looked to have improved somewhat would you agree?

lighting/stadium graphics improved?

Tackling & heading improved?

Pitches-are they still dayglow green or is this toned down?

are tricks smooth from start to end animation, like slow dribble couple of trick, finish and pass?

Is goalkeeping animation better than UCL?

Thanks CW
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW can you answer the following for me please:

The net animations looked to have improved somewhat would you agree?

lighting/stadium graphics improved?

Tackling & heading improved?

Pitches-are they still dayglow green or is this toned down?

are tricks smooth from start to end animation, like slow dribble couple of trick, finish and pass?

Is goalkeeping animation better than UCL?

Thanks CW

Net animations are a lot better in PES than they are in FIFA.

Lighting and stadiums are fine for me, nothing too major stands out anyway.

Tackling seems to be allowed to flow more from what I saw. Heading is still a touch hit and miss.

Pitches look like pitches now. The pitches in FIFA look a lot better than those in PES.

The trick moves look fuckin mint and flow so seamlessly you wont believe it til you actually see it.

Goalkeeping also looks better and the keeper now seems to push shots away from danger rather than just parrying them to the nearest attacker for a tap in.

Hope that clears that up....NEXT!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW, what was the best thing(s) about your time with FIFA 08 and the worst thing(s)? What do you think makes it so good and what do you think needs improving?

What was the shot power like, could you hit real belters (but still keep them down) - and as Noted said, can you score a tap-in with a normal animation rather than the player swinging his leg back like he was going to blast it?

Don't suppose you managed to see any of the lower teams? I dread to think what all the generic faces look like...

That enough for you? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Martin Tyler and Andy Gray, confirmed.

There was news a few weeks ago to say the demo wouldn't be out tomorrow, but OPM noticed a "usually reliable" source on a German forum stating he'd had word from EA that it would be.

So in two words, who knows.
Yeah I heard off the GamesRadar forums there's a demo out tomorrow.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW, what was the best thing(s) about your time with FIFA 08 and the worst thing(s)? What do you think makes it so good and what do you think needs improving?

What was the shot power like, could you hit real belters (but still keep them down) - and as Noted said, can you score a tap-in with a normal animation rather than the player swinging his leg back like he was going to blast it?

Don't suppose you managed to see any of the lower teams? I dread to think what all the generic faces look like...

That enough for you? :)

Best and worst things...hard to say really. I just enjoy the way it feels and the way it plays, it flows so well from one move to the next.

Worst some games it can be a struggle to string the moves together as the oppo is right on you before you can even think about making the pass.

I actually had a chat with one of the developers as he was leaving the show and he said that they are pleased with the way the game is going and for this years version they have actually brought in a Brit to give his insight into how the game plays.

Long shots are now definately do-able. Its down to an extra button press and making sure you ahve a player who can crack a ball proper from far out.

Dont know about the tap in animation....hold on I think I scored a tap in when I played Ken. Its been a long couple of days and my head is all over. Cant recall the animation being anything more than it should have been.

I didnt go far enough down the leagues to check out the teams mate. I am sure they are as hideous as you think they wil be ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks CW, much appreciated, can't wait to get hold of it.

Last one I can think of for now, was there ever a time where you thought "ARGH, I could use a supercancel" (i.e. the player was running for something you didn't want him to run for, while you're pressing the opposite direction and he keeps on running)?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks CW, much appreciated, can't wait to get hold of it.

Last one I can think of for now, was there ever a time where you thought "ARGH, I could use a supercancel" (i.e. the player was running for something you didn't want him to run for, while you're pressing the opposite direction and he keeps on running)?

Not in the games I had
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW thanks for answering these questions you jammy git;)

Anyway, what about:

The run glitch, is it still possible to take your star player and motor around the pitch?(i fookin hope not)

Can shots be hit with power now rather than just hit if you know what i mean.

I guess the AI is improved judging by your comment re:time to string moves together.

did you use manual pass option and did it feel freer than past versions??

Are corners and free kicks improved and is it still a peice of piss to score from a free kick?

Ta mate
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

CW thanks for answering these questions you jammy git;)

Anyway, what about:

The run glitch, is it still possible to take your star player and motor around the pitch?(i fookin hope not)

Can shots be hit with power now rather than just hit if you know what i mean.

I guess the AI is improved judging by your comment re:time to string moves together.

did you use manual pass option and did it feel freer than past versions??

Are corners and free kicks improved and is it still a peice of piss to score from a free kick?

Ta mate

I didnt notice the run glitch in the many games I had. Lets hope they have removed it!

Power hits are definately in there, I hit a couple of sweet shots while playing and they look good and feel even better.

AI is better and the players seem to move with a better knowledge of the game if you see what I mean.

I never had a FK in a position where I could score so I cant comment mate, sorry
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