Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

technically if a game wasn't scripted, nothing would actually happen.

We've already had this discussion. Technically everything is scripted, but when we talk about scripting (PES) its in reference to the extra level of scripting to fake the way the game goes; defenders not responding as they normally would, oppo players having far more energy then they should, easy passes going wrong, etc.

Hopefully this post can stop that discussion from starting again, as atm its a nice discussion about what the features were and how they worked. Its peacefull and clear. A nice change from the past few days.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ DJ,

Is it possible, do you have the time, to edit your first post in this thread to have a list of video links/sites for fifa? Im not sure which ones ive seen so far so it would be good to have an overview.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The AI plays very much like a real team would in some cases the stringing of passes the AI put togtehr were impressive. HOWVER this better not be the standard difficulty setting or I'm screwed. i play casually...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

That was something i noticed aswell bumper. So many of the passes end up going to the com in the game. At first i thought it was just crap players not knowing how to play but then i started to notice that a lot of the times the com defenders are running with your own teams attackers and covering them to intersept the pass. Basicly i think its 50/50 with regard to how the passing seems to be going, poor players not used to the system and good positioning from the com.

@ Jack,

Forgot to ask this in the earlier post;

Do the goalies, in UCL, still do those stupid skip/jump/chestcatch saves they did in 07? I remember all my shots from distance, no matter how hard they were being saved by the goalie making a small forward jump and catching the ball in the air near his chest. It looked so stupid and completly destroid the feeling of hitting a great shot. Ive tried a few distance shots in the UCL demo and havent seen any of them yet, but ive only had limited time with it and im not at home this weekend to be able to test it some more. Maybe you know/remember.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3) 360/FIFA 08/7636

New video, check out the wicked animation at 1.17 when he misses a header and falls over. The AI looks excellent and as if it will provide a stern challange, something which has been lacking in Football games for ages. I'm 100% sold on this. I was a huge UCL fan anyway and this is a definite leap in the right direction.

really prey they fix the shooting :( looks great the animation, i also love the fact ai players are trying to block the ways of opponent team-members, something i've not seen before
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

In the shooting video they presented ,it (shooting) looked more realistic and far better than before but between what we see and how it plays it's not always the same thing.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah i like the dip the ball seems to have now, its maybe a bit more then real life, but it does give the impression of more weight to the ball.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3) 360/FIFA 08/7636

New video, check out the wicked animation at 1.17 when he misses a header and falls over. The AI looks excellent and as if it will provide a stern challange, something which has been lacking in Football games for ages. I'm 100% sold on this. I was a huge UCL fan anyway and this is a definite leap in the right direction.


And what I like even more was just before the fall at 1:10 when the human player tried to fire in the cross from the left and it deflects off a defenders head, then his attacker tries to control the bouncing ball but can only just get his toe to it, defelcting it's path into the central danger area of box, and a central defender finally comes in a hoofs it away on the half-volley. It just looks so authentic. The ball looks like it's a completely free object with a proper physics model determining where it goes and the players have to move towards the ball to make contact. In PES, that move would have had some weird scritped rubbish going on with cpu players skating into position or the ball looking like it's being sucked along a pre-determined path to a defender, meanwhile the human players attacker that toed the ball would be going into that weird zig-zag, can't quite move him where I want to, super-cancel not working properly garbage.

I just love the way the ball bounces. In PES it seems to be
stuck to the ground too much.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I know what you mean that's why I had to chuckle at a few reviwers who mentioned PES was still ahead in the physics stakes. I was like WTF? Also at the same point you mentioned look how the defender is jockeying and marking the attacking player at the far post but when the ball comes near he reacts to it and leaves him for a split second. Amazing, so realistic.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3) 360/FIFA 08/7636

New video, check out the wicked animation at 1.17 when he misses a header and falls over. The AI looks excellent and as if it will provide a stern challange, something which has been lacking in Football games for ages. I'm 100% sold on this. I was a huge UCL fan anyway and this is a definite leap in the right direction.
Looks absolutely stunning. That's how free the game is, you can leap to try and head anything, but if you miss, you fall flat on your face. The ball doesn't come to you (like it's scripted in PES), you have to go to the ball.

As I said before though, the online through-ball cheat still worries me, and the guys who don't like the response time issues still won't want to play the game (please note, despite my praise for the game I am not a fanboy and I am concerned about various elements - for example, dribbling is pretty impossible when you've got an opponent one foot in-front of you and the reaction time of your player would suggest he's pissed).

I'd just like to make a quick comment on this, even though it's been answered already:

Another thing I'd like to know about is what seem to be stamina bars beneath the players' names in the videos. I'm assuming that the blue bar is how much stamina the player has left as a whole but as they sprint, there's a white bar which decends down the blue bar. Is this short term stamina (ie. the player running out of breath as he makes a run)?
This is what most people I know who I've convinced to play FIFA/UEFA at some point would like to see in PES the most. It's ten times more realistic than in PES, not just in its invention but in its application. Completely unlike PES, in my experience, you find yourself running out of stamina very quickly, even by half-time (and inviting an injury onto yourself), if you just hold the sprint button down throughout the entire match - which I do in PES, because it has absolutely no fucking implication. In FIFA/UEFA you have to think to yourself, is it worth me running for that, is it worth me pressing/marking this guy, should I let him have a shot... Which is a great feeling when you let them and they miss. And a shit feeling when you let them and they score. But energy and stamina is a big part of football. Your positioning skill will give you more time than the others, and that's another area where I think PES is miles behind. Your player doesn't start running into awful positions, it's up to you.

The way that FIFA are going down the route of slow-sprinting and fast-sprinting, stamina bars and breath bars, shows how serious they are now. And I'm sorry but they're miles ahead of PES - perhaps not in all areas, but most definitely in some (including gameplay areas - the stamina is a part of the gameplay and EA do it better, most PES fans I know will admit to that readily).

Do the goalies, in UCL, still do those stupid skip/jump/chestcatch saves they did in 07? I remember all my shots from distance, no matter how hard they were being saved by the goalie making a small forward jump and catching the ball in the air near his chest. It looked so stupid and completly destroid the feeling of hitting a great shot. Ive tried a few distance shots in the UCL demo and havent seen any of them yet, but ive only had limited time with it and im not at home this weekend to be able to test it some more. Maybe you know/remember.
If you see my first post in the FIFA 07 thread (which shows how sceptical I was of EA SPORTS this time last year), that is the first thing I noticed in FIFA 07. Stupid little hops to collect the ball when all you'd need to do is stick your arms out and grab.

It doesn't happen in UEFA CL, I'm 90% sure (my memory is pretty poor but I was so annoyed by those bunny-hops that I'm sure I'd remember that).
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Kevano used to say that if you pressed the back two triggers down at once in FIFA/UEFA then it worked as a sort of supercancel... Honestly though I don't think it helped (sorry Kev :freak:).

If they've fixed a few AI things, which it looks like they have, it might not be needed. The biggest thing that needs fixing now is the reaction time. As I said above, that will kill the game as a serious option for most PES fans, especially when it comes to dribbling. Unless the slow-sprint boosts your reaction time...?
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ Jack reagrding the stamina, did you read my post regarding goals and how it boosts your stamina? How effective do you think it was playing UCL? I know i noticed it a bit in 07 but i just didnt play that game enough to really get to the finer points of the system. Have they kept the whole building up/down the team stamina by good play/possesion/goals?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah they have, which is funny (in a good way) - whenever I play a certain mate who's shit at passing, his constant losing-possession means his team are suicidal after ten minutes. :D

It's a really interesting system. Especially when the goals start going in and you can see the team's reactions, and everything seems to play a part (opposition score after 2 minutes and confidence is knocked, opposition score after 20 minutes and it's not so apparent, opposition score after 89 minutes and confidence is shattered).

It seems to affect some teams more than others, which is good as well. But it could do with refinement, though - for example, I don't think every player should be affected by it as much as they are. There's mentally-resilient players who I think give 110% no matter what - every team needs players like that.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The reaction just needs time be gotten ( is that a word ) used to. It's no longer an issue to me, and instead of the game catering for others, they should try to adapt to FIFA. It's definatly no pick up and play if your used to other games as it takes getting used to but once mastered certain aspects are very satisfying.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Tnx, atleast in this video all his shots seem to be either the inside of the foot or the "top" of his foot, cant remember the name. None of the toepokes in 07.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:| I haven't been receiving that, Placebo, are you taking my money?! You bastard, I'd have... £20 by now. :eh: It is a PES site though, so... Not bad...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

If you still can't do tap-in shots I will be pissed off. Nothing annoys me more about Fifa when you're one on one and you just want to tap is past the keeper like in Pro Evo but they do this stupid shot animation like they're having a strike from 30 yards. It looks ridiculous. And this shooting animation where they fall over could get very annoying.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I am impressed with the gameplay and I am really excited about this game.

I am even more impressed with the general atmosphere of the game,you can tell that the lighting is so good and the part empty seats in the 3d crowd is what happens in alot of games.The pitches seem less harsh to the eye also,nets are definately improved over UCL and 07.

I suspect the sound is just as awesome as it was already good in UCL. I have also seen some vids at the lessor grounds where you can see houses behind and large gaps in the corner of the stadium with big gaps in the fans.

not seen it in Hd yet but I bet those animations are sooooper smooth.

It feels like watching football in all area's so your anticipation to play is greater, this is why its got my excitement more than PES which scores a 10/10 on the nets and thats about it.

The player missing the header and falling over looked real, so natural in balance and movement, these are the sort of things you see more of the more you play.

can'nt wait for this.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Someone needs to make some kind of comparison video showing a shot at goal in PES (stiff running man changing direction as if on tramlines and suddenly the animation changes to a shot), and one in FIFA (that shooting video above where it looks totally natural), so that I can try desperately to win my PES fanboy brother-in-law over. He won't even look at a demo of FIFA, the last time he played it was 2002 and now he's almost literally scared to touch it again.

How are you with Windows Movie Maker Placebo? Winston? JayD? Dr Force? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Good video, but again no HD quality. I like these midfield battles. But their next step should definitely be making the players look more distinct. Get some personality in there, that would really bring this game to life. Cut scenes don't do it for me.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah, PESV, as a lower-league fan, I dread to think how the lower teams will look. It's not their fault in a sense, I mean they take weeks over single players according to an interview I read months ago, so you can understand why they can only do 20 or so teams from each country with realistic individually modelled faces. But as Placebo said, it will be infuriating if my team lines up with a white player who should be black, or a shaved-head player with an afro - especially if the face editor that's included now will only allow modifications to the offline database.
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