Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ winston and Jack regarding the backheel skill.

I personnaly think its scripted, in the manner that because he hsa timed the pass in a certain way and has aimed the direction towards the other player he has backheeled it. Dont think its a combo move thing. So in that sense i think its scripted, that you dont choose to do a backheelpass instead of a "twist and pass". However i do think its down to timing and the player stats. Could be wrong though.

And the video comment you [winston] made about the speed of the game is true. If you go from pes to fifa it feels very very sluggish, however when i played the UCL earlier, after hardly playing pes for 6 months, the response time and speed seemed far less slow then what my memory says. Its still slightly sluggish in response from controller but that actual speed of the game seems spot on.

After reading adam's update on the blog regarding pes and ml im only left with fifa this year. Last year i waited till it went down before buying pes360 as i just didnt think it was worth it, now i cant see me buying it at all. Ill just have to settle and get used to fifa's pace/controller response as atleast ill be getting a decent manager mode. Thats if i like the demo, otherwise i wont bother with either.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@brunnoce, i wouldnt take much notice of matherto. i think it took him about 6 months to realise fifa07 on the 360 was a different engine to the ps2 engine :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@brunnoce, i wouldnt take much notice of matherto. i think it took him about 6 months to realise fifa07 on the 360 was a different engine to the ps2 engine :D


anyway, the thing u said about the backheel move..i would love if it was down to timing and SPECIALLY playerstats.. thats what ive been looking for...thats simulation man. i mean it would be nice to have ronaldinho deciding for u if he s gonna backheel a pass or not..instead of having guys like roque junior doing it freely just cause the human player decided.

also did u notice the keepers? seems that they input last gen animations and AI on them, which is a great thing... last year fifa last gen gks were pretty much spot on.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, I've had an interesting evening in front of my PC, downloading lots of the gameplay vids of both games and viewing them all a number of times and the more I see of PES, the worse it looks (both in terms of graphics and gameplay), and the more I see of FIFA, the more excited I become.

FIFA looks damn good. I see no signs at all of lack of pace about the game. If anything, FIFA looks a tad too fast at times, yet PES is faster still. The physics in FIFA looks better, I have no qualms about saying that, it just looks really sweet. There's some lovely ball movements in that game that just don't happen in PES. And the players almost certainly don't have the full manual passing/shooting turned on, so even more variety to come. It leaves PES looking so dated.

And the player animations in FIFA are way better. It's so fluid and natural looking. PES seems to move in angles of 45 and 90 degrees.

The AI in PES still looks the same shambles as before, players running around like headless chickens when not close to the immediate action, whereas I see many things in the FIFA AI that impress.

PES definitely wins in terms of net physics. Those nets are to die for and very reminiscent of Football Kingdom, although the ball seems to bounce out of the net rather readily, despite the nets being so loose. I'd have preferred top see the ball nestle in the back of the net more often. Also, I kinda like seeing the linesman in PES...quite amusing to watch him dancing along the touch-line. That apart, I really don't see anything in PES that I prefer, although my own PES-fatigue is certainly partly to blame. Familiarity has bred contempt.

But to think that FIFA has all the excellent game modes as well that leave the PES cupboard looking so bare. And the better sounds and atmosphere, and all the licensed leagues, and the tricks factory. It looks like a cracking game in all departments. For the first time in years, I'm actually excited about a new football game. Surely it can't turn out to be a complete turkey?
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, I've had an interesting evening in front of my PC, downloading lots of the gameplay vids of both games and viewing them all a number of times and the more I see of PES, the worse it looks (both in terms of graphics and gameplay), and the more I see of FIFA, the more excited I become.

FIFA looks damn good. I see no signs at all of lack of pace about the game. If anything, FIFA looks a tad too fast at times, yet PES is faster still. The physics in FIFA looks better, I have no qualms about saying that, it just looks really sweet. There's some lovely ball movements in that game that just don't happen in PES. And the players almost certainly don't have the full manual passing/shooting turned on, so even more variety to come. It leaves PES looking so dated.

And the player animations in FIFA are way better. It's so fluid and natural looking. PES seems to move in angles of 45 and 90 degrees.

The AI in PES still looks the same shambles as before, players running around like headless chickens when not close to the immediate action, whereas I see many things in the FIFA AI that impress.

PES definitely wins in terms of net physics. Those nets are to die for and very reminiscent of Football Kingdom, although the ball seems to bounce out of the net rather readily, despite the nets being so loose. I'd have preferred top see the ball nestle in the back of the net more often. Also, I kinda like seeing the linesman in PES...quite amusing to watch him dancing along the touch-line. That apart, I really don't see anything in PES that I prefer, although my own PES-fatigue is certainly partly to blame. Familiarity has bred contempt.

But to think that FIFA has all the excellent game modes as well that leave the PES cupboard looking so bare. And the better sounds and atmosphere, and all the licensed leagues, and the tricks factory. It looks like a cracking game in all departments. For the first time in years, I'm actually excited about a new football game. Surely it can't turn out to be a complete turkey?

well said tbh im no fifa fan hated it for the last 5-6 years but fifa 08 gotta hold me hands up and say well done EA sports cant believe its moved in front of pes in every department pes is going backwards in my opinion konami needs a complete new engine for everything graphics animation maybe not on ball physics and keepers mind
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, I've had an interesting evening in front of my PC, downloading lots of the gameplay vids of both games and viewing them all a number of times and the more I see of PES, the worse it looks (both in terms of graphics and gameplay), and the more I see of FIFA, the more excited I become.

FIFA looks damn good. I see no signs at all of lack of pace about the game. If anything, FIFA looks a tad too fast at times, yet PES is faster still. The physics in FIFA looks better, I have no qualms about saying that, it just looks really sweet. There's some lovely ball movements in that game that just don't happen in PES. And the players almost certainly don't have the full manual passing/shooting turned on, so even more variety to come. It leaves PES looking so dated.

And the player animations in FIFA are way better. It's so fluid and natural looking. PES seems to move in angles of 45 and 90 degrees.

The AI in PES still looks the same shambles as before, players running around like headless chickens when not close to the immediate action, whereas I see many things in the FIFA AI that impress.

PES definitely wins in terms of net physics. Those nets are to die for and very reminiscent of Football Kingdom, although the ball seems to bounce out of the net rather readily, despite the nets being so loose. I'd have preferred top see the ball nestle in the back of the net more often. Also, I kinda like seeing the linesman in PES...quite amusing to watch him dancing along the touch-line. That apart, I really don't see anything in PES that I prefer, although my own PES-fatigue is certainly partly to blame. Familiarity has bred contempt.

But to think that FIFA has all the excellent game modes as well that leave the PES cupboard looking so bare. And the better sounds and atmosphere, and all the licensed leagues, and the tricks factory. It looks like a cracking game in all departments. For the first time in years, I'm actually excited about a new football game. Surely it can't turn out to be a complete turkey?

I agree 100%, mate. Couldn't have put it better.

I watch the FIFA videos and it's like watching a real football match on TV. Surley thats the best compliment you can give to a football game? The movement of the players and the shape of the team looks so natural and realistic, and graphically the game looks stunning - every inch the next-gen title.

I don't understand the complaints about the tempo of FIFA, and how it takes a long time to work the ball up the pitch. If you want to get from one end of the pitch to the other in 3 passes stick with PES and its fast, frantic, arcadey style of play. If you like good, patient build up play with slick, controlled passing then FIFA is for you. Anyway, If (and it's a big if)the EA spiel is to be believed you can play whatever style you choose in FIFA 08, whereas kick and rush seems to be the only option in PES.

I thought I would warm to PES2008 as more and more clips and info became available, but it's having the opposite effect.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I do agree Ive been looking PES gameplay vids and FIFA and FIFA is WAYYYYYYYY betther on the gameplay and graphic,I mean did yall watch PES videos? as soon has the game start the team that got the ball in one or 2 pass is in the opposition final third,all you see is some ping pong football but you can clearly see that in FIFA you must work the ball to get to the goal but in PES its like its counter attack football all the time and in PES it feel like there no midfield at all since the ball is alway in a team third and the defense dont seem AGAIN this year to positionate very well leaving wing players always free. Im very disapointing about PES and looking forward about FIFA 08, it just suck that PC is not next-gen so ill have to buy a PS3 =(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I watch the FIFA videos and it's like watching a real football match on TV. Surley thats the best compliment you can give to a football game? The movement of the players and the shape of the team looks so natural and realistic, and graphically the game looks stunning - every inch the next-gen title.

What is important to you @ a footballgame?

1. The game need to look realistic
2. or the gameplay need to feel realistic.

I don't understand the complaints about the tempo of FIFA, and how it takes a long time to work the ball up the pitch. If you want to get from one end of the pitch to the other in 3 passes stick with PES and its fast, frantic, arcadey style of play.

In Fifa you can also play 3 passes to the other box. I have also noticed the passes are faster and to easy to play.

one more information about pes

The reason why pes gameplay is so fast is they played it on a LCD TFT TV. My mate see the game @GC on a normal TV and the gameplayspeed is much slowlier as in die videos!

the run animation of the players are much better in fifa ...itl looks very good and realistic.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hopefully we'll get playable demos before both games are released. Then we can truly judge.
But I have to say I'm looking forward to FIFA 08 the most.
Fifa made a big improvement from 06 to 07.
It looks like another big improvement in my opinion.
I agree with Winston's and Jacks views spot on.
Konami need to do something new.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I don't believe the skill moves (including trick passes) are automatic. If you look at the EA Press Conference, ronaldinho actually stuffs the rainbow up because the guy playing it didnt time it right. It hits his foot at the wrong angle, and therefore doesnt go over his head but into his ass. For all we know, that flick pass was a skill move that the bloke fucked up.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3) 3/FIFA 08/7626
sorry if that has been posted before

the cpu in this video sims to move & pas the ball very well, but the guy whu was playing the game sucked badly.

anyways here its my impression after watching all the vid of fifa08.
from what i could see, the way players where moving off the ball around the pitch, it was pretty impressive realistic, that was one of my bigest problem with the past fifa games, as the game use to be very repetitiv and boring, playing same way, scoring the same way, as ur players where never giving u options when u where attacking & forcing u to score only with the strikers, now the right & the left back + midfild sems 2 move together & help u more, from what i could c so far.
the shoting animation looks better, as i didn't liked the shoting animation, in fifa07 (demo) overall the players animation have improved, the way the run, shoot, pass etc...
another thing i was excited about is the trick skills (FINALLY) i like the idea how u can perform them, with the slow down button & the right analog stick and there are lots of them.
i just hope that the players states, can play a big part in performing the skillz, (knowing ea sport they not gonna bother with it, i hope i am wrong)
but here is what i wish it could work,
for example; player with poor dribling states shold only do basick skills but most of the time not getting it right lose balance & fall in they ass sometimes.
player with normal dribling, still do basic skills but more succesfull if the timing its good.
players with good skills should do all of them, but sometimes not getting it right & lose balance.
players with great skills (Ronaldinho) should do all of them including some personal individual skills, performing them well if the timing is preffect, but all this should depend on who is deffending against u (players states) the situation & timing,
but i gues we won't know for sure till we play the demo.
overall i think fifa did really good job this year from what i could see,
but again watching it & playng it are 2 different things, as non of as can really judge eather of them with out plaing it.
i know i will get them both this year as both games will give me something different, fifa will feel fresh next-gen game, with great graphic,(still don't like the player models + some faces look nothing like them) manager mode, sound, & presentation.
konami will feel more of the same in terms of gameplay but more impreved, as i will be happy with it, as i like it the way it is (even though its not preffect) the edit mode in pes is huge, the players have better faces, new commentators better presentation, overall not a big improvment, but compared to pes6 360 version, this will make me appriciate this version more.

edit: sorry guys to make u fall a sleep ZZZZZ i didn't realised i wrote so much
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The guy who was playing that game as Barca must have been a retard! he was fuckin awful! shit passes and ZOMG talk about non existant defending!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

What is important to you @ a footballgame?

1. The game need to look realistic
2. or the gameplay need to feel realistic.

In Fifa you can also play 3 passes to the other box. I have also noticed the passes are faster and to easy to play.

one more information about pes

the run animation of the players are much better in fifa ...itl looks very good and realistic.

Both are very important,if you'd have one of the two assets you mentionned I wouldn't be happy at all.Having a good gameplay with shit animations is better than the opposite but on a next-gen console (i'm talking about PES) you can't afford to have a game where animations look horrible.FIFA08 looks great,for the gameplay I really don't know because I'll have to try the demos (it might out to turn to be crap after all)and PES2008 looks horrible, even if the gameplay is improved I still wouldn't like it
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Both are very important,if you'd have one of the two assets you mentionned I wouldn't be happy at all.Having a good gameplay with shit animations is better than the opposite but on a next-gen console (i'm talking about PES) you can't afford to have a game where animations look horrible.FIFA08 looks great,for the gameplay I really don't know because I'll have to try the demos (it might out to turn to be crap after all)and PES2008 looks horrible, even if the gameplay is improved I still wouldn't like it

agree m8...
offsourse ill give a try on pes2008....just to see how it feels..if it gives any memories of pes6 , well, than u can find my copy on ebay.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3) 3/FIFA 08/7626
sorry if that has been posted before

the cpu in this video sims to move & pas the ball very well, but the guy whu was playing the game sucked badly.

anyways here its my impression after watching all the vid of fifa08.
from what i could see, the way players where moving off the ball around the pitch, it was pretty impressive realistic, that was one of my bigest problem with the past fifa games, as the game use to be very repetitiv and boring, playing same way, scoring the same way, as ur players where never giving u options when u where attacking & forcing u to score only with the strikers, now the right & the left back + midfild sems 2 move together & help u more, from what i could c so far.
the shoting animation looks better, as i didn't liked the shoting animation, in fifa07 (demo) overall the players animation have improved, the way the run, shoot, pass etc...
another thing i was excited about is the trick skills (FINALLY) i like the idea how u can perform them, with the slow down button & the right analog stick and there are lots of them.
i just hope that the players states, can play a big part in performing the skillz, (knowing ea sport they not gonna bother with it, i hope i am wrong)
but here is what i wish it could work,
for example; player with poor dribling states shold only do basick skills but most of the time not getting it right lose balance & fall in they ass sometimes.
player with normal dribling, still do basic skills but more succesfull if the timing its good.
players with good skills should do all of them, but sometimes not getting it right & lose balance.
players with great skills (Ronaldinho) should do all of them including some personal individual skills, performing them well if the timing is preffect, but all this should depend on who is deffending against u (players states) the situation & timing,
but i gues we won't know for sure till we play the demo.
overall i think fifa did really good job this year from what i could see,
but again watching it & playng it are 2 different things, as non of as can really judge eather of them with out plaing it.
i know i will get them both this year as both games will give me something different, fifa will feel fresh next-gen game, with great graphic,(still don't like the player models + some faces look nothing like them) manager mode, sound, & presentation.
konami will feel more of the same in terms of gameplay but more impreved, as i will be happy with it, as i like it the way it is (even though its not preffect) the edit mode in pes is huge, the players have better faces, new commentators better presentation, overall not a big improvment, but compared to pes6 360 version, this will make me appriciate this version more.

edit: sorry guys to make u fall a sleep ZZZZZ i didn't realised i wrote so much

perfect post!!!
i totally qgree with everything you post...
the way players where moving off the ball around the pitch was my biggest complain in previous fifa...
i always dream that they implement that option of 3 formation that has in we to give you more variety in gameplay but with this new IA seems that this was muuuuuch improved!!!!
the players is movimg around the ball giving you options to pass...
maybe this time can be possible play more slow waiting a good moment to try a throught ball...
i'm really excited for this game now...
and i totally agree when you said that hope that the players states, can play a big part in performing the skillz...
i'm prayng fotr this too...

sorry for my bad english!!!
i'm brazilian but i love this forum and the posts here...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks for the vid ronaldo.

The game does look sweet and I noticed in that clip the nets have far more realistic movement than the past 2 efforts.

watch the replay of the second goal and see how the whole animation is much more like a tighter net moves when the ball hits it.

animation is lovely and the general atmosphere looks even more realistic.

One thing I did notice is the lack of crowd activity, but this may well be sorted for the release.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

This is another video on the website posted before: 360/FIFA 08/small/701
This is on 360 - theres also another to watch as well from the 360.
Looks really good and gives a good indication of the strengths/weaknesses of the game. Some of the moments are just amazing. Loving the new shot system by the way - and the slightly mishit skimming ones that just miss the post. The tackles, headers, and keepers are a lot better as well!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It really annoys me that no one let replays go on (in every video of the FIFA) whereas it's where see better how all the animations really look .What a shame
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah this annoyed me too. Some of those shooting and long passing animations look a bit off, would of liked a second look. I wonder how much depth there is to the shooting (and passing system). Maybe the reason they look a bit off is because the player is not performing a perfect shot. Didn't I heard something about 'finesse' shooting?
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It really annoys that one let replays go on (in every video of the FIFA) whereas it's where see better how all the animations really look .What a shame

Yes I have also noticed that, you can get a feel for the animation when viewing it in replay mode.

looks great though
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Just watched that video and the shooting looks a lot better then 07, and slightly better then UCL. The ball seems to have far more bounce and speed. Also, even though the player was a bit crap, the com kept the ball well and passed back to keep possesion at times and spread it wide which was nice. Did anyone see that fast low corner around the 1:30-1:50? That looked a lot better then the usual high and slow stuff ive seen.

@ Jack, ive got a few questions regarding UCL;

When the com is in the area and ready to shoot do they blast it over the bar most of the time? I remember 07 nearly 80% of the com shots would just go over and you would never get punished for it.

Regarding crossing, can you put in low fast crosses? Or use shoot to have a similar effect? I remember i used to do that in a certain game, dont know if it was iss98, but i used to use the shoot button to have long fast diagonal passes in to space. That worked treat in counter attacks. Quite sad that most of the games dont even allow that kind of freedom anymore. Fifa is definitly getting my hopes up though, hopefully they can make the response time just a bit tighter then UCL and it could be good. Thats my main concern atm as the shooting seemed a lot better in UCL, although still not good enough.

Off topic
Ive just read the psm3 scans on pes2008. Makes me so frustrated that magazines will continue to hype the game, i know they have to, and the only mention of dissapointment for the masterleague was a; "we kind of expected more" comment between all the how great the new fan stuff is.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

When the com is in the area and ready to shoot do they blast it over the bar most of the time? I remember 07 nearly 80% of the com shots would just go over and you would never get punished for it.
Not 80%, but more often than in PES, admittedly. I'd say 40%. More often than is realistic, you would imagine.

Regarding crossing, can you put in low fast crosses? Or use shoot to have a similar effect?
Don't remember doing a low fast corner. Let me put the demo on for a second, watch this space...

EDIT 1: Bugger me, yes, you can! You hold down the left-trigger and power up the cross. Get it to about half-way and he really bangs the ball low into the box. If you press the left-trigger and the pass button (if you're on manual passing that is), then he will do a hard, on-the-ground cross.

Ive just read the psm3 scans on pes2008. Makes me so frustrated that magazines will continue to hype the game, i know they have to
What annoys me is that every single one of the other reviews are quite damning of it, but as soon as one good one comes along everyone is tripping over themselves to say how quickly they're going to buy the game because it's so amazing (and that they've played a better version than the Leipzig one - it's less than two months to release, they can't do anywhere near enough to differentiate it from PES6 in that time)... But whatever. Whatever makes you happy.

EDIT 2: Playing the demo really brings a few things back. Those guys who can't stand the reaction times in FIFA 07/UEFA CL won't be able to stand FIFA 08, I tell you now. When Kenny M gets back from Germany I would bet that's his biggest complaint. In truth it does shock you when you put the PES6 demo on and see how quick they pass when you press the pass button.

But every game I've played (full 90 minutes) on the PES6 demo ends 0-0, and I'm bored out of my mind, just pressing :x: over and over and over and over and over, no real work involved, and when you shoot you might as well look the other way because four times out of five it's over the bar.

My first game on the UEFA demo I won 2-0, the next one 1-0, then 0-0, then the CPU won 1-0, then I won 2-1. All because of the free movement and the accuracy of the balls you can pull off (and the "player runs" button, which should be in every football game, end of story - even if PES2008 has players running into position for you, it's a lot easier to press a button so that they start running exactly when you want them to, rather than having to wait for them like a lemon and lose the ball). That's why I love the game, it's just... Better. IN MY OPINION.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I'm very excited about the new Fifa , but there is one section that still is "bugged". In every free kick ( the goal here for example 3/FIFA 08/7626 ) , the GKs are way out of position... As they are in UCL I think. They need to fix this , the goals from FK are unrealistic almost all the time ( not that this doesn't happen IRL , but not that frequently ;) ).

Can't wait for the 360 demo :D :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, another day dawns. I was looking at the videos of FIFA again and still feeling very optimistic about what I see.

I then played a long PES2008 one again, Brazil v France ( and it's just looks so bad. I've downloaded it and viewing it at full-screen, the first thing that strikes me is that, graphically, it looks weird. It doesn't look in the slightest bit realistic. The grass texture looks like a carpet and the players look like little subbuteo characters buzzing around on it. The zoomed in camera doesn't help as a lot of the time, you don't see any of the surroundings, just this weird, green Axminster carpet across the entire screen with tiny little footballers. It actually looks quite surreal and all the worse after having just watched FIFA.

And the action just looks completely boring...exactly the same routine stuff we've been plodding away at for years. These same old animations are getting really tiresome. The ball physics looks pretty iffy and rolls perfectly along the surface far too much. And it's still looks so scripted, really poor at times. I look for any sign of something new in the action since PES6 and there's nothing. All I see is the same old flaws. The mroe I watch, the more I recognise that I've seen this all before.

And what's with all the goals? Shoot...goal...shoot..another goal. No human skill involved at all. I thought this is what people used to criticise FIFA for? Yet in the FIFA videos, goals are few and far between...almost worryingly so. In fact, I think it's the cpu that's scored most of the goals in the FIFA videos I've seen. And they've been from plausible AI attacks.

The irony is that, having just read the PES/WE next-gen thread, people are getting excited by this video, like it's the video that finally demonstrates that PES2008 will be a great game. It had the completely opposite effect on me and left me feeling that I might not even bother buying PES this year. It doesn't seem to have anything to offer at all. Perhaps next year they'll actually do some work to move the game forward and it'll be a must-have game again.

Can someone with experience of FIFA07/UCL tell me what the tactical options are like? Can you set up any formation you want, manually position players where you want, give them instruction to make forward runs or stay defensive, etc? I like the PES tactical options and so hope FIFA has something to match.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The tactical options are exactly the same as PES from what I've seen. You have a formation editor where you can make whatever formation you want, set their defence/attack options, their marking (man-mark - and you can select a player to mark - or zonal), all your set piece takers, etc.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

even if PES2008 has players running into position for you, it's a lot easier to press a button so that they start running exactly when you want them to, rather than having to wait for them like a lemon and lose the ball). That's why I love the game, it's just... Better. IN MY OPINION.

Jack, have U really tried to get familiar with the strategy buttons? I myself are just about to try and implant them in my game of JLWE2007CC. U know what I mean right? L2+"button" for a left/right side attack, etcetera. Get your arrows sorted out too and it might just feel close to that Fifa feature.

Its just a suggestion, haven't experimented enough with it to know how effective it is in the latter versions. I know in the past it was not too effective so I kind of forgot about them, but going to give it a fair chance as I think 07CC deserves it. Its a good game and its growing on me.

Yeah, it might not be as plug and play as the Fifa way of moving a player into space but maybe that's why I might like it, it takes some skill to multitask it underneath your game.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, another day dawns. I was looking at the videos of FIFA again and still feeling very optimistic about what I see.

I then played a long PES2008 one again, Brazil v France ( and it's just looks so bad. I've downloaded it and viewing it at full-screen, the first thing that strikes me is that, graphically, it looks weird. It doesn't look in the slightest bit realistic. The grass texture looks like a carpet and the players look like little subbuteo characters buzzing around on it. The zoomed in camera doesn't help as a lot of the time, you don't see any of the surroundings, just this weird, green Axminster carpet across the entire screen with tiny little footballers. It actually looks quite surreal and all the worse after having just watched FIFA.

And the action just looks completely boring...exactly the same routine stuff we've been plodding away at for years. These same old animations are getting really tiresome. The ball physics looks pretty iffy and rolls perfectly along the surface far too much. And it's still looks so scripted, really poor at times. I look for any sign of something new in the action since PES6 and there's nothing. All I see is the same old flaws. The mroe I watch, the more I recognise that I've seen this all before.

And what's with all the goals? Shoot...goal...shoot..another goal. No human skill involved at all. I thought this is what people used to criticise FIFA for? Yet in the FIFA videos, goals are few and far between...almost worryingly so. In fact, I think it's the cpu that's scored most of the goals in the FIFA videos I've seen. And they've been from plausible AI attacks.

The irony is that, having just read the PES/WE next-gen thread, people are getting excited by this video, like it's the video that finally demonstrates that PES2008 will be a great game. It had the completely opposite effect on me and left me feeling that I might not even bother buying PES this year. It doesn't seem to have anything to offer at all. Perhaps next year they'll actually do some work to move the game forward and it'll be a must-have game again.

Can someone with experience of FIFA07/UCL tell me what the tactical options are like? Can you set up any formation you want, manually position players where you want, give them instruction to make forward runs or stay defensive, etc? I like the PES tactical options and so hope FIFA has something to match.

Nice post.

I feel exactly the same way, trying to gauge which one is going to play better by the vids we have seen of both.

PES is PES from the past 5 years, it looks similar and plays similar, whereas FIFA is nothing like it was 2 years ago and thats why its given people the feeling of excitement. add to that the graphical and atmospheric leap and it just seems its starting to leave PES behind.

The process of animation change from one action to another in FIFA looks far smoother, the scale looks spot on and the player AI gives the impression of a massive improvement.

PES animation looks last gen to me, including the graphics and general feel of what i have seen.

the career/management side of FIFA is massive in comparison to the ML which I dont bother playing anymore, its so old now with nothing added in two next gen titles to wet our appetite.

I can take notts forest from DIV 1 obscurity through the leagues, make them euro champs again, playing at average grounds until i meet the big boys.the pitch degrades over my seasons and the 3d crowd reacts authentically to my form and league position.
I'll try for a good run in both FA and Carling cups, earn real money and maybe aspire to the managerial job at barcelona.

I cannot do that in PES, its got no feeling to it, no authenticity and little long term reward apart from GAME OVER!!

No weather in this years FIFA is something I can live with if they are adding it to the next game where it actually affects gameplay etc.It is not going to be perfect, far from it,but it will reward me more than PES, just like 07 did.

The big plus for me is also the organic trick system that can only be done by the most talented players and even they can often get it wrong if the timing is poor.I can see a signature move being difficult to pull off in the heat of the game, but imagine the feeling we will get when it does.

Its about reward,satisfaction and enjoyment, IMO FIFA will have more than PES this year.
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