Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Actually, on the subject of lower leagues, it reminded of another question I wanted to ask. What do you anticipate the action to be like in the lower league matches when playing manager mode? Will it be essentially identical action as to Premier League / Champs League matches or do the lesser attributes of lower league players mean they can't play such a slick game and the ball is booted around a bit more, with poor first touches, less accurate passes, etc? I mean that in refernce to both the human players team and also the cpu team. Iis there any chance the AI teams will also have to adopt a more direct and physical style of game?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah, PESV, as a lower-league fan, I dread to think how the lower teams will look. It's not their fault in a sense, I mean they take weeks over single players according to an interview I read months ago, so you can understand why they can only do 20 or so teams from each country with realistic individually modelled faces. But as Placebo said, it will be infuriating if my team lines up with a white player who should be black, or a shaved-head player with an afro - especially if the face editor that's included now will only allow modifications to the offline database.

jack i read you can adjust the faces on all the generic models using the facial editor,so any defects you should be able to touch up(I sound like a freekin camp make up artist)

BTW friends request sent in prep for FIFA08 friendlies and online leagues if we are gonna create one from this forum
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

After some months waiting for information, and after having seen and read a lot today to catch up with you... you can count also my 10 pounds. Even if Fifa is only 75% as satisfying as pes 3/4 I will play it, because I don't feel like playing pes6 again for a year.

What surprised me the most is the sheer amount of fanboys in the pes threads that can't understand criticism, specially when you are analyzing the game and reasoning why certain gameplay aspects are getting old in pes. Besides, after all the LIES said by konami (no way they've been 18 months to do this) I don't feel like swallowing anymore. Fifa reps, by the way, have done an excellent work into explaining how they develop the game. And even if some information is a bit exagerated or ambiguous, they have put a lot of energy to the job and it shows.

I agree 100% with Winston in almost everything. It's easy and logical, considering pes has gone into a mechanical experience and it's too easy to see the ropes behind it in its current shape.

One thing, though, that PES created years ago is the pression key. You know, you press square and you press the opponent. The idea is good, but the implementation in pes has gone from average to pathetic. You can't control wich player will go, the players do the pressure to the MAN, not to the ball (resulting in those stupid movements like a train wagon were your defender circles around the opponent, never reaching the ball).

I always thought that a PRESSURE button should make all your team close space to the ball. That means that nearest players to the ball would close space more agressively and far players in a more subtle way, but affecting ALL your team. That would make defending more rewarding and affect a lot the tactical aspect of the game (then positioning in the field would actually be very important). And to the attacking side, it would make things harder, but a skilled player could then play long accurate balls (always playing in manual passing of course, to feel "YOU have done it")to open spaces and take benefit from the situation, or even be forced to pass the ball BACK, which is something I like to do (I'm a barça fan, always keeping possession) and was not rewarding in prior versions of both games.

Now the thing is: does Fifa has anything similar to that?

About free kicks, it's possible in Fifa to do that stupid short passes from a free kick to someone inside the area? You know what I mean, I used to call them jerk-orners or jerk-kicks when an opponent simply passed the free kick or corner to a player into the area and then shoot and score. I always felt it ruined all realism the way you are allowed to pass. In a spin to stupidity, in pes you couldn't pass to a defender backwards, how is all this working in fifa UCL?

Cheers to all. It's good to have a thread like that, without fifa fanboys, to talk about the game. The day Pes is again brilliant, remember to sign for a PES thread in a Fifa-fans forum, it's always more quier and people tries to explain oppinions and ideas and understand how the games are made.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Nice post.

We are all fed up of football on rails thats why I tured to FIFA 07 after 5 years of PES.
To think the 08 will be even more free than 07 makes the decision a no brainer for me.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

If they've fixed a few AI things, which it looks like they have, it might not be needed.

From the videos I've seen, there was lots of time when a player in on a rail towards the line of a pass, and if you could supercancel you could intercept it earlier.

Other times players are standing still waiting for the ball, and I'd like to move them toward the ball before a defender beats me to it.

As you say, faster reaction time and a supercancel would make this game more enjoyable for PES players.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

(that shooting video above where it looks totally natural), Force? :)


Seriously? How can the shooting look totally natural when they've motion captured something from Jupiter? The animations are so unbelievably strange is horrible to listen to all of you having an orgasm about them.

It's gonna be exactly the same as ever with FIFA, we're all hopeful because what we're seeing looks decent, and then when we all get copies of it, there'll be a collective moan because it's nowhere near as good as we thought it would be.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


Seriously? How can the shooting look totally natural when they've motion captured something from Jupiter? The animations are so unbelievably strange is horrible to listen to all of you having an orgasm about them.

It's gonna be exactly the same as ever with FIFA, we're all hopeful because what we're seeing looks decent, and then when we all get copies of it, there'll be a collective moan because it's nowhere near as good as we thought it would be.

This is the FIFA thread not an astronomy discussion.

can you explain that sentence please.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It's gonna be exactly the same as ever with FIFA, we're all hopeful because what we're seeing looks decent, and then when we all get copies of it, there'll be a collective moan because it's nowhere near as good as we thought it would be.

100% agree.

the first person here who are spectical about Fifa2008 and EA.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

We know its not going to be Gods gift to gaming but we also know that it will be good to play despite its flaws, whereas PES will be tiresome to play with all its flaws.

Please lets not turn this into a PES V FIFA thread though.

EA are at least trying to go in the right direction, spending money(for once) in the right area's
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

what i like about fifa 08 so far from the videos i have seen is the way the ball bobbles on the pitch and the overall way it moves, it looks fucking brilliant!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

This is the FIFA thread not an astronomy discussion.

can you explain that sentence please.

Whatever EA uses for their motion captures isn't human. The combination of this, and the horrendous player models contributes to something looking awful. Whether the actual movement is fluid or not, it still looks bad. Yet nearly everyone in this thread is having a wank over it and how 'natural' it looks.

Personally whether the animations in PES are jerky and robot-like, I prefer that. They still look like Konami have used a human, or at least something vaguely human to capture them.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think you will find that it is human as backed up by the varoius mo cap vids.

I know what you mean and its down to personal preferance.

For me FIFA looks better in this regard.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

One question I have is the level of the difficulty of the AI or the skill of the player playing in every video.I think the difficulty is very because the CPU plays like crap and the human player is even worse ,what a shame not to have some proper players to test the game
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Welcome aboard Drekkard.

One by one, people are beginning to open their eyes to FIFA and it's actually quite predictable which people it will be. It is the ones who can make reasonable debate about PES, discuss in detail the strengths and weaknesses, understand the workings of the AI and how it can and does control the flow of the game (and how it can and does cheat). It is the people who recognise that PES, far from being perfect, even it's sacrosanct on-pitch action, it's saving grace when all else appears to be inferior, it's precious gameplay which may not be criticsed lest ye be cast down and driven into the earth, could in fact be enhanced in a huge number of ways, if people would simply open their minds and use their imagination.

I've been visitng the PES/WE thread less and less because the atmosphere is poisonous. PES2008 is clearly looking like a complete turkey (in terms of progression from PES6) and it's actually quite nauseating to see all the fanboys defend it to the hilt. Let them rot with their rotting game. I can't stomach another year of PES6 (aka PES2008). That game needs major work.

And you are completely right about the EA reps explaining the game. When I first read of the term "threat map" I just thought "FIFA gimmick...another year, another crap FIFA". But as I read and heard more, and now have seen it in action, the more I realise they might have implemented something quite special. If every player on the pitch is really making 1000 decisions a second, it would make for such an organic game with realistic flow. Watching the AI behaviour in the videos, whilst it's not flawless, it certainly impresses. If you just sit and watch one AI player and see how he behaves as the action unfolds around him, it's great when you see him do exactly the things that you would hope we would do, and do it time and time again....perhaps he really is making 1000 decisions a second.

It has already occurred to me that with EA making a good football game, they might actually be far more open to suggestions from their customers. Joe Booth of EA, an English football fan, is far more likely to understand what British/European fans want from a football game. He speaks the language (of both English and the language of football), is probably likely to visit fans forums to see what ideas people want implemented. It was good to hear his explanations of what they done this year, straight from the horses mouth. Communication is a good thing.

Konami seem as remote as it's possible for them to be. They're completely detached from the European market and from European football on the other side of the world, they don't speak the language, they offer no means of feedback or contacting them, they show no signs that they listen to European fans and don't implement anything that we've been asking for year after year. It's exasperating.

If EA have finally cracked the on-pitch action, then I hold out more hope of them further improving their product in the way that we would want to see it improved. Wouldn't it be great to have a forum where we put forward all the ideas and they actually get read and them some actually get implemented. Just think, we might even get shark heads in FIFA09! Now that would be something.

Of course, we've all gotten so used to the many good things that do still exist in PES and any that are missing in FIFA will be missed. The jury's still out on FIFA08 but as far as I'm concerned, the jury has already delivered it's verdict on PES2008 and it's as guilty as sin. I actually don't really care any more if PES2008 turns out to be really good after all, I'd much rather FIFA08 turns out to be good. I'd rather see a good footy game developed in this part of the world.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


have you ever played we11 JL or PEs2008? Because you signature is a joke!

..and yes i agree to you pes 5 and 6 have too many scripts which makes the game harder to play but not realistic or enjoyable. I love pes 1-4. Pes5 and 6 get on my nerves. BUT i also played Fifa2005-2007...and the games are far away from pes my opinion.

(sorry for off posting)

BUT have you ever played Fifa 2007 online? This is not a football game.. this a fucking BUG!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yes I think when he made his signature ke was playing PES6 while smoking some weed.
# no manual passing power and direction
# no manual shooting power and direction
# scripted gameplay

Sorry but you don't now how to play cause I can do that since PES5
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


It is a bit harsh o say FIFA07 was a bug online, it was not the game it could have been due to so many glitches but those points are now somewhat irrelevant as we are talikng about 08 from both parties.

From what we have seen, heard and researched it is obvious that much more effort has gone into EA's engine than PES's thus the overall impression we have from the PES video's etc is that there is not much difference to the scripted gameplay we have had for so long.

UCL had alot of those glitches fixed and I suspect it has come on along way since then.

As I have already said, lets not do the Us V's them thing as this is purely a FIFA thread, so although I respect and understand your views, they are somewhat in the past tense.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


It is a bit harsh o say FIFA07 was a bug online,

You can ask the esl fifa players who only play with these bugs to win. I hope i can find a video to show you how fucking terrible fifa 2007 online is.

now somewhat irrelevant as we are talikng about 08 from both parties.

you think fifa 08 (online) will be a much better game without bugs? Here are so many user think pes2008 = pes6 because they saw some videos. I think fifa 2008 (online) will be the same scripted buggame.
From what we have seen, heard and researched it is obvious that much more effort has gone into EA's engine

Yes it looks better as fifa 2007...but many hands on write that there is not a big differnece between Fifa 207 and Fifa 2008.

than PES's thus the overall impression we have from the PES video's etc is that there is not much difference to the scripted gameplay we have had for so long.

As I have already said, lets not do the Us V's them thing as this is purely a FIFA thread, so although I respect and understand your views, they are somewhat in the past tense.

all we can do is to wait for the demo to play it. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ Matherto, what vids are you refering to with regard to the shooting?

As i agree with the close up vids. Something does look "off" and pes could be slightly better in this regard. Although the actual total movement is probable better in fifa instead of pes' stiffness

However i think most of us are looking at the game and saying how natural it looks from the playing cam. Taking that view makes fifa look far more natural and realistc with quite a few movement animations just adding to the overal natural feel of the game. The pes cam view is pretty poor in comparison with the players running to fast, imo, and also being very stiff in animation.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The Power...are you serious? HOW can you say FIFA is scripted more than PES. I know everything that will happen on PES. The ball, when passed, will bobble the same everytime, the player will control it the same everytime, and the player will do everything the same every time. Its all repetitive and samey because its not free. The new FIFA and UEFA has so much freedom its untrue.

Too many times on Pro Evo the players will chase the lines, and not the ball. Its ridiculous I know, but it happens all too often.

PES is an arcade game, you can be up the other end of the pitch in 4 passes. Times are changing, FIFA will be the daddy within a few years, it is heading in the right direction.

Unless PES has a total revamp of the engine, it will always be the same. And its loosing its fans by the shitload, me being one of them.

Just so you know, I play the new J League everyday because it is the best thing we have to date, however I only play it because there is nothing better, not because its the best.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i am with the power, let's play the domo first before we getting excited over a game we haven't played
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i am with the power, let's play the domo first before we getting excited over a game we haven't played
I don't see why it's such a big problem getting excited over something which looks like it might be good. Does it really bother people that much that some people consider the possibility that FIFA may be the superiour game this year?

I'm pretty sure everyone is aware it's possible it doesn't play as well as we hope. But there is no need for PES fans to come in here every other day and try to convince us it will be crap!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Why do people think there's a demo tomorrow? It's a bank holiday

Bank Holidays aint universal mate...

I have played it and its very cool. The trick stick works a treat and flows so fucking well its untrue
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