Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The poor quality vids of FIFA have given me more hope and excitement than the PES gameplay I have seen to date.

The PES games look like a glossy version of PES6 with fantastic facial models thrown in but an average graphical effort in wide view.

I still think the ball physics are not quit right and the way the players move on the pitch is just strange.

FIFA has shown me some superb clips of ball physics, wonderful graphics, improved tackling, collision and heading. The way the players move carries weight, the players move realistically and behave like footballers.

In one clip i noticed a left back intercept a ball then trot backwards to create space for the player he had just passed to whilst covering his own position.The behaviour and animation looked real.

The nets still look pretty average but the rest looks superb, I can live with that if it plays as good as the vids suggest.

PES is trying to get away with the "minor upgrade" effort that has made it millions in the last 6 years, those days are gone, the hardware and consumer expects far more.

Some my say "yes but they have the edit mode this year,more stadiums" well they are just putting back in what they took out
leaving a familiar looking engine taking our hero's around the pitch without giving me that feeling of "wow thats what they have been doing for 18 months".

FIFA gives me that feeling thus its going to be my choice again this year
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The AI in the FIFA videos does show some really nice touches, both offensively and defensively. They made the hefty claim that every AI player makes 1,000 decisions a second. (Part of me wonders why so many decisions, are they wondering what to have for tea tonight, where to go for their holidays?) But watching the behaviour of the AI players when they are off the ball is interesting. I like how some players recognise that they are not involved in the current move and casually stroll, whilst other makes runs into space, giving you all looks quite natural and it looks like the AI players on your team are trying to work for you, unlike PES where, far too often, the AI players do things clearly designed to work against you, Konami's weak attempt at making the game more difficult (cheating, basically).

I'm intrigued by the AI. I'm really looking forward to trying the whole thing out, even just from the point of view of observing a modern gaming AI model.

I'm still concerned about how much impact upon each AI player their respective stats have. I hope you can tell the difference when playing with lightweight, quick, agile players as opposed to big, muscular brutes.

I'll also be intrigued to see if the long-ball game really can be made to work. It would be seriously cool if it did. I've never played a footy game that really permitted that style of play as something that could be effective. A lot of real football invloves the ball being off the ground a lot, yet no footy games really simulate this. It's all the "neat passing game" and given passing is usually scripted anyway, it doesn't exactly take much skill to play that style. On me head, Dave!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Some of the tricks and changes in direction are way too fast...

Edit: also, the passes seem too slow to me, can you pass faster in FIFA07 with the manual passing?
Yeah, they look a bit fast in the arena when the camera is so close. I think it looks more natural during matches though

The passes seems about right to me. I just hope they've made it easier to make faster one-touch passes withpassing assistance turned off

Also, the shot near the end of the tricks video looks a lot better than in 07/UEFA
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Edit: also, the passes seem too slow to me, can you pass faster in FIFA07 with the manual passing?
Meant to answer this the other night, sorry mate.

You can. You hold down the button longer and you get a harder (faster) pass, which you can do whatever you want with if you use manual passing (pump it into space, put it straight at a teammate, whatever).

I do have a problem with this however, which is that it takes time to power up a pass (under a second, but long enough for a defender to run up and kick you, if you know what I mean). I suppose there's not much they can do about that though, and you do adapt to it (in UEFA CL I can get a steady passing rhythm going by pressing for certain intervals).
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Have you seen the clipping in PES 2008? Watching one of the videos (Brazil v France I think) France concede a penalty and the defender's arm goes completely through the chest of the Brazilian attacker and comes out the other side.......

I get it you don't like Mortal Kombat...

I've just done reading 10 pages of... i'm not sure what :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

SHIT, you can say it Lami, SHIT, it makes you feel better. ;)

Seriously though, it has been fucking mental in here today. No news, no videos, lots of frustration and hormones flying about.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Did you not have a FIFA 07 avatar for six months? Now you're saying it's utter shit.

People in glass houses...

yeah but next gen is really crack and crumble anyway. i'm just saying... Lighten up I can't be hardcore because of excitement and then not dig it anymore?

i had RTTWC up there cuz thats the game that convinced me to buy a 360
had the fifa one up there cuz that one i was currently trying to speed edit etc
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It was directed at Nick (and I even quoted him to make it obvious), Bumper... Anyway, it's been a crazy day, let's all forget about it, go to sleep, wake up, have a smoothie, kiss the wife/girlfriend/dog/picture of Jesus and try again tomorrow.

With a few more guys flying into Leipzig we should see some more news, hands-on reviews and videos, meaning more for us to chew on and (hopefully) less arguments as we sit back and take it all in.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You can. You hold down the button longer and you get a harder (faster) pass, which you can do whatever you want with if you use manual passing (pump it into space, put it straight at a teammate, whatever).

I do have a problem with this however, which is that it takes time to power up a pass (under a second, but long enough for a defender to run up and kick you, if you know what I mean). I suppose there's not much they can do about that though, and you do adapt to it (in UEFA CL I can get a steady passing rhythm going by pressing for certain intervals).

Hmmm, at least you have control of the power but surely they can implement a system whereby it's how hard you press the button that determines the speed. This means you can play a pass of any power in the same amount of time and would actually feel more natural. So, you really give the button a thump and you fire a thumping shot in to the back of the net. That would feel sweet and it would feel right.

How's the manual passing system for aerial balls? Presumably you can do thumping long balls right down the pitch but can you completely overhit them? Also, can you do really deft little chips but ones that you are controlling (not like the scripted L1+ :triangle: in PES). Can you apply spin to the ball. Can you detemine the height it goes (ie. can you make it go quite high without having to blooter it 100 yards?).

Damn, the more I think about it, the more I realise what these games should be allowing us to do with the ball...just basic things, too. FIFA is at least making strides into the world of manual ball control....PES is so restricted and scritped it's beyond belief.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hmmm, at least you have control of the power but surely they can implement a system whereby it's how hard you press the button that determines the speed. This means you can play a pass of any power in the same amount of time and would actually feel more natural. So, you really give the button a thump and you fire a thumping shot in to the back of the net. That would feel sweet and it would feel right.
The problem is the 360 controller (not sure about PS3) doesn't have analog face buttons. So it can't detect how hard you push it, it's just either on or off :(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hmmm, at least you have control of the power but surely they can implement a system whereby it's how hard you press the button that determines the speed. This means you can play a pass of any power in the same amount of time and would actually feel more natural. So, you really give the button a thump and you fire a thumping shot in to the back of the net. That would feel sweet and it would feel right.
I've said for years that the passing in the first PS2 ISS game was a great idea, using button sensitivity. But in truth it was slightly awkward - it would get very frustrating trying to hit a sweet-spot all the time, you'd have to practice a hell of a lot - with a power bar it's a lot easier (hard to get exactly right but easy to get the right area). Shooting was a bastard, you'd want to do a hard shot, so you'd hammer the button, but there was no way to keep it down. With the "finesse" button that they have now that wouldn't be an issue though, I suppose.

How's the manual passing system for aerial balls? Presumably you can do thumping long balls right down the pitch but can you completely overhit them?
OHHHHH yes, hahaha. For the first five minutes you're cursing like a sailor (who's just dropped an anchor on his foot). I took ages to get used to it - I like to spread the ball to the other wing occassionally if I'm being blocked on one half of the pitch, and if you hold onto the button too long, you just blast it out into touch.

Also, can you do really deft little chips but ones that you are controlling (not like the scripted :triangle: in PES).
Yes, but they're quite hard to pull off. Not because of the controls but because of the AI in places (more so in FIFA 07, where the guy you're trying to pass to was obviously in a state of "that's not a standard pass, I'm a bit confused" - which is why Seabass refuses to make PES analog, I'm sure). But you can do it, you're totally free to.

Can you apply spin to the ball.
Yes but it's automatic. Or at least I'm 90% sure it is - I've scored some screamers that have bent just slightly one way. Always the "right" way, the way I've wanted it to go (if you know what I mean), but if it's me that's been doing it I've no idea how.

CAn you detemine the height it goes (ie. can you make it go quite high without having to blooter it 100 yards?).
Sort of. You can hold a trigger down and add loft to it, but you've got a choice between high or normal (or low if you're crossing, same as PES), no grade in-between. You can make it go higher without having to fill the power bar - just very high, and usually softer than usual.

FIFA is at least making stides into the world of manual ball control....PES is so restricted and scritped it's beyond belief.
There was an interview with Joe Booth a while ago and he said that the things they've seen people doing with the game, because it's so free, have amazed him - even though he's seen the development through from start to finish. That's what I want - to me, that is next-gen football.

I have no problem with the guys who love PES and it's a good standard of football, but even if it's worse in some areas, I prefer a game that gives you more control. I want to groan at the shit pass I just did (rather than the CPU decided to do), sit with a smug look on my face when I pull off a stunning pass (rather than feel it was a stupid opponent or total luck that the CPU decided to let me get away with it), etc. etc. etc.

PES was great but now it's time for more than that. In my opinion.

Maybe they should use a shoulder button + pass to make a one time quick strong pass. EA, steal my idea please!
Good idea - they have a "lob" button and a "low shot" button, a "quick pass" button would be great. There's a "one-two" button and that lets you do a really quick pass, but you don't want to be doing one-twos all game...
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I hope this game turns out to be good (I said this, this exact time this year) cause EVERYTHING Konami has shown me of PES2008 has pissed me off!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks for all your answers, Jack. Can't wait to try this manual passing out.

And like you say, I want to groan at the shit pass I just did rather than the CPU decided to do on my behalf. That is gameplay. That is what learning the skill of passing is about.

I'm looking forward to playing like real crap, and it will be all my own doing. The first pass that I completely overhit, I guarantee I will be :D.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I was as well, hence why I'll find it hard to play PES and enjoy it anytime soon. When you've made a complete arse of yourself and hit the ball out of the stadium, it's hard to go back.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ winston, regarding the addaptive AI. That was in UCL aswell. Works well from what i remember/played. You should ask the guys that played it a lot how well it worked, Jack?

Its such a change from EA to hardly say/show anything about the game. With how the game is developing (07/CL) i would be inclined to assume its because its getting really good, instead of being scared of showing it.

Again is monday demo day confirmed?

no demo until september, 27th is not confirmed by ea. (i registered at their forums just to get a final confirmation )
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

tbh prior to fifa 08 i was a pesfan after watching vids of fif08 x360 ps3 im more exited where EA are taking the fifa series fifa 08 ps3 360 really does look a huge jump from fifa 07 but not only that its getting real close to pes now if not it surpasses it in some instances
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks for posting :)

Télécharger la Vidéo lets you download the clip, probably obvious to 99% but I thought worth mentioning ;)

The worst thing about seeing all these clips combined with the football season starting is I'm getting quite desperate to play some FIFA 08, I'm tempted to play some UCL just I find it annoying the squads are now so out of date :( Tempted to try winning the Champions League with Portsmouth, I absolutely love the atmosphere that's created by having the Pompey chimes and bells n shit :)
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