Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Apparently in FIFA 08 each individual player makes up to 1000 Decisions per second about what is going on... In PES The AI Clearly does NOT do that. In fact its all about Super Cancel...

omg how can you believe ea? After 13 years with about more than 100 promises and every year the pes gameplay are much better. Tell me one reason why this gonna be change in fifa 2008? Because ea said that?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

At the conference they said they'd built the game engine from scratch, last month they said they built on the foundation of FIFA 07 on 360.

Make your minds up EA, going from everything I've seen, I believe it's the latter.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Ha ha The Power... you call that Decent Next Gen graphics? jesus how cartoony? I almost thought I saw Roger Rabbit for a second then!

Please get some information about the difference nexgen und curent gen s You want to discuss? So start to post some arguments why pes isnt nexgen!

Here are my arguments why pes grafics are nexgen:

1. The grass is 3D nexgen!
2. The polycount is much better than in pes6.
3. The faces looks much better.
4. It runs with 60 fps
5. The textures are much better

100. Look at the screenshots and compare!

So you can tell me Jleague has all the bullshit physics and AI Cheating taken out of it...?

i dont like pes. so hf with fifa :)
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

also in the a-league videos melbourne v sydney, its being played at anfield, now last i checked the goals came right up to the fence line, however on this video its like 15m away, fifa always do this whyyy? i know its something small to complain about but doesnt feel real when u score n u have to run 20m to celebrate with the kop
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


FIFA a toujours été synonyme de spectacle, ce n'est donc pas une surprise de voir la présentation de Leipzig débuter sur une samba de dribbles ronaldinhesques, pour mieux illustrer toutes les possibilités en la matière. Les différents types de roulettes sont de la partie, au même titre que le saut de crapaud du Mexicain Blanco, bref, de ce côté-là, tous les amateurs de beau jeu pourront s'en donner à coeur joie. Bien sûr, seules les stars et les as du dribble bénéficieront de leurs arabesques personnalisées, ces fameux signature moves chers à l'éditeur américain. Mais FIFA ne se limite heureusement plus à trente combinaisons de stick.

Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir
Toujours aussi cohérent et riche sur le plan visuel, hormis peut-être au niveau des visages pas toujours très ressemblants - pauvre John Terry -, la simu d'Electronic Arts n'a toujours pas d'équivalent en terme d'ambiance, avec une modélisation du stade et de la pelouse plus qu'attrayante, et une ambiance sonore de feu. Il ne faut cependant pas attendre de bouleversements sur le plan graphique ; même l'interface est restée similaire à celle de FIFA 07. On peut néanmoins observer quelques petites modifications pour rendre l'ensemble toujours plus réaliste, avec des comportements plus crédibles de la part des joueurs. Contrairement à bon nombre de jeux du même type, tous les footballeurs sur le terrain ne focaliseront pas uniquement leur attention sur la position du ballon. Voilà pourquoi leur regard sera parfois tourné sur leur adversaire direct ou sur l'espace laissé libre, bref, tout ce qui peut représenter une menace ou une opportunité à saisir. Si l'on en croit l'équipe de développement, le positionnement des joueurs serait grandement influencé par cette gestion des espaces, même s'il faudra sans doute pratiquer plus longuement le jeu pour s'en assurer, et voir dans quelle mesure les stats des joueurs ont une incidence sur leur comportement sans ballon.

Outre le retour du mode Tournoi entièrement paramétrable, l'apport incontestable de ce FIFA Next Gen résidera dans les matchs en ligne à cinq contre cinq. Les joueurs pourront ainsi constituer une vraie équipe de potes avant de partir défier le monde. Pour éviter les défenses gruyères typiques de ce genre de mode festif, le jeu offrira le choix de s'attribuer un seul joueur de l'équipe, gardien excepté, un mode fixe désormais bien connu des amateurs de football virtuel. Pour peaufiner leurs appels et se sentir plus à l'aise dans l'équipe, les joueurs auront d'ailleurs l'occasion de pratiquer ce type de mode en solo, avec une vue dynamique placée directement sur le terrain. En effet, la caméra viendra zoomer à mesure que le joueur se rapproche des cages adverses, un effet qui garantit de bonnes sensations d'ailleurs. Lâché sur le terrain, le joueur pourra ordonner la passe à ses partenaires, un peu comme Djibril Cissé, mais sans le côté schtroumpf grognon. La prise en main comme la disposition des commandes sont d'ailleurs calquées sur le jeu habituel ; il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton passe en profondeur pour que le joueur contrôlé par l'I.A. vous cherche instantanément dans l'espace. Bien sûr, tout est affaire d'intuition et de placement, et il faudra avant tout donner des consignes à bon escient. L'efficacité de votre prestation sera d'ailleurs jugée par un système de feedback, qui jugera en permanence la pertinence de vos appels ou de vos actions. Un bilan factuel sera dressé à la fin du match, stats à l'appui, pour voir ce qui a fonctionné ou non.

Bien entendu, toutes les options typiques des FIFA seront conservées cette saison, comme les résultats des matchs mis à jour quotidiennement, ou les ligues interactives, pour pousser le club de son coeur si sa saison commence bien mal dans le vrai championnat. Il sera également possible cette fois d'uploader directement un ralenti sur à partir de l'interface des replays, simplement en appuyant sur Triangle pour lancer l'encodage et l'envoi. Une option sympathique pour échanger ses plus belles humiliations.

It's in french and you can traduce it with Google Translate.
But these aren't good news !!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

FIFA was always synonymous with spectacle, it is not thus a surprise to see the presentation Leipzig to begin on a samba from dribbles ronaldinhesques, for better illustrating all the possibilities on the matter. The various types of casters are part, as well as the jump of clamping plate of the Blanco Mexican, in short, on this side, all the amateurs of beautiful play will be able to be given some to heart joy. Of course, only the stars and the aces of the dribble will profit from their personalized arabesques, these famous expensive signature moves with the American editor. But FIFA is not limited fortunately more to thirty combinations of stick. Click on the image to increase it Toujours also coherent and rich on the visual level, except perhaps on the level of the faces not always very resembling - poor John Terry -, the simu of Electronic Arts still does not have an equivalent in term of environment, with a modeling of the stage and lawn more than attractive, and a sound environment of fire. One should not however await upheavals on the graphic level; even the interface remained similar with that of FIFA 07. One can nevertheless observe some small modifications to make the unit increasingly more realistic, with more credible behaviors on behalf of the players. Contrary to considerable plays of the same type, all the footballers on the ground will not focus only their attention on the position of the balloon. For this reason their glance sometimes will be turned on their direct adversary or open space left, in short, all that can represent a threat or an advisability to seize. If one believes the team of development of it, the positioning of the players would be largely influenced by this space management, even if it is undoubtedly necessary to at greater length practise the play to be ensured some, and to see the stats up to what point players affect their behavior without balloon. In addition to the return of the entirely skeletal Tournament mode, the undeniable contribution of this FIFA Next Gen will lie in the matches on line at five against five. The players will be able to thus constitute a true team of pals before leaving to defy the world. To avoid typical defenses Gruyeres of this kind of festive mode, the play will offer the choice to allot only one player of the team, guard except, a mode fixes from now on well-known amateurs of virtual football. Besides to polish their calls and to smell themselves more at ease in the team, the players will have the occasion to practise this type of mode in solo, with a dynamic sight placed directly on the ground. Indeed, the camera will come zoomer as the player approaches the unfavourable cages, an effect which guarantees good feelings besides. Released on the ground, the player will be able to order the master key with his partners, a little like Djibril Cissé, but without the side schtroumpf grognon. The catch in hand as the provision of the orders are copied besides on the usual play; it is enough to press on the button passes in-depth so that the player controlled by the I.A. seeks you instantaneously in space. Of course, all is business of intuition and placement, and it will be necessary for all to give instructions advisedly. The effectiveness of your service will be judged besides by a system of feedback, which will permanently judge the relevance of your calls or your actions. A balance sheet will be drawn up at the end of the match, stats to the support, to see what functioned or not. Of course, all the typical options of the FIFA will be preserved this season, like the results of the updated matches daily, or the interactive leagues, to push the club of its heart if its season starts well badly in the true championship. It will be also possible this time of uploader directly an idle on starting from the interface of the replays, simply while pressing on Triangle to launch the encoding and the sending. An option sympathetic nerve to exchange its more beautiful humiliations.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


djdoc and jack bauer, i slagged fifa off, although i did say that if its good i will come on here and say it without a here i am! it looks F A N T A S T I C! But! lets just wait and see how it plays, how it feels, im feeling like a change is coming, and i dont mind saying it
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ The Power: Go get a life somewhere else, you're filling 3 pages full with nonsense..

:applause: please stop posting bullshit!. i have said many arguments and discuss about fifa and pes....

you have nothing said for the discussion only fifa curent gen. :lmao:

So STOP POSTING nonsense!

edit: STOP POSTING bullshit!
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


djdoc and jack bauer, i slagged fifa off, although i did say that if its good i will come on here and say it without a here i am! it looks F A N T A S T I C! But! lets just wait and see how it plays, how it feels, im feeling like a change is coming, and i dont mind saying it

100% agree! Its look good (not the shoots) but lets just wait and see how it plays. ... and please dont believe every year the EA hype/videos!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Apparently in FIFA 08 each individual player makes up to 1000 Decisions per second about what is going on... In PES The AI Clearly does NOT do that. In fact its all about Super Cancel...

That's the most outrageous thing I've heard about any game. It'd be interesting to see a player get so confused making these "decisions" simultaneously that they turn schizophrenic. The most decisions a human being has to make at one time is probably about 3.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

omg how can you believe ea? After 13 years with about more than 100 promises and every year the pes gameplay are much better. Tell me one reason why this gonna be change in fifa 2008? Because ea said that?

you children should be banned/

and your avatar is very annoying.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ The Power - this thread is for FIFA 08 - there is a PES2008 thread elsewhere.

We're on this FIFA thread to talk about FIFA, not to start arguments about PES. If we wanted to do that we'd go to the PES thread.

As it is, the PES thread is less than 10% the size of this FIFA thread - what does that say about the excitement being generated from both games respectively?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

At the end of the day everyone is arguing over 2 games that aren't even out yet. Some people will enjoy FIFA some PES some will enjoy both. They are both just games and whichever one you like then great, that's what games are for, to be enjoyed.

I won't be debating the pros and cons of each game anymore and I suggest the rest do the same because without the games to play we are 'ALL' talking shit and acting like idiots really.

As I said whichever one you play enjoy as that's why we pay for it ( or download, in the case of some ) in the end.

Me I play both, check my gamertag if you wish and will probably play both again unless one stinks or one is exceptional over the other.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:applause: please stop posting bullshit!. i have said many arguments and discuss about fifa and pes....

you have nothing said for the discussion only fifa curent gen. :lmao:

So STOP POSTING nonsense!

edit: STOP POSTING bullshit!
If you ask me your posting bullshit.

Anywayz its not that I dont like PES its that some people STILL dont realise it has PATHETIC Shortcomings like AI Cheating and Bullshit Physics and dodgy collision detection.... Plus they love Walt Disney as being Konamis GFX Team.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

That's the most outrageous thing I've heard about any game. It'd be interesting to see a player get so confused making these "decisions" simultaneously that they turn schizophrenic. The most decisions a human being has to make at one time is probably about 3.

This also implies twenty-two computer animations have artificial intelligence! If so, EA are the biggest geniuses on the planet, bigger than IBM or NASA. The is a huge breakthrough that should be on the front page of every newspaper!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

As it is, the PES thread is less than 10% the size of this FIFA thread - what does that say about the excitement being generated from both games respectively?

Last time I checked, the PES thread had over 300 pages. I think comparing thread size to work out the best game is a great idea.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

the same way he can't be convinced that FIFA is better? He's not trying to convince people, he's just giving his opinion.
He said a 1000 times that he doesn't like FIFA, and is going to buy PES 2008. Ok, no one should have problems with that. But you can say that in 1 post, thats enough
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

At the end of the day everyone is arguing over 2 games that aren't even out yet. Some people will enjoy FIFA some PES some will enjoy both. They are both just games and whichever one you like then great, that's what games are for, to be enjoyed.

I won't be debating the pros and cons of each game anymore and I suggest the rest do the same because without the games to play we are 'ALL' talking shit and acting like idiots really.

As I said whichever one you play enjoy as that's why we pay for it ( or download, in the case of some ) in the end.

Me I play both, check my gamertag if you wish and will probably play both again unless one stinks or one is exceptional over the other.
I will play both to death and believe me I will post BOTH games shortcomings. I dont favour either game.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

This also implies twenty-two computer animations have artificial intelligence! If so, EA are the biggest geniuses on the planet, bigger than IBM or NASA. The is a huge breakthrough that should be on the front page of every newspaper!

My mate works for The Sun, they hardly print anything worthwhile so hopefully this may creep in as a 1 inch story on page 46.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ The Power - this thread is for FIFA 08 - there is a PES2008 thread elsewhere.

We're on this FIFA thread to talk about FIFA, not to start arguments about PES. If we wanted to do that we'd go to the PES thread.

I comepare both games. So it is not a only pes discussion.

@lionel messias

people like you should be banned! No arguments and no discuss but only person bashing!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:applause: please stop posting bullshit!. i have said many arguments and discuss about fifa and pes....

you have nothing said for the discussion only fifa curent gen. :lmao:

So STOP POSTING nonsense!

edit: STOP POSTING bullshit!

edit: GET A LIFE!
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