Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

That hands-on was rubbish, didn't tell us anything we didn't know already. Sounds like they went on a console, did a few tricks for a minute and left it. What a rubbish article, Evo-Web is much better for news :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Doesn't sound like they played it at all. They have just re written the press release.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:shock: WOW!


To be fair the faces aren't bad.. I couldn't tell who number 22 is but i think i can definitely spot Rosicky in the distance, plus Alsono and obviously Pennant. Gerrard looks weird though.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Not really a gimmick though, it looks like it could be a fun mode, 2 games in 1 almost. EA are rewriting the genre in my opinion.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

What national teams are in fifa2008.

Im sorry if this was asked before.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Works for me Lami. Perhaps you're in denial. ;) :lol:

Just watched it a few minutes ago - posted this reaction in the PES2008 thread but I'll post it here as well.

For all of FIFA's talk about amazing tricks, I've just watched that 40-second clip of the England v Germany video and the passing is sublime. Lovely stuff, quick short passes and slow long passes, you can dictate the pace of the game so easily (and the speed of your passes). I was so worried that FIFA was going to be tricks and nothing else, exactly the same game as previous years - but there is a God because that is the most realistic passing system I've ever seen in a football game.

There's still a few things you can fault though, my main one from that video being - the England winger runs all the way to the byline and gets a cross in with hardly a challenge, and yet he seems to be moving quite slowly and the German defender doesn't seem bothered at all. But maybe that's because it's on 3-star or whatever.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Gameplay looks very impressive indeed.

I wish they wouldent bother with all that "Be a Pro" bollocks tho.

Generally I'd agree, especially if it harmed next gen manager mode (still no news about that mode, c'mon EA!!!), but imagine a fantasia be a pro mode in Fifa where you start at (for example) some crappy league 2 team like Grimsby as a 17 year old and have to get yourself regular football and then if you do well a transfer to Fulham, or if you don't do quite so well a transfer to Sheffield Wednesday, or maybe something off the wall and you end up at a Danish team, then wind down your career at an Australian league team, how cool would that be eh? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Placebo, nice sig, about time the "PES is for MEN" guys shut up. For God's sake, mining is for men, playing games isn't.

I don't suppose you can think of one to tag onto the bottom of that to shut the "FIFAGGOT" guy up (who thinks if he ever touches a FIFA demo he will turn into Julian Clary)?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Are all the leagues available in "Be a Pro" mode or is it restricted to just some and can the player make the National Team??

Cause it will be great playing for the National teams
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)
That was the clip I meant to paste last time sorry.

Thanks - that does look verrry sexy indeed.

I take JB's point on the lack of challenges on the touchline but as he said, probably a dumbed down skill level to make the game more fluent for the demo purposes.

Coooool, thanks to Thomas too.

The quality is obviously poor but the game looks better the more I see of it. Hey, I noticed there are now 3 replay angles rather than the paltry one in FIFA 07 (can't remember on UEFA CL). The nets did look a bit static for all those wierdo's out there ;-p

Loving the new ball physics too (although I've always put that down to the way the camera follows the ball as much as the actual ball movement myself.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah I know but if they put all there efforts into the core game, instead of gimmicks they would definatly top Pro Evo.
This man knows what he is talking about. I dont think much of that Be A Pro mode... the only thing I like the sound of is EVENTUAL 11 vs 11 play on Live.. at the moment it will be 5 360's vs another 5.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

is there a SINGLE video of how the nets, goalkeeper and scoring look and feel like?

without this i am not going over the top like 90% of the people here do, cause that's the initial part of the whole game and it did not feel right at all in any fifa prt so far. yes the gameplay looks fluid and pretty good (love how the not involved players just walk there way in a slow pace, very realistic), but without a solid "i just scored that cracker"-feeling the whole game will be shit again. i enjoyed the gameplay mechanics in 07 but i hated to score a goal cause it allways felt scripted and the same.


just saw the new movies. still a black screen after scoring the goal. still heavy-metal nets. stll that same old feeling. i allready hate it. :(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

glad i am not the only one who thinks that way.

and now don't tell me "that's an early beta". early beta for the past 12 years my ass!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

glad i am not the only one who thinks that way.

and now don't tell me "that's an early beta". early beta for the past 12 years my ass!
Agreed. Its not an early BETA so thats bull. However id rather they nailed the gameplay before focussing on those little details. I do understand where your coming from though.....
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