Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I can't see that ign screen, can anyone upload it elsewhere perhaps? thanks :)

LOL does your company block everything?



Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Definitely going to get FIFA 08, for the PS3 (will be my first game :shock:)a big plus is that it now has 30 leagues

after all Konami releases their games when the season is half way, so will probably get it at release unless it sucks like WE PES 2007 (I live in the USA)

on the other hand I have never understand the liking for 2k Sports, they just develop mediocre games (with the exception being the NBA 2k series which is great),

APF 2K8 is laughable and terribly unrealistic (They spent 3 years :shock: developing this)

NHL 2K series is stuck on time, meaning theres no actual improvement and the new features don't add anything to the game

the MLB 2k series just sucks (even MVP 2005 is better than the 2k7 edition for the 360)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Definitely going to get FIFA 08, for the PS3 (will be my first game :shock:)a big plus is that it now has 30 leagues

after all Konami releases their games when the season is half way, so will probably get it at release unless it sucks like WE PES 2007 (I live in the USA)

on the other hand I have never understand the liking for 2k Sports, they just develop mediocre games (with the exception being the NBA 2k series which is great),

APF 2K8 is laughable and terribly unrealistic (They spent 3 years :shock: developing this)

NHL 2K series is stuck on time, meaning theres no actual improvement and the new features don't add anything to the game

the MLB 2k series just sucks (even MVP 2005 is better than the 2k7 edition for the 360)

TBH I haven't played other sporting games from 2K sports apart from the basket ball one that's why when I look at it the result ,it makes me dream to have the equivalent in football.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Just looked at the "faces" pic again, is it just me or does Pennant look too white? EA really have a problem with light skinned black guys, they like making Deon Burton white too :(


I really hope they haven't done something stupid like not allowing you to alter the skin tone of players with "real" faces or resetting the database to default when starting career mode (ala 07 and UCL)......
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Just looked at the "faces" pic again, is it just me or does Pennant look too white? EA really have a problem with light skinned black guys, they like making Deon Burton white too :(

I really hope they haven't done something stupid like not allowing you to alter the skin tone of players with "real" faces or resetting the database to default when starting career mode (ala 07 and UCL)......

weird, I can see this picture now

I agree about that, if the 22 of Arsenal is supposed to be Clichy then he is also too white

could be the lightning though
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

player likenesses seem to be a problem for fifa.

that comparison is a good example of that.

and why the hell is the player glowing? they always seem to add this effect.

PES wins for player likenesses.

i play the game using wide mode, so i don't see the faces that often.
what's more important is the way they move and each players body shape/weight is like their real life counterparts.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Looking at some of the gameplay vids of FIFA08, does anyone with experience of FIFA07 on x360 know if these vids show manual passing in operation? The passing looks at bit scripted (very accurate) to me, so either the human players are very good at manual passing, the game is being played with passing-assist on, or manual passing is not really manual at all.

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i play the game using wide mode, so i don't see the faces that often.
what's more important is the way they move and each players body shape/weight is like their real life counterparts.

the problem is you will see if the player has the wrong skin tone on wide mode, would be a shame if you can't change it

btw do you remember Riquelme being black in PES ?:D
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The gameplay in the ENG - GER match looks improved

totally agree!!!
i´m a WE fan but i am very impressed with this video!!!!!!
the pace of the game seems so realistic to me!!!
and the animations seems to be very fluid and real...
in one moment of the video, lampard that plays in the center right of the midfield go to the left side of the midfield to give options to joe cole pass the ball!!:shock:
this impressed me so much!!!
normally in fifa, the player only move up and down, never go to the oposite side to give options to pass the ball...
it seems to be amazing!!!!
if the moviment of the players off the ball it will be improved like them talk in the video, the game really catch me!!!!

sorry for the bad english!!!
i'm brazilian but i love this forum!!!
here in brazil we dont discuss the soccer game so deep like here in evoweb...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Looking at some of the gameplay vids of FIFA08, does anyone with experience of FIFA07 on x360 know if these vids show manual passing in operation? The passing looks at bit scripted (very accurate) to me, so either the human players are very good at manual passing, the game is being played with passing-assist on, or manual passing is not really manual at all.

It looks like he's playing with the default setting, so no manual passing
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

the problem is you will see if the player has the wrong skin tone on wide mode, would be a shame if you can't change it

i am guessing the edit mode (FIFA) is not as extensive as the PES edit mode?

are there edit modes in the last FIFA games?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

This will be the first Fifa with a player appearance editor, certainly since I got back into Fifa (07 PS2, 07 360, UCL 360), I tried to keep pushing them on their forums for details as to whether they actually implemented the editor properly but they're slow and somewhat vague when coming back with info, doesn't help the EA community guys are kept out of the loop about the development of the game so they can only Email the dev team questions and wait for replies to give to us on their forums......

Hopefully this will help: FAO EA: Pennant and Clichy are not white.....

I'll try to find the editor post by the EA rep......
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i am guessing the edit mode (FIFA) is not as extensive as the PES edit mode?

are there edit modes in the last FIFA games?

I haven't spent much time on it but thought it was bad, PES one is much better

I also hope the stats are more noticable in FIFA08

there was nearly no difference between controlling different players (except ROnaldinho for example) while in PES there clearly is.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

EAUK_Adroit said:
First of all, the updated question regarding editing in Zhamilto151's first post:

Will we be able to edit player’s faces and stats? Will there be a limit?
You can edit every player’s stats but can only edit a player’s face if they have a generic face. We have set a limit for memory reasons.

So as long as a player has a generic face you can edit it. :)

NosmircPlayer said:
The FAQ entry is only 1/3 of the answer regarding editing, as I've asked a couple of times, can we edit player appearances and have the changes actually show up in existing tournaments/save games? Will there be that stupid "the roster will now be reset to default" when you start a tournament/career?

This question has been sent off again and we are awaiting an answer, as soon as we have one we shall let you know.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Is there an option when we can turn of the scripted passes and use only manual passes? :shock:
And how can we "manual pass"? Is that like PES?

If it's the same as UCL then there's a slider to adjust how much assistance you get with passing, all the way to the left is presumably completely manual..

If I remember correctly someone asked how many stadiums Fifa 08 has?

How many stadiums will there be and will Celtic park be in there?
We will have 30 environments. Unfortunately Celtic Park isn’t included this year but we’ve included the Scottish Premier League in FIFA 08. So you can take the helm as manager of Celtic in our Manager Mode experience and aim to keep the silverware coming back to the Bhoys. Conversely you can always attempt to take newcomers Gretna to glory! We will be launching a request for stadiums you'd like to see us work on for the next game.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thats the thing with EA that annoys me year on year. They have the licenses and they claim Authenticity yet they produce some rather dodgy looking player likenesses... I think they should review the system they use to create faces and come up with something that captures more of the detail of the players face and something which creates a much more accurate 3D model of the head. They must sort out these Basketball Shorts and player models being out of proportion... Also the zombified player expressions has to be fixed, do they not realise how stupid it looks during cutscenes? its like Resident Evil : FIFA Soccer Edition!

Other than that the stadium and pitch textures look excellent. I for one am looking forward to this more than PES2008 due to the fact I think EA have made some good forward strides in the gameplay department... only time will tell. DEMO SOON PLZ EA!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Is there an option when we can turn of the scripted passes and use only manual passes? :shock:
And how can we "manual pass"? Is that like PES?
There has been a setting for "Passing assistance" since FIFA07, if you turn it off you get fully manual passes. It's not like in PES where you have to use the right analog stick, it just works like regular passing except the ball goes where you aim and not just straight to the closest player in that general direction.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I haven't spent much time on it but thought it was bad, PES one is much better

I also hope the stats are more noticable in FIFA08

there was nearly no difference between controlling different players (except ROnaldinho for example) while in PES there clearly is.

yes, PES has always had this over FIFA.

they really need to fix this.

time for stats to actually work.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

and who can't read it? damn :D

Lol Elber! here you go mate:

LEIPZIG, Germany--Given Leipzig's prominent European agenda, it's only fitting that two of the biggest titles on show should be football games. Mere hours into the show's opening, the Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 and FIFA 08 demo areas were easily the best-attended of the floor. Even ahead of the show's main opening to the public, we still had to wait and fight for a go ourselves. Luckily though, we were able to put both games to the test on a number of consoles, with EA's totally revamped effort playable on Xbox 360--and for the first time, PlayStation 3.

It's pretty much a given that EA's FIFA series is so polished you can nearly see your face in it. However, this year the incidental details are almost so many that they become throwaway. Take, for example, the incredibly detailed cloth deformation on the players as they move--something which only really becomes apparent at the end of a match as you see them running off the pitch. The training mode that entertains while the game is loading also remains in the game this year, as do the mountains of official players, kits, and stadiums. The player likenesses are better than ever, but this time the roster has been updated to include 30 worldwide leagues, 515 teams, and 15,000 players.

The big change for FIFA in terms of gameplay is the way that the AI players adapt to what's going on. Instead of depending on the script-based logic of before, each of the 21 computer-controlled players makes over 1,000 decisions per second depending on what's happening around them. That's over 35 times more CPU power than was used in FIFAs on previous-generation hardware. EA Sports says that the system is so sophisticated that it can even adapt to your style of play. So whether you play a direct passing game or a flashier, more continental approach, your players should be able to move accordingly.

There have been other technological achievements in the latest FIFA aside from AI though. First of all, the game runs in 60 frames per second on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, an issue which caused quite a controversy with EA Sports' recent Madden release. Secondly, 10 people will be able to play against each other online for the first time, and they'll either be able to control a specific man of their choice or swap between players on the fly. The developer says that this is the start of a plan to have full 20-player support by the time FIFA 2010 comes around, as it's a feature that fans have been demanding for some time.

In the meantime, FIFA addicts will have to console themselves with the wealth of new advanced moves that can be pulled off with the L2 or left trigger button. The modifier, which is called pace control, allows players to slow down and pull off a number of fakes and shimmies, while more famous players will also pull off signature moves. EA Sports is remaining quiet about many of these moves so that players can discover them for themselves, but we did manage to run riot with Ronaldinho in the training mode. Arguably one of the most gifted players in the world in real life, the Brazilian was able to pull off some impressive moves with a combination of fairly simple button presses. On our first try we were able to flick the ball over our shoulder and volley it into the goal, and just to taunt the goalkeeper we threw in a quick bout of keepy-uppy too. Players who manage to perform some spectacular goals in this way will find that they can save the replays and upload up to five online to show their friends or just humiliate their opponents.

There's no doubt plenty more to be seen of FIFA 08 before its UK release in September (October in the US), so keep an eye on GameSpot for plenty more on the game in the run-up to release.


Hmm....hardly a "hands-on" review is it? More of a "here's what Joe Booth said yesterday" !!!
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