Just been listening Todd Zuniga's Sport Annom podcast. This guy is a huge fan of "soccer" games and is a very respected sports video games journalist.

In the podcast he talks about the EA Sports Gamer Day, he is not allowed to talk about FIFA 09 or NHL 09 due to NDA's but did reveal that both games have a new feature which will "revolutionise" sports gaming. He also said 251 improvements had been made to FIFA 09 from FIFA 08.

Sounds as though the game is going to be build upon the success of Fifa 08.
Below is a link to the podcast:

Thanks for the info, i must say almost impossible to listen to them though, a bit too american for my taste...
This game is brilliant switched for the first time on Fifa after the horrible PES2008, and still playing this game online from october 2007 :LOL:

Lvl 24 now, i'm soooooooooooo going to get Fifa 09 without a doubt.

After i finished GTA IV story mode i went back immently this is a drug guys.
I think i know what is this revolutionary feature in fifa 09, they probably expanded a feature in nhl 08 where u could actually make your own plays by deciding different players movements.

So we'll probably be able to decide in real time players movemens by calling up schemes and set plays and staff like this. Which would be awsome.
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Honestly i just think its hype talk to get everyone excited and in the end the game will come out and everyone will say "Wheres the revolutionary feature?!" still if they build on from 08 in the right direction it will be a class game anyway but i would take this "revolutionary" talk with a pinch of salt :)
True, but they need to see the game so they need thingd like revolutionary features or bs like advance AI. They won't see the game by saying we have a new stinky celebration system and a more advance cheating CPU....
I hope they keep the interactive celebrations for FIFA09. It feels odd in FIFA now just scoring and not being able to run off and go :SHHH:
Honestly i just think its hype talk to get everyone excited and in the end the game will come out and everyone will say "Wheres the revolutionary feature?!" still if they build on from 08 in the right direction it will be a class game anyway but i would take this "revolutionary" talk with a pinch of salt :)

Maybe its an extension of the 'Captain Your Country' mode, but you start from a lower league side or even youth side and build up you reputation as a player. Just like the "Take It To The Next Level" Nike advert.

That would be awesome.
Hopefully they come out and announce what it will be if they are serious, i doubt there'll do that, i can see "be a pro season" where you can play through a one off season but i doubt they will go more into detaill than that. they gonna milk the feature for a while 2011 or 2012 will probably have a manager mode type one.
They gotta do Captain Your Club and just make it like the current Manager Mode but just as BAP. How class would that be. Imagine captaining your club at the Champions League final... :-... Sadly Charlton would never get there though. Playoff Final is the best I can hope for! :LOL:
No need to be sarcastic, Placebo. Standing around doing nothing could legitimately be considered a decision. And making that same decision for 5 seconds in a row is still making decisions.

Equally, making the font colour in the menu's a slightly nicer shade could be construed as counting as an improvement.

And what are you doing in Sweden?
No need to be sarcastic, Placebo. Standing around doing nothing could legitimately be considered a decision. And making that same decision for 5 seconds in a row is still making decisions.

Equally, making the font colour in the menu's a slightly nicer shade could be construed as counting as an improvement.

And what are you doing in Sweden?

That 1000 decisions stuff was rubbish! - If they did do it then when I am attacking down the wing then one of the decisions must be for my attackers to get into or around the box?! but no sometimes they even run backwards!!

If thats 1000 decisions - then they are the wrong decisions and they should limit the decisions - so they actually think like a footballer.

If a real footballer had to make that many decisions their heads would explode! All they need to make decisions on is what Blonde with the biggest Tits they will marry and what Cars they need to spend their vast amounts of money on :DD
Me and CW got to the final in our first campaign and lost 2-0 to Switzerland. I was captain. I've never got over it :((.
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