Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

evening fellas, i was just wondering if any of you could help me out with a problem i have on fifa 08. the problem is that i have started a manager mode and my players all have a particular boot and so i wanted to change a few of the players boots so i went to creation mode and did so but when i went back on to my manager mode there boots hadn't changed but they had out side of manager mode. could anyone possibly help me out with this problem ????????????????? would be much appreciated
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The Manager Mode saves it's own squad file mate, so sadly once you've started a Manager Mode, whatever settings you had when you started, you're stuck with.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

My comments in the survey were purely about 5v5 mode.

I'm limiting my comments to the 5v5 on-line mode of the game as, for me, this excellent mode is what made FIFA08 a game worth having and is surely the beginnings of a revolution in football gaming. I'm not even going to go into any of the actual gameplay/AI/physics issues, nor any of the numerous bugs, but simply concentrate on "administrative" issues which should be relatively easy to implement and would make the general experience more satisfying and less prone to being spoiled by people who deliberately set out to irritate.

These points are in no particular order.

1) Only team captains can pause a match. This currently is one the most crippling aspects to the FIFA08 5v5 on-line experience. A match kicks off and immediately somebody pauses.....for no good reason other than to annoy everyone....we wait for the full 30 seconds as he refuses to press READY, eventually the play starts again, the same person pauses again!!). And so it continues and people start to quit the match in frustration. I can see no legitmate reason for anyone else other than captains needing to pause a match. If people are going to play on-line, they should have the courtesy to ensure their control/visual/sounds setting are already set as they wish them so as not to have any need to interrupt the match to alter them.

2) Because only captains can now pause, they should be limited to only 3 pauses per match (they also have half-time for additional changes) but these pauses should last more than 30 seconds - say 45 seconds - to allow more time to make considered, legitimate changes. As mentioned in point 11 below, his team-mates should be able to see what changes he's making (ie. see the same tactical/formation screen the captain sees), so will be more appreciative of the time spent during the pause, rather than the current system where we're left sitting staring at a frozen image, not knowing if the pause is for legitimate reasons or is it just someone pausing for malicious reason as per point 1.

3) Further to the above, anyone disconnecting should do so without the need to pause the game. They should simply be able to quit the session without interrupting the action and a message would appear on the other players' screen to inform them that user x has disconnected. No need to pause at all.

4) Option to prevent players choosing ANY player. Too many matches have multiple players endlessly player-switching, resulting in much confusion and general mayhem. These matches are not worth playing.

5) Option for captains only to choose ANY player. It can be useful as team captain to take control of all the non-human controlled players, generally organising the play of the team, particularly in defence as most players pick midfield or offensive positions.

6) Option for captain to boot people from the waiting room/lobby. This is critical because there are frequent occassions where people linger in the waiting room, deliberately not picking a team and pressing READY, flicking back and forth between teams, clearly in order to aggrivate the other players. With such a long waiting time of 5 minutes, this is a serious problem that must be addressed.

7) Following on from the above, an option for the session starter to start a match even before 10 people have pressed READY.

8) Kit selection - too often, matches have kicked off with both teams wearing similar kits and the match is rendered unplayable, eg both teams in all white.

Three possible ways of improving this:
a) make kits much more visible in the lobby (ie. not hidden behind players names as they join the session and press READY)
b) option for session creator to set both teams kits and the opposing captain cannot change them (assuming, as per point 8 below the option is in place where teams are dictated by captain)
c) kit selection made available in a final screen of it's own before the match kicks off.

8) The session creator should have an option to stop other people joining a room and change which teams will play, ie. it should be possible for a session creator to set up a match as Bristol Rovers v Wycombe and not have someone join the room and change Wycombe to Barcelona (yet again!!). If someone joining the session doesn't like the teams on show, they can leave that session.

9) During the formation screen prior to kick-off, currently only the captains are aware of what changes they're making to formation/tactics/line-ups. Everyone on his team should be able to see his changes. This is a fundamental requirement.

10) During the screen where people pick which position to play, players names should also be shown. A formation diagram should also be visible. We want to see which player we're picking and where they'll play in the chosen formation.

11) When a captain pauses a match to make tactical changes, these should be visible to his team-mates. If he's switching from 4-4-2 to 4-3-3, it's important the other players know he's done this so they know of any change in their position/role. Likewise with substitutions - it should be made clear to any player being substituted that they're now controlling a different player (including removing the option to skip the substitutions cut scene which contains this inforamtion).

12) There should be an option for a captain to subsitute a human player and that human player can no longer participate in the remainder of that match. That player should be given the option to spectate for the remainder, or quit the session. This option is critical because it would have the added benefit of overcoming the frequent occassions when players deliberately start scoring own goals or tackling their own team-mates, generally trying to spoil everyone's fun. This option should be one of the pre-session options so people know this option is available to the captains before they join.

13) Option where red cards awarded to players should mean that human player can no longer participate in the remainder of that match. They should be given the option to spectate for the remainder, or quit the session.

14) When you join a room for a "quick be a pro match", all the options set up for that room should be made visible (eg. 5 minute each half, off-side rule is on, which stadium, red cards mean you're off for the rest of the match, etc).
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After playing PES and winning eleven for the past 12 years, i decided that i should go back to fifa specially after the failure of pes on ps3. However, would u please help me with the following questions

1) is there a way on fifa 08 to play the full season, i mean to play with manchester united for example in the league, the FA cup and league cup and Champions league at the same tournament??
2) The season cannot be continued, i mean that there is no relegation or promotion, just one season/ tournament, M i right??
3) is there a possibility to chose the thrower in throw ins?
4)How to perform a bicycle kick??
thank you
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After playing PES and winning eleven for the past 12 years, i decided that i should go back to fifa specially after the failure of pes on ps3. However, would u please help me with the following questions

1) is there a way on fifa 08 to play the full season, i mean to play with manchester united for example in the league, the FA cup and league cup and Champions league at the same tournament??
2) The season cannot be continued, i mean that there is no relegation or promotion, just one season/ tournament, M i right??
3) is there a possibility to chose the thrower in throw ins?
4)How to perform a bicycle kick??
thank you

1)choose manager mode
2)no there is promotion relgation in manager mode
3) i dont know
4)must have a good player with good technique and its quite random, like PES
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thx all,
Btw converting to Fifa was like converting religions to me :) i was a non beleiver of fifa till i played it. it improved much more than the previous versions.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Gone back to playing FIFA again because I wanted to play with club teams again. And just had the best game EVER :-ll.

SK Brann 2-2 Rosenborg BK : AET
Kvarme :r1 8mins

Rosenborg win on penalties

I went down to 10 men after only 8 mins and he scored the resulting penalty, was a genuine tackle, just a bad one :LOL:. I took off my CAM and put on a CB. And tried as best I could to create a chance, but nothing doing in the first 60 mins. With 30 mins left I resorted to the long ball, and it was only in the 90th minute that it became effective. A long ball up to Kone, who flicked it on for Iversen to run onto and Iversen carried on into the box, then slid a lovely bass across to Kone, who JUST beat the defender to it and got some kind of contact on the ball and it slid into the net. 10 seconds left on the game clock!!!

So we go to extra time and my goalie let's a weak shot get away from him and Brann take the lead again 2-1. I really went for it, long ball style and ended up having 10 shots in extra time. And again, it was the 10th that counted. In the 118th minute after some scrappy play and a bit of a scramble on the edge of his penalty area, it falls to Kone, who rolls it into the near corner of the net for 2-2!!! I couldn't believe it! 10 man Rosenborg have taken it to penalties!!!

His penalty in the 8th minute went to the top left corner, so I remembered this and saved his first shootout penalty, going to the top left! Scored my first, then saved his second to the opposite corner!!! It got to the point where he had to score his last penalty to win, and I was giving it the old Bruce Grobelaar dancing on the goal line, and when he went to hit his penalty I held my ground......and caught his penalty in my midrift to win the game!!!

Absolutely incredible game.

FIFA is king. Long live the king.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Euro is a gimmick game (IMO) its good but there's no need for it. Fifa 08 then move to Fifa 09 the inbetweens are for people with extra money who don't have anything else to spend it on ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Euro is a gimmick game (IMO) its good but there's no need for it. Fifa 08 then move to Fifa 09 the inbetweens are for people with extra money who don't have anything else to spend it on ;)

I think its worth it for the better response time alone, I put FIFA 08 down because of it... but I miss the club teams :CRY:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Exactly ash, I can't cope with just 52 teams, and just international teams at that, for another 4/5 months!!! Been playing FIFA again over the last 2 days and it's still a brilliant game imo :)).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Alves at Middlesboro is class on this, strong, skillful and I just scored 2 absolute beauties with him.:-pp

First was from a corner. In came the cross to the near post, Alves controls it with his chest, the ball is in the air and he is turning away from goal and then all of a sudden I managed to do a bicycle kick right into the opposite corner of the goal. My opponent who had so far skipped every replay let me watch all 3 of this goal! :DD

Second one, Downing was running down the left wing, cut inside beat 2 men to get into the area, squared it across the box about chest height with Alves bombing into the box, I thought he'd do a diving header but he decided to do a Di Canio-esque flying kick volley type thing and the ball thundered off the bar and in!! :DD:DD
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just played 2 matches and both the guy retired.

1st one I was United (not the cheap formation) vs. Inter, we were level going into half time but at the last minute he was just going to shield the ball with his keeper but instead it rolled into the goal, he quit.

2nd one I was Man Utd again vs. Arsenal and went 2-0 up early, credit to him he stuck with it until the 60th when I scored again, then he quit.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yes, StayingPower, there are some nobbers on the game aren't there! :LOL:

Jumerto, sounds class. I like using Boro' since the update, as you say Alves is a quality player. I usually stick Aliadiere up front with him too and they work really well with each other :)).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

me too :DD I slagged Barca off a few times haha

I think the best way to solve the picking of 5 star teams constantly, is to only allow you to play as the same team once.

eg: If you've just played a game as Barca, you can not pick them again for a 3 or 4 hour period.

Lamers will soon run out of 5 star teams, hence making it much fairer online.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

An easier way would be to have an option to search for a ranked match and put in a max team star rating :)).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

or just go into the lobby and ask for a game below the star limit you want
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jumerto, sounds class. I like using Boro' since the update, as you say Alves is a quality player. I usually stick Aliadiere up front with him too and they work really well with each other :)).

Yeah I put Aliadiere upfront aswell, only use Mido if I need some meat upfront in the second half:LOL:

What a dirty fucker he was!!! :-ll And he's ranked 4794!? How?! Bloody hell...
What are NDA's ? anyway im loving this game, the only way people got sick of this game is probably due to tones of hours of gaming everyday, the only issue i have with it is reactions need slightly improving yes i said only slightly and also you need to have more control over the players PES has this quite well done but maybe its the reaction time?
Just been listening Todd Zuniga's Sport Annom podcast. This guy is a huge fan of "soccer" games and is a very respected sports video games journalist.

In the podcast he talks about the EA Sports Gamer Day, he is not allowed to talk about FIFA 09 or NHL 09 due to NDA's but did reveal that both games have a new feature which will "revolutionise" sports gaming. He also said 251 improvements had been made to FIFA 09 from FIFA 08.

Sounds as though the game is going to be build upon the success of Fifa 08.
Below is a link to the podcast:
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Referee mode would be quite fun actually (only for a few games but funny to let players get injured and blow up for random penalties) :LOL:
In a referee mode, I would do this :-pp.
I was keeping quiet about that :-pp, I thought you would have said something before about that, we were lucky to stay up, one Leicester goal would have sent us down and they hit the post, bar and had a shot cleared off the line :w00t:.
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