Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hey guys im currently on Manager mode is it better to Manually improve players with player growth or should i put it on auto?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Up to you really if you care enough to spend the time doing it, if you do it yourself (as I do) you can use the points that affect elements of their play that are important to you, and for older players you can make sure you're using the points to recover the attributes that decline due to their age.....I do it myself but it is a bit tedious, I wait until I have over 1,000 for each player, then spend a while doing all players at the same time.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You mean the coaching levels in the office? I have them on 10, I play only with Sheffield Wednesday's default players, I don't buy in a bunch of star players, so I need maximum coaching levels to make sure my players actually improve enough to compete with the premiership players once promoted :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Lads, EA have asked the blog to link a feedback survey for FIFA 08, head over and complete the survey if you have time and hopefully go some way to making FIFA 09' 'Da Bomb' ;)

Click Here
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I am filling it in now, and being as accurate as possible with the answers. Hope they take all our thoughts on board!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

we should all put the same kinda of things in to make them take notice

Like not skipping replays, a rematch option, better goalies ect

i just saw the options and things like Goalkeeping, responsivness we all need to set to low

bear in mind this is for Fifa as well so im gonna put in the comments that Euro has the response and speed bang on
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

:LOL: Nice. When it asked what teams you use, I just put Various Teams for all of them. I slated the goalkeeping, response times and CPU AI. And said it would be simply amazing to see Be A Pro and Manager Mode combined :)).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I told them about my choosing random teams from random countries method.

FK Siad Most FTW!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Cheers lads, the more feedback we give the more chance we have of getting a better game, because EA actually listen.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is it definitely by EA? I would have thought it would have had the EA logo plastered all over it and not be done by an external survey company. I notice that one of the questions about the Wii required an answer as well, is it a specific Wii survey?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is it definitely by EA? I would have thought it would have had the EA logo plastered all over it and not be done by an external survey company. I notice that one of the questions about the Wii required an answer as well, is it a specific Wii survey?

It was sent to us directly from EA headquarters, I've got the EA plastered Email to prove it :-pp. No it's not Wii specific but I did notice the oversight with the Wii question.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I pasted all my comments to notepad during the filling in in case my browser crashed, so if anyone cares I'll paste them here.......

The commentary in Fifa08 is very poor, both in terms of comments used and how they're implemented, many, many errors this time, I believe the commentary implementation was either rushed or there were budget issues which meant it didn't get the polish it deserved. There is also a number of areas where menus are very poor to navigate, specifically things like no quick movements in the squad, you spend ages scrolling all the way up, all the way down to change players, also anytime there's a menu where you can sort by a certain category, once you view one player, then go back, it's all unsorted again, very poor.

CPU AI is very, very poor, in terms of how they generally go about their football, ie super dribbling, super tackling, making no fouls. Specifically in terms of line-ups and substitutions it is abysmal, example Peter Crouch being brought on as a midfielder, or a defender, defenders being brought on as wingers, players retiring and being replaced with completely inappropriate players, for example Mark Viduka retires and the AI replaces him with Aaron Lennon (a 5 foot nothing winger) as a target man forward, lineups need to constantly be re-assessed based on new players bought, players declining through age, players improving, and the are which absolutely MUST be improved is rotation due to fatigue, seeing players with zero stamina because they're not being rotated is ridiculous, especially the fact that they have zero stamina but can sprint all over the pitch just like your players with full stamina, where's the simulation in that? Poor, poor game design and programming.

Goalkeepers can also be poor, especially with long shots they have a tendency to look away from the ball as they run back to their goal-line, that should never happen, they should step backwards instead, they also react very poorly to crosses, no matter how good the keeper they have a tendency to stay in the middle of the goal-line and let crosses over their head to the far post for an easy tap-in (a strategy the AI uses far too often).

Refereeing is another area that needs significant work, basically the AI never foul and the human player is constantly pulled up for fouls which never are fouls, the AI should be much less perfect in the tackle, we should see AI red cards, AI penalties more often. The other thing that needs fixing is the advantage rule, it's fine playing advantage but it must be pulled back to book the player later on for bad tackles, we should also see straight red card applied properly for fouls when an attacker is through on goal, we should also see straight red cards for very bad tackles from behind.

The screens are fairly clear but they're extremely poor to navigate, it seems to be an EA trait but I can see little thought to make them easy to navigate. You have a roster of 40 players and the only way to navigate is to slowly scroll up and down? That's really bad in a modern age. Also columns that can be sorted are reset as soon as you view one player and then go back, if you've sorted the columns there's a likely reason why you did that and as such don't want them unsorting again after viewing one player.

Mobile phones are for talking to people and sending SMS, I have a 360 for gaming.

You MUST MUST MUST MUST improve your quality control, the amount of bugs/glitches/poorly designed game elements is abysmal, even worse is the shocking lack of caring about such things, an attitude of "we don't fix bugs, people should buy the next version" is shocking and should be put to an end. With Fifa08 you really did a great job of changing football gaming and giving us a simulation of football that the majority want, but you need to fix all the very poorly/cheaply designed elements such as abysmal AI managerial and tactical decisions, also we need a proper edit mode, we need to be able to edit the faces and appearances of players.

Fifa08 is a mixed bag of very good, with very bad, commentary sounds great but is very poorly implemented, gameplay is generally great but spoiled by very poor AI, manager mode is very good but spoiled by bugs, glitches and poor game design (AI roster/fatigue issues and such).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah, true, but you managed to remember it all and put it down coherently :)).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Great comments Placebo, I've just done the survey and a lot my comments were similar to yours, lets hope they take notice...
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