Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

surely you got to pick fulham as yours, with eddie johnson joining aswell
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

But I get more fun out of it. most of my games I lose through penalties though - which is a pain in the arse!!

I'm never gonna be ranked!! I will always have the line there instead of a number :(

The penalty one's a strange one i went to a penalty shootout with a lad...i had a penalty in the match too. He seemed to know which way i was going everytime, what he'd do is, when the ball was about to be kicked he'd physically move the keeper into the corner and make a save rather than diving. He made four penalty saves throughout the game using the same tactic. I found it really first i thought he'd hoodwinked me but after thinking more, he couldn't of!!

...i think i am still a line too :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I had a friend over yesterday to play fifa. The same guy who lost in the CL.
He wanted me to show him how to play properly. And he kept bringing up some good points as to why he doesnt like it. The players react really slow, and its starting to frustrate me as well. Also some time you hit the pass button for a one touch and they trap it anyways. Also the defensive switching on corners is horid. Some more nagging things as well. I think the game is a great start no doubt. But it needs alot of work. I think unless im playing you guys in friendlies i wont play this game much more. I got alot out of it and it definatley was worth the money. Looking forward to the next edition and hoping they can improve on the engine.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I had a friend over yesterday to play fifa. The same guy who lost in the CL.
He wanted me to show him how to play properly. And he kept bringing up some good points as to why he doesnt like it. The players react really slow, and its starting to frustrate me as well. Also some time you hit the pass button for a one touch and they trap it anyways. Also the defensive switching on corners is horid. Some more nagging things as well. I think the game is a great start no doubt. But it needs alot of work. I think unless im playing you guys in friendlies i wont play this game much more. I got alot out of it and it definatley was worth the money. Looking forward to the next edition and hoping they can improve on the engine.

Pretty much agree with you there.

Those things you mentioned and the goalkeepers coming out need to be sorted out big time.

I hate the reaction times and the fact that alot of players that play well - not because they neccesarily have good skill etc - but because they know its gonna take half a year to get the ball under control, so they can just run at you and get the ball. Thats the thing theat pisses me off the most!

I only play really in the leagues with you lot and some quick ranked matches in between.

Used to play the challenge mode but some of them are ridiculous - really ridiculous. Like score six goals with one person and one has to be in injury time! so you spend the whole game doing it and if you don't score in injury time in like two seconds - you fail!! bullshit!!!

Any way aslong as the leagues keep going I will play this :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One other thing i remember, i played a fella last night online. On a corner...his players showed a lot of movement within the box - to the extent i couldn't just concentrate on one player. Is this actually possible to do, or a fluke?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

when the ball was about to be kicked he'd physically move the keeper into the corner and make a save rather than diving.

Yep, that's what I do too. It's the only way to save penalties in the top corner! Also, you can cover one whole side of the goal, rather than just diving to the bottom corner, you can move him over to one side of the goal, and cover the top side and bottom side of the goal :).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Pretty much agree with you there.

Those things you mentioned and the goalkeepers coming out need to be sorted out big time.

I hate the reaction times and the fact that alot of players that play well - not because they neccesarily have good skill etc - but because they know its gonna take half a year to get the ball under control, so they can just run at you and get the ball. Thats the thing theat pisses me off the most!

I only play really in the leagues with you lot and some quick ranked matches in between.

Used to play the challenge mode but some of them are ridiculous - really ridiculous. Like score six goals with one person and one has to be in injury time! so you spend the whole game doing it and if you don't score in injury time in like two seconds - you fail!! bullshit!!!

Any way aslong as the leagues keep going I will play this :)
I pretty much try to avoid griping about FIFA 08 because:

A) I think it's leaps and bounds ahead of previous years

B) I'm in the States and PES doesn't come out (for the 360) for 3 more months.

That said, my biggest irritations (having played a LOT more games in the last few weeks) are:

An almost complete inability to complete 1-2 passing, which is fundamental to football, and isn't a fancy new feature which needs to be "invented." I often go entire games without a single give and go pass.


Ball-watching offensive players. At least a dozen or so times each match, I play a ball forward, ON THE FREAKIN' GROUND, to a midfielder or forward who's METERS clear of anyone around him. Inevitably, he'll stand there like an idiot, whistling a tune while he waits for the pass to arrive and the opposition player will cover a quarter of the field to step in front of the player and snatch the ball. ARGH!!!

That said, I still think it's fun, but PES and FIFA need to get together have a few beers, copulate and breed the perfect game. ;)

I'm too old and it's too much of a pain in the ass to play on my PC, adding a half-dozen or more patches to get a really good quality game, so I'll be playing the best footy game available on consoles going forward and, for now, that's FIFA 08 - warts and all.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I pretty much try to avoid griping about FIFA 08 because:

A) I think it's leaps and bounds ahead of previous years

B) I'm in the States and PES doesn't come out (for the 360) for 3 more months.

That said, my biggest irritations (having played a LOT more games in the last few weeks) are:

An almost complete inability to complete 1-2 passing, which is fundamental to football, and isn't a fancy new feature which needs to be "invented." I often go entire games without a single give and go pass.


Ball-watching offensive players. At least a dozen or so times each match, I play a ball forward, ON THE FREAKIN' GROUND, to a midfielder or forward who's METERS clear of anyone around him. Inevitably, he'll stand there like an idiot, whistling a tune while he waits for the pass to arrive and the opposition player will cover a quarter of the field to step in front of the player and snatch the ball. ARGH!!!

That said, I still think it's fun, but PES and FIFA need to get together have a few beers, copulate and breed the perfect game. ;)

I'm too old and it's too much of a pain in the ass to play on my PC, adding a half-dozen or more patches to get a really good quality game, so I'll be playing the best footy game available on consoles going forward and, for now, that's FIFA 08 - warts and all.

well i think the one two passing is pretty good sometimes... i would habe to disagree there, i agree about point B
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's funny how the errors come out as time moves on since it's release but I think the fact we've got this far is pretty good with the game. I can't wait for FIFA 09. I think we're hung up on perfection because at the end of the day, I could live with it if this was the last footy game ever released. I just remember back to the first FIFA games and where we are now. I was freaking delighted then. I guess we're just too spoilt now!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's funny how the errors come out as time moves on since it's release but I think the fact we've got this far is pretty good with the game. I can't wait for FIFA 09. I think we're hung up on perfection because at the end of the day, I could live with it if this was the last footy game ever released. I just remember back to the first FIFA games and where we are now. I was freaking delighted then. I guess we're just too spoilt now!

I just think they have failed on silly things really. Like only being able to have 1,3 or 5 games in a live league. No the normal 2 - thats ridiculous!!!

Also the no playoffs in lower leagues - I just don't want to play a league now I know that! - Again Ridiculous!!!

The major thing is the response times and the goalkeepers coming out - if they can speed up the response times (including controlling the ball) for me then the game will be brilliant in my eyes.

These are all things that they can do easily in my opinion.

The game at the moment is just too frustrating.

But It is a testimant to Fifa that I haven't and have no feeling to getting Pro Evo 2008 at all.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yep, that's what I do too. It's the only way to save penalties in the top corner! Also, you can cover one whole side of the goal, rather than just diving to the bottom corner, you can move him over to one side of the goal, and cover the top side and bottom side of the goal :).

That's gay... :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

surely you got to pick fulham as yours, with eddie johnson joining aswell

I didn't even know they were getting Eddie Johnson. Hope that's in the EA update. I'll play with Fulham all the time. TEAM AMERICA.

EDIT: Now that I've been reading more, I see it's not a done deal yet.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's funny how the errors come out as time moves on since it's release but I think the fact we've got this far is pretty good with the game. I can't wait for FIFA 09. I think we're hung up on perfection because at the end of the day, I could live with it if this was the last footy game ever released. I just remember back to the first FIFA games and where we are now. I was freaking delighted then. I guess we're just too spoilt now!

whoa, i couldnt live with it, cause i know it can be so much better, with some tweaking... you know
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm back lads.. Sold PES2008 and just got a new Fifa08 disk.. Omg the differenst between PES2008 online and Fifa08 online is sooo extreme big.

This year Fifa is king over PES!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

saw some mention of a league following our UEFA and champions league cups (congrats tim ;) ) whats the deal with these? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Sorry stilts, we had to cut the number of players from 32 to 24 so obviously some people had to be left out. Would you like to be a reserve for the new league in case anybody drops out?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

well i got back on live on sunday, and i had two cracking matches.. this game is so ying and yang sometimes. Sometimes the games are shit, others there brilliant.. i gave up playing against the pc cause the games are just so similair, playing against a human was great... its weird how this game can be shit, then brilliant.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I always have the exact same experience as you have just mentioned csaunders. Against the CPU at times its hit and miss and others its brilliant. Online (with the exception of the lag) its usually brilliant!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I always have the exact same experience as you have just mentioned csaunders. Against the CPU at times its hit and miss and others its brilliant. Online (with the exception of the lag) its usually brilliant!

i hear you, but i think i meant even online its hit or miss. Some games are just slug fests in the midfield with lots of giveaways and bad passing, which is realistic in a sense. but those are the games i tend to turn off while watching.. so i dont think video games should have that kind of realisim... to me anyways... should we add commericials time outs too? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Last night i created a player on FIFA08 for the first time.

Is there anyway i can get more ability points?

Ive bought the 5 upgrades from the EA Store but they simply aren't enough.
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