Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Bad losers eh? people cant just accept the fact they lost! I hate the little wieners who decide to shout abuse down the headset at you... calling you a fuckin cheat and such like for beating them in the final few minutes of a game!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Bad losers eh? people cant just accept the fact they lost! I hate the little wieners who decide to shout abuse down the headset at you... calling you a fuckin cheat and such like for beating them in the final few minutes of a game!

Sometimes I cant help myself :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I lost 4-1 to some random twat late late night in a ranking game, I didnt send him a very nice message following it I can assure you ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hahaha! ive lost on PES6 before 1-0 because the game amazingly lagged like a bitch and suddenly the ball was in the back of my net!!! I called him a cheat and told him to stop downloading all that hardcore Gay Porn whilst playing on Live!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Was somethnig up with the servers last night?

Scored my best Fifa goal.

Ribery skinned about 5 players jinking down the left, got just before the left hand by-line and hit a driven cross along the floor to Toni. Pressed and held shoot, and Toni flicked the ball off his right instep, and heeled it in at pace with his left foot.

Like Nolans at the weekend but with the first touch, much quicker and far slicker.

Couldnt save it so made my girlfriend appreciate it from about 5 different angles.


i think there must have been a problem - i haven't tried saving goals for ages as i mostly play online but am working my way through a manager mode season just now.

Last night i scored a cracker in the league cup - i am Wolves - was playing Reading.

2-0 down with 10 mins to go i scored a scrappy goal to set up a grandstand finish - kept the pressure on but just couldn't score.
With 92 mins on the clock i hit a lofted through ball to Keogh who controlled it on the outside of his foot as it came down between 2 defenders and then stuck out a foot to knock it high into the corner. Probably the best goal i've scored. Tried to upload it and it failed:(

Still by the time it had failed to upload i had at least calmed down enough to go on and win 3-2 aet!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hmm - strange - i'll give it another go tonight if i score anything decent.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have uploaded a couple of fifa 08 videos but I don't know how to view them could ihave some help please by the way this is the ps3 version im talking about so any help.......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I just clear something up, as I had an argument about this with some guy last night.

At the moment, if your playing in a ranked match and your opponent quits, do you get a win or not? I was under the impression you didn't, hence why I haven't played a ranked match in days thats actually finished (the opponent quitting everytime, not me).

Leading on from this, I actually tried to do a custom ranked match search for people with a DNF rating of under 15% and I couldn't find any! :lol: Shows how much people quit.

And before someone points out that my DNF rating is actually around 15% thats because I kept getting dirty disc errors until I swapped Fifa copies with my mate. I haven't quit yet actually through my own accord which is suprising ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Free kick tips..?

I've a fair amount (perhaps more than a fair amount) of games under my belt, but haven't put a single free kick at goal (and only a few actually on goal).

What're you guys doing to score those beauts..?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The trick is to press the direction on the left analog stick that you want to curl the ball, at exactly the same time as you press the Shoot button. This way you can curl and dip the ball accordingly :) Experiment in the arena, it's really worth it when you score a beauty free kick online!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The trick is to press the direction on the left analog stick that you want to curl the ball, at exactly the same time as you press the Shoot button. This way you can curl and dip the ball accordingly :) Experiment in the arena, it's really worth it when you score a beauty free kick online!

Thanks for the tip. How do you experiment with free kicks in the arena? I can only get the arena player to run around and shoot on-field, but can never place the ball on the spot and do a free-kick run-up.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Finally went the way of Fifa today purchasing a PS3 with it. Playing it through a tiny old TV it gives PES a run for its money, once I hook it up to my new 37" TV I feel its going to rip it a new one. The flow of the game is just outstanding... you dont just whip it out to Ibra' and bomb it the length of the pitch before sliding it into Crespo. You work it around, find space... hold it up... dictate the tempo of the game. Its just amazing. Im not going to go into slagging PES as I do think its a great series - even 08 is great - but Fifa have raised the bar this year.

I am terrible at the game though ... but won my first online match 3-2, Argentina vs Brazil. Completely lag free. Superb. Must have played someone really bad. Later got cuffed 4-2 in a slightly odd matchup of me as Bristol Rovers vs Hearts... noticed a bit of lag in places in that game - but it was more stuttering here and there - not bearing down on goal, preparing to pull the trigger ... then digging the ball out of your own net as the last 15 seconds of play on your screen havent actually happened.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thanks for the tip. How do you experiment with free kicks in the arena? I can only get the arena player to run around and shoot on-field, but can never place the ball on the spot and do a free-kick run-up.

Press any direction on the d-pad and he'll place the ball for a freekick or penalty.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Tell you what, two months in and I'm still playing it, thats a record for a FIFA game.

Me and mates still pop down to mine during free periods for a couple of games, so it must be good.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Right, I've just realised something in my last game. 90% of my shots are straight at the middle of the goal. Watching the highlights, every shot is straight at the keeper's midriff. As far as I'm aware, I'm holding down left or right each time I shoot.

Any advice? Because it's killing my game.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hmm, what shooting setting you on mate? Personally I am on semi shooting, and I find the CPU gives me the assistance I need without restricting me. To be honest I really can't explain the way I shoot, its almost like a natural instict! Sorry I cant be more help mate :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's on semi now, but I've just had a friendly with automatic and it's the same. I mustn't be pressing a direction quickly enough, I think I might be pressing the direction BEFORE I press shoot when it needs to be DURING the shot...? Or is that wrong?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's on semi now, but I've just had a friendly with automatic and it's the same. I mustn't be pressing a direction quickly enough, I think I might be pressing the direction BEFORE I press shoot when it needs to be DURING the shot...? Or is that wrong?

Well, the easy way to make sure things are as they should is to set shot aim to manual and then simply start a match, run parallel to the goal, and keep holding up or down on the stick whilst powering up. If things are as they should, the shot should almost be hit in the same direction you are aiming your stick.

Also keep in mind that changing button config whilst just playing around in the arena (by going to settings/controller) doesn't seem to change anything. You seemingly need to start a match and then return to the arena for the new settings to be activated.

And, I've not noticed any particular difficulties with the aiming system. As long as you hold the proper direction until just before the player shoots (not sure, but there might be a restriction to changing the direction of the shot right until the moment the ball is hit, to simulate reality where at a certain point in the shooting phase it really isn't possible to change the direction anymore). That window ought to be just some tenth of a second before the foot hits the ball though, and it would only affect very late changes in the aim direction.

Meaning, you need to hold the direction throughout the shooting phase (save for perhaps a tiny window at the very end of the pendulum where the aim is fixed in a direction since it would be too late to influence the legmovement). Just holding it during the initial button press and then letting go will bring the aim back to center along with the stick, since the aim is active almost until the shot is fired.

Long reply for something small but...
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