Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Very nice goal Plan M :)

Kev It uploads the same view as you are currently looking at, which is good cos you can use the manual camera and get some sweet looking angles :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Very nice goal Plan M :)

Kev It uploads the same view as you are currently looking at, which is good cos you can use the manual camera and get some sweet looking angles :)

One of my first goals i scored in the game was the same as Plan M's but i did the same thing as Kev i was going to player view when i downloaded it and it was just the camera looking at the defender standing there scratching his arse lol.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I am reasonably pleased with the PS3 (I like the controller) but the online play is fookin awful! just like it was on PS2. However Im going to get the 360 version when I get broadband fitted (due to the excellent online experience).. I really wish online was cross platform though!

hmmm anychance of the online getting improved? or is Sony pretty much done with that, also i hear alot of people say difference in performance with playing the same game on 360 and PS3 such as some people said FIFA is a lot better on the 360 than PS3
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hmmm anychance of the online getting improved? or is Sony pretty much done with that, also i hear alot of people say difference in performance with playing the same game on 360 and PS3 such as some people said FIFA is a lot better on the 360 than PS3

Can only speak for myself but the PS3 version plays just fine online and having also played the 360 I honestly can't see the difference - looks and plays the same to me.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can only speak for myself but the PS3 version plays just fine online and having also played the 360 I honestly can't see the difference - looks and plays the same to me.

This is excellent news to read. Hopefully more US gamers have been experiencing this as well!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't wait until I get Fifa 08. I've virtually decided I'm not gonna bother with PES 08 as Fifa does look the better game, for next-gen anyway. I'm waiting for X-mas so I can get my Xbox 360 and Fifa 08. Then I won't leave my room for some days ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES is bloomin awful! seriously mate it is! I was a fan of the series for over 10 years until this year! My god what an earth were Konami thinking/smoking when they made it?

Anyway FIFA produces a far more realistic approach to Football than I have ever played! Yep there is the odd annoyance here and there which EA really should have noticed and Ironed out... such as response times and those god awful Player Models but the core gameplay is still awesome!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Madden 08 has been patched with a ton of fixes. I'm still living in hope that EA are working on a proper fix for FIFA :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm a convert to the dark side (at least for awhile).

Tired of lugging my PC out of my back room and into the living room, making all the connections to my tv and stereo and then hauling it all back again, just to play a fully-patched PES with my friends, I (based much on this thread) bought a copy of 08 for my 360.

So far, I love it.

As everyone has said, super realistic play, incredible graphics, and I don't find much "unresponsiveness" (though I've only a few hours of play so far) - and what I do find, I chalk up to a more realistic player physics system, where they can't simply change direction 90 degrees or more at full sprint.

I'm a bit starved for goals, and I can't beat _anyone_ off the dribble, but I'm hoping that will come.

Not perfect, but TONS of fun, very realistic and I'm finally free from the shackles of my PC. ;)

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm a convert to the dark side (at least for awhile).

Tired of lugging my PC out of my back room and into the living room, making all the connections to my tv and stereo and then hauling it all back again, just to play a fully-patched PES with my friends, I (based much on this thread) bought a copy of 08 for my 360.

So far, I love it.

As everyone has said, super realistic play, incredible graphics, and I don't find much "unresponsiveness" (though I've only a few hours of play so far) - and what I do find, I chalk up to a more realistic player physics system, where they can't simply change direction 90 degrees or more at full sprint.

I'm a bit starved for goals, and I can't beat _anyone_ off the dribble, but I'm hoping that will come.

Not perfect, but TONS of fun, very realistic and I'm finally free from the shackles of my PC. ;)


Nice of you to join the darkside. I have a problem beating people off the dribble too. It looks like you need to learn a few tricks to get by people.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ea have been catching up for the last 3 years and Konami have sat on there hands and done nothing but with ppl already buying multiple copies of the worst PES ever from different regions are we suprised that Seabass thinks his games solid
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PS3 Version:

Is there a way to shield the ball or do the players naturally do this when a defender is on their back or side? I notice the CPU has an easier time taking the ball away in such situations than I do. Also, is there a way to make your man come to the ball instead of standing back. I have watched too many times now the CPU defender beating my man by simply coming to my passes while my intended pass player just stands there or back pedals waiting for the ball!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PS3 Version:

Is there a way to shield the ball or do the players naturally do this when a defender is on their back or side? I notice the CPU has an easier time taking the ball away in such situations than I do. Also, is there a way to make your man come to the ball instead of standing back. I have watched too many times now the CPU defender beating my man by simply coming to my passes while my intended pass player just stands there or back pedals waiting for the ball!

I think you hold sprint while not moving to shield the ball. At least, that's what it is in current-gen.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you hold the slow-dribble button down and face away from a man, that shields the ball better than anything, I find.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Slow dribble? What button is this similar to, combining it action wise?

BTW. What controller settings does everyone play with:

passing - semi
thru pass - manual
lob - manual
shooting - semi
switch - pretty much manual

I tried putting everything on manual, but damn is it tough, especially to shoot!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you look at there's pictures somewhere of all four button layouts, they're the 360 buttons but the layouts are exactly the same.

Slow dribble is different things depending on your setup, it's the button you press to do the tricks. Either LB or LT.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you look at there's pictures somewhere of all four button layouts, they're the 360 buttons but the layouts are exactly the same.

Slow dribble is different things depending on your setup, it's the button you press to do the tricks. Either LB or LT.

I have those jack but they are not right, and when I'm trying to follow the comments on here, I thinking RT is that r1 or r2... I'm using this as an excuse for being unable to score enough goals... :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Guys I was just away for a week celebrating the end of my secondary schooling (and what a big week it was :)) and i played this the night it came back....was an amazing game. Giving it a break was the best thing i ever did the game is just...amazing after you leave it for a while.
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