Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have said it a million times before and I'll say it again: I am yet to play a football game on Xbox Live which isn't laggy, buggy or both. In saying this, I think FIFA 08 next-gen is the best football game I have ever played in single player/against mates locally.

your connection is fucked then....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Not lag as in stuttering but lag as in far worse reactions to button presses. The game plays quite smooth and moves along nicely, but it's the response time that kills playing it online 1v1.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I don't see it personally, maybe I've just got used to, especially as I was playing CL before this FIFA. But most of the time the delayed response I see is when my player is sprinting and I ask him to do something, and I think well, fair enough, if you were sprinting full pelt with the ball then you had to stop instantly and pass it, it wouldn't be possible.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think it's more to do with the stored memory it has for button presses. When you press a button and the game reacts to it 3 seconds later. I understand that sometimes the game can't shoot for you if the ball is miles away from your foot, but FIFA has ALWAYS had these delayed reactions where it stores the button press and activates it as and when it wants.

Worst case being when you jump for a header and press to head the ball and the CPU gets it for example, the ball gets headed on, you're running for a loose ball and the game "remembers" you pressed pass to head the ball a SPLIT-second after the CPU headed it and assumes you want to pass the ball seconds later when your player gets to the ball.

It's always been in FIFA, don't think I ever remember another game "storing" button presses like FIFA has done. And it's odd that it's in these latest version because this engine is supposed to be from ground up yet this issue has been in the game for many years now.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've never had it that bad.

I now have visions of you just bashing every button on your pad sixty times every second you play :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You wont be far wrong with those visions mate :)

For the most part it plays well enough, and I'm handling the reaction times better than what I was when I first got the game. But it doesn't half wind me up when I get clear through only for the game to interpret my headed pass button press to mean, seconds later, my clean-through striker now wants to pass the ball to the goalie instead ](*,) GRRRRR ...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Snoop, i used to have problems with headers before, until i learned to use the LT button. I keep it pressed while repetitively pressing the heading button. Thats working for me now.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Headers was only an example, it's the same with standard passes, through balls, anything which requires your player to do a reaction.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

your connection is fucked then....

I have a 10 meg broadband connection (cable - the best money can buy) and 70% of the time I will play someone and get a laggy match. Other games (COD4, Forza 2, GOW) play fine online.

I'll give FIFA another try on Live later but I won't hold my breath.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Same as Plan M, other games are fine and no lag, just FIFA.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've got a 1mb upload, same as Gomito has over in the US, and most of my games are completely lag-free (including games against guys in the US). The only times where it is laggy is because someone is downloading the background or the EA servers are having an off-day (which they do, frequently).

But I agree with Jambo who said earlier on that Xbox Live has been, in general, a bit worse since Halo 3 was launched. Trying to get a game on Call Of Duty 4 for the first couple of days was impossible for me, you'd get close and then the lobby would disappear.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Bloody Halo 3. What's the point in that game?!


Overhyped poo poo.

Are there really that many people playing Halo 3, to justify screwing up sections of xbox live???

I wonder why I bother with paying for a service that has declined so much over the last few months.

I just hate playing games against the cpu...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Suprised you didnt swing the banning hammer of justice on me for shocking punctuation!

@Plan M Halo 3 is an awesome game mate, especially online multiplayer.

I borrowed it off my brother mate - I found single player REALLY boring and multiplayer maps are too small and way too frantic. I don't like "alien shooters" as it is. COD4 is the game for me.

Back on-topic, is everyone still enjoying FIFA?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I am!!

I only really play online though. Still get extremely frustrated by it - but its still great fun. Only real problems I have with it are the reaction times and the goalkeepers coming out.

The Evo web League helps with the enjoyment aswell :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Don't really play it as much as I used to, but then I get like that with games. 5v5 is where it's at for me (as long as there's enough people to compensate for the awful AI).

Manager mode is pretty fun, I'm definately getting better as Pro is easier now than when I first started playing. I'm not winning every game, but I don't often lose now :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Not lag as in stuttering but lag as in far worse reactions to button presses. The game plays quite smooth and moves along nicely, but it's the response time that kills playing it online 1v1.

That's my exact experience on the PS3 version. I do get occassional stutters but they're infrequent enough for me to ignore and not consider a problem.

However, the button press lag is, at times, horrendous. You can be on the ball and press the pass or shoot button and nothing happens for over 1 second, meanwhile someone else comes in and robs you. You end up looking like an idiot and I can imagine the other players thinking "why the f*ck didn't he just pass or shoot".

Then again, I see plenty of other guys in great positions and they end up running into the keeper or out of play and I'm thinking "What a greedy idio......ah, perhaps he just got the dreaded button lag".

I have to play with 1 or 2 seconds anticipation if I want to achieve a kick of the ball.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

meanwhile someone else comes in and robs you. You end up looking like an idiot and I can imagine the other players thinking "why the f*ck didn't he just pass or shoot".

When I play 5v5, I get the feeling my team are thinking that when I get the ball and try to play a quick pass only to have an opposition player sprint in and take the ball. While I swing my leg in the air like some kind of freak.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

[size=+2]Portsmouth 4-3 Dortmund[/size]

Just had a blinding match, and what a result. After two losses on the bounce I decided to play another, and wished I hadn't after going three nil down inside 35 minutes. But Pompey's spirit showed through and the man with the bell never let up singing either :)

A rash decision for him to bring his keeper out as I was on the attack clean through on the left hand side, and an easy option to play a nice pass along the ground for Dioup to smash into the empty net from 20 yards.

My second goal came from a corner from HIM, yes that's right :D 100% perfect counter attack. Broke away and played a nice through ball down the wing, then cut back inside and finished it nicely with Kranjcar in the bottom corner.

Third was a penalty, great work from Benjani skipping past a couple of defenders and then getting body checked just inside the area. Up stepped Matty Taylor and smashed in the penalty into the top left hand corner. It must have clipped the underside of the bar on the way in!

I kept pressing and pressing, and he was getting more nervous as it went on and I started to read him more and intercept passes. Then I had some nice play down the left and was just inside the edge of the area and rolled it across the goal lovely and smashed it in the net.

Get in :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Pepper 0-0 Tim7

Tim7 wins 5-4 on penalties

Ipswich v Norwich

Probably the most exciting 0-0 game I've played! Great match pepper, another classic from us two :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Guys i am in Greece and i have 24mb internet connection and 90% of my games are lag free...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have a 10 meg broadband connection (cable - the best money can buy) and 70% of the time I will play someone and get a laggy match. Other games (COD4, Forza 2, GOW) play fine online.

I'll give FIFA another try on Live later but I won't hold my breath.

hardly the best money can buy(cause in reality that is quite slow for a B2B website)... regardless its cable and its shared, i highly doubt your consistently getting 10 meg, there are so many other factors beside download speed.... but if your having all of those problems, and im not with someone across the atlantic, then i dont know what else it can be... cable over here in the states is shit.. cause its shared with your tv and your neighbors internet access.. i would check your donwload and upload speeds use a website that does that and do it once a day for five days.. lets see what speeds your getting
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