Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The blog? That stopped being remotely functional the day they got rid of Jack, all it is now is a free advert for Fifa Street and if they had any integrity they would have refused to post coverage of that shite on there anyway (or at the very least coerced some cooperation out of EA for doing so).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I want to know when they are bringing out this years gamerpics or if they are at all

i want a Derby one!!!!!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

JB are you going to join us on 5 vs 5 tonight or what?

We have a good laugh on there, and we need your expertise up front ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Seriously, I can't understand why you bought the PS3 version in the first place when you also have a Xbox360.

I want a 360. :cry:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

lol get one then my friend. I had the 360 version originally and it got destroyed by my mates old knackered 360... I then got sold a 60GB PS3 for a really cheap price with 3 games, Motorstorm, FIFA 08 and F1 CE by a guy who was seemingly desperate for money (Probably a drug addict by the looks of him!) I bought the whole lot for £250!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

As far as the 360/ps3 thing i REALLY think that next year sony will have the better ea games...

Already with peter moore in charge there have been updates for ncaa football etc for the ps3 but not the 360
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im actually in Australia and have an old 512k adsl connection so im afraid thats virtually impossible...i get lag even against local guys it ruins the online play for me....hence my practise against the AI.

Everyone neeeds to stop biting my head off.

sorry mate - my comment was made in jest - not meaning to bite your head off. Fair play to you. You certainly seem to have the single player licked.

It really is a shame you don't have a decent broadband connection. For me the online side of things really blows the single player out the water. Like you said elsewhere the multiplayer is where it is at with all footy games and the online side of Fifa is so smooth (even on a fairly poor broadband cannection - i'm on 2 meg) it's just like playing against mates in the same room.

Is there no prospect of you upgrading your connection - i was serious about getting some pointers on how the game really should be played;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

More than matched

every game out looks and plays better on the 360 according to reviews and comparison videos
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The patches aren't on Marketplace, you get notified when you insert the FIFA game to load up.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

EA still refuse to release any kind of update log so we'll know what was changed in the update.......

im trying to find that out too m8..
not evan the EA database producer i have contact knows this...
he said he would try to find out, but he also said the gameplay/game engine department is a totally diferent department of the database team, thats why he know nothing. just so u know, he didnt evan know the be a pro mode would be out before it hit xbox live.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Do you know if there will be any height/foot/appearance fixes included in the January squad update? I saw your post a couple of weeks ago about letting you know the major problems with the Sheff Weds squad so figured I'd do that but I guess no point if there is no plan for the squad update to include fixes as well as transfers?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Do you know if there will be any height/foot/appearance fixes included in the January squad update? I saw your post a couple of weeks ago about letting you know the major problems with the Sheff Weds squad so figured I'd do that but I guess no point if there is no plan for the squad update to include fixes as well as transfers?

from what he told me NO. :(
yeh i would love to see those changes too, specially after so much editing i made in the database...
he said to me that only very important apperance changes will be made, becasue of memory issues(dunno why) they cant add the all the apperance changes, specially becasue the squad update focus are the transfers and the new players that arent in the default database(so almost all the avalible memory in the squad update will be used for that).

another huge let down for me...:(
finnaly i relesed i wont be playing the brazilian league in fifa08...its way unacurate.

btw he did say that theyr working to fix the skin color problem with players that are looking too "white" in the game..the hole problem was that in the online editor some skin tones looked accurate for black players , but once ingame those same skins looked too he said theyre trying to globaly edit every player set to those wrong skin tones, but he wasnt sure if that would be still possible for the january squad update.
lets hope so.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Aha I see :)

Real shame they won't make any fixes, one of the young prospects at our club is a defender called Mark Beevers, CB, in Fifa he's down as 5'6" tall which makes him completely useless as a CB, in real life he's 6'4" tall, how can anyone mess up by 10"? Pretty stupid if they supposedly have a season ticket holder helping them with Sheffield Wednesday data, all it takes is 10 mins at the official site for each team to check the basic stats :(

You heard any hints about if we'll be able to edit more stuff ourselves in 09?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What team are you in manager mode?

If you had said the 'all players are 95+' thing in your first post - then I doubt you would have got all the negative posts towards you. Of course if your team is that good then you have a chance and you obviously have a knack for the game.

I believe you mate - I'm just glad I'm not as good at it as you :)

Start a new manager game or tournament mode where all stats are default? maybe that will be more enjoyable.

I personally play mainly online and it is a shame you can't do this as it is alot of fun.

Anyway mate - don't get disheartened by the responses. You did sound like you were making a very crass statement on the game which got peoples backs up. because the truth is you would never be able to do that everygame on Legendary with default stats - thats why people didn't believe you and thats what you implied.

Anyway sorry if I offended you mate :)

no worries stats arent altered by the way this all through recruitment and player development i still have the default stats in use in the game. Im chelsea btw but the team is so different you wouldnt even know it :)...i got kaka and lahm on free transfers (ridiculous i know fifa's transfer system is way too easy) and picked up torres, seydou keita, naldo, daniel alves, jesus navas (mmm maybe i should just be sevilla :lmao: ) and a ton of others. Additionally, i have 17 year olds rated 93 + (one is 97...a portuguese RW called Pedro Broich) which the game has generated, but currently arent getting a game until all my oldies retire. Just to illustrate....
GK - Cech 99
CB - Terry 98
CB - Alex/Naldo 97/96
LB - Lahm/Drenthe 95/93
RB - Daniel Alves 99
DM - S.Keita 96
LCM - Lampard (hes 41 and still playing) 97
RCM - Essien 99
RW - Navas/Broich 98/97
LW - Kaka 96
CF - Torres 99

I have 93's sitting on the bench :lmao:...

its a tad ridiculous i know..but once you get all the staff upgrades and put auto growth on they just go up and up and up
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

sorry mate - my comment was made in jest - not meaning to bite your head off. Fair play to you. You certainly seem to have the single player licked.

It really is a shame you don't have a decent broadband connection. For me the online side of things really blows the single player out the water. Like you said elsewhere the multiplayer is where it is at with all footy games and the online side of Fifa is so smooth (even on a fairly poor broadband cannection - i'm on 2 meg) it's just like playing against mates in the same room.

Is there no prospect of you upgrading your connection - i was serious about getting some pointers on how the game really should be played;)

ahah no chance im afraid as far as aussies go my connection is actually standard/good. Our telecommunication industry is simply pathetic in general I still have mates who are running on 28k dialup ! :lmao: As far as the game biggest tip would be to learn manual (it will be hard...persist) and then play it with real soft hands...small, tiny button presses and movements - its all about subtlety. This doesnt mean hold the finesse button (I actually never use it if you press shoot small enough it does a finesse shot anyway in the box) but if that helps by all means. The right stick big touches (some say its cheating but....) really helps alot I use it just about everytime I get the ball. Combining it with normal dribbling and then pushing it the desired direction right at the right time can really send defenders flying. DONT do any awkward turns ala pro evo on the wings (the fake cross turn over the ball thing)...where you have weight and momentum in FIFA they simply dont work...if you are in an awkward situation running away from goal pass it and then first time it not try and thread a ball in the direction opposite to the way you're running and dont try and turn on the ball (unless you are kaka or nasri). Use the trigger run can be used to 'cancel' runs as well (eg. if you dont like the run the comp is making, press it and then will choose another route)......hmmmm what else....change controller config to either new alternative or classic alternative (for 360 at least) as having the trick button and switch player buttons switched really makes it easier.

Oh, almost forgot - if you can, sacrifice visual quality and play on a smaller TV. It makes the game ALOT easier, although I have no idea why. I actually have an HDTV and an old 62cm SDTV and it plays far easier on the smaller one...which is good for me as i cant be arsed carting the 360 down to the other end of the house (my online connection is at the smaller telly).

Im sure there are other tips but tbh i cant think of any right now...good luck!
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I asked the EA database producer about whether corrections would be included in the January update and he said yes:


I wanted to ask if we'll see fixes to any of the numerous errors in the database in the January update?

For example my team Sheffield Wednesday there are numerous minor errors, wrong feet and such, one of the biggest errors results in a useless player, young prospect Mark Beevers, CB, in Fifa he's down as 5'6" tall which makes him completely useless as a CB, in real life he's 6'4" tall, seems to me it's pretty hard to be off by 10"? His height is noted on the official website and he's listed as a first teamer so he's not that obscure......

EA Database Producer said:
Anything raised in the forums will be addressed in the January update - but only for NG consoles.

Feel free to post some of the numerous errors you mention. I've read the Sheff Wed CB one twice now :)

Great news indeed :) So I suggest anyone who supports a team that has inaccuracies post to the EA forums before the January update :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Placebo, can you ask him to sort the Money, it's too easy, It's stupid the amounts you get, this means there is no struggle to get better, or you just don't spend it and end up with a multi million bank account... it's nuts. It ruins the game for me...
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