Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Good game last night Miguel... shame someone had to lose and on Penalties as well. Unlucky Mate! The lag was pretty bad though.

Yeah, it was a great game even though it was laggy. I'd say there was a delay of 1.5 seconds between the moment I pressed the buttons and the game response. It was even worse when I played with SJP76 - 3 seconds delay. Literally. :(

It can't get any worse though, so I'm looking forward to play you again. I played three more online matches after playing you and they were smooth. I won them all. I'm awesome. Not. :)

Anyway, I really can't get enough of this game. I've now played a bit more offline and I'll probably create some tournaments to earn points so that I can buy some nice third kits and balls. That should be fun.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

am i the only person who plays on legendary and all on manual??
I still win 6-0 every game :( its too easy

When you say "legendary" do you mean "amateur"?

Seriously if you are winning by that margin on legendary then you might as well give up now - as you say it's too easy.

Alternatively you could play a few matches online against some of the guys on here and show us how the game should be played!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Had a slightly odd one a couple of nights ago - i was playing an online ranked match - the other guy hoofed the ball forward and it was running along just outside the 18 yard box parallel to the side line. Their forward was running on to it and i pressed triangle to make my keeper run for it too. As the keeper got to it i expected him to boot it up the park. He got there just ahead of the forward but bent down and picked the ball up. Immediately i thought - that's pretty poor - although the ball was only just outside the box it was quite clearly out - put it down to bad programming - while i was thinking this the ref blew the whistle, awarded the free kick and booked the keeper presumably for handling outside the area!

This is the only time this has happened to me. Anyone else seen this?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've seen it once and heard about someone else seeing it once (twice now), a nice little addition. It's the first football game to have this, I think (stand by, there's probably a 20-year-old C64 game that had it and I'm about to be corrected by ten people at once).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Had a slightly odd one a couple of nights ago - i was playing an online ranked match - the other guy hoofed the ball forward and it was running along just outside the 18 yard box parallel to the side line. Their forward was running on to it and i pressed triangle to make my keeper run for it too. As the keeper got to it i expected him to boot it up the park. He got there just ahead of the forward but bent down and picked the ball up. Immediately i thought - that's pretty poor - although the ball was only just outside the box it was quite clearly out - put it down to bad programming - while i was thinking this the ref blew the whistle, awarded the free kick and booked the keeper presumably for handling outside the area!

This is the only time this has happened to me. Anyone else seen this?

ive seen it once
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've seen it once and heard about someone else seeing it once (twice now), a nice little addition. It's the first football game to have this, I think (stand by, there's probably a 20-year-old C64 game that had it and I'm about to be corrected by ten people at once).

ive seen it once

Good to hear - having asked a few mates none of whom had seen it i was beginning to think i had had a few too many beers before i played that night:lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Had a slightly odd one a couple of nights ago - i was playing an online ranked match - the other guy hoofed the ball forward and it was running along just outside the 18 yard box parallel to the side line. Their forward was running on to it and i pressed triangle to make my keeper run for it too. As the keeper got to it i expected him to boot it up the park. He got there just ahead of the forward but bent down and picked the ball up. Immediately i thought - that's pretty poor - although the ball was only just outside the box it was quite clearly out - put it down to bad programming - while i was thinking this the ref blew the whistle, awarded the free kick and booked the keeper presumably for handling outside the area!

This is the only time this has happened to me. Anyone else seen this?

I posted about it when the demo was out
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I played this last night for the first time in ages - I have been real busy of late. I downloaded an update and the game feels different. A little bit faster and much smoother - I had some amazing games in Manager Mode last night.

I still LOVE this game. :)

same here the game is almost perfect to me too
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I played this last night for the first time in ages - I have been real busy of late. I downloaded an update and the game feels different. A little bit faster and much smoother - I had some amazing games in Manager Mode last night.

I still LOVE this game. :)

What kind of update is that?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im actually not lying believe it or not.

I do play on legendary manual and I win most games 3-7 nil.

Im seriously not trying to bignote myself and if I knew the commmunity would take such an offence to it i wouldnt have posted it. Just wondering if people are having the same problems as me...i can predict where the AI are going every time and how they will react to my behaviour...makes all my play one-dimensional and same-ish its ruining what is otherwise a brilliant game by the way. Oh btw I only win by this margin in my manager mode...every player in my team is 95+ i cant do it with any team in kick off mode or whatever its called...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

When you say "legendary" do you mean "amateur"?

Seriously if you are winning by that margin on legendary then you might as well give up now - as you say it's too easy.

Alternatively you could play a few matches online against some of the guys on here and show us how the game should be played!

Im actually in Australia and have an old 512k adsl connection so im afraid thats virtually impossible...i get lag even against local guys it ruins the online play for me....hence my practise against the AI.

Everyone neeeds to stop biting my head off.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


Great response. Seriously ive been coming in here for years because you lot are usually by far the most mature gamers ive met on the net - until now. I dont see why it matters that i play on that difficulty (although you would too if you had my manager mode team) and im incredulous it's been met with such a vicious response. I am NOT lying about any of it, but im sure that's not even the point anymore...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

andish.. I struggle to win a single game on World Class, so Unless EA have f'd up the difficulty settings (which they have been known to do before) then I cant see how even on Manager Mode you can win by such big margins mate. I had a thriller yesterday against Man City, they took the lead through a great header from Elano. 2 minutes later Ronaldo puts a cross in and Scholes heads the ball goalwards and just after it goes over the line a City player clears it but of course its a goal :) 1-1. End to end after that with Diego Forlan (yep I bought him back!) coming close to stealing the 3 points for me!

I am also falling in love with this game again! EA Have changed something in that patch recently....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i agree it is better after the patch the difficulty seems to have gone up a notch which is good for me :) manager mode team is literally ridiculous i should just start a new one...every single player is 95+ i just breeze by every single challenge hehe its not great fun. Playing against my brother is where its at...always with the multiplayer in any footy game why is it that they just cant seem to create realistic AI (albeit this a semi-impressive one).....stupid things like what they do on the wings.....they get in a perfect position to cross and then they run towards the corner flags because they dont want to kick it into me...they are just plain indecisive.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i agree it is better after the patch the difficulty seems to have gone up a notch which is good for me :) manager mode team is literally ridiculous i should just start a new one...every single player is 95+ i just breeze by every single challenge hehe its not great fun. Playing against my brother is where its at...always with the multiplayer in any footy game why is it that they just cant seem to create realistic AI (albeit this a semi-impressive one).....stupid things like what they do on the wings.....they get in a perfect position to cross and then they run towards the corner flags because they dont want to kick it into me...they are just plain indecisive.

What team are you in manager mode?

If you had said the 'all players are 95+' thing in your first post - then I doubt you would have got all the negative posts towards you. Of course if your team is that good then you have a chance and you obviously have a knack for the game.

I believe you mate - I'm just glad I'm not as good at it as you :)

Start a new manager game or tournament mode where all stats are default? maybe that will be more enjoyable.

I personally play mainly online and it is a shame you can't do this as it is alot of fun.

Anyway mate - don't get disheartened by the responses. You did sound like you were making a very crass statement on the game which got peoples backs up. because the truth is you would never be able to do that everygame on Legendary with default stats - thats why people didn't believe you and thats what you implied.

Anyway sorry if I offended you mate :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Dude im telling you something has changed with this game! I dont know whether its just the patch has made things a bit more responsive and Tight or im just better at the game but im finding the game to be 10 times more playable than before! even on World Class and thats saying something from what I was experiencing before!
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