Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Cool comments from everybody.
I'm going to download it as soon as I comeback home.
I hope I'll find you all for a 5 on 5 game ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The game should auto update when you boot it up
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Strange how EA can get a gameplay patch out in little time to add to an already good product yet Konami seem happy to let a piece of crap slip through QC with no word or promise of a fix!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Anyone know how to get rid of that "Downloading Squad File" while playing online? (PS3)

It really annoys me as it takes around 30-40 seconds, then i find out my opponent is 'busy'
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Finally got to play online with some of the evo boys in here in a 5 vs 5 some hours back. our game had tim7, cw, daz feeder, jayd, kevano (sorry if i missed out on anyone else). just wanted to say thanks for the game, i thoroughly enjoyed it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I do. Everytime i play a match online, it updates the squad file.

Everysingle match, i don't know whats wrong with it :(

No you doofus! download the update as in patch/fix, whatever you want to call it, not updated squad roster, but the actual patch they released a couple of days ago which adds be a pro 5v5 and tweaks a bunch of the gameplay including response times to make the game much, much better......

I think to get the update if you're on PS3 you have to go into settings of the PS3 and choose "get updates automatically" or something like that......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Don't seem to be seeing the improvements you guys are seeing in the game.Played about a dozen matches in Manager mode last night and could'nt see any difference in response times,attacking play or goalkeeper improvements.I specifically played a few matches before applying the patch to be able to get a feel for both old and new versions.Either I'm missing something or else you are all maybe seeing something which just is'nt there.
Has EA confirmed the gameplay has been tweaked as something as fundamental as this would surely need bragging rights?
Incidentally I was playing on semi-pro but surely that would not make any difference?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After 20 games online I just met the first cheater called "vortex"(he had some numbers after his name). He invited me to a match, I was leading 2-0 and he paused the game at the last minute and disconnected without getting a lose. If u are here voretx, u are a very poor kid, just to let u know.
I hope EA ban cheaters and don't "treat" them like konami..
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hello people. Sorry i had connection problems i couldn't play online or even use the net properly. I had some virus flooding the network. Well i'm back now :) I'm pretty sure i been kicked out of the league though.. Anyway i booted Fifa like an hour ago and it prompted me for an update. Now i read a couple of posts here suggesting the update did improve Fifa somehow.

Question is, is the AI FK bug still there?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Question is, is the AI FK bug still there?

Which bug? If you mean that they score 90% of freekicks that's not a bug it's just poor gameplay implementation.

But a non-pedantic answer to your question would be that people have reported that AI FK's are more realistic, I've played about 10 matches on Professional since the update and the AI hasn't scored a single freekick, rattled the crossbar twice, been close a couple of times but not scored, so it does seem better :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

When things like that happen it makes you jump out of your seat!!

No sorry you're wrong, there is no feeling when scoring goals in Fifa, the only game that gives a feeling is PES when you've dribbled 800 yards with Christiano Ronaldo, past 47 opposing players, to the edge of the box, then cut the ball back for A.Player to hit a shot into the goal, that is the only feeling you will have scoring a goal in a video game!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I lay on the bed playing the game (AC + HDTV is in the bedroom), and I tend to raise both arms in the air when I score a goal in celebration, or when I score a really vital goal such as last minute equaliser or winner or a real cracker I tend to bang my legs up and down on the bed really quickly, sounds quite weird I know but it's what I do :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah I already mentioned that it's easier for me now as well, I'm gonna move up to world class once I've got the 50 win achievement for professional (I'm around 10 away from it). The game is way more enjoyable now that the AI varies its attacks so much more and the more neutral ref + lowered AI success from FK's makes a big difference.

It's weird that Jack and others are seeing no differences at all? You have the PS3 right? Seeing any increased responsiveness? I'm doing dribbles now with players I wouldn't have even attempted before, it's definitely more responsive for me on 360, plus passing is improved so I'm playing some wonderful sexy football :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah I already mentioned that it's easier for me now as well, I'm gonna move up to world class once I've got the 50 win achievement for professional (I'm around 10 away from it). The game is way more enjoyable now that the AI varies its attacks so much more and the more neutral ref + lowered AI success from FK's makes a big difference.

It's weird that Jack and others are seeing no differences at all? You have the PS3 right? Seeing any increased responsiveness? I'm doing dribbles now with players I wouldn't have even attempted before, it's definitely more responsive for me on 360, plus passing is improved so I'm playing some wonderful sexy football :)

Its because your playing Manager mode

most of us here are just online players so dont get to see the AI much at all
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yea Coopz, I havn't played single player manager mode on my own since I started playing online games. It's just so much more realistic online! :mryellow:
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