Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Take of them PES Tinted glasses mate. Most of us here were PESFANS and swore by Konamis game... now it hasnt evolved for years and we prefer something which has actually evolved for Next Gen :)

The most important part for me is gameplay. I bought FIFA 08 after reading so many positive things about it, and have played it a lot. I liked it at first, but after a while it just got more and more frustrating. PES 2008 has much better gameplay than FIFA 08 imo, even if FIFA 08 is getting closer.

Its the same every year. FIFA feels ok in the beginning, but gets worse after a while because of the lack of response and control. PES has deeper gameplay than FIFA, and it always takes some time to get into it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

FIFA definitly is superior in terms of:
- licenses
- gaming modes (incl. online)
- presentation
- stadium texturing/lightening
- tricks
- less bugs (technically)

PES has:
- ball physics
- Teamvision
- impact of stats (different players/teams really FEEAL/ACT differenty)

after having fun with FIFA for the last weeks (there've been lots of frustrating moments, too) those points made me switch back to PES.

But there are many reasons to stay with FIFA. It's up to your personal preferences this year. The games are close to each other, taken all points into account.

The bad reviews over the last years really have pushed the FIFA series. There's hoping the same will happen with PES...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The most important part for me is gameplay. I bought FIFA 08 after reading so many positive things about it, and have played it a lot. I liked it at first, but after a while it just got more and more frustrating. PES 2008 has much better gameplay than FIFA 08 imo, even if FIFA 08 is getting closer.

Its the same every year. FIFA feels ok in the beginning, but gets worse after a while because of the lack of response and control. PES has deeper gameplay than FIFA, and it always takes some time to get into it.
Boa im going to be completely honest with you. I had the same feelings about FIFA as you. But then the more I played and improvised I started to realise "yep thats like real life, when you run down the field with a ball in real life its NOT glued to your feet and at times you DO make BADDDD touches" and thought ok... best thing to do is keep sprinting to a minimum and focus on ball control (again true to life IMHO)

PES for me feels a bit of a cross between World Wide Soccer and Virtua Striker with a bit of CPU Bullshit and a buzzword called Team Vision thrown in just for a new feature to appear on the cover..... It hasnt evolved.. if anything this year it has gone backwards... Yep I have got it and ive had some cracking matches on it but still cant help but thinking that it just isnt good enough.. it would have been back in 1999 but this is 2007 going towards 2008 and things should be much better by now!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hmm you mean if you're shooting from the right of the goal you never score across the keeper to the top/bottom left (or vice versa)? Can't say I've noticed that, scored goals to just about every point of the goal from every position I think......

nah I've had different goals almost everytime barringa few where I was close and in the same position. I'm almost going to get the 100 goal acheivement too :)

i will say this though

about 60 percent are from inside the box
15 percetn being headers(though I'm scoring more now)
about 5 perrcent from long range and about 20 perecnet from crosses
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES has:
- ball physics
- Teamvision
- impact of stats (different players/teams really FEEAL/ACT differenty)
I would say the ball physics are far worse in PES, this is the general consensus of opinion from the hardcore Master League crew that I know. Have a look at Professor Nutmeg's posts, I agree with him entirely that the deflections and rebounds are really weird in PES this year.

In FIFA I think the ball physics are perfect, apart from the floatyness in certain parts. But I don't think that's as bad as hitting the ball against someone's leg in the centre of the pitch and the ball going out for a throw-in. :D

I agree about Teamvision and stats though - the other thing I would add is "reaction times", which ooze loveliness in PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

FIFA definitly is superior in terms of:
- licenses
- gaming modes (incl. online)
- presentation
- stadium texturing/lightening
- tricks
- less bugs (technically)

PES has:
- ball physics
- Teamvision
- impact of stats (different players/teams really FEEAL/ACT differenty)

after having fun with FIFA for the last weeks (there've been lots of frustrating moments, too) those points made me switch back to PES.

But there are many reasons to stay with FIFA. It's up to your personal preferences this year. The games are close to each other, taken all points into account.

The bad reviews over the last years really have pushed the FIFA series. There's hoping the same will happen with PES...
Having spent the entire weekend playing PES its arcade fun.... Not simulation. Ball Physics? they have gone backwards mate.

I am a man of physics dont forget :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Never Since the release of both games have i heard PES, Better and Ball Physics in the same sentence

I have never seen a guy who can cross a ball 100mph while running or do a cross field pass at tennis serving speeds, maybe watching the premiership aint it all cracked up to be
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES has:
- ball physics
- Teamvision
- impact of stats (different players/teams really FEEAL/ACT differenty)

I disagree about ball physics. FIFA still needs some work to get the right feel - PES is still ahead in terms of that solid feeling at the point of impact of foot with ball - but other than that, the ball physics in PES2008 is really poor at times. I actually think it's worse than it was 2 or 3 years ago.

Overall, FIFA physics is now ahead of PES and they also have manual passing/shooting that craps all over the scripted system in PES that belongs in a museum.

Agree about the impact of stats, though. FIFA really do need to work on that.

I think FIFA needs far less work to become a great game than PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

ok, let's add manual passing to the list ;) It's heavy to learn and use, though.
I still prefer PES physics (shooting, deflections), the ball feels to floaty in FIFA. On the other hand the ball is "free" in FIFA, whereas in PES it's sometimes to close to the players' feet...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I didnt even know PES had deflections

Maybe when you get a corner everytime you cross from the byline but its hardly random enough to call it a deflection as it always goes the same way

Fifas deflections are the best i have seen in a footy game as they can go absolutely anywhere
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I disagree about ball physics. FIFA still needs some work to get the right feel - PES is still ahead in terms of that solid feeling at the point of impact of foot with ball - but other than that, the ball physics in PES2008 is really poor at times. I actually think it's worse than it was 2 or 3 years ago.

Overall, FIFA physics is now ahead of PES and they also have manual passing/shooting that craps all over the scripted system in PES that belongs in a museum.

Agree about the impact of stats, though. FIFA really do need to work on that.

I think FIFA needs far less work to become a great game than PES.

There IS an arguement as to what game has the better ball physic when shooting at goal. for some reason while shooting at goal oin pes it feel very pin point while in fifa it's left up to it"ontextual" way of handling thing ultimately REALLY taking it out of the users hands
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Fifas deflections are the best i have seen in a footy game as they can go absolutely anywhere

And it's not just that they can go absolutely anywhere, it's that the subtlety of the deflection is just lightyears beyond what PES' "physics engine" is capable of, many times the AI has had a shot that's gone wide, they get a corner and I'm like "no fucking way is that a corner" but then when you view the replay in close detail you see the ball has deflected off a foot or a leg or a head or whatever......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

And it's not just that they can go absolutely anywhere, it's that the subtlety of the deflection is just lightyears beyond what PES' "physics engine" is capable of, many times the AI has had a shot that's gone wide, they get a corner and I'm like "no fucking way is that a corner" but then when you view the replay in close detail you see the ball has deflected off a foot or a leg or a head or whatever......

That happened to me while i was playing with one of my mates

I shot and it looked well wide and a corner was given hes was going mad saying how the fuck can that be a corner, looking at the replay it took the slightest deflection off his head which we would never have seen in real time
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

There IS an arguement as to what game has the better ball physic when shooting at goal. for some reason while shooting at goal oin pes it feel very pin point while in fifa it's left up to it"ontextual" way of handling thing ultimately REALLY taking it out of the users hands

They way PES handles shooting compared to the way Fifa handles shooting isn't relevant to the debate about which game has better ball physics.

PES handles it in an arcade way, in that you can almost be facing any direction, being jostled or not, off balance or not, if you aim at a certain corner there's a great chance your shot will go towards that corner (unless the AI gods have decided that your shot will not go there today), in Fifa you have to take into account many aspects such as your player's stance, his position, where his foot is pointing, whether he's being jostled, if he's sprinting or just jogging, all those real life aspects that come into play when a footballer strikes a ball.

The ball physics come into play once the foot has struck the ball and it's moving in the air, how the spin affects the ball, how any deflection affects the ball, how the velocity of the ball affects its movement (for example spin doesn't start to affect a ball until it decelerates to a certain speed), to me Fifa has that down pat way more than PES does (from what I've seen of videos and the demo of course having not played the full version).

To my mind there's only one argument that can be laid against Fifa's ball physics and that's that a certain type of cross (ie a standard cross) is too "floaty" whether that's true or not the fact is it can be negated anyway by pressing LB or LT depending on which config you use to get a lower more driven cross, although I almost never do that and I find that different players will give me different types of crosses, I guess that's where their individual stats come into play, playing a match earlier today I broughy Tudgay onto the right wing as a sub and he put in about 4 fantastic crosses, 1 resulting in a headed goal and 2 others resulting in headers either by my forwards, and he as I recall doesn't have the highest crossing stat so it must be certain other factors that came into play......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i knew someone would say that after i mentioned playing with

against may have been better wording :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Fifa 08 is great but I've been taking a break from it so that it still feels fresh i like rotating between games in general. right now i'm all about nba live 08
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I was thinking the other day about the 1000 decisions per second thing they were spouting on about.

I really can't see any evidence of this?

One of the main things that annoys me is say when I am attacking just outside the box I pass to a winger who then advances forward. The player I just passed from runs backwards towards the midfield (Its a striker by the way) - even though the winger is obviously going to cross the ball into the box and there is no one else in the box.

So I have to hit the shoulder button furiously to make the player do a forward run - which loses a second or so, because he has already started to run backwards!!

If the players make 1000 decisions a second, surely the first decision of that second would be - RUN FORWARDS - WE ARE ATTACKING THE GOAL!!

You all know I like the game - but it annoys me when they make these claims.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I was thinking the other day about the 1000 decisions per second thing they were spouting on about.

I really can't see any evidence of this?

One of the main things that annoys me is say when I am attacking just outside the box I pass to a winger who then advances forward. The player I just passed from runs backwards towards the midfield (Its a striker by the way) - even though the winger is obviously going to cross the ball into the box and there is no one else in the box.

So I have to hit the shoulder button furiously to make the player do a forward run - which loses a second or so, because he has already started to run backwards!!

If the players make 1000 decisions a second, surely the first decision of that second would be - RUN FORWARDS - WE ARE ATTACKING THE GOAL!!

You all know I like the game - but it annoys me when they make these claims.

You are right and you have raised two issues that I also have with the game.

1) Too often I'm left watching as the guy I'm not controlling (and am unable to switch cursor for some strange reason!!) stands around as a loose ball runs quite close to him and he ignores it. I'm thinking "so, of those 1000 decisions he's just made, how many of them actually relate to the football match he's currently suppopsed to be playing in and how many relate to what he's going to have for tea that night?" This scenario repeats itself too often to leave me believing that not every one of the 22 players are making 1000 decisions every second.

2) Not enough players push forward for an attack from either team, even with all-out-attack mentality set on. One thing I loved about PES was the 4 tactical buttons you could switch on/off at any instant with the click of a button. I always set one of these to Formation A which had me push 4 guys into the oppositon box, 4 just around the box, leaving only 2 defenders back. It made for some really strong attacking play with plenty of your guys swarming the opposition box. As far as I can tell, in FIFA you can make custom formation but you have to pasuse the game and mess around i nthe cluimsy menu system before finally funding your 2nd formation before you can turn it on. Even then, they just don't seem to swarm forward they way they do in PES.

CPU teams never seem to push players forward with any urgency at all.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You are right and you have raised two issues that I also have with the game.

1) Too often I'm left watching as the guy I'm not controlling (and am unable to switch cursor for some strange reason!!) stands around as a loose ball runs quite close to him and he ignores it. I'm thinking "so, of those 1000 decisions he's just made, how many of them actually relate to the football match he's currently suppopsed to be playing in and how many relate to what he's going to have for tea that night?" This scenario repeats itself too often to leave me believing that not every one of the 22 players are making 1000 decisions every second.

2) Not enough players push forward for an attack from either team, even with all-out-attack mentality set on. One thing I loved about PES was the 4 tactical buttons you could switch on/off at any instant with the click of a button. I always set one of these to Formation A which had me push 4 guys into the oppositon box, 4 just around the box, leaving only 2 defenders back. It made for some really strong attacking play with plenty of your guys swarming the opposition box. As far as I can tell, in FIFA you can make custom formation but you have to pasuse the game and mess around i nthe cluimsy menu system before finally funding your 2nd formation before you can turn it on. Even then, they just don't seem to swarm forward they way they do in PES.

CPU teams never seem to push players forward with any urgency at all.

i sure as heck don't see the same thing over the course of one match maybe say 10 matches yes but not one

maybe it's an exageration but it does feel organic in genreal
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well i think the ball physics in fifa suck - especially the deflections....

What i mean is - i was playing online. I was Chelsea the other guy was Man Utd. It was 1-1 in injury time at the end of extra time. Man U had a corner. JT rose majestically to head the ball clear - Dropped to Carrick fully 40 yards out who took 1 touch and unleashed a rasping shot which Cech had covered until it took a deflection off the back of Essiens legs and sent him the wrong way - took a fair bit of the power off it - all i could do was watch as it rolled and nestled in the opposite corner to where it was originally heading.
It was without doubt the most realistic thing i have ever seen in terms of ball physics in a football video game - but it still sucks:lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


dude just to inform u that i just talked with an EA producer about the cheats and some stuff i was missing in the game like some more nike boots in the fan shop...
from his anwsers seems like we will se salma's tits before any glimps of a cheat code or any aditional content like new boots... :lmao:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

DO you guys really think the mentality arrows do anything? I have set these and the players seem to do the same thing as if I hadn't set the arrows. I was wondering if maybe they tie in with the exp points categories like Tactical Awareness. Maybe if a player has a high tactical awareness, they might be more prone to following the arrows you assign. Any ideas on that? Also, does anyone have a list of what the categories do?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I could care less about this "fanboy" bullshit, at the end of the day i want a good football game this is as realistic as possible and fun to play.

FIFA 08 >>>> PES 2008
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah ive found it really stange to see a ton of EA ad boards around the stadiums and near to no real world ads - it feels like im playing pro evo.
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