Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I wouldn't say FIFA has the same amount of cheats, far from it. The only two things that grate with me on FIFA are the response times (which they claim is realistic, and that might be true, but I don't like them) and the incredibly tough defences. Oh, and the lack of English play-offs, which completely ruins the career mode for me.

I don't tend to notice anything else, but as I said to DJ in the PES thread, the more people find and report the better. I just hope EA and Konami listen - although honestly, look at the community features in FIFA, and look at how Konami have spat on their fans (slowdown, online literally unplayable, waste of space edit mode). If any game is going to improve I can only see it being one.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

All 6 are true, and they only scratch the surface of how bad PES2008, but most of the PES cheats are copied into FIFA.

Any news on a FIFA patch to include a 2nd AI team? My version seems to have just one AI has about 500 different names and kits, but it's just one team that plays exactly the same every match, a perfect back 4 that is never out of shape, every long pass and cross is a pixel pefect pass straight to a team-mate, all their players' response times are a fraction of a nano-second, and irrespective of their stats, all of their players have exactly the same abilities.

You are right Winston

I can only play on Semi Pro as the AI is just too good above that level.

I switched to pro today and the players make every pass, hold the back line perfectly, squeeze the play in midfield and it just becomes too frustrating.

So i am stuck on semi-pro and I aint going any further.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

My copy of Pro Evo finally arrived today and im disappointed, im not even gonna bother listing the stuff im disappointed with because most people will already know...

It hurts me to say it, but FIFA 08 is the better game, by far. This is coming from a person that has never bought or owned a copy of Fifa since '99 (Bergkamp on the cover), ive owned every single PSE/ISS game and this one is the worst.

I got FIFA 08 free with me PS3 when i bought and its a close to realism you can get! the only thing that i hate is the... shooting, you have to pass your way into the goal most of the time and i rarely score a screamer, apart from that, this game absolutely shits all over PES 2008.

Konami have let us all down this year.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I found an amzing medium...

I play on Novice but with passing,lobbing and through balls at manual while shooting is assisted

This is almost perfect...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

My copy of Pro Evo finally arrived today and im disappointed, im not even gonna bother listing the stuff im disappointed with because most people will already know...

It hurts me to say it, but FIFA 08 is the better game, by far. This is coming from a person that has never bought or owned a copy of Fifa since '99 (Bergkamp on the cover), ive owned every single PSE/ISS game and this one is the worst.

I got FIFA 08 free with me PS3 when i bought and its a close to realism you can get! the only thing that i hate is the... shooting, you have to pass your way into the goal most of the time and i rarely score a screamer, apart from that, this game absolutely shits all over PES 2008.

Konami have let us all down this year.

keep working at it as far as those long shots i've learned that you do not ain your shot that much plus try using the lob to get in from far:)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I wouldn't say FIFA has the same amount of cheats, far from it. The only two things that grate with me on FIFA are the response times (which they claim is realistic, and that might be true, but I don't like them) and the incredibly tough defences.

I can't be bothered listing all the cpu cheats right now but I'll probably get round to it one day. I fin d it very disheartening how many I find that are directly copied from PES.

With regard to reponse times, I have to say the only problem I have had is that the cpu has far fasten response times. I think the human teams' response times are perfectly plausible (except when it refuses to acknowledge that I have pressed pass/shoot for in excess of 1 second (now...what other footy game has that cheat....ah yes, PES)), but generally it's only the fact the cpu is given such a huge response advantage that I can't stand.

FIFA is so frustrating, it's nearly excellent, yet it's flaws render it a completely horrible game. They're all easily fixable yet, somehow (probably given the years I've been waiting in vain for PES's many flaws to be fixed...they clearly never will be), I fear they won't be fixed and FIFA09 will have some groovy new features but will still be equally unplayable because the same flaws will smother the whole experience.

Incidently, has anyone managed to suss out ariel play? I supppose I have played in excess of 50 matches in FIFA08, so have probably had abround 50 corners and had to defend 50 ciorners. I don't think I have ever won a header from a corner, no matter what I try. What gives? I've tried ever button combination imaginable, yet every corner (either by me or by the cpu) goes straight to the cpu. I don't think I've ever seen a corner go into open space...always straight to a cpu guy.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I found an amzing medium...


She says FIFA 09 is ruined by the new producer and PES2009 is the same as this year's but with a European Cup Qualification mode. Then she sees me, a tower-block, and a pavement... It all gets fuzzy after that.

Incidently, has anyone managed to suss out ariel play? I supppose I have played in excess of 50 matches in FIFA08, so have probably had abround 50 corners and had to defend 50 ciorners. I don't think I have ever won a header from a corner, no matter what I try. What gives? I've tried ever button combination imaginable, yet every corner (either by me or by the cpu) goes straight to the cpu. I don't think I've ever seen a corner go into open space...always straight to a cpu guy.
In all honesty, I agree with practically everything you said in your last post - but I always win headers from corners. I hold down the jockey button and run for where I think the ball's going to go immediately, then press either pass or clearance depending on how dangerous I think the other team is.

Honestly, that will sound like mindless sticking up for FIFA, but I've mentioned its faults several times so I promise you that it isn't.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

but I always win headers from corners. I hold down the jockey button and run for where I think the ball's going to go immediately, then press either pass or clearance depending on how dangerous I think the other team is.

I'll give it another go although pressing jockey has always been high on the list of things I try. It doesn't help that pressing jockey seems to make my guy unable to do anything other than shuffle on the spot.

I really want to like FIFA08, it's tantalising where PES08 is a lost cause, but unless I can find a way to tone down the irritation factor of the cpu teams monotonous immacualte play, I'm going to find myself returning to my PS2 to play WE10JL for the next year.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can someone help me out on freekicks (shooting) and corners, please.

I seem to be rubbish at them both, just some tips on how much power, curl etc... would help. Cheers.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I really want to like FIFA08, it's tantalising where PES08 is a lost cause, but unless I can find a way to tone down the irritation factor of the cpu teams monotonous immacualte play, I'm going to find myself returning to my PS2 to play WE10JL for the next year.
I wouldn't blame you. It does has its faults. As I said a few weeks ago, you get so fed up with the bugs in one that you don't really care about the bugs in the other, and that's how I feel. FIFA hasn't got the invisible forcefields, and although their players are superplayers, they don't perform black magic on yours (you may have noticed it, but I haven't - whether that's subconcious or something I don't know, but I notice everything else).

Bottom line for me is, I can win every game on PES thanks to the keepers, so what's the point. And with online being wrecked - and the goalkeepers wrecking the scorelines - I'm not interested. That's not to say FIFA doesn't have its faults... It just has different faults.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think FIFA's faults are playable, where as PES's faults are so irritating they become unplayable.

I went against my word yesterday and bought PES, I actually went off JB's first review of the game claiming it wasnt as bad as the demo, I wish I had carried on reading the rest of his views.

The game is very frustrating to the point where I was throwing my joy pad on the floor with out rage every time the CPU decided to gain that extra injection of pace from no where to cheat the ball away from my player. I then found myself scoring too many goals by "walking" past the keeper. I then went on to try and not score as easily, to try and justify spending £38 on a god damn awful game.

I plan to make a visit to Computer Exchange on Monday to trade the game in and get myself something a little worthwhile.

Seabass, oh dear.

PS. Who is the new producer of FIFA 09? Please say he is English and actually has an intrest in football rather than "soccer"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'll give it another go although pressing jockey has always been high on the list of things I try. It doesn't help that pressing jockey seems to make my guy unable to do anything other than shuffle on the spot.

I really want to like FIFA08, it's tantalising where PES08 is a lost cause, but unless I can find a way to tone down the irritation factor of the cpu teams monotonous immacualte play, I'm going to find myself returning to my PS2 to play WE10JL for the next year.

I would maybe double check they're formations with their realife formations and change themn to what they oughta be along with changing their play mentalty that might do the trick. if evryones doin a 442 and is an all out offenseive team then you have a point winston then why not just change the team?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm getting bored of Fifa and pissed off by its obvious flaws despite having so much going for it, and PES 2008 is complete utter turd. What am I going to do?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Quick note for Winston who was talking about heading the ball away from corners... Just played five games against the CPU (professional level, in Manager Mode, as Liverpool). The first header I missed, and I thought "oh crap", but then every single one from then on I got my head onto.

The thing that really fucked me off though, that I haven't really noticed before, is that every single pass was being intercepted no matter what. I was picking out players with no markers, and then the player would stand still to let a marker run in from nowhere to get the ball. EVERY SINGLE PASS. That's the kind of thing that really gets to me.

I'm now tempted by PES2008 again... And I've realised I don't actually have to return it until tomorrow, so I will be playing another few games on it tonight to see if I'm not giving it enough of a chance.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you have both don't sell either.

PES2008 has SOME redeeming value i'm sure of it. the demo i played was PURE crap BUT I think the full game will just have moe to tinker with.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Three more games of PES2008, and it's back in the box again. The opposition players have invisible walls around them all the time, you're running towards the guy and pressing "pressure", meaning that when you're close enough you should stab-tackle. The guy stab-tackles a foot away from the CPU player, because he can't get through the invisible wall. Absolute shite.

I'm afraid we have two poor football games this year, I think FIFA 08 is the best of the two but even then it's not good enough, especially with the reaction times and the lack of playoffs. Thank God for the online leagues in FIFA 08, which are amazing (thank you EA for listening), and Football Manager.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

For corners - i always tend to knock in swingers (aimed around the penalty spot )into the box with as much curl on the ball as possible --- my corner taker doesn't have a high curl skill so what he has currently works perfectly for me.

the ball ... most of the time, swings in towards the front post or just ahead of the penalty spot (depending on the power i use) and then i hold jockey and run to catch the ball.

id say easily its 50/50 as to if i win the ball or the ai gets it - ive scored a shit load of headers (as long as im not holding directly top right/bottom right (or left) as that tends to send the ball off at a 45 degree angle miles wide.

If the ball goes to the front post ill flick it on and try and knock it in on the back post (NOTE - use pass to head this in and i find the ball goes down into the ground 99/100 instead of tapping shoot and the ball rocketing into row Z)

Im so used to playing PES and just holding a corner direction and the ball going on target automatically that i found it impossible to score at first with fifa --- but once i started to aim on goal with the sticks on a lower angle or by pulling away from the goals to smash the ball down into the ground - i began banging the goals in.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Sensible Soccer is out soon lol
Well at least it hasn't been bought buy Konami, can you imagine how they would butcher that.... They would remove all the manager mode for a start, put some good old Konami stutter in there... Remove the kit selection "who needs that", wow though the graphics are spot on for next gen.. lets just add loads of pointless cut scenes, take out the money and put in superstar points... add a dog or two and remove 95% of the teams and players, get a 10 year old in to remake the menu system, and voila...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm not having a problem with corners, reaction times or monotone teams. My two problems are the CPU players are on steroids and are made of wax (I can't get the ball from them, my player just slide the CPU player or bounce off of him) and free-kicks from the CPU. Nearly the perfect game. Who is the producer next year? I hear he is from FM.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Three more games of PES2008, and it's back in the box again. The opposition players have invisible walls around them all the time, you're running towards the guy and pressing "pressure", meaning that when you're close enough you should stab-tackle. The guy stab-tackles a foot away from the CPU player, because he can't get through the invisible wall. Absolute shite.

I'm afraid we have two poor football games this year, I think FIFA 08 is the best of the two but even then it's not good enough, especially with the reaction times and the lack of playoffs. Thank God for the online leagues in FIFA 08, which are amazing (thank you EA for listening), and Football Manager.

Regarding response times.

i have two issues with them. if i try and select a player while on defense 1/10 times it's delayed by a sec and the other repsonse issue i have is when i want to pass while next to may denfensman next to the box where the delay is again a sec 1 out of every 7 times or so on average...

other than that the game runs well baring the OCCASIONAL hiccups like players magically spurting into position and players extending for interecptions that are questionable unreal
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just played ten games on it on single-player, 2vCPU. I love the game, I really do. So much fun.

I have such a hard time scoring though, it's like... On PES, the one thing you could count on, despite all of the problems, was a feeling of satisfaction when you score. I scored a 30-yard screamer on PES2008 a few hours ago, and it was dull, and lifeless. It's way too easy to score now, it removes all excitement.

But then on the flip-side, in FIFA, it's way too hard to score a screamer because the goalkeepers seem unbeatable at times. Another of my main faults with the game are the goalkeepers, they are invincible and then for one shot they act like a retard. If a keeper is on form during a match they usually stay on form and it has to be a great shot to beat them. Whereas on FIFA, they're on fantastic amazing superduper form 90% of the time, and they have to make one huge mistake to let someone score (rather than it being a great goal).

I can defend, I can pass, I can cross, I can head, I just can't beat the frigging goalkeepers.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

A quick question about Fifa 08.

On the demo I remember playing with the red/white blue/white Nike Total 90 Aerow balls. On the full game I can only play with the hi vis Aerow that I've bought from the shop. Are the Red/white Blue/white Aerows in the game?

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Been awarded a gameplay card worth 7,500 points for racking up 250 career goals and another card for having a striker top 30 goals in a season. Get in there..............\\:o/
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Been awarded a gameplay card worth 7,500 points for racking up 250 career goals and another card for having a striker top 30 goals in a season. Get in there..............\\:o/

If anything points are very hard to get and frustrating long. i just spent my entire sat well about 8pm to 1am playing 3 years of manager mode to ONLY get 9,000 points which got me various things as goals

Damn guys it's real sad. i hate the challanges and will NEVER play them as I believe they cheapen the gameplay so i'm sticking to tournaments and manager mode
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i just want someone to find a cheat to give me infinite points, then i can unlock balls, boots and shirts

i just wanna play the fucking game and not have to unlock stuff

i guess i was just spoilt on previous pro evo patches where you can add anything you basically what you wanted
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I tend to disagree with the statement made about two poor football games.

FIFA is a pleasure to play just because it has made such a remarkable change since FIFA 07, its not perfect no, and it still need to be improved further, but i can appreciate what EA have tried to do with FIFA 08, they have listened and made appropriate changes to make FIFA 08 a good all round game.

To make EA Sports and FIFA a widely respected game for the consecutive years to come, they need to implement the dynamic weather system, improve resonse times and alter the way the goalkeepers interact to what is happening on the pitch. They need to take more time out to study the league formats and apply this to their managerial side of the game.

PES has too many faults that need to be ironed out, the games needs starting again from scratch, but Konami's large fan base are that taken by the name of "Pro Evolution Soccer" Seabass can get away with making dire editions each year, because he knows with little work it will still sell.

It's a case of people coming together to take on Konami so they realise we wont accept an updated version of the same engine year on year.
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