Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just played my 3rd game online, i got LOADs of lag, my first 2 were fine.

Does the home team host the 1st half and the away team host the second half?

There have been problems today with Live - thats probably why there is a lot of lag.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

how do we view uploaded replays on the 360? please help I have looked everywhere in the menus to view uploaded replays and also EA UK website and I cannot find it!

also can you upload both online and offline replays? and where or how do we upload replays in either offline or online play?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

how do we view uploaded replays on the 360? please help I have looked everywhere in the menus to view uploaded replays and also EA UK website and I cannot find it!

also can you upload both online and offline replays? and where or how do we upload replays in either offline or online play?

They show up in your profile here:

There's a thread about that site here:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

is there a diference in the gk skill between levels?
i mean i like to play in the PRO level, but it seems to me the GKs just get way too good.. maybe its just my mind? i really like how they behave in the semi pro level.. its seems very realistic to me,
i hate super gks ...thats for sure.

also, what level are most of u playing?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm playing Semi-pro but it's reached a point where it's fairly easy to win most matches, I'm currently first place in the Championship, but the thought of moving up to PRO against premier league teams with my Owls team is a bit daunting ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After initially loving the freedom of the manual passing in FIFA, I was getting more and more annoyed at my lack of skill in putting together passing (and the slight response issue) - meant that simple passes were going astray etc and it just didnt look real in the end.

So, though I vowed to myself I wouldnt, I switched to 'semi' passing - and wow, what a difference!

Sure, its more like PES now, in that you aim the direction of the pass and the ball trots off in that direction, but is allows for 2 things that in my opinion greatly improve FIFA:

1) Passing is now quicker and more realistic, allowing for fast passing moves.

2) The ability of the players comes into play! This is the best thing for me - before on manual, it was all about how well you aimed the ball etc, but now, the passing is more relient (if not totally) on the skill level of the player passing.

Now the game feels even better as players ARE different - i.e. Mikele Leigertwood (QPR), is shocking at passing, so I have to think about what he does with the ball - keeping it simple etc.

So maybe everyone who was saying all the players 'feel the same', try this out - get off of manual even if it puts the skill 99% in your hands, and give semi a go on passing and shooting, where it becomes 50% your skill, 50% the skill of the player on the ball.

Loving this game even more!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have changed my config to semi everything apart from manual through balls

Seems to work well for me :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Still playing on all manual except shooting and getting better and better.

Hardly aim wrong nowadays. Practice, practice, practice ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have changed my config to semi everything apart from manual through balls

Seems to work well for me :)

Yep the same for me and with this configuration I'm not lost as a PES player ;)
When I'll learn all the moves I'll look for the tricks :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Still playing on all manual except shooting and getting better and better.

Hardly aim wrong nowadays. Practice, practice, practice ;)

Thats ok if it works for you - like I said, the biggest plus I felt from switching to semi, is that you REALLY notice the difference in player quality - the good passers, the bad passers, players who can comfortably lay off one touch passes etc.

Much prefer that - even it is 'more hardcore' to do it all yourself, the game loses some fun and the players feel like 11 robots....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Was I the only one who didn't read the manual fully and didn't know you can adjust your attacking mentality by holding down RB and moving the Dpad left or right?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I didn't know that either, where is that in the manual?

I really need to learn how to use the dpad tactics.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Who agrees that the challange modes take away from the beauty of the game?

As a stand alone playing game this games great but trying to get points is overly frustrating and makes you start to hate the game when it's NOT the games gameplay at fault but the challanges set by the developer.

I've played through manager mode with legia warsaw and it's no cakewalk playing with them(which is good)but again theres no pointas to be ahd unless you score like a monster("whats that coming over the hill...LOL) or
winning cups.

Ultimately now I've only been able to amass something like 30,000 points in about 20 hrs of TRYING to get them...pretty sad. AND i have tried the simming trick but it's deadly with a low ranked team...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

30,000? How? Challenges?

I've barely gotten a few thousand, though admittingly I haven't played many challenges. I've been receiving quite a few points from playing lounge games with my mate.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

30,000? How? Challenges?

I've barely gotten a few thousand, though admittingly I haven't played many challenges. I've been receiving quite a few points from playing lounge games with my mate.

I played through about 2 manager modes NONstop...

Each one garnered me something like 12,000 points for just winning and playing.

I score goals like a nut(GOODBYE demo!)

so I've had about 26,000 from the manager mode alone but i must have played 6 or 7 seasons and won as much as I could.

the challenge mode is where I only won about 3,000 though but EVERY time I play a challange mode it takes away from the games gameplay because of the silly requirments they make you do which in turn make it such a arcade fest and completely unfun.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Was I the only one who didn't read the manual fully and didn't know you can adjust your attacking mentality by holding down RB and moving the Dpad left or right?

Prob because its not in the manual (not what I saw!).

I thought they took it out the full game as in the demo it was R2 and right left, but I found in the full game it was R1 (RB) and left right.

Doesnt seem to have the effect it does in PES though...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

ive moved onto world class now with the red devils but its got pretty tough.. Ill have constant possession and then suddenly there run down the other end and score no problem, where as im shooting like crazy and the keeper is diving all over the place like some sort of flying ninja..
On a plus side tho, im 9-1 online right now, pretty fun stuff! :)
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