Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Every time i want to play online, the game forces me to upload the squads on every match, i have downloaded the most recent squads already, so what is happening? Do you experience the same? It's really annoying!

Known bug. Patch on it's way apparently.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Instead of frantically tapping LB why don't you just use the right stick to select the player you want?

Gonna have to give that a try mate - tbh, I hardly read the instruction manuals that come with games(!). However, it does sound a bit complicated for what you want to do.

I remember PES3 or 4 having a similar problem where the closest player wasn't being selected - Konami managed to fix it so I hope it'll be the same with FIFA.

Two words of advice with this. Firstly, change the control settings to "New" - this maps it out to how it is in PES and is so much better to play with. Secondly, if you can, try the full game. I didn't get much from a 2 minute demo - it felt like same old FIFA again. You'll need at least 4-5 full games to get used to the movement of the players and the passing.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

At snoop regarding definsive positioning,

I use a method whereby i "connect" my defenders to players even when they dont have the ball. Say you have a winger (comp) and you are running along with him, he then passes it infield to a nearby AM. Instead of keeping you current player and going over to the AM you let the defender stay with the winger by selecting someone else (even if they are slightly further away) and then pressure the AM with the ball. And continue in that way untill you can get a strong player to "tackle" the ball away. In this way even if they keep possesion your AI will continue to mark the last player you were with (the winger in this example) meaning that, depending how good you get, they end up not having many options anymore and you can usually smother them, the ball, away with numbers and good positioning. In the beginning i had a lot of the ball and a couple of shots but they could always manage to get a free player in attack and usually punish me for it. However once i started "zonal marking" or whatever you want to call it in ingame (not a tactic in the options) you notice your AI defenders running and marking the winger, AM, etc. Lightens your work as you dont have to constantly be running after the player in possesion and it means you can get decent tackle angles, when changing player, to take the ball off of them.

Give it a try, if you havent already, you will notice your last selected player mark the last marked player and keep with his runs and movement. Its really intellegent. In PES you could mark the passing lanes and control them that way, but in fifa they also stick with the players which is another step up.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Cheers TikTik, I play a similar style to it myself but I tend to stick with the fullback and mark the winger even after he's passed it. I then rely on my defence to keep guard and use the X button to press the attacker when I think my defender has a good chance of winning the ball. It works well most of the time I think.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Instead of frantically tapping LB why don't you just use the right stick to select the player you want?

I feel sorry for you mate, you were the first who played it but the last who is going to buy it.

Trust me, FIFA08 is by far the best gaming experience of all time :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I have been playing the game for over a week now and am still liking it. However 2 things are really taking away some of the enjoyment:

Firstly the goalkeepers are really annoying me, they at times make out of the world saves from point blank range but then let in the softest goals, in games they are just so up and down and that really needs fixing.

Secondly at the moment for me the manager mode is pretty redundant due to the fatigue factor of players, I have played 15 games and my players after a game or 2 have to be dropped because they become so tired. This totally unrealistic and when playing with a team such as Blackburn whose squad isn't exactly the best it becomes very annoying.

Other than that the game is very good, it is just a pity that little things are taking away some of the enjoyment.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I have been playing the game for over a week now and am still liking it. However 2 things are really taking away some of the enjoyment:

Firstly the goalkeepers are really annoying me, they at times make out of the world saves from point blank range but then let in the softest goals, in games they are just so up and down and that really needs fixing.

Secondly at the moment for me the manager mode is pretty redundant due to the fatigue factor of players, I have played 15 games and my players after a game or 2 have to be dropped because they become so tired. This totally unrealistic and when playing with a team such as Blackburn whose squad isn't exactly the best it becomes very annoying.

Other than that the game is very good, it is just a pity that little things are taking away some of the enjoyment.

The fitness thing isnt a problem for me. Have you upgraded your fitness coach yet. Mine is on 10 now and ive kept the same stating 11 for the last 9 games or so.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I feel sorry for you mate, you were the first who played it but the last who is going to buy it.

LOL yeah the irony of that doesn't escape me don't worry ;) But only another 1 day, 13 hours and 39 minutes to go ;)

Firstly the goalkeepers are really annoying me, they at times make out of the world saves from point blank range but then let in the softest goals, in games they are just so up and down and that really needs fixing.

The goalkeepers remind me of your own Brad Friedel (and that's the example I used at GCA when talking to the EA guy), Brad can make world class saves from time to time, he can make saves where he knocks it to a forward for an easy tap in, or he can be completely exposed by his own defence and let in a goal which might on the face of it look soft......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

For those still without the game, ANOTHER UPDATE AT WWW.FIFASOCCERBLOG.COM

Guys like Bumperman who were shocked at how realistic the game looks should check it out, it's a video of Arsenal v Sunderland (in an attempt at predicting today's result). It's my favourite home-made video so far - look at the higher quality version, takes the same amount of time to load and looks much better. :)
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After watching Arsenal v Sunderland, it makes you realise how close FIFA is to playing a realistic game. Even the defence/forwards didn't have much space etc.

Cracking stuff.

Just remembered the 5v5 online out soon, so who's team am I going to be on? :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That's probably the best news because I didn't like fifa 07 much after 2 days of it

Mate this game is 100 times better than FIFA 07 in my opinion - I couldn't stand that game which is why I was dubious about FIFA 08. This is completely different. YES it can be frustrating, YES most of the players' faces look awful up-front but the gameplay is astonishingly good. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Love this game still but a load of things really piss me off

1 - Manager mode, upgrading your stadium doesn't change the in game stadium - its so obvious a thing to add in... i can't believe someone didn't think of it - my guess... they don't give a shit about lower league teams so they wont ever get to the point where the game is telling them they had 60000 fans this week... and i assume 55000 of them were cramped up in the row of terraced homes overlooking the pitch!.

Next time give us either the simple option of being able to pick from the ingame stadiums - so if you upgrade to level 6... you can pick from the ingame level 6 stadiums.

OR.. even better... give us a build a stadium option where you can pick from 4 different styles for each stand.

2 - Make a high cross from the corner flag and the keeper will run to the front post 9 times out of 10 leaving the back post open for an easy header --- or if you're me... and open goal miss. I wouldn't attempt this as it looks shit but the AI think nothing of exploiting its own bad programming time after time.

3 - The commentary - Usually close to flawless but it appears to be a complete shambles this year.

Why did they set the % so high for lines like 'Wright Phillips... a real bundle of energy' over just plain old 'Wright Phillips'? And 'The all action Thomas Graveson' -- who the fuck has EVER said that about him in a match... and when did they say it EVERY time he touched the ball?

And then the way they scream the players full names when they take a shot ---- NEVER happens on tv so why is it in the game?

I'm hating hearing F-E-R-N-(Ball hits the back of the net here)A-N-D-O-----T-O-R-R-E-S. - or just as bad... when it screams out O-W-E-N .... as Owen walks right by the ball and the AI boot it down field.

with this all sorted i would be a lot more happier... but as it is... i can't bring myself to play fifa 08 for more than an hour at a time and then it starts to piss me off/disappoint me again.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't see why 1 and 3 make you "switch the game off after an hour". They're not gameplay related (and in the case of the commentary you could just switch it off, surely??!). 2 is something that I agree on though.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Mate this game is 100 times better than FIFA 07 in my opinion - I couldn't stand that game which is why I was dubious about FIFA 08. This is completely different. YES it can be frustrating, YES most of the players' faces look awful up-front but the gameplay is astonishingly good. :)

And thats why the wait fior me here in the UIS has been so bad. i see all of you having it playing it and raving about it for past 2 weeks. what torture and to know that legia Wasaw is in? fully licensed? Are you kidding? O M Gosh
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Love this game still but a load of things really piss me off

1 - Manager mode, upgrading your stadium doesn't change the in game stadium - its so obvious a thing to add in... i can't believe someone didn't think of it - my guess... they don't give a shit about lower league teams so they wont ever get to the point where the game is telling them they had 60000 fans this week... and i assume 55000 of them were cramped up in the row of terraced homes overlooking the pitch!.

Next time give us either the simple option of being able to pick from the ingame stadiums - so if you upgrade to level 6... you can pick from the ingame level 6 stadiums.

OR.. even better... give us a build a stadium option where you can pick from 4 different styles for each stand.

2 - Make a high cross from the corner flag and the keeper will run to the front post 9 times out of 10 leaving the back post open for an easy header --- or if you're me... and open goal miss. I wouldn't attempt this as it looks shit but the AI think nothing of exploiting its own bad programming time after time.

3 - The commentary - Usually close to flawless but it appears to be a complete shambles this year.

Why did they set the % so high for lines like 'Wright Phillips... a real bundle of energy' over just plain old 'Wright Phillips'? And 'The all action Thomas Graveson' -- who the fuck has EVER said that about him in a match... and when did they say it EVERY time he touched the ball?

And then the way they scream the players full names when they take a shot ---- NEVER happens on tv so why is it in the game?

I'm hating hearing F-E-R-N-(Ball hits the back of the net here)A-N-D-O-----T-O-R-R-E-S. - or just as bad... when it screams out O-W-E-N .... as Owen walks right by the ball and the AI boot it down field.

with this all sorted i would be a lot more happier... but as it is... i can't bring myself to play fifa 08 for more than an hour at a time and then it starts to piss me off/disappoint me again.

madden 08 had this feature this year maybe next?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

prob a silly question, but if buy a third kit in fan shop can i use it online? also can the different balls be used online? thanks
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i have one question. Can you check on what passing and shooting settings opponent is playing? I dont see and filter in create match where only manual passing and shooting are allowed. Since im playing on everything on manual its kind of a crappy feeling when im playing against someone who is clearly playing on semi or assisted. Your thoughts on that maybe?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i have one question. Can you check on what passing and shooting settings opponent is playing? I dont see and filter in create match where only manual passing and shooting are allowed. Since im playing on everything on manual its kind of a crappy feeling when im playing against someone who is clearly playing on semi or assisted. Your thoughts on that maybe?

could be a good idea - but the whole point of Manual is that when you master it you wil actually be better than any body using assisted.

So you will have the upper hand at some point :-)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

1 - Because i want my games to be played in huge stadiums now and its depressing to look at the shitty stadium im in - i dont want to start with a new team as ive worked hard to get where i am -- but im sick to death of looking at the crappy stands and homes when im scoring goals. Its destroying any realism my game might have.

"Here comes Rooney... lays one off the Ronaldo... Giggs... Giggs shoot and.... the ball goes wide and lands in someone's gardnen"

It looks stupid and when i see it happening im not thinking 'wow this is cool' im thinking 'this looks stupid'

But im a realism nutter. - As weird as it sounds... id rather play a footire game where i never see an overhead flick than one where i see one every 3 games.

3 - I love the commentary and i really cant stand playing without it off. The demos were fun but i knew it lacked a lot and when i ought the full game i knew it was the audio - so when i hear 'all action...' for the 8th time or some other bollox over and over and over it starts to irritate me and i end up switching it off. --- its like an annoying advert or someone with a stupid voice you cant stand being around.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One thing about that Arsenal - Sunderland video Jack, is that every time a cross is sent in by Arsenal then your defender just stands there and backs off while the man he is marking gets a free header.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

off topic.

Does anyone have problems with their wireless controller conflicting with their wireless routers?

When I play downstairs it constantly cuts out (the Router is downstairs) whilst upstairs its fine. If so, what channel does the controller operate on?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

prob a silly question, but if buy a third kit in fan shop can i use it online? also can the different balls be used online? thanks
You can definately use kits bought in the shop online, yes :)

i have one question. Can you check on what passing and shooting settings opponent is playing? I dont see and filter in create match where only manual passing and shooting are allowed. Since im playing on everything on manual its kind of a crappy feeling when im playing against someone who is clearly playing on semi or assisted. Your thoughts on that maybe?
No you can't check. And I don't think it matters to be honest. If people are using assisted, then fine, but they won't be able to do things that you can do on manual. So it's fair really.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Tim7, yea maybe... but shooting with assisted or semi is far easier. I really hate it when i loose a game when im a better opponent and i just dont realize my chances and other players do it since he doesn't have it on manual. :) Well i guess i just need some more practice on shooting :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I don't class it as an issue oca_mjaw. Most people I have played online have their own styles of play anyway - it doesn't really effect the game whether they have assisted gameplay or not.

Back to peoples' gripes with this game. I do agree that the commentary can be annoying at times but generally it's the best I have ever heard in a football video game. Also, when I DO get hacked off with FIFA 08 I turn the Xbox off and go out for some fresh air/have a pint at the pub/play with my cats/play with the missus ;). THEN I go back to the game and guess what? I LOVE IT again.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Man, I've really had enough of getting the ball and wanting to launch a counter attack and having to press LT for my players to make a half-arsed run up front. Made some custom tactics and brought my players more closer together and the FB's to WB's instead.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hey guys, I've just checked my Fan Shop and I have got 6,620 points!?

Maybe you get points from online games...?
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