Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You make a very good argument Dr Force and you put it nicely as well, nice to see amongst the insults flying about at the minute.

I have to say I disagree but not entirely. The reason I've gone off PES is the repetitiveness of the faults, which I see occuring every game (i.e. total lack of control in certain places at certain points with your player freezing/falling/running off/kicking the ball out after a stab-tackle too close to the touchline even if you're facing towards the goal), and is similar to the way you talk about FIFA having a "set pattern of doing things which you can work out very quickly".

In the older games it was said every year about FIFA that "run to the edge of the box, run diagonally, shoot and you'll score all the time". But I find that in PES I'm taking the same shots over and over again because otherwise it will go straight at the keeper or the ball will balloon over, in circumstances where in real life I don't think it would happen. As Trance_Allstar said a while back, in real life you wouldn't balloon the ball over because you had a defender by you. You might panic, but the game shouldn't panic for you - it should be up to you to time the shot, and if you panic, then fair enough. Which, again, is my issue with PES as a whole; too many times things are decided for you. And with each new version these things are never addressed.

People argue in favour of super-cancel but A) it doesn't work all of the time (in JLWE2007CC my player is constantly running to head the ball and I just can't stop him), and B) honestly, isn't it a bit stupid that you have to hold down three or four buttons at the same time (R1 + R2 + whatever you want to do with the ball) just to run in a different direction than the CPU wants you to?

But where PES is standing still, FIFA is made a big change last year (entirely new engine etc.) - but now it's a question of whether they build on that or do what they used to (and what Konami are, in my opinion, doing now), i.e. "make the control 1% more responsive, update transfers, stick a year on the end and charge £50 for it".

In all honesty I'm not enjoying either company's game at the minute. I played PES6 for less than a month or two, UEFA CL for three or four months, and JLWE2007CC for just over a week (the Fantasista mode is great and I was playing it for three hours at a time, but the issues above still remain and so I can't keep playing it). And if PES2008 and FIFA 08 are the same as the last edition then I won't be picking one or the other, I'll be playing Football Manager all year instead (unless SWOS comes out on Xbox Live Arcade and is incredible, haha).
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You make a very good argument Dr Force and you put it nicely as well, nice to see amongst the insults flying about at the minute.

I have to say I disagree but not entirely. The reason I've gone off PES is the repetitiveness of the faults, which I see occuring every game (i.e. total lack of control in certain places at certain points with your player freezing/falling/running off/kicking the ball out after a stab-tackle too close to the touchline even if you're facing towards the goal), and is similar to the way you talk about FIFA having a "set pattern of doing things which you can work out very quickly".

In the older games it was said every year about FIFA that "run to the edge of the box, run diagonally, shoot and you'll score all the time". But I find that in PES I'm taking the same shots over and over again because otherwise it will go straight at the keeper or the ball will balloon over, in circumstances where in real life I don't think it would happen. As Trance_Allstar said a while back, in real life you wouldn't balloon the ball over because you had a defender by you. You might panic, but the game shouldn't panic for you - it should be up to you to time the shot, and if you panic, then fair enough. Which, again, is my issue with PES as a whole; too many times things are decided for you. And with each new version these things are never addressed.

People argue in favour of super-cancel but A) it doesn't work all of the time (in JLWE2007CC my player is constantly running to head the ball and I just can't stop him), and B) honestly, isn't it a bit stupid that you have to hold down three or four buttons at the same time (R1 + R2 + whatever you want to do with the ball) just to run in a different direction than the CPU wants you to?

But where PES is standing still, FIFA is made a big change last year (entirely new engine etc.) - but now it's a question of whether they build on that or do what they used to (and what Konami are, in my opinion, doing now), i.e. "make the control 1% more responsive, update transfers, stick a year on the end and charge £50 for it".

In all honesty I'm not enjoying either company's game at the minute. I played PES6 for less than a month or two, UEFA CL for three or four months, and JLWE2007CC for just over a week (the Fantasista mode is great and I was playing it for three hours at a time, but the issues above still remain and so I can't keep playing it). And if PES2008 and FIFA 08 are the same as the last edition then I won't be picking one or the other, I'll be playing Football Manager all year instead (unless SWOS comes out on Xbox Live Arcade and is incredible, haha).

Thanks Jack

you also make a very valid point regarding the lack of control.

I left PES6 because it lacked control and i felt it was making the decisions for me when it came to the most critical part-shooting.

The shooting was the worst aspect of the game IMO and was wildly unrealistic.the same goes for FIFA where you would strike the ball and the keeper plucked it out the air yet 2 mins later in the same position, using the same power, it would arrow into the top corner.

I firmly beleive that the hardware has outgrown the talents of the dev team in that they are not quit talented enough to make it free flowing thus both camps have scripted more to make it seem smoother, yet it has the opposite affect.

I totally agree that both games are lacking quality at the moment but by looking at the FIFA08 vids, i would say they are going back to thier old ways, possibly more than Konami.

New engine that is hardly improved, add something that was once in before, put some gloss in, state the AI has improved and bingo there is another few million quid in the bag.

i just hope to God that Konami are not falling into the same trap but PES6 would suggest otherwise.

Here's hoping fella's
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Don't you get tired of doing Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V all the time. You've posted that shit about making love to PS3's hundreds of times now.

Every game in the world has CPU bullshit. If you can't handle it, don't play it.
Actually not every game does have CPU Bullshit. Mostly the ones programmed by Japanese people who actually believe a local Pub Team can suddenly all become Ronaldinho for the last 10 mins of a match and they can beat even a big team like Man United... :)

Dude ive been playing this game we used to call ISS for fuckin years so dont get me started and start saying im crap at it! Ive completed every single one of them except PES6. all on the hardest difficulty and all of them have thrown up the same bullshit at times when you just know the CPU is on the fix. Your players suddenly cant control a ball for SHIIITTT! They all turn into retards and the CPU players suddenly get a huge energy and skill boost! I am suprised you havent noticed this yourself.. perhaps you have but you ignore it because you love the game too much.

I want a decent football game which gives you simulation and cuts out all the gimmicks and all the bullshit.

Oh and yes I like using Ctrl C and Ctrl V.... 2 of my most favourite keys. Some people just dont listen the 1st time around so you need to do it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think you need to play more humans at this game. The thing you mention, the cpu suddenly becoming Ronaldinho like, also happens in 2 player games. For instance, if I'm 2-0 up, and my friend scores, his players get a boost of some kind, simply because scoring gets your team morale up.

Sure, the CPU can throw some bullshit at you, but there are ways to deal with it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I've not seen you admit that before airjoca, I'm glad to see that (and that's not meant to sound condescending, I'm being genuine).

The thing for me is that any "fiddling" with what you're doing is unacceptable, whether it's 10% or 1%. If you like the game, it becomes obvious very quickly, and when my player suddenly starts wandering off or stopping dead, you wonder why you're playing the game if it has to do this to you.

I know that there's some CPU problems in most games but it's usually that the opposition raises it's game, not that it lowers yours. I can't think of anything more infuriating in a game. The thing I used to love about Pro Evo (years ago, PSone days) is that if I lost, it was because I didn't play well enough and the CPU was better. I could take that, and I could then work on the things that I was bad at. Pass the ball more instead of trying to dribble all the time, get players into better positions, whatever. But now it's like they play an EA Sports (It's In The Game because the three year olds want it) style cheat card. Uh-oh! The CPU just played the UNLUCKY CHARM card! Now you can't win the ball, for the next 30 minutes, as every time you touch the ball it will either go out or go to the opposition! This new feature was brought to you by Konami (It's In The Game because our programmers aren't capable of developing AI that can beat you just by playing good football). There's nothing you can do to improve your game, other than learn to use super-cancel (which doesn't always bail you out), and come on - you shouldn't have to and you know it. The magnets should be thrown out of the game.

As I say, any loss of control invalidates the game for me, if you have less bearing of the result by no fault of your own I find that ridiculous. It isn't in other games to anywhere near the extent it is in PES that I can think of - your car doesn't lose 20mph off it's top speed when you're on a straight in Forza 2, your tennis player doesn't move to where the game thinks the ball is going to be in Virtua Tennis 3 (you have to put him there yourself, meaning you could even get it wrong - PES is predictable with a capital P).

But if you play the game against other people more than playing with multiple friends against the CPU, I know the game can be great. But that's just not what I'm interested in unfortunately.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Well, it's easier to program 2 players and a ball (VT3) than 22 players and a ball. Completely different dynamic.

But I'll give you an example. In most FPS, if you up the difficulty, then enemies usually don't get smarter, they simply take twice the amount of bullets to be killed, and they kill you with half the bullets. Or as I remember playing Street Fighter II, if you played the highest difficulty levels, the game wouldn't get smarter, a blow by the CPU would simply drain twice the amount of energy from the life gauge. You simply knew that in order to defeat the CPU you had to deliver twice the blows it would take the CPU to beat you. That's also not realistic at all. But it's a challenge.

The PS2 can't outsmart us because there's simply too much going on on a football pitch for the AI to be truly succesfull against you without a little "cheating". Do you remember what kind of computer they had to develop to beat Kasparov in a game of Chess?

I'm hoping that with 360 and PS3 the cpu teams will progressively get smarter instead of faster and stronger. But as it is nowadays, it's probably the only way the CPU can give a PES expert any kind of real competiion.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All this talk of having to be an "expert" is making you sound like José Mourinho. You're a special one, we get it. :D

I played a few games on three-star before just to see if the cheating was still there, and it was. Not related to anything but just thought I'd mention it. As far as I'm concerned, there should be an extra difficulty called "PES Master" or something. Every other difficulty should be the CPU trying it's best, and "PES Master" can include the cheats. Or, even easier, a "CPU cheats on/off" switch. Or, the best option... Work on the gameplay first, make it so that it doesn't have to cheat, and then put the graphics etc. on top of whatever resources are left. Hopefully that's what they've done.

I know what you mean about less characters, less need for the AI to do that, but come on. I found UEFA CL very difficult, on the hardest difficulty I was losing games consistently, but that wasn't down to anything other than the CPU playing well. I became quite good at the game, mastered the controls in the same fashion you will have mastered the PES ones, and yet the CPU could still beat me when it wanted to - through playing possession football, good tactics and a flash of inspiration from a great player. I loved it, until the bugs got a bit too much (and I completed the game).

At the end of the day, if their programmers were good enough, they wouldn't have to resort to it cheating. It's not present in other football games (even current-gen ones) that can challenge you, it's just bad programming. Either Seabass doesn't know what to do with all the next-gen power now that he has it (although that's not fair because PES6 on 360 was a really bad port - but whose idea was that, and why are they still alive?), or Konami aren't giving him enough money to get in twice the programmers.

Someone mentioned the other week, there should be a Konami Sports division. With money pumped into that and departments sharing resources and information, we could see big changes. A man can dream...
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

lol, well i think most people on these forums are experts.

I've read many posts with people saying they always beat the CPU on the hardest difficulty by big margins, whether it's PES or FIFA. (They might be telling the truth or not)

I'm probably not that good against the CPU (winning every game 5-0 and stuff) because I stopped playing against the CPU regularly in the last few years. Not because it cheated, but because there's nothing like the unpredictability of another human being. And the ability to humilliate your friends and then never stopping to make fun of them afterwards... :D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I got to the point three/four years ago with friends where I'd let them get a 2-0 head start and then beat them 3-2. Seriously, my brother-in-law couldn't hack it, he would say "right, got to go" and slam every door on his way out. He hated me, you could see the murder weapon in his eyes. I've never seen anything quite like it, if I'd have said one word of a brag I honestly think he would have pulverised me.

But don't get me wrong, I'm no expert. I've seen people (including yourself I think) say that they love to dribble on PES. The day I can dribble on PES is the day that I have no control over the saliva in my mouth and the disc is on my lap. I don't get how people can do it when the paths are zig-zags and the reaction times are a second slow, but I'm envious because I'd love to do it (the 360 control on FIFA let me do that, and it was glorious - although the reaction times didn't help).
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

For myself the primary factor is career mode, PES' ML just doesn't cut it and hasn't for a while now with the fact that Konami clearly don't give a shit, even with the fact that their license acquiring system is completely half assed they could still have done so much more with ML. On Fifa I can play as my team, fully licensed, get promoted, relegated, win the correct trophies, challenge for europe etc. etc. Not to mention the footballing atmosphere is second to none, top notch commentary, first class recorded crowd chants/songs.......

Playing as Sheffield Wednesday in a proper career mode, even if the gameplay isn't quite on a par with PES (personally I prefer Fifa 07 and UCL 360's gameplay to PES) is a far, far better gaming experience than playing as some bullshit unlicensed team in some crappy 2 division ML with crap commentary and no atmosphere.......
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah, usually my challenge nowadays is to take control of C. Ronaldo, and going at my friend's entire defence. And we have big arguments like "You always do the same with Ronaldo", "You always score the same way" (cutback), "You only pick Inter", etc. When it all ends though, we only laugh. We're the same at Poker, but that involves money... :)

PES6 dribbling: ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

For myself the primary factor is career mode, PES' ML just doesn't cut it and hasn't for a while now with the fact that Konami clearly don't give a shit, even with the fact that their license acquiring system is completely half assed they could still have done so much more with ML. On Fifa I can play as my team, fully licensed, get promoted, relegated, win the correct trophies, challenge for europe etc. etc. Not to mention the footballing atmosphere is second to none, top notch commentary, first class recorded crowd chants/songs.......

Playing as Sheffield Wednesday in a proper career mode, even if the gameplay isn't quite on a par with PES (personally I prefer Fifa 07 and UCL 360's gameplay to PES) is a far, far better gaming experience than playing as some bullshit unlicensed team in some crappy 2 division ML with crap commentary and no atmosphere.......
It will become boring if the gameplay is crap, though (not saying FIFA/UEFA is, but it's true). I mean there's been TV programs I have loved and have been desperate to play the game of - especially the 24 game - but if the gameplay is crap you play them for a month and then think "why am I playing this again?"

I've wanted a real ML for years, you know I'd love nothing more than guiding Tranmere through the divisions, but A) I've got used to being Liverpool and B) there's always a patch out at some stage. If it wasn't for Titch's PES6 lower-league patch it wouldn't have lasted a week in my PS2...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I've wanted a real ML for years, you know I'd love nothing more than guiding Tranmere through the divisions, but A) I've got used to being Liverpool and B) there's always a patch out at some stage. If it wasn't for Titch's PES6 lower-league patch it wouldn't have lasted a week in my PS2...

For the PS2 patching at least made PES a little more bearable and enjoyable, for next gen it's not possible.

For the record I thought the 24 game was pretty good fun ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

lazavs... and you have played FIFA 08 then have you? NOPE so how do you know its shit? before we know EA could have really nailed the gameplay this year, so what if little elements dont quite look right? Ok the Nets dont move how you want them to is that really going to detract from the gameplay? Not unless your a complete net freak it wont. Ok the players look out of proportion and so do their kits but once again if the gameplay is awesome then why worry about it?

Im sick of all these people who slate a game before even playing it. Ok on Past History FIFA's were just database updates and kit changes but this year I think EA will nail it. Having seen that PES2008 is basically PES6 360 (possibly with gameplay changes I hope) I would say its PES that is stalling and taking our money and not giving us much of what it calls "Evolution"

do you even realize your completely contradicting yourself?

"Im sick of all these people who slate a game before even playing it."

"Having seen that PES2008 is basically PES6 360 (possibly with gameplay changes I hope) I would say its PES that is stalling and taking our money and not giving us much of what it calls "Evolution"

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I agree with Gomito as soon as Konami decided not to use the Advantage of the Xbox 360 and the fact they could have developed the game better having almost 2 years experience on the machine the game was held back.
But i fear both Fifa and Pes will suck this year but we will have to wait and see.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

do you even realize your completely contradicting yourself?

"Im sick of all these people who slate a game before even playing it."

"Having seen that PES2008 is basically PES6 360 (possibly with gameplay changes I hope) I would say its PES that is stalling and taking our money and not giving us much of what it calls "Evolution"

Hey! I was only saying it APPEARS to be stalling and looks the same. Might not play the same. I havent said "OMFG its exactly the same im not going to buy it" Have I?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I agree with Gomito as soon as Konami decided not to use the Advantage of the Xbox 360 and the fact they could have developed the game better having almost 2 years experience on the machine the game was held back.
But i fear both Fifa and Pes will suck this year but we will have to wait and see.

Konami prefer the PS3, they are not the first developer & suspect wont be the last once devs get to grips with it.

Whereas EA have put all ther eggs in the 360 basket, the end result 30fps PS3 sport games this year.

Not great tbh. Its my opinion tho
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All Pro Football 2K7 also runs at 30FPS, so it's not only EA, just saying a shit load of people havent got to grips with the PS3 setup yet, look how many years it took to get the PS3 to really sing, 3, 4 or 5 years before the really great looking games appeared.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All Pro Football 2K7 also runs at 30FPS, so it's not only EA, just saying a shit load of people havent got to grips with the PS3 setup yet, look how many years it took to get the PS3 to really sing, 3, 4 or 5 years before the really great looking games appeared.

True but all of Sonys sport games are 60fps.

I am not a programmer but it looks lazy
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Going back to the cheating discussion, for me it only became a real problem from pes5 onwards. I remember reading complaints about the cheating in pes3/4. However back then it was more to do with the comp players getting better for the last 10min when they were behind and you had to really hang on to not concede. Personally i didnt mind that "cheating" as i always thought it was quite realistic in the manner that if a team is a goal down with 10min to go most of the time they will put in that extra bit of effort to try and get the equaliser. This would nearly always put the leading team on the back foot and either they could hang on, they would concede or they could come up with some good counters and finish the game off. And thats what usually happend in my matches aswell. So i never found that a big problem.

However since pes5 they have no longer resorted to just boosting the comp team but are now actively scripting mistakes into your own team to get a upper hand. And its this that has really frustrated me and put me off the game. Hanging on to the lead in the last minutes and then not being able to defend a cross which would normally have been dealt with as my defender "randomly" choose not to jump and header the ball when i pressed the button is rubbish. And its lead to the game becoming dull aswell. I remember playing ml seasons and pretty much being able to beat everyone comfortably but the top 3/4 sides. Those matches would really be good and close as it was just two good teams playing each other. Now though, with all the scripting im finding myself having to hang on, or even conceding stupid goals just because my players froze up or ran in a different direction to what i was aiming.

Its no longer based on how good/skillfull you are but the luck of the comp. Its not like im a bad player either, ive played the games since they were first released (iss, issdeluxe on the snes, iss, iss98 on ps1 and all the ps2 versions) and always play 6* ML. Its gotton that bad that i have to now play youth teams to make it a challenge, but when its not even down to my own skill level anymore it just becomes pointless. Hopefully the teamvision will fix that, and the diving function will be balanced and not work too well for the comp.

Thats one thing i noticed in the few games i played of fifaCL, the comp actually changed its defense to your style. I was contiually using pennent on the right and they started to add more focus to that area meaning i couldnt get through as easily as earlier in the game. Or i was putting a lot of through balls to bellamy and they started to push up and play for offside. So its very much possible that konami have done this properly and have added a much needed difficulty to the game that doesnt rely on making your own players rubbish. Here's hoping.

Seeing as its the fifa thread ill comment on what i want them to change/fix for this version.

One of the main problems i had with fifa07 was the amount of times you could get into a 1-on-1 situation. Offcourse the super goalies would save most of the chances anyway but the problem was being able to so easily get into those situations in the first place, and the lack of shooting control you had when you were there. It just made the game, and goals, feel ...... well nothing really.

In PES, atleast in the tough matches, its hard to get into a 1-on-1 and then most of the time its down to your shooting timing to score, what you would normally do. Which made it feel like you had played a good pass and then finished it off, in a situation that didnt happen very often and made it important to score. In fifa it was more a case of, "well ill have another 10 of these chances before the match finishes anyway".

I dont know if they fixed that for the CL game, i think i read that they had, but again this game was flawed imo because of the response time from controller to onscreen movement. It was more like a chess game because you had to think 3 dribbles ahead and couldnt do any split second reactions, which football is about. The video shown doesnt fill me with great hope, the lame crosses take away so much from the game that you are left with playing everyting through the middle all the time.

I was looking forward to it from the impressions people had been giving (adonis' contact) but the video has really taken it down a notch, so far even that im now more interested / looking forward to pes.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Steel Cage Nets are still in there from that video. EA has no freaking clue do they.

The physics do not look right. The game looks identical to the last installment. EA is known to do this in all their sports games. They charge you 60$ for a simple update. This time, they are charging you that much for the dribble moves that should have never been taken out in the first place.

EA always has been and will be about gimmicks.

Your not getting my money EA. That's for sure.

as opposed to konami who add what....a new goalie animation ..... to every new pro evo.

As far as the game goes....something i noticed in the fifa video was that one of the goals was still a long way indented into the pitch...the crowd was far away...but later in the video there is a closer one so....

in the pes video on insidegamer i have lost all hope for can see when the guys are laughing behind his head...the way the player dribbles is still the same rails shit.

Ah well.
Maybe next year.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The thing i saw is that all the players move and dribble in the same ways. In fact their movement and dribbling looks a lot like ronaldinho's which is logical because he has done some motion cap. for ea. And it seems that the tricks are just randomly. And the way the ball moves with the players doesnt seem right.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Going back to the cheating discussion, for me it only became a real problem from pes5 onwards. I remember reading complaints about the cheating in pes3/4. However back then it was more to do with the comp players getting better for the last 10min when they were behind and you had to really hang on to not concede. Personally i didnt mind that "cheating" as i always thought it was quite realistic in the manner that if a team is a goal down with 10min to go most of the time they will put in that extra bit of effort to try and get the equaliser. This would nearly always put the leading team on the back foot and either they could hang on, they would concede or they could come up with some good counters and finish the game off. And thats what usually happend in my matches aswell. So i never found that a big problem.

However since pes5 they have no longer resorted to just boosting the comp team but are now actively scripting mistakes into your own team to get a upper hand. And its this that has really frustrated me and put me off the game. Hanging on to the lead in the last minutes and then not being able to defend a cross which would normally have been dealt with as my defender "randomly" choose not to jump and header the ball when i pressed the button is rubbish. And its lead to the game becoming dull aswell. I remember playing ml seasons and pretty much being able to beat everyone comfortably but the top 3/4 sides. Those matches would really be good and close as it was just two good teams playing each other. Now though, with all the scripting im finding myself having to hang on, or even conceding stupid goals just because my players froze up or ran in a different direction to what i was aiming.

Its no longer based on how good/skillfull you are but the luck of the comp. Its not like im a bad player either, ive played the games since they were first released (iss, issdeluxe on the snes, iss, iss98 on ps1 and all the ps2 versions) and always play 6* ML. Its gotton that bad that i have to now play youth teams to make it a challenge, but when its not even down to my own skill level anymore it just becomes pointless. Hopefully the teamvision will fix that, and the diving function will be balanced and not work too well for the comp.

Thats one thing i noticed in the few games i played of fifaCL, the comp actually changed its defense to your style. I was contiually using pennent on the right and they started to add more focus to that area meaning i couldnt get through as easily as earlier in the game. Or i was putting a lot of through balls to bellamy and they started to push up and play for offside. So its very much possible that konami have done this properly and have added a much needed difficulty to the game that doesnt rely on making your own players rubbish. Here's hoping.

Seeing as its the fifa thread ill comment on what i want them to change/fix for this version.

One of the main problems i had with fifa07 was the amount of times you could get into a 1-on-1 situation. Offcourse the super goalies would save most of the chances anyway but the problem was being able to so easily get into those situations in the first place, and the lack of shooting control you had when you were there. It just made the game, and goals, feel ...... well nothing really.

In PES, atleast in the tough matches, its hard to get into a 1-on-1 and then most of the time its down to your shooting timing to score, what you would normally do. Which made it feel like you had played a good pass and then finished it off, in a situation that didnt happen very often and made it important to score. In fifa it was more a case of, "well ill have another 10 of these chances before the match finishes anyway".

I dont know if they fixed that for the CL game, i think i read that they had, but again this game was flawed imo because of the response time from controller to onscreen movement. It was more like a chess game because you had to think 3 dribbles ahead and couldnt do any split second reactions, which football is about. The video shown doesnt fill me with great hope, the lame crosses take away so much from the game that you are left with playing everyting through the middle all the time.

I was looking forward to it from the impressions people had been giving (adonis' contact) but the video has really taken it down a notch, so far even that im now more interested / looking forward to pes.

good point tiktiktiktik, i agree with everything u said especialy when u mantion the cpu cheating on pes3.
for me pes3 was very exiting game to play against cpu or with friends.
like u said the cheating was les on pes3 & more realistic, but after that version till now the pes version whent downhill as playing against cpu its not fun anymore, as the cpu cheats the hell out of u, and make the game unplayble & gets boring quick. i remember playing pes3 against cpu at list 2-3 matches everyday for the hole year, & man i was never bored of that game.
i really really really hope that konami its taking this next-gen version serios, & getting read of the cpu cheats on the game, & hope that this new team vision, will work well & fix the problem.
sins we are in fifa thread i must say i am looking foward in seeng more news or videos of fifa08, but surprisely they (ea) have been qued lattely
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks for the link.

The gameplay looks good although the defending in the first gameplay sequence looks a bit dodgy - reminded me of PES4.

Still keen to get my hands on the game though.
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