Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i know it's a promo vid but i REALLY like the look of that, very promising! cheers TG, are you even slightly tempted to pick up fifa this year?

a little concerned that it could turn into a skill fest online though.

in that q&a on the ea sports forum it says that there in no date set for full release or for a demo. i thought this was already confirmed, august 27th for demo then the full release a month later?
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

for one la plays DC United tommorow not dallas, its a sellout and 47,000 tickets have been sold, so they hype actually has some wind behind it... he also sold 300,000 kits in the first week... something like 24 million in sales.. so to say they dont have a clue when beckham mania is definatley going in the states, is probably a bit harsh... seems like they have a good idea of the pulse thats going on around becks right now, he is very popular in the worlds biggest untapped football market... which also happens to be the worlds biggest market, period... they would be idiots not to add to the hype and try in cash in on becks mania, its a business my friend, there here to make money

i heard that beckham was booed by both home and away fans in the latest game, is this true?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

it seems they've finally fixed the numbers -> good ;)
animations are still too stiff (at least to me)
still no nets, but walls
headers seem to be there
Keepers are looking more realistic

-> worth a demo download
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

@ Gomito, read nicks post again. He was showing how on-the-ball EA are when it comes to pr, whereas konami dont have a clue. He was critisising Konami, and you go and defend EA :huh:
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Cant say im impressed by the video actually. The crossing still looks crap, when will they produce a game where crosses actually have some speed and power, instead of this lets lob-it-high-and-slow-into-the-box rubbish?!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Don't show this video to jflores and the other net maniacs

Would be very annoying if those steel cages will be in the final game
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Cant say im impressed by the video actually. The crossing still looks crap, when will they produce a game where crosses actually have some speed and power, instead of this lets lob-it-high-and-slow-into-the-box rubbish?!


still looks the same old crappy fifa, bad floaty crosses, players dont look natural in their movement, i see no difference than the last fifa, crowds look good though, but thats about it
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Hmm seems to be same old shooting mechanics only thing that changed that looked good is the tricks and new dribbling system.

Oh well i will still play it anyway. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think the video looks great, and the organic trick stuff looks amazing, you can pull off some amazing stuff. Shots look a lot better to me, a lot more natural, and the goalkeepers look a lot better as well. Still not 100% on the crosses though, and it would have been nice to see a bit of heading (that needs fixing).
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The heading, shooting and goalkeepers look much better in that vid. Hope they sort the nets out though. Can't wait for the demo on the 27th
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i heard that beckham was booed by both home and away fans in the latest game, is this true?

no, and i will tell you why. MLS doesnt really have many matches were there are home and away fans at the same stadium. Imagine the cost it would be to fly from LA to toronto, geographically its not realistic like in England. Toronto fans were probably booing him but i doubt there were many if any LA fans in toronto.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I sincerely intent to get both PES and FIFA this year in order 2 different (and hopefully great) football games.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i don't know what to thin about this game

last year i said to myself that 07 was gonna be it but it wasn't now i with 08 they've left out weather AGAIN and just left out alot more but added tricks and "say" they've fixed the ball physic YET AGAIn and have rebuilt the kicking mechanic...

Um ok I'll see EA:roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

haha you sure u dont work for fifa??
To say "FIFA is graphically miles ahead, and it sounds like they are doing all they can to improve on last years decent effort" depends on what you mean by graphics. Extra Detailed skin tone and shirts mean shit if you cant get the player models spot on. I think graphically speaking, the players in pes2008 screens n movie, look more realistic than fifa's.
Id like to go on, but the post you just sent is just so rediculous, im kinda wondering why i even bothered touching it....

Nice contribution:roll:

You sound slightly angry old chap, why not pull your finger out your _se and wipe away the steam from your rose tinted glasses and stop pretending that PES will have it all.

I think PES & FIFA are far from perfect games but FIFA seems to be heading somewhere positive, Konami keep porting and its become tiresome.

Anyway by the time you read this (18:30) you will probably be tucked into bed by Mummy so i will not bother spending to much time responding to a 5 year old.

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The video doesn't leave me convinced. There's still that FIFA look to the movements, a bit stop and start, like frames are being skipped, lacks a natural flow. The physics just isn't spot on.

Also, there's the usual general lack of physicality in the action. Not enough jostling, no AI tackles flying in (in fact, some very poor looking AI behaviour at times), it's all a bit too clean. I'd like to see them add some grit to the action.

I'm sure it will be a playable game and with the career and be-a-pro options, should be reasonably enjoyable, so I'm glad it exists as an alternative to PES, but it's not looking like world beater, that's for sure.

Incidently, the 3d-crowds really do look nice, really adds quite surprising depth to the visuals and sense of "being there". Although, when your actually playing in normal cam views, you won't really see this much.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

no, and i will tell you why. MLS doesnt really have many matches were there are home and away fans at the same stadium. Imagine the cost it would be to fly from LA to toronto, geographically its not realistic like in England. Toronto fans were probably booing him but i doubt there were many if any LA fans in toronto.

it was reported in "the daily mail" that it was home and away fans but i see your point about the cost of travelling to a different country for a match. i've never really trusted the daily mail anyhow :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The shooting, dribbling and heading all look better in that video. :) The tricks looks really good too and it all seems to flow pretty well. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The video doesn't look good.

The animation is still all wrong, they still run like they're mutated, shooting doesn't look right, and so on.

Then theres the changing direction, and ball control, they turn almost immediately and it looks strange, and the ball goes a mile whenever they turn. It's been like that since 2003 or something.

Everything else looks exactly the same as 07 (obviously with the exception of the tricks), so it still has that FIFA-ness that lets it down.

Not good :(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Don't show this video to jflores and the other net maniacs

Would be very annoying if those steel cages will be in the final game

Steel Cage Nets are still in there from that video. EA has no freaking clue do they.

The physics do not look right. The game looks identical to the last installment. EA is known to do this in all their sports games. They charge you 60$ for a simple update. This time, they are charging you that much for the dribble moves that should have never been taken out in the first place.

EA always has been and will be about gimmicks.

Your not getting my money EA. That's for sure.
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