Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Lads I have got a problem.

My mind is confused, I feel at odds with my own being, the world seems right and I seem wrong, this game is questioning my whole sanity.

I swore i would never pick up the case again let alone stick the disc in my 360, but the hand of temptation stroked my controller and the adrenaline was released.


That made me laugh out loud honestly, it's like an introduction to an erotic novel or something! :lmao:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Lads I have got a problem.

My mind is confused, I feel at odds with my own being, the world seems right and I seem wrong, this game is questioning my whole sanity.

I swore i would never pick up the case again let alone stick the disc in my 360, but the hand of temptation stroked my controller and the adrenaline was released.

I listened with intent and purpose to those questioning my attitude to this new game, I questioned myself, "am i playing it right, do i have PES embeded into my cerbal cortex, is it this that is preventing me from having fun???"

I whent back to my manger mode and tried something, something many people have said not to do, something that i feel goes against my way of playing football games.

I never pressed dash once, I left alone the pressure button and spent all my time predicting the oppositions next move..................and guess what...................I won 4 and drew 1 conceeding only 1 goal and i loved every minute.

I have dropped must win mentality to I wil try and get a good result mentality, I have accepted that the response is part of the game (as much as i hate it) and so I will have to adapt.

You were all right, Leave the sprint button alone and spend along time passing the ball between players in the middle of the field and wait patiently for some space.

Snoop, I scored a few goals with one,twos down the middle, it can be done after maybe 20 or so passes from ones side of the pitch to the other.

The issues I stated are all in there, but I have not helped by playing it wrong and thus its become unenjoyable.

I have spent the last hour taking alot of time at every match and its all paid off.

The game is back spinning in my 360:applause:

Great read, gives me renewed enthusism as I know you were in the same boat as me last night. I don't press sprint too often, only if there's clear space in front of me to run into or if I'm trying to dust past someone, but I'll try a game without using sprint at all. I'm interested to see if this method works as the CPU sprints constantly at me if I get the ball and it will mean quick passing as soon as I get it I still think.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Great read, gives me renewed enthusism as I know you were in the same boat as me last night. I don't press sprint too often, only if there's clear space in front of me to run into or if I'm trying to dust past someone, but I'll try a game without using sprint at all. I'm interested to see if this method works as the CPU sprints constantly at me if I get the ball and it will mean quick passing as soon as I get it I still think.

One of my favourite moves is the "no sprint, right stick" move.

Slow dribble up to someone, then hold the right stick (i.e. hold it right for a few seconds) and the player knocks it past the man - then you can sprint after it.

Looks class when done well - also if you are jogging left to right, hold the right stick top right to blast past them and into the box - some times it knocks it round them, they slide in and you are through!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One of my favourite moves is the "no sprint, right stick" move.

Slow dribble up to someone, then hold the right stick (i.e. hold it right for a few seconds) and the player knocks it past the man - then you can sprint after it.

Looks class when done well - also if you are jogging left to right, hold the right stick top right to blast past them and into the box - some times it knocks it round them, they slide in and you are through!

Nice :) I guess the tricks will be a lot easier to pull off now when I run with my wingers ... or rather jog with them :) I used to run at defenders and try to outpace them, it took too long to stop sprinting and try a trick. But if I jog to them anyway, it'll give me more time to plan a trick!

I want to play now :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Nice :) I guess the tricks will be a lot easier to pull off now when I run with my wingers ... or rather jog with them :) I used to run at defenders and try to outpace them, it took too long to stop sprinting and try a trick. But if I jog to them anyway, it'll give me more time to plan a trick!

I want to play now :(

Snoop, lower the difficulty and learn to read the game before hitting pro, world class and legendary.when i am jogging through the centre, the opposition seem to slow down also.wait for the midfielders to come at you and play your midfielders in.This way i have more options in the final third.Also dont be afraid to play into what seems to be a very tightly marked space.I have had some joy with daring to pass to my forwards with the CPU tightly marking them on the 18 yard line.

I am also taking long breaks and only going back to it once I feel in the right mood,Just playing to try and master it was also ruining it for me.

I hope you have the same renewed hope as me.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Snoop thats what you get for doubting the game.

Ive been in the same boat as you and the others who are becoming frustrated but it seems we are all still learning to adapt. Its a good thing :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Snoop, lower the difficulty and learn to read the game before hitting pro, world class and legendary.when i am jogging through the centre, the opposition seem to slow down also.wait for the midfielders to come at you and play your midfielders in.This way i have more options in the final third.Also dont be afraid to play into what seems to be a very tightly marked space.I have had some joy with daring to pass to my forwards with the CPU tightly marking them on the 18 yard line.

I am also taking long breaks and only going back to it once I feel in the right mood,Just playing to try and master it was also ruining it for me.

I hope you have the same renewed hope as me.


Semi-pro is too easy for me though, Pro seems like a massive jump. But maybe it is down to sprinting too much, who knows? I'll give it a try later.

And I want back in the league too Jack! :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Fuckin hell :shock: It's like music to my ears Dr Force :mryellow:

Avast! The abandoners return to join the aparant sinking ship :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Snoop thats what you get for doubting the game.

Ive been in the same boat as you and the others who are becoming frustrated but it seems we are all still learning to adapt. Its a good thing :D

I swear I've approached it like a new game and not like PES, after all I've played FIFA 07 and UCL instead of PES last year. But it would seem I still have some of the PES-style still in me which needs exorcising.

Man, all you can see is my avatar. I post too much.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Fuckin hell :shock: It's like music to my ears Dr Force :mryellow:

Avast! The abandoners return to join the aparant sinking ship :)

I ve stopped playin like PES Tim, as alien as it is after 8 odd years its definately a whole new ball game.

What a fucking Nob head I am sometimes:roll::lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I swear I've approached it like a new game and not like PES, after all I've played FIFA 07 and UCL instead of PES last year. But it would seem I still have some of the PES-style still in me which needs exorcising.

Man, all you can see if my avatar. I post too much.

Father Carrass, Pass me the Holy water:lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Snoop thats what you get for doubting the game.

Ive been in the same boat as you and the others who are becoming frustrated but it seems we are all still learning to adapt. Its a good thing :D

that's exactly what I've tried to say in my pre-/reviews. PES still runs more fluid (in the meaning of: no stupid mistakes, because of lack of control) for me.

It'll be a challange to master both games. THEN we can say which one is better/deeper.

Until then I'll have fun learning FIFA
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I ve stopped playin like PES Tim, as alien as it is after 8 odd years its definately a whole new ball game.

What a fucking Nob head I am sometimes:roll::lol:

:lol: If only you could hammer the same thing home to CW :roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If it's true that FIFA is amazingly better when you forget about PES and train yourself off it, then I wonder what the review scores would be then?

PES has clearly been the game of choice, every football fan worth anything has been playing PES for years and grew up with it. Including the reviewers.

Now, those reviewers are used to PES style, running, movements, shooting, keepers, the whole thing. Then they play FIFA 08 and it's a completely different game to PES. In the back of their mind, they will be marking it compared to PES, and not as a simulation of football. They will try to play FIFA 08 as they did PES, because that's how they've played football games for years. Maybe some reviewers can adapt quicker and give it higher marks because they can appreciate it's a different game and needs a different playing style, which once mastered yields a far better game. Then you have the people who can't adapt as they're so used to PES and if the game doesn't play like PES, it's not football. It's not that they're wrong to mark it down (well, they are really), just that they're not used to having to change style to play football. PES is all there has been for years, surely if it wasn't the right style then the game WITH the right style would've came out in the last few years? So in their mind, PES is the only way to play.

Am I making sense? :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Most of the magazines that reviewed FIFA 08 didn't spend enough time on it. I have played it NON-STOP for 5 days and nights and still can't get enough of it yet I still haven't mastered it. (nowhere near mastered it!) :shock:

I have played a few games on "professional" mode and it's too easy for me, I won every game. Back to "world class" I think. I HAVE to master that - I can only win by the odd goal.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

He said and I quote " I'm sponsored man, do you know me? I'm FIFA 07 UK Champion, sponsored man, your shit you bla@@ cu@@. " That was just a section, he went for about 5 mins but I kept winding the tosser up.

lol ignore him mate, im actually the champion that he's saying he is, I beat him in the semi final and i won the final 3-0 against my mate benzilla,
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

you got long hair Daz? and your bird has black hair (or the girl who was at the final i watched on tv) if its ur bird that is
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hairs quite long lol, that was my sister mate, i was wearing the utd training top
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One of my favourite moves is the "no sprint, right stick" move.

Slow dribble up to someone, then hold the right stick (i.e. hold it right for a few seconds) and the player knocks it past the man - then you can sprint after it.

Looks class when done well - also if you are jogging left to right, hold the right stick top right to blast past them and into the box - some times it knocks it round them, they slide in and you are through!

Too bad you have to press 2 seconds ahead. When I run from left to right, and I want to knock the ball ahead, the player always have one touch on the ball before doing the knock-ahead. In PES I just have to do it just before the ball touches the foot. The knoch ahead is VERY laggy!!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

yeah, good game it was, i got a goal early in each half and then ronnie finished it with a lob at the end
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

right Cool, thats the one i watched, got a mental image of you now lol
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

you got long hair Daz? and your bird has black hair (or the girl who was at the final i watched on tv) if its ur bird that is

Can we see a photo of your sister then Daz? :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

lol cheeky sod, shes on myspace lol, search for her, Sonman probably meant another tourny that hes champ in cus i doubt he would lie about that vcus he was on tv lol, hes a good player tho, i was well lucky to have one that game in the semi
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