Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you want to use tricks, you have to learn to use them, its that simple, you can't just do things so easily in this game, you have to earn your chances. Play the ball around a bit, use the L1/LB buttons to tell your player to make a run then lob it over the top or play a throughball.

And as for the shooting, as you fail to play the rest of the game well, maybe when you actually know how to shoot, you'll enjoy it more,.

First of all thanks for the advice.

The game is great and I like the way they make you do all the trick by using the L2 button. The problem is I can't feel the diffrence from one player to another. I can do tricks with Ronaldinho and Oshea equally. Both players depend fully on how I play which makes the player stats mean nothing.

Like I said the only diffrence between player realized was the speed and height. Other than that all players seem equal in the game which isnt realstic nor is it fun.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

watch the gametrailers review. you can see a penalty without that stupid delay ;)



Pes 2008 has some amazing faces but I tought this one was so cool that I had to post it :lol:


I am pretty sure the one on the back with moustaches is Stalin.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


I'd played a lot of online matches, so I thought I was getting the hang of this game. I decide to play ManU x Paços Ferreira (shitty portuguese team) on Professional level.

Well, PES has cpu cheating. This has a lot too. I mean, players that are slower and weaker than mine are outrunning me and out-muscling me all over the pitch. I only won on my 3rd try...

Jesus Christ, I'm pissed, gonna sleep it off....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've noticed similar things too, I just put it down to me not being very good at the game like I do with PES. :lol:
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

even though i'm loving my ps3 fifa 08 experience... i think i can't deal with the lack of pes.

i'm buying it on release day... and sell my fifa, probably. the slow response time, the lack of proper passing (lots of CPU interceptions) are killing the joy for me.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I DID NOT say the game wont let you pass it. you can pass the ball all day from one side to another, fowards backwards BUT when you get in and around the box the opposition defence is always the like an Iron curtain or a great wall!

I use semi- assisted for passing/ long passing and shooting. use assisted for throughballs because you have to press it longer to hit it harder sometimes the chance has gone by that time.

And can you really hit the ball into space,such as over the fullbacks head onto the path of a winger, using the long pass? or are you telling a little fib? its irrevlevant anyway because even the most die-hard FIFA fan must admit that the long passes are awful

'Chipped through ball' is your friend (left trigger and through ball - on the new alternate button config). Use the 'team mate run button' (left shoulder button) to set your passing target off on a run and then chip the ball through at the right time. Harder to accomplish than in PES but probably more realistic.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

And unless you've been on this site before, you have to register, which surely wouldn't be linked to your game save?

Yet apparently my email address is already being used for it, so I submit the lost password thing, change it, log in....and have to create a new I'm okay, then it says yes, youve done it, check your inbox, and nothing...

I tried my old account and it wouldn't let me use it. I reset the password and still wouldn't let me. So I just created a new Gmail account instead hehe :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Leave Ronaldinho as your arena player, that should solve it. Why? Search the EA bible... :)

Not always the case mate, I haven't changed my arena player and I get asked for squad updates too sometimes. Not all the time, but every other game or something.

Maybe EA are releasing updates every ten minutes? :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Argh! Just conceded a goal because the goalie wouldn't come to collect the ball even though I held Y down, he just stood there. By the time he did move for it, their striker had reached it and took a shot which resulted in a goal :(

It's annoying conceding a goal anyway after you've had all of the play anyway, but to concede a goal when it could've been stopped had the game let you do what you were trying to do ... well it's just really annoying and not necessary really.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Why is it everytime you go online you have to download the squad file?

One download should be enough
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Know what Jack, that is exactly what I thought today watching Man City v Newcastle live.

I purposely watched the game with FIFA in mind (though after putting in so many hours already, its ingrained in my eyes!).

FIFA 08 is the CLOSEST game to football we have ever had. Watching the City game, the players react just as they do in the game. Like most people now, I was getting a little peeved at the response times, but real life is like that - most players get the ball, take a second to adjust and then move on.

Also skill moves - I was getting f**ked off not being able to do them - then I read in the manual that skills can only be done standing or jogging (I always try when sprinting!) - anyway, again watching the match live, players 99% of the time only try skills when they are holding the ball up waiting for support - I do that now and it feels much better.

Only really Ronaldo can do all the fancy tricks at full speed - or at least, only he tries!

And for the people moaning about the response times when receiving the ball - hold down L1 when getting the ball - this controls it and spins your player the right way - I can get instant control. Other times I use the right stick to push it away from me.

Honestly guys, the level of control in this game is what makes it. I echo a point a few pages back - FIFA is definately aimed at the mature market I think. Us people who want an ultra-realistic sim (along with all the faults of real life matches) - and in depth controls. My big fear is new/younger users picking this game up and reporting it is 'shit' because they cannot control it properly.

If this happens alot, I fear EA regressing back to an arcade slam-fest :(

Do you work for EA?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

when playing cooperative vs cpu has anyone experienced problems selecting the defenders? headers seem really impossible to me. Defenders don't jump and the cpu scores everytime. anyone?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Damnit. Haven't got my 360 on and thought I'd play a game. I've already played FIFA this morning, so I thought I'd play on Skate. Then I think no, I'll see whose online on FIFA first. I can see FIFA taking over my 360 for the online games hehe :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Do you work for EA?

Ha! I wished...

Of course I dont, I just love this game. When you've been playing games for over 20 years and love football - then something like this comes along, sure, it aint 100% perfect, but the whole package is just about the best GAME i have ever played - not just football game.

I love how deep it is, wish the people who are dismissing it would either admit they cannot control it, or keep trying to learn it.

When I see people say "CPU cheats as the passing doesnt work" - you have 2 choices with FIFA.

Switch to Semi, or Assisted passing - or keep practicing manual - works like a charm once you get used to it. The direction really is subtle - so if you are running down the pitch and someone is in front, but slightly ahead of you, unlike PES, you cannot just press their general direction (i.e. down) and pass.

You have to hold the left stick towards them, hold down pass for enough power then hey presto. Better still, use the through ball to put it in front of them - of course, pressing L1 first will get them moving too!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I've been playing this a lot... on Semi-Pro and still can't win every game! Maybe because this is my first FIFA game I've played since PES3 came out... so I'm finding it hard, but still fun.

As mentioned before, getting past people by doing like a side step or something similar is pretty hard, takes time to master that trick stick.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I've been playing this a lot... on Semi-Pro and still can't win every game! Maybe because this is my first FIFA game I've played since PES3 came out... so I'm finding it hard, but still fun.

As mentioned before, getting past people by doing like a side step or something similar is pretty hard, takes time to master that trick stick.

Glad I'm not the only one! I'm doing a career with Sheff Weds on semi-pro (all controls on manual) and I'm struggling. Think I've only won 2 games so far out of about 15 - drawn a lot though.

I'm pretty close to the sack! Got a message from the board saying "Fans are chanting a song at the end of the game that they want you removed!"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Glad I'm not the only one! I'm doing a career with Sheff Weds on semi-pro (all controls on manual) and I'm struggling. Think I've only won 2 games so far out of about 15 - drawn a lot though.

I'm pretty close to the sack! Got a message from the board saying "Fans are chanting a song at the end of the game that they want you removed!"

Have you tried playing online using manual? Online is really awkward because if you're trying to learn manual but your opponent is using Assisted, you're gonna get battered every time.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Have you tried playing online using manual? Online is really awkward because if you're trying to learn manual but your opponent is using Assisted, you're gonna get battered every time.

Yea, I always use manual. After using manual, I dont think I could go back to an 'assisted' style passing now (including PES). I'd feel like I am 'cheating'!!

Know what you mean for online though... have to play that one by ear!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


The response of the game is REALLY pissing me off now. This morning alone I've conceded three goals because my defender takes AGES to move his leg to kick the ball, allowing himself to be tackled resulting in a goal. Really annoying me.

Also why is it that when I use X to get another to press the ball, half the time my player runs over the ball without tackling?

And how are people using their forwards to power through three of my defenders while none of my players put a foot in and let him just walk through?

None of this was in UEFA CL, X actually did tackle players then, forwards couldn't just barge through your defenders (Anelka is hardly a muscleman to knock through three defenders).

They really need to sort out responsiveness. So many times I've tried playing a passing game only for my player to get tackled while he turns to pass to someone (and yes I am using LB to use close control, it's not working), defenders not having time to clear the ball because as soon as they get it they get tackled while waiting for the kicking animation, and wingers not being able to cross the ball while the cross animation kicks in and the defender hardly has an animation to stick a foot in.

The honeymoon period is fading fast I'm afraid. I'm certainly not going to play PES, FIFA shits on PES by far. But FIFA can be so annoying and unresponsive at times that it makes playing games unbearable when so much can go wrong which is not down to you but down to shit animation times and lack of control.

Edit: The response times also make manual passing a LOT harder than it should be due to having to power up your pass. By the time it's powered up, you've been tackled. Bear in mind the response times are hard to handle on semi passing anyway, manual against someone using semi/assisted means you're at a huge disadvantage even before kick-off.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is that online? I'm really not having these problems, online sometimes but never offline.

Just one thing I'm now refusing to play anyone who uses Barca online any more, nothing more annoying than noobs using Barca and assisted and just playing the ball around and they are so fast it's amazing. Every other team seems balanced but Barca are to good.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is that online? I'm really not having these problems, online sometimes but never offline.

Just one thing I'm now refusing to play anyone who uses Barca online any more, nothing more annoying than noobs using Barca and assisted and just playing the ball around and they are so fast it's amazing. Every other team seems balanced but Barca are to good.

Nah, I'm not really having a prob with response either. I think it IS there, but once you get your timing, its fine. I dont find powering up passes too much of a prob - generally, if you are passing all the way across the back line along the floor, sure that needs a 2 second press. But generally passing around your players is fine. Quick one touch passing can be done by powering up before you get the ball.

I found that if I've accidently powered up a first time pass or shot, then hold down R2/L2 before getting the ball and it stops the action from happening - that is handy.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Grr anyone else with freezing screen everytime in managermode after playing 1 match, this already my second fifa08 copy for the ps3 but it keeps freezing when i finished the match and you can see the player of the match and score rating..

Fucking annoying
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Online yea, don't play much offline. But the response is killing me, even trying to get to the second ball. How do people get to the second ball and manage to not only get the ball, but walk past my player as if he's not there? I must be doing something wrong here because I'm saying the game is unresponsive at the best of times, but other people are picking up loose balls much quicker?

I need some advice on this because for the most part of the game I'm having averaging 58% of possesion, more shots, yet the responsive issue kicks in and I only ever seem to concede goals by slow response rather than me messing up and playing a bad pass or great play by the opponent. Of course I do concede those goals, and I have been battered by other teams. But in most of my games, it's me having the lions share of the game only to lose 1-0 because of slow response rather than skill.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Grr anyone else with freezing screen everytime in managermode after playing 1 match, this already my second fifa08 copy for the ps3 but it keeps freezing when i finished the match and you can see the player of the match and score rating..

Fucking annoying

Yea PS3 version is buggy. Sam with online. May get 360 version now
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Online yea, don't play much offline. But the response is killing me, even trying to get to the second ball. How do people get to the second ball and manage to not only get the ball, but walk past my player as if he's not there? I must be doing something wrong here because I'm saying the game is unresponsive at the best of times, but other people are picking up loose balls much quicker?

I need some advice on this because for the most part of the game I'm having averaging 58% of possesion, more shots, yet the responsive issue kicks in and I only ever seem to concede goals by slow response rather than me messing up and playing a bad pass or great play by the opponent. Of course I do concede those goals, and I have been battered by other teams. But in most of my games, it's me having the lions share of the game only to lose 1-0 because of slow response rather than skill.


The game has very poor response time & its bloody annoying. This is the reason why we love PES. There is always a delay
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