Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I DID NOT say the game wont let you pass it. you can pass the ball all day from one side to another, fowards backwards BUT when you get in and around the box the opposition defence is always the like an Iron curtain or a great wall!

I use semi- assisted for passing/ long passing and shooting. use assisted for throughballs because you have to press it longer to hit it harder sometimes the chance has gone by that time.

And can you really hit the ball into space,such as over the fullbacks head onto the path of a winger, using the long pass? or are you telling a little fib? its irrevlevant anyway because even the most die-hard FIFA fan must admit that the long passes are awful

Erm no, I can hit long passes into space using manual everything. And I've seen other players do it online too, Coopz comes to mind. I don't appreciate the telling a fib mate, who are you to come out with a comment like that? Some people :roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Dont get me wrong its still a great game to play but if you get frustrated by lack of response then make sure you have a pillow to thump near by.

What difficulty are you playing my friend? i'd just want to know the level you are experiencing these thing at?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hmm, well, I just played a few online games:

Inter 2-1 BAYERN
Liverpool 0-3 VALENCIA

Got fucking robbed in that first game, but the second I was a different class, (and he was shite :lol:). What's more interesting is that I didn't get frustrated by the response times at all. I think I was playing a slightly different style, not about pace, but a calm collected built up playing style.

I think at the end of the day, we've got to remember that this is not PES and you won't be doing 4 passes and then having a shot on goal. And that's maybe why we are sometimes getting annoyed that the players are taking a bit longer to respond?

Just my thoughts :)

You make avery good point. i haven't played the full game yet(:() BUT this is very true it feels more like the response times are based off how the individual player IS at keeping a ball. i would start looking at dribbling and passing attributes after you see these players be unresponsive to you button presses LOL Imagine this game is like the move Tron!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I don't appreciate the telling a fib mate, who are you to come out with a comment like that? Some people :roll:

"some people" :roll: "This country!" :roll:

I am light hearted, cheer up mate, you sound like an old lady at the back of the post office queue.

dont take your frustrations on the game out on me (joking again)

nothing wrong with a bit of friendly banter
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Bad Points:

Player runs often on rails, super cancel is crap.

Very hard to thread through proper through balls. The players do not make good enough runs across the lines.

Still very hard to control your player on the edge of the box because it gets so congested and you just do not have the same level of control that you do in Pes. It bobbles about and its pot luck if you can find space to get a shot or pass away.

Hard to direct long passes with the analouge stick (probably just me)

Shooting animations becoming a bit repetitive!. Players hardly ever power headers downwards.

Menu Inteface is pissing me off, but I'll get use to that.

The choice of camera angles is pathetic. The edit mode is pretty shit. No weather effects. The night games look a little strange at times, the players often look too dark and some parts of the stadium aren't covered by floodlights for some reason.

Good Points:

Still better than PES. I've covered the rest in earlier posts :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

So, are people going to be smited for the use of assistance? (like me)

In the demo, I found it far easier to use un-assisted, but in the full game, they made assisted ten times easier, and assisted is harder to pull off. Perhaps I should just work with un-assisted to try and get used to it fully.

Oh yeah, one more thing, and its a really n00bish thing. I've looked all over everywhere online trying to find how I can just set up a match and add a friend to play them. I ended up having to set up a league, but that kinda fails cause we're both United *smacks head*.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What are these points I seem to get when I complete a match? It doesn't seem to be experience points to spend on players, nor can I go to the FIFA shop. So what have I got 2000 points of?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's for the EA Sports World site I think where you can buy items for your avatar. What I want to know is how we get FIFA shop points to buy third kits and balls
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

And Luis Boa Morte just scored another free kick goal against me... That's 5 or 6 free kick goals in maybe 11 or 12 shots.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just beat some guy 3-0 as Liverpool v Milan, Kuyt scored off a corner to the near post which he did an overhead kick flying past Dida :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's for the EA Sports World site I think where you can buy items for your avatar. What I want to know is how we get FIFA shop points to buy third kits and balls

Cheers mate :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thank you, but you do know what i mean right? the dmeo was very very bad...:(

watch the gametrailers review. you can see a penalty without that stupid delay ;)



Pes 2008 has some amazing faces but I tought this one was so cool that I had to post it :lol:

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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

These CPU free kicks are getting on my tits.

Bloody annoying
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

argh challenge mode takes ages with so little points, all i want is the premiership third kits

yet no brum third tut tut tut
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I've been trying to come to terms with the response debacle, playing on a PS3 so if it's worse on the 360, god help you... It's driving me nuts..... I hope EA can do wonders with their patches, but as they new there was a problem with the demo, because everybody who touched it pointed it out and they did not sort it, I very much doubt there is anything they can do...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Played it 2 days solid now fellas and I have gotta say its a frustrating game to play.

the responce times is deffo an issue, no question. you need to be able to turn quicker than you can in this game.

its almost like you are in a far off control tower instructing the players what to do with little ear pieces. whereas with PES you ARE the player in possesion so it gives the game a more dynamic feel.

I like to think of my self as the type of player who passes it about, improvises and is creative. FIFA 08 will not let you do this atall.

you cannot stretch the defence or pull the defenders out of posotion no matter what you do. every defence is regimented meaning that you cannot create anything atall when in or around the box, this ruins the game completely for me. I have had a lot of joy with high passes but they are the worst thing in the game! so I refuse to use them because they look crap and you can never drop a ball infront of a player, it always goes straight to them.

I feel its like playing football in a straight jacket whereas PES (even 6 ) in an untamed beast. yes in the wrong hands it can turn into a run down the wings and cut back fest, yes its too fast and yes the shooting is crap......but in the right hands, with a more cultured player, some beautiful passing games can happen and an infinate differant types of chances can be created.

FIFA08 is gonna get boring fast. this is a sad fact. and I am not just winding people up because I was like you, exited at the prospect that fifa had raised the bar. but it has not! and I cant see me playing it after PES2008 comes out, which is a shame, because I paid nearly 50 fooking quid for it!

Oh and the skills are so friggin laboured it makes me wanna smash the pad. id rather just have less skills that can be pulled off instantly (with the right players) and when you try and do a certain skill you are sure that thats the skill you get, and not some useless semi-circle-reverse-heel-flick when all I wanted to do was a single stepover...

other than that the animations, graphics and commentary are class

Was just about to post something similar.
I won't accept any pes fanboy crap because although i've played pes since pes1 and always loathed fifa, the demo had me on the tip of orgasm, as did the full game for the first night. And i'm fed up with Seabass laziness!

But now i play it with a sinking stomach. why? response times aren't about getting used to - in most situations it's fine - but the animations are too long for close messi-type dribbling. You can do it but when it happens it feels like your muddling through, rather than "picking" your way through the defenders.

I say all this truly with regret. the other problem, the opposition defence is like a rubber band back-four - they can't really be separated so little chance of balls between full-back and centre-back, only down sides of full back.

Let me be clear - i truly respect and admire this game - the developers clearly care and value their customers. Problem is, it's mailny respect rather than love - it doesn't get my heart pounding, even after playing for 20+ hours. I'll keep trying, but i'm not sure. If they add a more visceral touch next year, which will consequently imbue it with more soul, i'll buy it again - EA deserve my money on this one, but it's not quite giving me the feeling i want from a football game. At times scarily realistic, at others, plodding and anaemic - but a great attempt.

Didn't want to write any of this and still hoping it clicks, but at moment, it doesn't feel like "my game" in way pes often does.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can't get bloody online.
Just keeps asking me to download a squad update,then nothing happens.

(I already downloaded the update last night ffs)

And Ronnie is my arena player.

getting pissed off with this.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

why don't people just play the game and stop whinging

one minute people are all excited and then the moaning starts, the game is great so play it
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Nah keep up the moaning so I don't feel the need to buy a next gen console for this game. Bring on FIFA 09!!!112
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thank you, but you do know what i mean right? the dmeo was very very bad...:(

I say Yes. I was eliminated from my carriere cup during slow PKs.
But sometimes it's not slow at all, I don't understand. It was perfect online for example.

Response time is not a problem for me to build my strategy but only when I should score in empty nets and I can't shoot :/...
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

At the end of the day not everyone is going to like it. So for those who do don't slate those who don't. But the same for those who don't, please don't go on about it. The response is something you have to get used to, the way you play has to be adapted, I honestly can't see the big issue with the response but that's just me as I've adapted to it now and play accordingly.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just beat a guy online, 3-2, Liverpool x Newcastle. One of the goals was a piece of wonderfull football like that goal Argentina scored in the last world cup with 20 something touches. Truly wonderfull.

You know, the things most people on here have said that upset them upset me specially when I lose. When things aren't going my way I get mad at the game's faults.

But just now on this online game, things went my way, I dribbled round opponents, made some good passes... Almost no reason to complain.

And guys... none of you learned how to play PES in 2 days... maybe not even 2 weeks...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's for the EA Sports World site I think where you can buy items for your avatar. What I want to know is how we get FIFA shop points to buy third kits and balls

And unless you've been on this site before, you have to register, which surely wouldn't be linked to your game save?

Yet apparently my email address is already being used for it, so I submit the lost password thing, change it, log in....and have to create a new I'm okay, then it says yes, youve done it, check your inbox, and nothing...
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