Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

look same shit graphics
You again! of course you would say that,you love PES & PS3 full stop.Im suprised you havent suggested that the PS3 version of FIFA 08 will be better than the 360 version....
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Oh no not the floaty ball and kick animation back which makes shooting terrible please not that EA. :(

At least tricks are in though oh well bring on the gameplay videos. :)
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think I like it...

If they put gameplay footages in that interview, then the video with the complete game footage has to be somewhere.. but where?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

When the real Ronnie and the virtual Ronnie are on screen at the same time, you can see how "fat" Fifa models are. The final shot of Ronaldinho's back makes him look like a wrestler or something. Shooting didn't seem good.

Waiting for a demo to actually play it.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

...and Fifa 08 doesn't look good same as last years and quite frankly If I didn't edit the game regarding player speeds individually to death like I did it would have been completely unplayble

Which you spent a lifetime doing, and then ultimately said it played a good enough game on default.......................

Bumper, your views on games changes like the wind does lad, while you express an opinion is great, dont expect people to take your word as gospel, same goes for everyone else, try it, then comment.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Thanks Thomas, I think it looks great, especially the way you can win back the ball when you lose it!

i liked that 2 when he won the ball back, the skill aniamition was good to me, about the graphic in general, it looks exactly the same as fifa07 which its not a bad thing, the only thing i hate the most in terms of graphic, is the player models, & i dodn't expect ea to do anything about it. if u look bact to fifa previus games the player models on ps2 hasn't change much till 2day, so i will expect fifa to have same player models for this generation also, which is a shame.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Other than the Chunky player models I think it looks great! ill say the same as last year, it looks more next gen than PES 2008 does.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

stupid paranoid
Paranoid? why? im merely stating that your Anti 360 and FIFA, so put the 2 together and of course you would have a bad thing to say about it. So FIFA 2008's graphics look shit. How about PES's Cartoon Strip graphics? think they are good then TG? if so you need to go to the french equivalent of Spec Savers!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

FIFA screens do always look good, but in motion it's somehow weird. As said before, the more next gen look just is the "dramatic" lightening, nothing else.
Player models, faces, animations are not better than Konami's.

Unfortunally Seabass is some kind of "lazy genius". EA is the other way around: sh1t with a polished golden surface.

And I'm not a fanboy, I would have no problem with FIFA being polished genius and Konami...
...I just want to play the best, most exciting football SIMULATION.
I have all EA/KOMAMI football games in my collection, so I hope I konow what I'm talking about.

another question: what happened to the producer of last year's FIFA 07 PS2/PC ?
it was really close to the Komami games in terms of gameplay, physics. Both next gen titles are 3 steps back
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Where is JB when I need him to explain why FIFA is almost on a par with PES....
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

DJ, I won't bother, people are allowed to have their own opinions and I've given my FIFA v PES opinion 3,752 times. So whatever.

THIS is my view on each new PES. Different than the "FIFA v PES" crap but it was in response to a post of airjoca's in a different thread.

I just want two good games, I don't care if PES is better or FIFA is better. If PES2008 is as good as I'm being told, and EA work on a few things (mainly shooting, heading etc.), then I'll be happy.

I have to agree with airjoca on one thing though, my God, they make Ronaldinho look fat in that FIFA 08 video. :|
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

JB, I said that as you are much better at explaining the whole thing than I am. Ah well never mind mate. Let the FIFA slagging off continue.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I don't want to bash FIFA. I'd love to see it the better footbal game, due to the licences and other possibilities EA owns.

But that's exactly the point that makes me sad: they have all resources that are needed to great the PERFECT football game, but they just don't do it.
e.g. it seems EA changes the producer every year, instead of using a football addict who pushes the possibilties to its limits.
I can remember a few years ago they hired some Japanese programmers for AI and ball physics (guess why)...
Konami's physics/AI is not good because they are Japanese, but because they are addicted to football.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The producer of FIFA 07 was a real football fan, it came through every time there was a video-camera on him (he would talk about certain classic players, and how long-passes across the floor should be in a video game, etc.). The game was a massive step forward on the 360 with it's completely new engine, and it was exciting. Now there is a new producer, which is unbelievable, when they were making such progress. But the new producer is an English football fan called Joe Booth, and trust me, he loves his football.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Surely the motion capture is done right near the begining of the game so I suspect those shots are very old and will be touched up alot for release. Also you can't tell anything about the gameplay from that video, anyway there will be a demo before release so no one will have to buy the game blind.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah that mocap data you saw then was raw from source, they need to process and clean the data before it gets in the final game. My only issue with that video is that the ball movement looks stupid and scripted. Maybe it was just a mock/demo reel.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

we only saw one shooting animation in that video and it didn't fill me with much hope. it looked very similiar to one of the animations last year which i thought looked awkard, looks like he stretches too far and ends up striking the ball with his toe like someone else said.

i didn't like the look of the keeper diving either, it looked like the keeper should've saved it but he kind of dived over the ball again similiar to last year.

after being really hopefull over this game i'm a bit dissapointed but i know it's way too early to form an accurate opinion so i'll wait until the demo.

apart from what i'm complaining about i liked the look of it, the skills and the dribbling looked fine to me and as someone has mentioned i like the way he lost the ball but won it back immediately.

on a side note did you see the first guy that was being motion capped? he looked as if he had no natural football skill at all. i've seen better in the lowest division at my local 5 a side league. if he does the the majority of the motion cap and they only get in Ronnie to do the tricks and other little things then that would explain why a lot of the animations in fifa look so unconvincing. just a theory
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Confession Time...

I am more excited by this years FIFA than I am PES
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I still can't really bring myself to believe that FIFA will be anything better than passable. I've got a feeling the ball physics, and physics in general, is just not going to be right, and will still have that distinctive FIFA wrongness to it.

I reckon PES will probably make a better job of this critical aspect. Watching a match in PES will be more believable then watching a match in FIFA. The ball will tend to move more like a real ball. The players will move more naturally. But I doubt the PES AI model can exist without cheats, so will ends up being no fun to play. And the ML...what a turd.

Another year of being a bit underwhelmed by both games?

At least I'm not expecting FIFA to be a laughing stock any more.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

im liking what i see, i will purchasing fifa and pes this year and we are yet to see a gameplay vid for either game so that could descide how it looks gameplay wise and liepzieg will probably descide how it feels. so fifa could suprise us this year
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Confession Time...

I am more excited by this years FIFA than I am PES
Weirdly enough, this has been the only year for 3/4 years where I'm now looking forward to PES more than FIFA!!

My contact/mate won't shut up about how great it is (and this is a guy who hated PES6 almost as much as me). But then he also knows someone who managed to play a FIFA beta a few months ago and he was raving about that (mostly about the "totally natural trick engine"), so... Should be a good year.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

About the video, i'm not joking. Ronaldinho looks like crap. Chunky, fat or whatever, he just doesn't look normal. Compared to other screenies i've seen they were better than this.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

If fifa changed thier player models to anything different from what it is now, i swear thats it!! its murder she wrote as far as footy games competition are concerned... its soo anoying that they'v got almost everything else jst about brushing shoulders with reality/perfectness, then they go and mess up the one thing you see 90% of the time. (the player models henceforth the players themselves).. i spose i could live with it, as long as there's no cutscenes every 2 mins, but it sorta kills the "real" look of everything else for me personally.:(..
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