Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

an article has been posted on the cvg website talking about 4 player co-op. it's referring to the ps2 version and i'm not sure whether the co-op is online or not. apparently they'll post more info later today.
it will be interesting to see whether this 4 player co-op makes it to the next gen formats.
i hope both ISS and Fifa have 4 player online co-op from 4 different consoles. something i've wanted for ages!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think UEFA CL's graphics are a ever so slight improvement over FIFA 07.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I haven't played FIFA 07 on the 360 tbh, only on PS2. All i can say is that scoring goals on FIFA 07 PS2 was too easy. Then moving to UEFA CL 360 forced to use analog, been a huge move. I'm liking the player movement, the realistic feel to it. I pause the game every time i miss (which happens alot :p) to look at the replay in super slow motion. Amazing graphics. My only dissapointments are in the shooting and heading departments. I hope that would be improved in FIFA 08.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

where the fuck did you read that there were no AI changes for PES... you havent.. fifa08 will be exactly the same, the pics you guys have posted have already shown that to me

:shock::shock::shock: Judging gameplay from screenshots is really impossible.

where did you read that fifa 08 will be the same? From still images you can tell can you? go back to the pes thread if you have a bias opinion

Terrific response.

Why do people wish that either FIFA08 or PES2008 become a failure?? Why not wishing to have 2 fantastic and different footie games :mrgreen::D:mrgreen::D
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Lami, the shooting and heading was really my ONLY gripes with FIFA 07 and UEFA CL. However im pretty sure EA know this and I think they will nail it :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Dont forget the slow response from controller to onscreen movement (CL). That needs to be sharpened aswell. But they are showing positive signs. Hopefully we'll get some info soon as its been quite a while now since any real news has come out.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Something I read about FIFA 08 on the ps2, probably on the 360 and ps3 as well, is that through passes just where you are pointing your analog stick instead of always 4 or 5 yards of the guy. That sounds like a nice feature.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

My concern about the implementation of full analogue in FIFA is that, provided you aim the controller in exactly the right direction, every player on your team, no matter who he is or how bad his stats, will play pixel-perfect balls.

IMO, this is not how it should work. The player stats, along with other factors such as pressure from opposition player, etc, should have an impact upon the accuracy of the pass.

My experience with playing FIFA is pretty's just been too poor to bother with, but when I have played it, I've never really had the impression that player stats actually mean anything. If full anaolgue passes continue this trend, then the developers are still not getting it right.

They have to get the balance right. PES is basically pure script, but going pure analogue with disregard for player stats is not the solution.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i agree with u winston, players states are very important, if ea is trying to make football sim games, they should really work on the that.
thats my bigest problem i always had with fifa games, as most of the playes feel the same in fifa
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

An interesting point winston,
if passing is fully analogue, then you are judging the precise power and angle on a pass.
Are the results of the fully player controlled pass going to be adjusted by the CPU according to the players passing accuracy?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

My concern about the implementation of full analogue in FIFA is that, provided you aim the controller in exactly the right direction, every player on your team, no matter who he is or how bad his stats, will play pixel-perfect balls.
IMO, this is not how it should work. The player stats, along with other factors such as pressure from opposition player, etc, should have an impact upon the accuracy of the pass.

My experience with playing FIFA is pretty's just been too poor to bother with, but when I have played it, I've never really had the impression that player stats actually mean anything. If full anaolgue passes continue this trend, then the developers are still not getting it right.

They have to get the balance right. PES is basically pure script, but going pure analogue with disregard for player stats is not the solution.

It's also been my concern ,however maybe the best passing players will have less chance of screwing up his passes than an average passing player. For instance in NBA 2K7 ,you have the free throws and you hit them if you take a crap player at it and don't time your free throws perfectly ,he'll miss them without a doubt.However if you have a skilled player ,even if his timing is not spot on , he has better chances to knock it down than the other player.As you said ,they have to have the right balance ,or otherwise stats won't mean anything
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The PC Version of FIFA isnt going to be Next Gen from the looks of it. Ive read somewhere that only 360 and PS3 are the next gen version....
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Lets face facts if they sort the shooting out, and by the sounds of it they have.

This is gonna blow PES out of the water.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

According to my "contact" (who is actually a mate who has hated the last two PES games), PES is going to be hard to beat.

Could be an amazing year, anyhow.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

...and what does it matter how awful the PS2 version plays to all of us here in a thread for 360 & PS3??

because they're the same game? just on different platforms? or are they trully different engines?

I didn't play FIFA 07 on the PS2, did anyone who played both that and the 360 version tell the difference?

I enjoyed it last year, FIFA 07 on the 360 was a decent game, but it still wasn't the best football game of the year, PES6 on the PS2 was.

EA need vastly different animations, and player models for one thing, and judging by these latest pics, they haven't done that. The shooting needed sorting out, and the passing definately needed work, so did the tackling (especially the tackling!), basically everything needed tweaking or changing and this PS2 version doesn't seem to play that much differently from the 07 I played, at least to my eyes.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Matherto, the FIFAs on next-gen and last-gen are literally two different games developed by two different teams, using two different gameplay engines. It's like comparing, well, PES to FIFA. And the same with UEFA CL (which was tweaked on the 360 to erase a lot of the problems). There's still some issues there though, don't get me wrong (the shooting being the main one).
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Matherto, the FIFAs on next-gen and last-gen are literally two different games developed by two different teams, using two different gameplay engines. It's like comparing, well, PES to FIFA. And the same with UEFA CL (which was tweaked on the 360 to erase a lot of the problems). There's still some issues there though, don't get me wrong (the shooting being the main one).

yeah the shooting is bad
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

fifa07 next-gen was a decent game, if it wasn't for the shooting, tackling, bad player collisions, headers on the box & the luck of the skillz controll,
fifa 07 on 360 would have been with out a doubt a fantastic football game (at least for me).
it looks like they are fixing most of those problems hopefully, for fifa08 xbox360.
especialy hearing that they are focusing on the shooting this time & skillz are back it was an amazing news for me.
they are showing interest on gameplay lattely & it seams that they are listening to they fans. its the first time that i feel possitiv about ea, i hope they will not desseppoint as
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Matherto, the FIFAs on next-gen and last-gen are literally two different games developed by two different teams, using two different gameplay engines. It's like comparing, well, PES to FIFA. And the same with UEFA CL (which was tweaked on the 360 to erase a lot of the problems). There's still some issues there though, don't get me wrong (the shooting being the main one).

what he said - can't people at least try to reserve judgement on next gen FIFA until we actually see it in action?...(suppose that's probly too much to ask in some cases) ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The screenshots I have to say look spot on, the bottom left picture of the four shown in a link, with fifa 08 in the middle, looks so realistic, the crowd is spot on, literally looks like a real crowd, the kits and grass colours look amazing, still skeptical of the grass texture doesnt look too good, but far out its no concern, also the way some are standing and running look horrible, like hunchback people :S why do they do that, also the shorts are a bit too long and some player faces are a bit ugly, but still looks amazazing! 100% manual goal keeper, is awesome :D love doing that, used to on the old ISS2000 game :D So funny haha!

Hopefully the gameplay is better in general, hated the shooting worse than PES6 on 360 for Fifa 07 when goals went in, it was more like did I do that? Yey I guess I scored dunno why tho, I didnt like the ball physics seemed like the ball went to the players foot when dribbling, rather than foot to the ball, and passign looked and felt odd to me, looked like it was a self guidig ball to a player, and sometimes it passed to a player I didnt want, thats just me tho, so hopefully I play it different, or its improved :D I might buy this one actually! :D
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