Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

still waiting for the postie to turn up round here... im betting he'll come and go and then later on at like 4pm a royal mail van will turn up it and i was last on his deliveries
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

still waiting for the postie to turn up round here... im betting he'll come and go and then later on at like 4pm a royal mail van will turn up it and i was last on his deliveries

One thing that played on my mind with ordering online is the postie being crap. Loads of times I've ordered stuff and they haven't bothered to try and give me the parcel but left a card at the end of the driveway instead.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Wooo, today is the day!!

I am like a kid in a sweetshop waiting for thew postman at work. Shame I won't play till about 7pm but I've given the missus orders that Eastenders is all she's allowed tonight. I don't know what to play first, Skate or Fifa. It'll more than likely be Fifa, and I'll get her indoors involved. She can be The Arse, I'll be Spurs.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I am working from home today and keep checking the window every 5 mins to see if I can see the postie!

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One thing that played on my mind with ordering online is the postie being crap. Loads of times I've ordered stuff and they haven't bothered to try and give me the parcel but left a card at the end of the driveway instead.
Mate I know exactly what you mean. The amount of times that has happend to me!

I also went to a local ASDA Hypermarket last night in Chandlers Ford and got told it would be on the shelves at midnight. Then I waited from 9 until 12 and then got told it would be 8 This morning... so decided to abandon that as I have to go to work....
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Wooo, today is the day!!

I am like a kid in a sweetshop waiting for thew postman at work. Shame I won't play till about 7pm but I've given the missus orders that Eastenders is all she's allowed tonight. I don't know what to play first, Skate or Fifa. It'll more than likely be Fifa, and I'll get her indoors involved. She can be The Arse, I'll be Spurs.

And hopefully you will be the winner!

Last time I played the missus at FIFA 07 she was Liv and I was United and she scored 2 flukey and freaky goals passed me! I lost 2-1!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Same here in Canberra mate. I just rang everywhere. They reckon the game will be out tomorrow arvo (EB, Game & JB Hi-Fi).

i called jb hi fi today around midday and told me it isnt it, called again this afternoon and they had it, playing it now, if u are near jb's its worth calling them again
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Woo hoo! sounds as if FIFA might just be the game to get this year :)

Didnt think much of PES2008's demo at all... in fact I thought it sucked.

Same here. A lot of stuff I've read about PES (reviews, user comments) are that people think it still plays like a last-gen game. Apart from player faces, it looks last-gen too.

Well, I'm gonna watch a film to pass some time, then my driving test, then teatime, then maybe off to Asda if I'm not too tired :) See you guys later!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Same here. A lot of stuff I've read about PES (reviews, user comments) are that people think it still plays like a last-gen game. Apart from player faces, it looks last-gen too.

Well, I'm gonna watch a film to pass some time, then my driving test, then teatime, then maybe off to Asda if I'm not too tired :) See you guys later!

Good luck with the driving test.

If you pass it will be easier for you to shop around for Fifa 09 next year :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have both, but I feel the Xbox version is better, I'm thinking the controller is better. you think the game runs better on PS3?
IMO nets look better on PS3 what you think?

So how's the AA on the ps3 compared to the 360? Does the ps3 look just as good as the 360 on your TV (I have a lot more jaggies on the ps3 version).

As far as the nets go, i didn't really pay a lot of attention to it. Compared to the demo, the nets look spectaculair in both versions.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

IGN blog Player Ratings

After reading this wow at work and dedication. :)

The data gets updated on a 24/7 basis throughout the year. Our editors are dedicated football supporters and they follow their teams and leagues every single day. We use an online database that they log in to and update the team and player data. This enables us to have constantly updated information and evaluations that reflect the real world. So when we notice that a player is performing better or worse than originally evaluated the database is edited to reflect the changing status of that player.

The same goes for the appearance of the players: if David Beckham gets a new look from his hairdresser, our editors go into the database and select his new hair style right away. All these changes happen frequently so the community of database researchers are always busy adjusting and tuning the ratings and rankings

can they also change skin colours if they see them wrong?
Last edited:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

So how's the AA on the ps3 compared to the 360? Does the ps3 look just as good as the 360 on your TV (I have a lot more jaggies on the ps3 version).

As far as the nets go, i didn't really pay a lot of attention to it. Compared to the demo, the nets look spectaculair in both versions.
I'm using component cable for both of them. I actualy think PS3 looks better, but X360 plays better/flows better.
Do you prefer PS3. for me the anologue on PS3 is difficult
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i called jb hi fi today around midday and told me it isnt it, called again this afternoon and they had it, playing it now, if u are near jb's its worth calling them again

I was thinking ](*,) of driving by ](*,) after work today ](*,) but I changed my mind ](*,)
I guess it's too late now...
Anyway, enjoy mate ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm a PES fan since ISS on SuperNES (god I'm old :) )
I left FIFA since FIFA98 Road to WC.
Every year I try the demos to see what the new FIFA or PES can bring.
I have to admit that for me FIFA is the winner this year because of its real NextGen step forward.
So if I can give an advice for those hesitating : Buy PES2008 on PC (because it stills a very good game with good tweaks mixing good things of PES5 and PES6) and buy FIFA08 on Next Gen platforms.

We have this year a true simulation FIFA08 (just want EA to put quality faces and good edit mode)
and on the other hand a false simulation that can become one playing multiplayer mode but not having next gen physics...but it's PES a legendary game so can be always fun to play it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The shock operated by the deep recasting of the gameplay of FIFA is a true turning on this highly competing market, qualitatively speaking all at least. The more so as this waiting goes back to several years and that it joined together at the same time faithful series and those which wished to see PES more chahuté on the green rectangle. One thus accomodates with open arms this FIFA which leaves behind him a delicate recent past and a profile which will not be from now on any more it his. A true good simulation posting the realism which any expert claims.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Oh my god!!!

Its better than I ever imagined! Not gonna go over the ground that other people have posted, so here are some things I noticed (PS3 Version):-

* Seems you can pick ANYONE for the arena. I changed from Ronaldinho to Southends Nicky Bailey! Looks class. I saw the option to choose anyone, not having to unlock them.

* Player likenesses for once for Southend are pretty much spot on. Some hair colours slightly different, but nothing major. This is a BIG breakthrough for non-Prem fans!

* Southend have about 5 players so far that have commentary names - lovely touch. Orient had 1 (Boyd).

* Commentary is superb - Wayne Gray scored twice for Orient (one absolute pearler) and Tyler was saying - "he is a man in form and so confident now after 2 goals" etc.

* May just be my eyes, but the graphics look better than from the demo. The players look much slimmer and more realistic - in the demo, they were like tanks - anyone else noticed this?

* Why has nobody mentioned match ratings?! After the game, a Man-of-the-Match screen comes up and you can view your ratings outta 10. Seems realistic, I lost 2-0 and most of my players were 5 and 6s, Orients were 6 and 7 and Gray got a 10 (he was good!).

* There are also loads of other stats after the game. Brilliant!

* Music is fab - had CSS through most of my match.

* Response times are brilliant and as players tire, it gets much harder to control them - and again, may just be my mind playing tricks, but late on in the game, the slide tackles become more of a tired lunge!

Overall I fucking love it!!!! Wish I didnt have to work today, but may sneak downstairs for some quick goes later!

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thank you pboreham. Good review that. My only concern now is that PS3 is more responsive that 360..
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thank you pboreham. Good review that. My only concern now is that PS3 is more responsive that 360..

Not tried the 360 one myself, but that seems to be the general feeling.

Hard to tell 100% though as I only played 1 league one game, the players are slower anyway, but I still noticed an improvement from the demo...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just played my first match (on legendary, 12 minute game).

Celtic 0-3 Rangers

It was good fun but 2 of their goals were because of really big goalkeeper mistakes. I hope I was just unlucky or that Boruc had been out on the piss the night before.

Also, no shirt sponsors for either team, that's dissapointing.
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