Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Regarding the language/commentary questions,

I think you can choose a language for the menu's and a separate language for the commentary. I chose language and then later also got a question/audio settings, which language i wanted for commentary. So im assuming you can have alternatives.

@ Jack, how close are your ties to EA with regards to anwsers? Im really wondering whether EA will release a english text update/patch so i can view all the menu's in english. ATM i can only choose spanish, dutch and swedish. Dutch is fine to understand, but it really takes something away from the atmosphere for me. Otherwise if they arent gonna give the option of downloading/updating the menu text ill have to ring the shop and see if they have an english version. I can stand commentary in real life, so im glad i can turn it off in the game so i cant really comment on how it sounds. However for the dutch guys evert was a bit "heavy" when naming players. Puyol was just passing it around the back and the weight of how he was saying his name was more if he was pushing up field entering the oppositions half. Anyway, heard it twice and have since then never had any commentary again.

360 version btw

Really? I think we have the same version of the game. Swedish, dutch and spanish. I have not found any option to change the commentary language. Did you manage to change it to english? Because I contacted the shop and they had spoken to EA who said it was the same all over Sweden. They would look into it and they will probably replace them with the swedish/english ones.
It really does not feel the same for me without the english commentary wich is far more detailed than the other ones.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just been on the phone to Tesco, gonna go and pick it up at midnight tomorrow. Suits me down to the ground, working till 10 tomorrow anyway.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Dispatched this morning. Knowing my luck I'll get it on Monday and will have to endure another week at work before I get a whole weekend to play the thing.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hey on the fifasoccerblog in the faq they said that the nets have improved but in the videos i saw there i didn't see any difference. How can i know they don't lie and the response isn't better.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hey on the fifasoccerblog in the faq they said that the nets have improved but in the videos i saw there i didn't see any difference. How can i know they don't lie and the response isn't better.

Yes we are lying :roll: The only goal in the clip was pea rolled into the net therefore not causing it to react, anyway you probably have no intention of buying the game anyway so why ask?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That was a bit worrying though, in that AJ goal, how the ball seemed to "bounce" back off the net like it was a post or something? Jay I think you need to make some vids so we can see some proper goals! :mryellow: No offence JB haha!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Who is this Carl btw?

Is he on evo-web too?

He is on evo-web, isnt Carl your very own Jack Beaur? :D

Friday well shouldnt be too bad a wait, maybe saturday I gotta wait till, for the money, got footy tomorrow, and already got Halo 3, easy wait :D

Is Okocha at Hull if so, I will be them :D Infact are Saints alright?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

There's only 23 hours and 58 minutes until the european release. Woo hoo!

*Goes to bed to skip 8 hours.*

*Realises that if he's as lucky as usual he won't get the game before Monday.*
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Kinda glad I didn't order online now. I have terrible luck when it comes to that and just happy that I can just go to Tesco after work tomorrow and pick it up.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Why would someone take a photo of Daniel Sturridge?

Kits look great.

Just thinking, the next time I'm on here, a chunk of us will have the game and the wait will be over.

I know I don't post here much but I do'lurk' an awful lot (been signed up here for 3 years).. just wanna say thanks to everyone for making the wait for this game that bit better. I'd thought I'd grown out of the phase of being excited over the release of a game, but mainly thanks to this thread alone, it all came back this year. So yeah, thanks to everyone and enjoy the game.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

They're from

What I want to know is why Sturridge has a real face in the game!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That was a bit worrying though, in that AJ goal, how the ball seemed to "bounce" back off the net like it was a post or something? Jay I think you need to make some vids so we can see some proper goals! :mryellow: No offence JB haha!

I agree. I don't think the nets have been sorted. After watching Jacks videos, the only goals or near misses that grazed the nets showed that they are the same demo nets. :-(

Why! why!

Somebody make us a video with the nets in training mode please!!![-o<
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

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