Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Did you try the ps3 version with an HDMI cable? Unfortunately i don't have a component cable for my ps3. It would not be easy to connect it to my TV either, because it's against my wall.
Sorry don't have a HDMI cable, I could have sworn Xbox 360 version was more responsive.
Do you think the demo runs smoother, for some reason I think the demo seems faster and smoother on Xbox 360. maybe i'm going crazy
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


Jack... I mean... you really tap (smash?) those buttons in don't you? :D:D;)
My dad and I have two similar issues with football games... I don't actually smash the button, I just press it like lightening, in panic that it will game react quicker. And my dad swings his leg every time he does a tackle - he's kicked the dog in the face about three times, and the nephew twice. At least I'm not that retarded yet.

Jack, has the problem concerning the player selection locking by itself been resolved?
Aiyearghhh (indecisive noises) yes and no, so no, basically. It very rarely happens, I've seen it... Twice, in twenty-odd games. But it's still there. Kevano's trick (setting auto-switching to 1 instead of 0) reduces it a lot.

Do we know if the PS3 version is like this?

Can you confirm/deny this?
As JayD has said, Carl is the only one of us to play both and he said he preferred the 360 version purely for the gamepad. Otherwise, both are exactly the same to him - that's not to say anyone else is right or wrong, but that's his personal opinion. He's had to send us the 360 copies so he's been playing the PS3 game for two days solid, and he hasn't noticed any major differences (apart from the PS3 box says "720p" and the 360 box says "1080p" - we're still looking for clarification from EA on why that is).

What are your observations on the effect of fatigue, both on your own players (as a team and as individuals) and the cpu teams? Do the cpu players show signs of tiring, becoming slower and more mistake-prone as fatigue sets in?
As players get fatigued, they become less responsive. CPU players make a few more inaccurate passes, but I've noticed that my players are knackered after a game - and in the manager mode, the second game is a killer, because they're all dead. I think this is because I hold down the sprint button like if I let go a bomb in the pad will explode (Speed 4 - FIFA Goes Bad), but I will keep an eye on it.

Do the cpu teams make plausible substitutions and tactical changes? Do they ever change formation during a match?
I've seen them push forward more, but only now and then. Not usually in a league game, but I've seen it in a cup game.

Do the cpu teams show any signs of urgency towards the end of a match if they're losing?
Just the above - I've noticed the crappier teams take more wild shots but while I'm sure of the above, that might be my imagination.

Can you definitely edit the player stats (eg. passing speed, running speed, shooting accuracy, etc)?

Have you found any definitive evidence that the European competitions are in the career mode?
Nope, as I said in the review, I have to finish in the top-half of the league before that happens. Bit hard when you're scoring two goals a season (and both of them in your own net).

Are there deeper tactical options like attack arrows and player positions ala pes?
Yep, all of that, and you can save custom formations and settings too. Strategies are limited to offside trap, counter-attack, opposite wing attack and something I forget, though.

Can you change line-ups and formations in edit so stay changed permanently?

Just a quick thank you to those who have praised the honest review. We've had comments and emails saying I'm biased already, despite the fact that I've tried to note the issues I have with the game where possible. I hope most people realise that I've tried to be fair with it.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just a quick thank you to those who have praised the honest review. We've had comments and emails saying I'm biased already, despite the fact that I've tried to note the issues I have with the game where possible. I hope most people realise that I've tried to be fair with it.

I think that was because of the reference of "only fooball simulation this year" or something similar at the end. But you're entitled to that opinion. :)

By the way, how about free-kicks? Ronaldo has scored more free-kicks on my demo than on his entire real life career... :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

sorry i was asking about if the PS3 version blocked the league thing where players 2/3/4 can be on the AI side unlike the 360
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Airjoca, I know, but that is my opinion - and honestly, that's why I'm on a FIFA blog. Doesn't mean it's biased though, they wouldn't say that if they saw the email I've had forwarded to EA.

Free-kicks, well, I haven't seen any go in so far, put it like that. I have a feeling that on World Class they're more realistic but on Legendary they will squeeze you on everything, including free-kicks.

Radiation - sorry, I meant to respond to that as well. I'll have to ask for you.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Good review, nice vids, i am really impressed. I am also giving no money to the cutback japs for the first time in 10 years.

As i usually play on line, how is the lag???

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i love the review as well.

It's really nicely written - makes perfect sense AND more importantly for me feels like you've actually played the game for a while and didnt bullshit your way through parts you have no ideas about lke ign.

So it feels honest and i know what im going to get when i play BUT it doesnt spoil everything like again ign love to do (see 'revealing how to beat Psycho Mantis in MGS during the review')

great stuff
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jack, thanks for answering my question above. I hope this player switching Lock doesn't ruin my fun with the gameplay.

By the way, I still cannot view those two videos posted earlier. When I click on the link, the window that pops up freezes on me. Any other way you can upload them?

Also, if the PS3 version is in fact quicker in regards to responsiveness and with better net animations, I will have to go with that one. The only thing I will be missing is the great online aspect from the 360. I hope this is not the case and both games play identical in every aspect since I would much rather buy the 360 version.

Many thanks!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The videos are all being reuploaded, they will be up at different providers within the next 12 hours or so (it's nearly 3am here and I'm addicted to the game).

Just made two additions to the review, if you want to check them out. One bad (relating to manager mode), one good (relating to referees). It's over at the blog, I've bolded the changes and stuck them at the bottom.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The videos are all being reuploaded, they will be up at different providers within the next 12 hours or so (it's nearly 3am here and I'm addicted to the game).

Just made two additions to the review, if you want to check them out. One bad (relating to manager mode), one good (relating to referees). It's over at the blog, I've bolded the changes and stuck them at the bottom.


You have managed to make me laugh on more than one ocassion with your funny posts, such as the one where your dad kicks his leg when he tackles in the!

You are an honest and lover of the beautiful game and always go the extra mile to express yourself in a fair and balanced way.

Your review was awesome and honest. And the fact that you are so addicted to the game has me itching my fingers to play it more and more..the only bad thing is that I have to wait until Oct 9th. :cry:

I really hope that the net animations are better than the demo. Either way, I'm sure I will enjoy the game as much as you are at 3am. LOL!

God bless you my friend. You are my true hero.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've just put it down now because that referee at West Ham did my head in. I've played a fair few games now and I love the home/away difference but I'm making a note of that referee's name, he is an absolute tosser. Every time I won the ball he gave a free kick, and in the end they scored in the last minute due to a corner that wasn't a corner (it came off his leg as the ball went out). I wish there was a "complain about referee" button at the end so I could get the bastard sacked.

(Before winston smells CPU cheating, that's the first time that's happened - the referees do differ home and away but I've never had a wrong decision lead to a goal before)

AAAHHH football eh? Does your stress levels wonders...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've just put it down now because that referee at West Ham did my head in. I've played a fair few games now and I love the home/away difference but I'm making a note of that referee's name, he is an absolute tosser. Every time I won the ball he gave a free kick, and in the end they scored in the last minute due to a corner that wasn't a corner (it came off his leg as the ball went out). I wish there was a "complain about referee" button at the end so I could get the bastard sacked.

(Before winston smells CPU cheating, that's the first time that's happened - the referees do differ home and away but I've never had a wrong decision lead to a goal before)

AAAHHH football eh? Does your stress levels wonders...

lmao :lol:

Are you putting that forward to EA "complain about ref" :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I've just put it down now because that referee at West Ham did my head in. I've played a fair few games now and I love the home/away difference but I'm making a note of that referee's name, he is an absolute tosser. Every time I won the ball he gave a free kick, and in the end they scored in the last minute due to a corner that wasn't a corner (it came off his leg as the ball went out). I wish there was a "complain about referee" button at the end so I could get the bastard sacked.

(Before winston smells CPU cheating, that's the first time that's happened - the referees do differ home and away but I've never had a wrong decision lead to a goal before)

AAAHHH football eh? Does your stress levels wonders...


Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

These videos show us that this game is for real...just amazing... just simply OMGosh amazing. i am gonna have a hard time waiting til the 10th now
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

excellent videos Bauer and one of the best reviews on your blog ever. Nicely written with videos to boot.

Dont take this the wrong way but after watching your 2 gameplay videos, you kinda suck at the game. You need to play more through balls, the short passing game isnt very creative mate and leaves you with zero chances. Also try to dribble a little bit more with star players

Just some friendly criticism and tips, have fun with the game you lucky sod haha

PS. I'm American so forgive the silly use of brit slang.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@Jack Bauer
Jack thanks for all your help, i've got my copy's now, so my posting will be down to a bare minimum. I'm extremely sad about the PES 2008 review, no matter what that game will always be in my heart.
But i'm very confused at the moment, there's been a lot of talk of which version is better PS3 or X360, I feel the X360 version is more responsive and fluid. But i've seen totally opposite opinions. What do you think the best version is? P.S I mean fifa 08 of course.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@Jack Bauer
Jack thanks for all your help, i've got my copy's now, so my posting will be down to a bare minimum. I'm extremely sad about the PES 2008 review, no matter what that game will always be in my heart.
But i'm very confused at the moment, there's been a lot of talk of which version is better PS3 or X360, I feel the X360 version is more responsive and fluid. But i've seen totally opposite opinions. What do you think the best version is? P.S I mean fifa 08 of course.

I know your not asking me but the the 360 demo is better than the PS3 one.

The full game could be different. I would like an answer as well to your question
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

(Before winston smells CPU cheating, that's the first time that's happened - the referees do differ home and away but I've never had a wrong decision lead to a goal before)

My nose was a-twitchin'. So long as these things even themselves out over the course of a season and there's an overall impression of fairness (unlike the perpetual feeling of being cheated in every way possible that was so prevalent in PES), I'll let it go.

The FA Cup malarky does sound a bit careless and will spoil the overall sense of realism....definitely something to email EA about to ensure they get it sorted for next year. I'll make a point of doing this myself and hopefully others will too.

Any flaws in the game should be brought to their attention so they can fix them (again, unlike Konami who seem uncontactable and never fix anything anyway).

I'm viewing this as FIFA version1, the foundation from which the perfect game can grow.

Thanks again for you time anfd effort, Jack.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


played the game yesterday! i really enjoyed it! i started manger mode with manU. first game was the community shield game against chelsea... i draw 1:1, win in the shoot-out.

game is better than the demo for shure...responsibility is faster...old trafford looks have to work very hard to win...the weakest point is for me the goalie on high balls and 1 on 1 situation...the goalie react very bad on high balls...

my first league game was fulham...the atmosphare was brilliant...the first 15 min of the game my supports only sing!!!...when fulham gets the ball they booed all the time...i was 0-1 down after 50 min, because i made a big misstake with ther offsied...75 min equaliser...and in the 92 min....rooney with a low long range shot in the bottom of the goal...a beauty... jack; after the winner i jup uüp and screamm.....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

must say my first fifa since RTWC 98...and from game to game my satisfaction grow...

the best thing for me are the goalie animations....i looks so real when the goalie goes for a one hand save and put the ball arround the post...i had 5 situation where i jup up and rise my hands in the air and was ready to celebrate...:-)

must say respect for the work ea they really done the job for the first next-gen! but
they are some small niggles to work on it...

mayby the fifa 09 will be massive...

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

This time tomorrow i hope to be set at my front door awaiting for my FIFA to arrive :mrgreen:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What struck me as a fan of a lower league club, is in the Tranmere v Leeds game, quite a few players from both sides had their commentary names spoken by Martin Tyler.

Leeds even had a bit of dialogue about their fall through the leagues.

So Jack, how many other lower league clubs have some names in their team? Gonna be nice to hear that. Though it does make quite a difference in the two videos:

Liv v Eve: "Gerrard, now Finnan, forward to Fernando Torres"

Tra v Lee: "He has it now, between two, to Westlake, back to him, oh, he's lost it"

The big clubs do sound much better!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Update 1 is a bit worrying, hopefully it could be patched up though. Would certainly ruin the realism if Derby win the Premier League and Arsenal get relegated.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What struck me as a fan of a lower league club, is in the Tranmere v Leeds game, quite a few players from both sides had their commentary names spoken by Martin Tyler.

Leeds even had a bit of dialogue about their fall through the leagues.

So Jack, how many other lower league clubs have some names in their team? Gonna be nice to hear that. Though it does make quite a difference in the two videos:

Liv v Eve: "Gerrard, now Finnan, forward to Fernando Torres"

Tra v Lee: "He has it now, between two, to Westlake, back to him, oh, he's lost it"

The big clubs do sound much better!

I heard Westlake's name mentioned too, I was impressed :)
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