Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

"Somewhat stunted, the action is often middle-to-middle as opposed to end-to- end, and the lack of goal chances can prove frustrating."

This comment in the IGN review I totally disagree with. Football isn't a 10 goal thriller every game, it's suppose to be a sim with midfield battles and tight, close encounters, and using skills to carve out chances. Instead of easily going from end to end getting easy chances, how boring is that.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jack said:
We know night-matches are there for friendlies etc. at least, it's whether they're there for manager mode games that people are worried about.

Did you/carl try the friendly trick i mentioned earlier? Sorry if you have already anwsered it, havent seen it.

@ Snoop, ive got my pc connected via s-video @ 800x600. Dont know what you use the connection for, but that could be a solution. I use it to play the US series on.

Emailed another local shop(NL, rotterdam) and they will have it in the afternoon tommorow. So ill be able to give some impressions aswell hopefully :D

As for the review, another typical ign uk fanboyfest. Its always amature hour with this lot! The first paragraph pretty much shows the exact feeling the reviewer had about fifa in general before even bothering with the game:
"It's easy to slag off FIFA, so let's make a start." It's so easy to pick this review apart, whether you like fifa or not. Here's another; "However, last year's 360 debut was markedly different from previous years in that there was actually less content, featuring only the Premiership plus a smattering of foreign leagues. Apparently, the developers were too busy honing the next-generation graphics and gameplay to type in the details of the relevant clubs, or indeed cut and paste them from the previous game." Apparently? You really need to be ignorant to not see that it was a completely new engine. Honestly, its pretty ridiculous at what level these guys "review" a game.

Conformation that this review was written by an imbecile; "Elsewhere, the D-pad can be used to select four different tactics, assuming you have the manual dexterity and indeed memory to pull it off."
Good god, having to remember 4 tactics controlled by the dpad directions is to complicated?! But i guess pes' R2 + x, [], /\, 0 is simpler?! Its actually more complicated as there are more buttons involved and they are also used for actual gameplay actions.

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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I never trust IGN 9/10 they get the review wrong. I'd prefer to listen to JackB and JayD tommorow.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

"Somewhat stunted, the action is often middle-to-middle as opposed to end-to- end, and the lack of goal chances can prove frustrating."

This comment in the IGN review I totally disagree with. Football isn't a 10 goal thriller every game, it's suppose to be a sim with midfield battles and tight, close encounters, and using skills to carve out chances. Instead of easily going from end to end getting easy chances, how boring is that.

The reviewer sounds like he wants to play basketball and not football.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Picking my copy up from work this friday then it's off to my mates for a FIFA PARTAY! :D

Actually looking forward to both PES and FIFA this year :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Did you/carl try the friendly trick i mentioned earlier? Sorry if you have already anwsered it, havent seen it.

@ Snoop, ive got my pc connected via s-video @ 800x600. Dont know what you use the connection for, but that could be a solution. I use it to play the US series on.

Emailed another local shop(NL, rotterdam) and they will have it in the afternoon tommorow. So ill be able to give some impressions aswell hopefully :D

Mostly use my PC for browsing and watching TV shows, though the occasional game too. Don't think I could drop to 800x600, even though I'm running at 1024x768 anyway ;) Cheers for the advice though mate :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I dont listen to many reviews, especially IGN.Is that the American review because comments like "middle to middle" just sound so USA.

Not Tha americans do not know the game, its just that some Americans expect lots of action and goals, that way the game is always going to dissapoint.

i am not that bothered about dates of competitions etc as long as the FA cup is there.

Just cannot wait for this game now, I have stopped playing the demo and only concentrating on the tricks.

Love the Blog by the way, excellent effort.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

yes mate can't wait for both games, both demo's are great although i'm sure konami shoot themselves in the ball what the fuck!!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

as long as your on an HD tv, man dude you have both.. shit i should get a ps3, how much is the game in US dollars?

Thanks! and yes, I finally saved up to get me a PS3. Why not, fter all, when all the good games come out in the near future I won't regret it. It's nice to have one just in case if you know what I mean.

FIFA 08 UK Version..Here I come

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hmm not impressed with the stuff about the FA Cup starting Premier League teams in the second round and the final being in September. IGN didn't seem to give the game much of a review though like Kobashi said. They just seemed to want to concentrate on slagging off features while only mentioning the gameplay for a tiny bit because they had to and not because they wanted to.

That is one frustrated reviewer. But if your read between the lines of deeply rooted hatred and irony, he is actually sceptically positive.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'll be passing on PES this year, the demo did nothing for me. I can't be doing with the arcade speeds, I'll download SWOS for my 360 when (eventually) it comes out to get my arcade footy fix, and it's far cheaper :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The faults with the cup final stadium being the home teams ground could be fixed with a patch - the dates for the cup final just seem really weird - how can you mess something like that up?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

IGN said:
...fancy skill moves, which are little more than a more elaborate way of losing possession...

...the direction of the through ball can now be manually controlled, although it's generally easier to go for the default option...

It's obviously been played and reviewed by a fucking moron, and probably a PES fanboy :mad:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Really poor review. So annoying. Guarentee they give PES 9.3 or abouts out of 10.

He obviously hasn't given the game a chance and in his rush to get the first review out didn't bother EA only sent out review copies on Friday so he sounds and talks like a newb.Very unproffesional.

By the way, a few more stuff up on the Blog.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I honestly cant believe the FA cup final is in September, maybe Carl, Chris and Jay can clear this up for us??

Fucking IGN numb nuts!! :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I dont listen to many reviews, especially IGN.

Just cannot wait for this game now, I have stopped playing the demo and only concentrating on the tricks.

Love the Blog by the way, excellent effort.

I agree. I am not bothered by that review either. The demo is giving me lots of fun and enjoyment, and if the demo is doing this, I am quiet sure the final version with improved player response and better nets animations, will be just right for me. ;-)

Perhaps those reviewers were unhappy and bitter at the fact that their beloved Fifa has morphed into something they feared most. And that is to become a real sim futbol game and not the easy nonsense fifa we all were very familiar with from the past.

Who knows..In the end, I know I will be happy with my copy. I will get the most out of it fo sure!

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thanks! and yes, I finally saved up to get me a PS3. Why not, fter all, when all the good games come out in the near future I won't regret it. It's nice to have one just in case if you know what I mean.

FIFA 08 UK Version..Here I come


your gonna pay about $80 for it.... i would wait a week and a half and get the 360 version so we can play each other :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

What kit is Rio wearing in that pic?! FUCKING HELL, ANOTHER new Man U Kit? That's a fucking disgrace :mad:

And you missed off the Arsenal front two on the formation pic mate ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

your gonna pay about $80 for it.... i would wait a week and a half and get the 360 version so we can play each other :)

I reckon you bring up a valid point there my friend :-k

I will take your advise, it's the wisest thing to do considering the fact that I have two kids, a wife and bills on top of me.

Thanks for opening up my eyes. I will be a trooper and wait it out.

Owe you one!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yup, I don't have a problem with the review per se, although I'll be very intrigued to read his review of PES2008 as I'm sure he'll be highlighting it's seemingly endless list of flaws...

...or will it be "and the Master League makes a welcome return, but vastly improved as it now features still images of pub scenes!!"...."gameplay at super-high speed which is just how it should be (even though last year we said the gameplay had thankfully been slowed down, just how it should be)"..."the best news of all is that it's basically exactly the same as PES6!! Fantastic! How did they manage it?!!"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The layout of the competitions is dissapointing - it is all bread and butter stuff really. But aslong as the gameplay is top notch then I can wait for them to fix it for next time.

At least its not the Master league!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Question for you Jack Bauer..

I noticed your fifa blog has the word "soccer" in it. Are you US based? just curious since when this forum was down earlier today, I could not for the life of me figure out your blogs domain name. I tried everything from, to, to But I never thought it would be ""...

Just curious really.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat) still doesnt have it in stock but has every other platform. guess im cancelling.
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