Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Though it wasn't me who banned your account, there certainly is a difference between humor/irony/sarcasm and National Socialism. Your posts were completely uncalled for and do not belong on a site like this, at all.

Ah yes, you have looked through my humour and have seen my real agenda, the promotion of the fuhrer. Bernard Manning hasn't got nothing on me

Unfortunately this site is kind of high on the "sites in my heart" list and this has deeply hurt me.

Perhaps there is some middle ground here. Unban that account (as I love the name Badgerman) and I'll reign in the humour to a point where it is acceptable on a site like this.

I'll do a Boris Johnson-esque apology in your home town if I must, however I pride myself, much like McLaren do on their British integrity, on having never done something truly over the line. You'll be hard pressed to find a post where I have personally attacked someone or their beliefs without it either being tongue in cheek or loosely backed up by something.

Serious internetting here.

I know you lot have a heart, perhaps not a sense of humour, but prove dis badger wrong and make me the happiest :]
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

so...I played the demo more and realised (stupid me) that you have to flick the right stick once the ball is passed to you if your next to a defender in order to get open space. now I'm lovin it, it makes all the difference however i now play n the default control and feel its more responsive man can't wait for the full one go legia!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Come on, allow badger to return.
His posts on the WE thread are a welcome reprieve from the haters and fanboys.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Come on, allow badger to return.
His posts on the WE thread are a welcome reprieve from the haters and fanboys.

I will quote this until the cows come home.

My drawings in the PES thread were my children. You can't split up a family.

Also I FEAR for how monotonous the thread would have become without me. It would have been a black hole where your PC automatically goes into sleep mode.

badgur 4 prez of health and safety (of evo-web humour)
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

jack bauer, just wondering if you could answer a question i've got on the save replay feature.

can you save your replays to your hard drive as well as uploading them to the web? or is it only the latter?

surely you'll be able to watch replays on your xbox and not have to get to them via a pc?

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Though it wasn't me who banned your account, there certainly is a difference between humor/irony/sarcasm and National Socialism. Your posts were completely uncalled for and do not belong on a site like this, at all.

You know, while reading what Badger wrote about the Nazis and all that, the thought of promoting National Socialism never crossed my mind, even for a split second. It was purely humor. imo.

The great comics always take chances, making fun of peoples most cherished beliefs, whether it's the church, abortion, 9/11, etc.

I don't think Badger had any intention of offending anyone. And his posts were part of Evo-web already.

Free Badger. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

also if you get chance to ask via the blog you do could you ask if there is an overhead kick in the game? i've seen a horizontal bicycle kick but i mean a proper overhead kick. if there's not i can stop trying to do it :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

jack bauer, just wondering if you could answer a question i've got on the save replay feature.

can you save your replays to your hard drive as well as uploading them to the web? or is it only the latter?

surely you'll be able to watch replays on your xbox and not have to get to them via a pc?

The replays are uploaded to a little space on the web where you can retrieve them - you don't watch them on your PC, you download them on your 360 and watch them on your 360, within the game.

As for being able to save them on your drive, I would hope you could, because what if you have no internet connection? But no confirmation yet.

also if you get chance to ask via the blog you do could you ask if there is an overhead kick in the game? i've seen a horizontal bicycle kick but i mean a proper overhead kick. if there's not i can stop trying to do it :)
Will do! :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Although I don't know what Badgerman did or said to deem him a heretic and blasphemer...I do however beleive in a second chance and forgiveness. If that poor soul is indeed contrite and begging for forgiveness, by all means, forgive him and give him a second chance.

Badgerman, I certainly forgive you and hope you get a second chance. And if you do, go in peace and sin no more.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@ winston,

I totally understand your frustration with the responsetimes. I know i had them with 07 and especially with UCL (brought that back after 4 matches as i just knew i could never get into it). Do you play pes d-pad or analogue? I know i had that aswell to get past, i cant stand analogue footie games. I find you have to move the stick around far too much in a too fast a pace to get the full control you can have with a d-pad. Just going from down to right is such a difference in time and needed movement. I find analogue is best for slowmovement games, racing, shooting, etc.

Anyway, even so, ive gotton used to the responsetimes of 08, as much as you can in the demo. I had been playing 07 and the UCL demo beforehand just to get used to it. The fact that it is supposedly much improved in the final version, as i said, makes me really excited. I would have settled for the demo version.

As you say, you do need to spend time with it. Its a totally different way to play it, both controlwise and timing, aswell as the actual way you "use" your team. In pes you use passes to make things happen, in fifa you wait till things happen to pass. Its an odd way to play initailly, and its takes getting used, which i still am, but eventually you see the quality and realism you get from it.

As an example ill use a winger. In pes you see a winger in space and you use a through pass to make him run. In fifa you keep possesion and look/wait for him to make a run and then you give a through pass. As you would in real football. Just giving a through pass to a winger that hasnt made the run would normally result in you losing possesion, as you do in fifa.

Also what settings are you using to play the game? Ive put quite a bit on manual at first but i found it a bit slow and difficult. So i changed them and now i can play faster, more PES like even.

Passing = assisted
Through pass = assited
Crossing = semi
Shooting = semi
Longpass = manuel

This lets me have the best of both worlds atm. The longpass you would normally do with space and time, and because of that you have the time to use the power and direction to properly weight/aim the ball. Normal passing however needs to be quicker and more instantaniuos, for me atleast, and assisted lets me do that.

Coming back again to investing time, i spent about a month playing 07NG and after that period i was pretty good with the analogue, however by then i found all the faults in the game and couldnt be bothered to play anymore. It did give me the basis to be able to really enjoy 08NG.

As for the pitch question, the lower league pitches will degrade worse then prem pitches in teh managermode. So you will have both the choice of patterns and the actual quality of pitch.

I've always played with the analogue stick so have no problem with that. I just wish we'd get a footy game that was truly analogue and not 8 (or 16, at best) directions.

I actually don't have a problem with the slowish response of player movements in FIFA08, it's the fact that the cpu players are given such an unfair advanatge because their response is MUCH faster.

I do have a problem with the delay between you pressing the shoot or cross button and the player actually swinging his leg to kick the ball. It is, at times, atrocious (and is nothing to do with the player having to adjust his position in order to's just a crap piece of code) and as bad as any of the "cpu cheat" type problems that plague PES.

I have experimented with various assisted/semi/manual settings and whilst assisted obvious makes the game easier to play, it also makes it far less satisfying as it obvious feels very scripted. I've done scripted passes to death on PES for the past 8 years. I'm not interested in that type of gameplay any more.

The main attraction of this game (apart from the career mode) is the option for manual passing and shooting but because responses are so slow compared with the cpu team amnd defences are so tight, organised and quick, it's not a viable option to play on manual, unless you devote a vast amount of time to master it. Like many people, I won't be spending vast amounts of time playing games, just a once a week bash. Setting FIFA to an easy level (eg. level 2 in the demo) should allow an accessible gameplay experience, which this demo is not. Seasoned gamers are struggling to get into it and it's only level 2. Perhaps level 1 will actually be a decent level to play on (unlike PES, where level 1 is so simple it may as well not exist), but EA need to be careful not to make their game accessible only to die-hard players who play day-in, day-out.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm not Pryor - i'm just not constantly switched onto 'ON' mode.

By any chance could you just be normal?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah i agree with the difficulty. Although they have said thats its been adressed for the final version. A lot of your complaints seem to be fixed for the final version if the comments/contacts are to be believed.

Not long till we can find out......also keep we away from this place. The nonsense that gets posted is quite extreme. Just been in the pes thread, where poor Jack continues to fight the fight :lol:, and the ignorance is so high its untrue. There are very few who can actually accept pes' faults and argue in a good way about the qualities of both titles and why they like pes instead of fifa. Airjoca, Trance_Allstar come to mind and a few others aswell. The rest arent even worth reading. Which is a shame, as i started to visit here a lot more instead of pesinsight because of the gangsters/fanboys on there, years ago now. Hopefully it will all settle down a bit when the fifa players are away playing fifa and the pes fans can only read thomas say how it will be perfect and the ultimate simulation :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I need some kind of support, seriously. I used to be big enough not to rise (or lower myself) to people, and because I'm so bitter about the quality of PES2008, I'm just losing it. It's not right, and I have apologised to the people who I've insulted (bar one, and I won't say anything else about that, although I am getting abuse from three specific members). But it isn't right that I am responding and I need banning from the thread. I have asked to be but I don't know if it can be done.

Things need to get back to normality, and it's no use saying "it'll be over when PES is out" because that's a month away. I'll have had a stroke by then.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I need some kind of support, seriously. I used to be big enough not to rise (or lower myself) to people, and because I'm so bitter about the quality of PES2008, I'm just losing it. It's not right, and I have apologised to the people who I've insulted (bar one, and I won't say anything else about that, although I am getting abuse from three specific members). But it isn't right that I am responding and I need banning from the thread. I have asked to be but I don't know if it can be done.

Things need to get back to normality, and it's no use saying "it'll be over when PES is out" because that's a month away. I'll have had a stroke by then.

Ill back you up mate you know that :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Not long till we can find out......also keep we away from this place. The nonsense that gets posted is quite extreme. Just been in the pes thread, where poor Jack continues to fight the fight :lol:, and the ignorance is so high its untrue. There are very few who can actually accept pes' faults and argue in a good way about the qualities of both titles and why they like pes instead of fifa. Airjoca, Trance_Allstar come to mind and a few others aswell. The rest arent even worth reading. Which is a shame, as i started to visit here a lot more instead of pesinsight because of the gangsters/fanboys on there, years ago now. Hopefully it will all settle down a bit when the fifa players are away playing fifa and the pes fans can only read thomas say how it will be perfect and the ultimate simulation :D

I did start using "ignore user" a few weeks back and gradually have added more and more to my list, but it's getting to the point where I'd rather have the option "do not ignore" so everyone goes on ignore and I can pick to see the posts of the few people who post anything worth reading.

I've barely visited the PES2008 thread in weeks, largely because I've lost interest in the game, but the PES zealots and bigots make it a thoroughly unpleasant place to be.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm not Pryor - i'm just not constantly switched onto 'ON' mode.

By any chance could you just be normal?

I don't follow

Badger is a wind up merchant but a very funny guy :8):

I've just gone and registered myself up for rehab.

Cammey calling anyone a wind up merchant is a big sign for you to seek medical help

But thumbs up to cammey for being on the ball.

my world is collapsing
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

no probs you see every little negative point in pes but not in fifa. ;)

ok, u have to let it go, pes is gone, its that simple, the game has gone to shit, ea have made a game that even pro evo diehards like myself have been waiting for a long time, its here now, just accept that fifa is much better than pro evo and u will be much happier, its painful at the start but once u let yourself go u will enjoy it, i tried the pro evo demo again tonite just to give it a proper chance, then switch to fifa 08 demo and i was seeing a MASSIVE difference, everything is better on fifa, it is just simply fucking brilliant, join us and cross over to fifa mate coz pro evo has commited suicide
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

no probs you see every little negative point in pes but not in fifa. ;)
So you've missed the several times I've said that I'm afraid the entire game will be ruined by the super defensive AI even when you're playing a crap team, and that it has to be fixed otherwise the game will be a waste of time?

Go away. Oh God, ban me, please, this is getting ridiculous. I've sent a PM to Mart but apparently he's away for the weekend, I've proposed that I'm banned for a short period of time so that I miss all of this crap and when I come back there's too much for me to respond to. But I have responded to some people where I shouldn't have so he may chuck me off permanently, who knows. I regret most of what I have said in anger, but I don't delete it because I always make a point.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

ok, u have to let it go, pes is gone, its that simple, the game has gone to shit, ea have made a game that even pro evo diehards like myself have been waiting for a long time, its here now, just accept that fifa is much better than pro evo and u will be much happier, its painful at the start but once u let yourself go u will enjoy it, i tried the pro evo demo again tonite just to give it a proper chance, then switch to fifa 08 demo and i was seeing a MASSIVE difference, everything is better on fifa, it is just simply fucking brilliant, join us and cross over to fifa mate coz pro evo has commited suicide

I hope next week i get my xbox 360 from MS so i can play pes08 and fifa 08 demo. The impressions are so different. In the biggest pes german forum they say Fifa is not so good like pes...and here all say fifa is better.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ich hope next week i get my xbox 360 from MS so i can play pes08 and fifa 08 demo. The impressions are so different. In the biggest pes german forum they say Fifa is not so good like pes...and here all say fifa is better.

oh ok, so u havent played fifa 08 yet? believe me u will like it
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