Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES 2008 is a very good arcade game, but FIFA is an excellent simulation.

When I've been playing Fifa in the last few days, I've been off my seat in excitement...maybe I'm just mental, but I've been screaming out, "what a goal, what a game" whenever I complete a classic footballing move with a goal that looks so unbelievably lifelike. I can't even begin to describe how highly I rate Fifa 08 as a piece of gaming genius.

I was bored shitless playing PES2008. The physics are horrible, the animations still look dodgy in parts and leave a lot to be desired. The running animations are terrible. Only the player models (close up) can really beat what Fifa has in my opinion. The crowd looks cool too. The nets look like they've come straight out of the third tier of Bolivian football, and they also move like Sunday league nets that haven't been secured properly.

Again there is NO atmosphere in the stadium *sarcastically claps at Seabass*, but the pitch does 'seem' a little bigger. The crossing hasn't really changed since PES6, and you can ping crossfield balls from one side of the pitch in a second, that is just poor attention to detail. Although I think Fifa 08's crossfield balls can sometimes be a little too floaty, PES rally does pale in comparison.

I will play it some more today, but honestly I can't see myself rushing to buy it. If anything PES 2008 is a slight improvement on PES6 on the 360, and we all know how shit that was. I wasted bandwidth downloading that the day before last, and only played 1 game.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

guys, just played the 360 PES2008 demo and hugely disappointed. Big part of me was hoping that we would have 2 excellent footy games this year. UNless Konami significantly changes PES for retail then I suspect that Fifa08 will be my staple game for the next 12 months at least.
I like the Fifa08 demo and even with minor improvements I can see that the game engine is sound and has longevity.

The PEs2008 demo is like PES6 reloaded in super HD. Sooo Arcadey. Have to admit PES cut scenes and faces so much better than Fifa, but it falls so short on eveyr other aspect. I held so much hope for PES, but from the demo this is rapidly being eroded.
Sign me up for the fifa08 league now pls...........

You must appreciate that these posts ate quite alien to me as I have ALWAYS been an avid Winning Eleven PES advocate and have loved it. BUt I think I am potentially falling out of love with the old girl........

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

well ive played it too and think it is so poor all i can think about is..........


Ive got a fookin sore head playing at that speed. Not to mention the other flaws.

NB - This is posted in this thread because the blatant defense system of the pes defender doesnt allow for humour.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES2008 is absolutely shocking. And I agree with JB that it is very sad, as this is what PES has come to :(. It's almost a cartoon game in terms of gameplay, the graphics look OK to be fair, the addition of referees and linesman in game looks brilliant, but that's about all it's got going for it imo I'm afraid. The nets on PES2008 are bloody shocking too :shock: Like, hitting the ball against a trampoline at times, and other times like hitting a metal cage, very odd. The way they hang too, wtf?! :lol:

As I said, a real shame, I thought PES2008 would actually be playable :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Tim, is there any way you can ban me from one particular thread? If I keep posting in the PES2008 thread I'm going to get banned, but I can't believe how many dickheads are in the world. Please look into it for me - I am being serious. I don't want to be banned from the entire forum.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

We can all see the area's of concern in both games,the difference being that PES has them in bucket loads.The frustration in the other threads is the lack of maturity in accepting that things have changed.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Oh no folks, I got banned :'[

Not sure what for exactly but never fear, I'm here to brighten your day.

I sure wish that I could've read that PM though, Tim7 I think it was.

Oh well, if the heinous banner could face up to these crimes against humanity I would be most obliged.

To Jack, you were my one true love. A bit of a shame that some mod scythed through what was a good debate but oh well, there's always msn my brethren.

I'm not bitter, just crestfallen :'[

And ahar! Tim7 seems to favour Fifa, it's a conspiracy.

Oh well.

Much love, peace

-b <3
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jack take it easy, it took centuries before people realise the earth is gonna take some time before they realise fifa moved on, pes is stuck in its old glorious day.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thought i would bring the topic back to the Joe Booth producer for next year worry.

I really do hope they can keep him on for fifa09. 07 CG made a really good step to becoming a decent game. Wasnt as good as pes6 but a lot better then fifa06. And again this year the difference and quality from 07NG to 08NG is quite amazing, in comparison to pes. I also really appreciated the budget comment he made about taking funds away from the graphics department to increase the gameplay/physics' budget. That shows that he knows whats needed. And they actually listen to the community so we could see 09 becoming even better (added d-pad support anybody?!).

@ Winston, i actually like the challenge the 08 demo gives me, but i do agree they need to balance out the ai level, amount of faults and responsetime. Although im really pleased with how it is in the demo, the comments about it being better in the final release, better comp team difference from bad to good that also relates to how many mistakes they make and improved responsetimes, really makes me feel this will be an excellent game. An excellent singleplayer game. I still think, even though i havent played the pes8 demo, that that will be more "fun" in multiplayer. Just because of the speed and responsetimes. If you think that is realistic or not is another matter. But just from a fun factor point of view.

I know badgerman has been banned, which is a shame as i enjoyed his "pieces" in the pesthread, but i have to highlight one comment that i found very hypocritical. The fact that fifa has no depth to it, which i thought was a strange comment to make considering the pes argument over the years is that it takes weeks/months to see all the little elements that is in the gameplay. Yet he could tell from a couple of matches in the demo?! Anyway........

As for pes8, the amount of negative comments coming from lifelong fans pretty much confirms my worries for the last couple of years. Its not going anywhere and, booth staying on permitting, fifa could well bypass it in every aspect in 09. SeaArse has already said that pes360/08/09 will have the same "development" as we7/8/9-pes3/4/5. Guess well have to wait atleast a couple of years before its worth having a look at again. Shame.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Oh no folks, I got banned :'[

Not sure what for exactly but never fear, I'm here to brighten your day.

I sure wish that I could've read that PM though, Tim7 I think it was.

Oh well, if the heinous banner could face up to these crimes against humanity I would be most obliged.

To Jack, you were my one true love. A bit of a shame that some mod scythed through what was a good debate but oh well, there's always msn my brethren.

I'm not bitter, just crestfallen :'[

And ahar! Tim7 seems to favour Fifa, it's a conspiracy.

Oh well.

Much love, peace

-b <3

I wonder why...

go back a couple of pages and read what you wrote.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I know badgerman has been banned, which is a shame as i enjoyed his "pieces" in the pesthread, but i have to highlight one comment that i found very hypocritical. The fact that fifa has no depth to it, which i thought was a strange comment to make considering the pes argument over the years is that it takes weeks/months to see all the little elements that is in the gameplay. Yet he could tell from a couple of matches in the demo?! Anyway........

In fairness I've done my darndest to separate myself from PES fans in general. Their arguments aren't mine.

I wonder why...

go back a couple of pages and read what you wrote.

Ta for that.

Everything I wrote was tongue in cheek. Nothing offensive to anyone unless they misinterpret me. Insulting people on the internet is pathetic but taking the piss is just reet greet.

Oh well, I looked at it as a challenge to humour the humourless, it was also going reet greet until some mod pops along, who must've lost his family to a comedian on a murder spree, and bans a 5 year old account.

5 years yo, on the internet


live and let something or other.

love yous all though

mwah <3
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

In fairness, if he was banned, I should be banned as well.


You put forward your opinion like LOADS of Fifa/PES fans have before.

I put mine forward in a way that no one else has done ever.

I fell foul because of my methods, if you go then you'll have to start doing mass bans, which just aint great for anyone really.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I reckon we should just ban Jack anyway. He'd crack up if he couldn't post here. :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

LOL @ winstons sig.......theres only two minions left!

I think EA better send Jack the retail version pronto, keep him away from here and stop him exploding!

In fairness I've done my darndest to separate myself from PES fans in general.

And credit to you for doing so. There's too many ignorant tossers in there that are blind to anything other then positive pes comments. I had to laugh at the thomas example;

thomasgoal (impression) said:
"No pour pes is simulation, not arcade. Oh ooo, oui, yes adonis confirms demo more arcade then retail thankfully........."
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have a question , is every stadium gonna have the pitch from the demo with the cirkles because i haven't seen any other kind of pitches and it would really suck if that is the only pitch.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm not enjoying it already, and it's only been an hour.

This is the place, or one of the places now, where I get my PES info from.

Having to maneuver round this ban is just a hassle.

please mister mods i'll be a good boy if you unban that account so i don't have to post drivel like this, which, might I add, was something I nevar did before.

Infact I was quite the productive busy bee here.

You cannot cut back on funding, you shall regret this
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have a question , is every stadium gonna have the pitch from the demo with the cirkles because i haven't seen any other kind of pitches and it would really suck if that is the only pitch.

I bet so. Managemode has sesaonal pitches. so we will have different pitches too for sure.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@ Winston, i actually like the challenge the 08 demo gives me, but i do agree they need to balance out the ai level, amount of faults and responsetime. Although im really pleased with how it is in the demo, the comments about it being better in the final release, better comp team difference from bad to good that also relates to how many mistakes they make and improved responsetimes, really makes me feel this will be an excellent game. An excellent singleplayer game. I still think, even though i havent played the pes8 demo, that that will be more "fun" in multiplayer. Just because of the speed and responsetimes. If you think that is realistic or not is another matter. But just from a fun factor point of view.

There's probably a need for me to spend more time with the demo to really get to know how to play the game. I miss the PES controls I've become so used to and probably still play as if I'm playing PES.

That said, I stand by my criticisms of the demo. The delay between pressing kick and the kick actually happening is not acceptable, likewise the differential in response times between cpu and human teams.

Years of playing PES and all it's flaws have made me look first for the flaws in a game, as I know they will eventually be what determines how much enjoyment I have. PES has many great things but, for me, the flaws eventually smothered any greatness. I'd hate for the same to be true of FIFA but my experience so far is that it's flaws are quite similar to those in PES and we've not even touched career mode (the flaws in PES come into full bloom in ML mode).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have a question , is every stadium gonna have the pitch from the demo with the cirkles because i haven't seen any other kind of pitches and it would really suck if that is the only pitch.
There will be different patterns, there's even an option for "Pitch pattern" before you start a match. It's greyed out in the demo though
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have a question , is every stadium gonna have the pitch from the demo with the cirkles because i haven't seen any other kind of pitches and it would really suck if that is the only pitch.

When you go to play the match, right after you choose your kits. Look at the greyed out options which you cant select, theres on there for pitch type.

so maybe on the full game you can select what you like

edit: to slow :P
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@ winston,

I totally understand your frustration with the responsetimes. I know i had them with 07 and especially with UCL (brought that back after 4 matches as i just knew i could never get into it). Do you play pes d-pad or analogue? I know i had that aswell to get past, i cant stand analogue footie games. I find you have to move the stick around far too much in a too fast a pace to get the full control you can have with a d-pad. Just going from down to right is such a difference in time and needed movement. I find analogue is best for slowmovement games, racing, shooting, etc.

Anyway, even so, ive gotton used to the responsetimes of 08, as much as you can in the demo. I had been playing 07 and the UCL demo beforehand just to get used to it. The fact that it is supposedly much improved in the final version, as i said, makes me really excited. I would have settled for the demo version.

As you say, you do need to spend time with it. Its a totally different way to play it, both controlwise and timing, aswell as the actual way you "use" your team. In pes you use passes to make things happen, in fifa you wait till things happen to pass. Its an odd way to play initailly, and its takes getting used, which i still am, but eventually you see the quality and realism you get from it.

As an example ill use a winger. In pes you see a winger in space and you use a through pass to make him run. In fifa you keep possesion and look/wait for him to make a run and then you give a through pass. As you would in real football. Just giving a through pass to a winger that hasnt made the run would normally result in you losing possesion, as you do in fifa.

Also what settings are you using to play the game? Ive put quite a bit on manual at first but i found it a bit slow and difficult. So i changed them and now i can play faster, more PES like even.

Passing = assisted
Through pass = assited
Crossing = semi
Shooting = semi
Longpass = manuel

This lets me have the best of both worlds atm. The longpass you would normally do with space and time, and because of that you have the time to use the power and direction to properly weight/aim the ball. Normal passing however needs to be quicker and more instantaniuos, for me atleast, and assisted lets me do that.

Coming back again to investing time, i spent about a month playing 07NG and after that period i was pretty good with the analogue, however by then i found all the faults in the game and couldnt be bothered to play anymore. It did give me the basis to be able to really enjoy 08NG.

As for the pitch question, the lower league pitches will degrade worse then prem pitches in teh managermode. So you will have both the choice of patterns and the actual quality of pitch.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just noticed something superb.Corner to Red bulls, Khan comes to catch and collects well,I press A and he throws it in a packed area to Klose feet on the half way line.It looke real I tell you:applause:

i have never seen that before at such pace as sonn as I pressed the button, usually there is a short delay whilst players come away from the keeper and at a floaty pace.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

This place..... :/

When did it become OK to have a go at someone for indicating a preference to one game over another.

What if someone likes PES 2008 more than FIFA, its a f**king PES fan site what do you expect?

Similarly with people liking FIFA better this year? What youre not allowed to have a different opinion without being told youre on crack or some shit?

Listen up - heres the kicker.

Some people will always like PES better, probably no matter how good FIFA becomes - call them stuck in their ways or whatever - I'm pretty sure they arent deluding themselves and ARE ACTUALLY ENJOYING IT.

Some people will always like FIFA better - again maybe they never liked PES who knows? Who gives a shit - its their life, their opinion, their money!!? Who are you to tell them that they are full of shit and PES is better.

Some folk vary between the two looking for the ultimate in in footballing games whether they prefer arcade or simulation - something that emulates the feel of a real football match - something that gives them a buzz - something they ENJOY PLAYING..

This brings me to my next point, I just cant see the point of all this whiny "I'm boycotting PES" Do we care what games you are buying or aint buying? No? Am I interested in what your thoughs are on said game and how it could be improved - yes! Just dont ram it down my throat by advertising that you prefer FIFA every 10 seconds. I get it. I have read a dozen or so posts now about how people are sick of PES and why they wont be giving konami another penny.... yaaaaawwwwnnnnn...

Seriously what is going on with the forum its 90% bitching about ps3/xbox360/fifa/pro-evo and 10% decent discussion.

People are entitled to their opinion, if you cant respect it then you should post somewhere else.

/end of rant :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

In fairness I've done my darndest to separate myself from PES fans in general. Their arguments aren't mine.

Ta for that.

Everything I wrote was tongue in cheek. Nothing offensive to anyone unless they misinterpret me. Insulting people on the internet is pathetic but taking the piss is just reet greet.

Oh well, I looked at it as a challenge to humour the humourless, it was also going reet greet until some mod pops along, who must've lost his family to a comedian on a murder spree, and bans a 5 year old account.

5 years yo, on the internet


live and let something or other.

love yous all though

mwah <3

Though it wasn't me who banned your account, there certainly is a difference between humor/irony/sarcasm and National Socialism. Your posts were completely uncalled for and do not belong on a site like this, at all.
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