Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

well as i pointed out to another chap on this forum. Being american and knowing nothing about football has "fuck all" to do with making a video game. Being a excellent programmer and graphic artist has everything to do with it. And sorry that this hurts you guys so much, but america produces both and in spades. So stop hating on america and realize that yes even americans can make great footie titles. If you had to know alot about football to make a great game then all footie game development would come out of RIO not tokyo and vancouver..Why arent these games developed in London? and p.s. baseball is still the king in japan...

lol, i KNEW it would happen! :lmao:

you always rise csaunders...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I know you can see this in the PES2008 thread but I just think it's fucking brilliant.

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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No doubt pes 2008 will get 95% from official mags becuase Seabass Bums the editors every year, I think they play the new versions realise they are shit and go back and play pes4 to do the review
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Also his first touch didn't look very good, Ronaldo would've kept it down, not hit it up.

True if it was realistic he woulda taken it down, done 40 stepovers then dove to the ground and start crying when he didnt get a free kick.

Fifa is terrible
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

well i got the pes demo yesterday and i think maybe the transition from playing pes mainly all year is finally going to happen.

I realy like fifa07 last year and i was in the evoweb league as well. Although after it collapsed i got fed up with fifa 07, and went back to pes6 becuase of the funb factor and the easy to pick up and play factor. Sometimes i just wanted to get the pad and start smashing some goals in.

However after the demo of pes im gutted, it really is awful. the graphics are poor and the gameplay stinks. It just feels like pes6 again, just quicker

1 Thing i did like was the sound when the keeper saves (the ball hitting the keepers gloves) but mainly i find it to be a pointless release/purchase. Its not enough of an improvement(well its not any improvement for me) to fork £40 out for certainly.

Fifa 08 on the other hand is (like some1 earlier said) a breath of fresh air, there is so much you can do, not just because of the trick stick, but because of how the ball works. Different shots, different passes and build up plays etc etc.

Pes on the other hand is just a pass, pass, pass, pass, thorugh ball, shoot, goal, repeat. kinda game.

But its all good. Each to their own.

A trend i am noticing is this however. I feel its no coincidence that the 2 biggest fans of fifa (JAck and Placebo) are 'older' than most on here, and i think thats maybe why i have grown away from pes.

Basically i can see why some wont like fifa 08, it is slow, based on a more realistic way of how the game is played. for example how often do you see players running hell-for-leather everywhere all game like you see in pes?

Whereas some guys just want to have fun and play pes, where it is always frantic and some crackers can be scored and the games pace never drops. For me pes is all about converting chances, chances are easy to come by, its converting them chances that makes the difference. I can remeber in pes5 when i got bored i used to play the game on 1 star and just trash the opposition, just for the hell of it. Scoring some belters on the way.

In fifa i couldnt do this because the game is too slow and id get bored.

Now that im older, i appreciate that the game isnt played at 100mph and im getting just as much, in fact more pleasure from scoring goals that i have to create and work for myself in Fifa 08.

ANd jack is right with the cross field (switch) ball in pes2008 - its way too quick. The strikers dont shoot that hard!

I wont be buying pes this year unless i get it free (i got pes6 free last year as a promo copy) even still i doubt ill play it much. Seabass is a wanker - either that or he has some real bastards translating for him. working over a year on the ps3 pes2008? ..........highly unlikely.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ok Untucked shirts freak Cammey has just spent a couple of hours with PES 2008 demo.

Good points

Ball Physics are not as bad as I was imagining its not quite as bad as pes6 (360).

Player "Faces" are very very good, as are the player models.

Nets are very nice but should be deeper.

Better Menu's very clean and crisp.

Good crowd noises.

Boots look good, yet to see an untucked shirt, but I have been assured they are in.

Bad Points

Game Speed - Unbelievably fast, it really needs slowing down 30% before release.

Players coated in wax, How people can have a go at the fifa players is unreal, the pes players look like glass.

The Music - Terrible but that's expected and doesnt affect the game.

It still feels a bit "On Rails" and I can easily win on Top Player with the same tactics as PES6.

Well that's it folks.

To be perfectly honest I actually enjoyed playing it.

I went and played FIFA afterwards and that's much more realistic to me, but both games are enjoyable in different areas.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I swore I would'nt do it but I downloaded the demo last night and played this morning.

I can only really echo Fatlips comments above and Chris's dissapointments.The game is way,way too fast and it is just a case of direction-pass-direction-pass-run-direction-pass -shoot and repeat.There seems no way of slow dileberate build ups and it feels like a (as predicted by the initial video's) a good arcade game.

I am also one of the older gamers that has grown up with ISS and PES,I loved every edition upto 6 on the 360 and this it seems is where the love affair with Konami has ended.

I played 3 games, won 2-1 in all the games and the CPU scored 3 own goals.All my goals came from sprinting down the wing, crossing and heading home and that was sprinting from my own box without a single challenge:shock:

The AI seems off to me, especially the defenders who leave gaping holes for my attackers to run straight through,keepers parry alot of shots across the box to on rushing strikers (FIFA fault in 07) and they struggle to catch the ball when diving to save softish headers.

The ball reacts nicely in replays but in real time it rolls like a billiard ball,pasing is super fast and flat.Its rare that any pass travels 25 yards without bouncing intermitantly.The cross field pass is again to fast and feels heavy in comparison to FIFA which some say is floaty which it most certainly is'nt (I played semi Pro football for Grantham Town and know very, very well how a ball reacts to a good,"laces" cross field pass)

If you watch the FIFA ball it behaves in the air in accordance to the spin and the length of your button press in PES you just have to press the button, it does not feel deliberate it feels done for you hence the lack of a sense of achievement when I string 20 passes together.

FIFA is about battling for space,being exceptionally patient to create openings-just like real life.Its much slower than PES, its harder than PES and the players seem to have a superior AI.The running is also overly animated, it just seems like I am watching a footballer at x2 the speed thus the whole thing sometimes looks a bit cartoonish.

The Faces are absolutely fantastic, the nets are wonderful (much better movement than FIFA)but thats where the +ves in comaprison end for me.I was looking forward earlier in the year to getting a real next gen PES game to go with FIFA but as the more time whent by and I saw the various vids etc of PES, I just knew this was another glossier,slightly more animated PES6 and I have proved myself right.

Some will love it and I am happy for those that choose this game and enjoy it with thier friends etc, but its just reinforcing Konami's position of slight upgrades every year and I think those fans would agree that to be playing PES2013 with more animation and a tweaked AI here and there is a massive step backwards.

They need to re-write a next gen code I am afraid, something FIFA has already done.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Lazavas is right, but one thing for sure is.. Konami wont take a slight bit of notice. They didnt last year - they wont next year.

We could be happy for the Konami sheep saying it wonderful, but i feel we have to be selfish i suppose, i am glad that other people will like the game, its their opinion, but in a selfish way i want them to hate it because Seabass will be sitting in his mansion thinking 'job done' otherwise.

The only thing that can save pes from meltdown is for the fans to stand up and save it. Seems a bit cliche, but come pes2011 it will become unbearable.

JB and a few others started last year with the - dont buy pes, if you have to buy it 2nd hand - signatures, but they were seen as fifa-gotts (or what ever there called.) Madness!

Andish is right as well - the pes scene is dying, just look at pesfan and click new posts, guaranteed there will be more threads about utter shit rather than what the site is about, and thats from an officially recognized forum.

Evo-web is also full of fanboys, its surprising that the guys with the open minds are the chaps who actually run the site (moderators) - the one time biggest fan boys of all.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just gone and played 3 games of FIFA and the difference is a million miles in every department except faces & nets.

The game reacts like it does in real life, its an amazing attempt in simulating bio-mechanics, physics and behaviours.The more you play this the more of the game you open up.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't believe how deluded PES fans can be. They think PES2008 demo is great and Fifa08 demo is crap. I'm saying this as a PES fan and not a fan of Fifa at all. But are they cracked, maybe when the final version of PES 2008 is released, it's been worked a bit and the game is drastically improved, I hope, but I doubt it. I mean going on the demos Fifa wipes the floor with PES, how some people cannot see that is beyond me. Graphics wise, gameplay wise amnd that's a big thing, PES used to be the footbal sim and Fifa the arcadey type. now it's totally changed, Fifa seems so realistic, while PES makes me feel like puting a token in my Xbox to play it. I love PES, but I love football more. and right now Fifa is closer to Football.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't believe how deluded PES fans can be. They think PES2008 demo is great and Fifa08 demo is crap. I'm saying this as a PES fan and not a fan of Fifa at all. But are they cracked, maybe when the final version of PES 2008 is released, it's been worked a bit and the game is drastically improved, I hope, but I doubt it. I mean going on the demos Fifa wipes the floor with PES, how some people cannot see that is beyond me. Graphics wise, gameplay wise amnd that's a big thing, PES used to be the footbal sim and Fifa the arcadey type. now it's totally changed, Fifa seems so realistic, while PES makes me feel like puting a token in my Xbox to play it. I love PES, but I love football more. and right now Fifa is closer to Football.

100% agreed Rocky, I like the "token in my xbox" comment, made me chuckle that;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I would have a request.
Could someone record the whole match? (well, a half) With all cutscenes and all? Please ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

im just glad that as a long time pro evo fan that this years fifa is a great game, imagine we had a crap fifa and this rubbish that konami came up with, i still cant believe what konami have done, its retail suicide, theres no way anyone can say that pro evo demo is anything but garbage, id go as far as saying that pro evo 6 on ps2 is more next gen that what we have at the moment as far as pro evo is concerned
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm really surprised at how lavish some of the praise is for FIFA. The physics just isn't right. It's pretty good but it's still got that FIFA lightweight cotton-wool feeling, particularly at the point of contact with the ball. It's quite hard to articulate exactly what's wrong but they've still not nailed it. There are also some really poor/bizarre moments which make we wonder how genuine and free a physics model it is.

I think the game is decent, has potential, particularly with the manual-passing and shooting (although it's clearly not 360 degrees freedom, which is a shame) but it's still got some way to go to leave me in awe. In fact, take away the manualpassing/shooting and it's pretty average, scritped stuff.

The AI does some pretty good stuff but also some piss-poor stuff.

A reasonable foundation for the series on next-gen but I hope EA are not going to rest on their laurels now they've had some praise for their gameplay. I fear for future versions, they may decide their gameplay is now good enough and so ignore improvements to the basic gameplay and concentrate solely on adding new content like dynamic weather, etc.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im not going to hold back like most of the people on here, ive been a PES fan since the first time i picked up my first copy for the PS1, yesterday i downloaded the demo in the hope it might actually have made significant steps forward since PES6 which I found fun - but not really specified for a football simulation.

So at 11:30pm i sat myself down, beer in hand, anticipating the new PES. I was left hugely dissapointed.....

PES2008 is fucking shit! (pardon my language)

I have bought every Konami football title, but this is the first time I wont be touching Konami's addition, I refuse to pay over £40 for a shite game, and in my opinion, its Kak.

Sebass is a total Jip, to think that this game is good enough for the next gen platform.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im not going to hold back like most of the people on here, ive been a PES fan since the first time i picked up my first copy for the PS1, yesterday i downloaded the demo in the hope it might actually have made significant steps forward since PES6 which I found fun - but not really specified for a football simulation.

So at 11:30pm i sat myself down, beer in hand, anticipating the new PES. I was left hugely dissapointed.....

PES2008 is fucking shit! (pardon my language)

I have bought every Konami football title, but this is the first time I wont be touching Konami's addition, I refuse to pay over £40 for a shite game, and in my opinion, its Kak.

Sebass is a total Jip, to think that this game is good enough for the next gen platform.

Try the game to the PS2

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

So at 11:30pm i sat myself down, beer in hand, anticipating the new PES. I was left hugely dissapointed.....

PES2008 is fucking shit! (pardon my language)

I have bought every Konami football title, but this is the first time I wont be touching Konami's addition, I refuse to pay over £40 for a shite game, and in my opinion, its Kak.

Sebass is a total Jip, to think that this game is good enough for the next gen platform.

So, do you like PES2008 or not?
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