Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but how the hell do you curl the ball?

finesse RB but its pretty pointless and this is from a finesse whore in fifa 07 lol it just doesnt work for me :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

finesse RB but its pretty pointless and this is from a finesse whore in fifa 07 lol it just doesnt work for me :)

i was like u in fifa07 than..i used it a lot..
in fifa08 thoug it diferent...its alot more does work, but when it would work... i did score about 3 long range curled goals with ronaldinho, beaultifull.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yep. Not so silent in the FIFA thread though, where you're safe to praise and criticise the game without being told to fuck off.

Well I guess that's an invitation.

So I downloaded the Fifa demo and all I can say is



This is what people want in a football game?

The only reason that I can even begin to imagine is that people just want to try something different. But surely that would be only something to play on the side?

There is a gulf here people. The games are not comparable. As in, there is a reason that the official playstation mag has it on the cover and the like.

I am stunned. So much so that I have just made some brown babies whom are also more concerned with the health of these people than their own sweetcorn content.

I was genuinely worried about how PES was coming along, thankfully that has been replaced with concern for you guys' general stability. srsly, u guys ok? :[

This isn't me mocking all of you, just those whom thought it necessary to come into the PES thread and harp on about how Fifa is by far the better game.

The game still doesn't flow, you still don't have the feel of being able to craft delicate attacking moves.

Yet again I must stress that this isn't me running into your garden and pooping on your flowers, it's merely a reality check for the select few that seem to have selective hearing (reading?) and whose support of Fifa is fanatical in the extreme.

I realy don't see the argument for Fifa being the sim and Pro Evo being the arcade game.

First off, the shooting in Fifa. Aye. I'll give that a miss.

Oh wait that's kind of an integral part of a football game.

Oh and I'm good at football games and games in general so I'm not playing it with a Pro Evo hat on.

I mentioned earlier that Fifa has never had the subtlety that made Pro Evo such a brilliant game. That's still the case here. If someone can shed some light as to why people have their knickers in a bunch over the next batch of games then I'm all ears.

Another theory of mine is that people have become disillusioned with aspects of the new Pro Evo, got worked up over it and have voted with their feet by joining forces with the evil conglomerate.

But yer let this forum be a forum for exchanging ideas and information with all others. I am genuinely curious :]
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I feel some Badger bashing coming on... ;)

I Have not really played the demo to any extent and so have not commented, but I'm still crossing everything in the hope it's a genuine alternative to Pes, mainly so I can play with all the full leagues and cups. But also so Seashore has to get his and his "staffs" fingers out of their arses...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

fuck off!


I was about to edit my post to say

"I hope no one tells me to fuck off! :'["

I'd give you kudos but I harbor suspicions that you said it as an atempted insult rather than a funny tie in.

Which one was it?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I feel some Badger bashing coming on... ;)


I'm really g'd up for this for some reason

I'm hesitant about going down this line as I've seen this argument unfold before.

I found it quite unresponsive and didn't seem to work in conjunction with 2 direction being pressed (or some other button combo)

It also didn;t meet the accuracy requirements that I was used to in WE10
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

But yer let this forum be a forum for exchanging ideas and information with all others. I am genuinely curious :]
No, you're not. If you dont like it that's fine, but what difference does it make if I tell you I think the shooting is excellent, the pace of the game and passing is the most realistic ever and the animations are brilliant? You have clearly made up your mind.

If you don't get it you don't get it, if you want to find out why people like it there's a shitload of pages in this thread discussing what people like about FIFA08.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i just spent a couple of hours playing the fifa demo, trying my hardest to 'like it', but, alas - it is STILL pure garbage. wtf, the steel on my radiator was rusting faster than the speed of any attacks that were being carved out on the screen!

i agree with everything you said, Badgerman - how the hell anyone can seriously consider this over pes is beyond me...

the only plus point is it looks absolutely gorgeous - which matters not a jot when it plays like the proverbial dog that it's always been.

granted, 2 hours probably isn't enough, i hear you all scream, but 2 hours playing this is 2 hours too much...

edit: have just played the pes2008 demo:

maybe garbage is a bit harsh. it sure is slow, though. might just take some time to get used to it... it just looks sooooo lovely - a fact compounded by the shameful graphics of pes2008.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Badger. Okay. This is my point. Unfortunately I have to do it without talking like someone who thinks he's God because people on a forum laugh at his poo references, because I'm not as funny as you.

Kick a ball on PES, across the pitch, from side to side. Go and do it. Now. It takes one second, from leaving the midfielder's boot, to landing on the receiving player's boot. This is no exaggeration, this is what happens in the game. One second, side to side.

If you think PES2008 is the most realistic football game ever, you tell me what kind of football you're watching where a ball can travel 70m in a second.

Now you can love the game, fair play to you, knock yourself out. But to call it realistic is like saying that the chances of you being a badger are realistic. You can have the best time in the world with it and I won't doubt that, you can LOVE it if you want to, you can shoot jism across the floor every time you plug the fucking pad in, but PES2008 is no kind of realism. If you can't see that then you don't watch football very often, or you're leaning on the fast-forward button when you're watching a match, end of story.

Everything in FIFA is realistic. Slower and more boring, it may be, if you're not into it. But realism is exactly what it is. So enjoy your game, but don't think you're playing anything like a football simulation. PES6 is more of a simulation than this.

I have to learn to let go, and not try to convince people, I know. And I need to chill out. But I'm not trying to convince people to love FIFA, or hate PES, I'm trying to explain that PES2008 is NOTHING LIKE REAL LIFE, judging on the demo. It pisses me off so much that people say this PES2008 garbage is anything like real life, because if you think it is, you're living a fucking lie.

But this is a PES forum, and as the Badger you will always be king, so have fun, as I'm sure you will.

No, you're not. If you dont like it that's fine, but what difference does it make if I tell you I think the shooting is excellent, the pace of the game and passing is the most realistic ever and the animations are brilliant? You have clearly made up your mind.

If you don't get it you don't get it, if you want to find out why people like it there's a shitload of pages in this thread discussing what people like about FIFA08.
Not that it matters, but I agree entirely.

EDIT: And this is what fucking annoys me with the PES lot as well. All day they're saying it's perfect and then when Adonis comes in and says the final version is much improved they're going "oh thank God". What?? All day it's "oh it's amazing, so real" yet when it's announced that it's going to get even better, you don't see a single post saying "it's going to get even better, how can it?!". You can feel the relief all-around that this isn't the final product.

And then TG posts this:

Apparently the demo look alot more arcade than the full beta game

Oh well thank God for that, despite the fact that we've all been discussing how totally not arcade at all (not even a tiny weeny bit) it's been all day!!!!!!!

Absolute fucking joke.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No, you're not.

I think you're telling me how to think.

I'm not falling for that one, NAZI

If you dont like it that's fine, but what difference does it make if I tell you I think the shooting is excellent, the pace of the game and passing is the most realistic ever and the animations are brilliant? You have clearly made up your mind.

I clearly said that I was interested in as to why people like this game so much. I didn't say that I was going to change my opinion on the game as a result.

Oh look what you've done, you've diverted me onto the subject of semantics rather than that of fifa.

If you don't get it you don't get it, if you want to find out why people like it there's a shitload of pages in this thread discussing what people like about FIFA08.

Time is infinite, by browsing attention span is not. Plus I desire specific information not previously mentioned

Also there's 200 pages here, you might as well ask me to sum up the bible for you by tomorrow
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i take it all back, the pes2008 demo just downloaded and i had a quick game...


did i just waste all day downloading pes6, when i already have it sitting on my shelf? what's the deal? is this a joke? what's with the ps2 graphics?

maybe it's time to invest some serious time in fifa - i still would love to love it, but it hasn't given me much encouragement thus far... that was, until i just played the pes2008 demo...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

badgerman you are entitled to your opinion, however you are wrong and in my honest assessment a wave short of an ocean
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Badger. Okay. This is my point. Unfortunately I have to do it without talking like someone who thinks he's God because people on a forum laugh at his poo references, because I'm not as funny as you.

At last, a point of agreement you poo guzzler!

Kick a ball on PES, across the pitch, from side to side. Go and do it. Now. It takes one second, from leaving the midfielder's boot, to landing on the receiving player's boot. This is no exaggeration, this is what happens in the game. One second, side to side.

If you're being literal here then you're wrong.

I'm not sad enough to record it but you're wrong.

If you think PES2008 is the most realistic football game ever, you tell me what kind of football you're watching where a ball can travel 70m in a second.

But Pes2008 isn't released yet.

And that 1 second passing thing you mentioned is wrong.

If we can debate one another with lies then I'll go and say every player on Fifa looks the same, the game hasn't changed from last year's version and it's just a load of fancy menus and indie music.

See now we're getting nowhere. GREAT JOB

Now you can love the game, fair play to you, knock yourself out. But to call it realistic is like saying that the chances of you being a badger are realistic. You can have the best time in the world with it and I won't doubt that, you can LOVE it if you want to, you can shoot jism across the floor every time you plug the fucking pad in, but PES2008 is no kind of realism. If you can't see that then you don't watch football very often, or you're leaning on the fast-forward button when you're watching a match, end of story.

What about if I'm in a badger costume.

I kind of weird lead in to the fact that football games are a grey area. Technology limits how good footy games can be. We are at least 20 years off from having a game that could pass for a real life match, no doubt. As a result, you take what you can get.

Also I haven't got Pro Evo tattoed on my retinas, this is just an issue that irks me.

Not being familiar with football is a tiresome rebuttal. Ah yus, I have no interest in the game, I have stumbled here by accident looking for dinosaur porn.

Everything in FIFA is realistic. Slower and more boring, it may be, if you're not into it. But realism is exactly what it is. So enjoy your game, but don't think you're playing anything like a football simulation. PES6 is more of a simulation than this.

Have you screwed up here or are you implying that Pes6 is more of a sim then pes2008?

If so, well no one can argue this as pes2008 hasn't been released

I have to learn to let go, and not try to convince people, I know. And I need to chill out. But it pisses me off so much that people say this PES2008 garbage is anything like real life, because if you think it is, you're living a fucking lie.

jeet fukken christ x2


Not a single sports game EVER MADE has come even a smidgen close to being real life at all, ever ever ever.

Technology cannot replicate real life. As a result, you have to accept what you're presented with, and at present time, Pro Evo is as close to real football as you can hope. There are subtleties in the game that you see in real life.

But this is a PES forum, and as the Badger you will always be king, so have fun, as I'm sure you will.

I've been posting here for around 3 months, i'm so embarassed.

Not that it matters, but I agree entirely.

Oh really i thought youd agree with me im shocked
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

badgerman you are entitled to your opinion, however you are wrong and in my honest assessment a wave short of an ocean

Thanks doctor, my grandfather has alzheimers (spelling?) but apparently it's not genetic and aside from that there is no other family history of mental illness.

Actually my brother's a bit mad but hopefully that's a one off.

Cheers for the excellent rebuttal though.

awesome to the max :]
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Badger, I'm not lying, I'm not sad enough to record it either, but the whole reason I'm so pissed off that people think PES is a simulation is because that's a lie.

So if you think I'm a liar then I can't argue with you, which is a good job really, because you love the game and that's that. Have fun.

And Power (even though 90% of the forum has you blocked so they won't know what I'm replying to), I was referring to the physics. There's bugs but I've seen bugs in PES2008 as well. If you want to tell me the ball slides across the ice, sorry I mean the pitch, like that in real life, then you're playing football on another planet as well. You and the Badger should get together. BadgerPower, could catch on.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

EDIT: And this is what fucking annoys me with the PES lot as well. All day they're saying it's perfect and then when Adonis comes in and says the final version is much improved they're going "oh thank God". What?? All day it's "oh it's amazing, so real" yet when it's announced that it's going to get even better, you don't see a single post saying "it's going to get even better, how can it?!". You can feel the relief all-around that this isn't the final product.

And then TG posts this:

Oh well thank God for that, despite the fact that we've all been discussing how totally not arcade at all (not even a tiny weeny bit) it's been all day!!!!!!!

Absolute fucking joke.

A bit unfair using that thread as a barometer for feelings towards PES2008 when it's filled with mardy moo moos and people whom are fifa inclined

Also you sound genuinely over this. I'm here saying that a lot of the pes fans are suffering from PMS and are generally useless whilst you are getting worked up over it.

Take some vicodin bro
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Take some vicodin bro
I'd tell you what to take but I'd be banned. I am worked up over this because I find it disgusting that Seabass is going to make money from you, for making a game with ice-pitch physics, long-balls that go from one side of the pitch to the other in a second and where the defensive AI on top-player is equivalent to the defensive AI in Mario Strikers.

I used to love PES and now I'm outraged because, in my opinion, it has turned into a pile of rather smelly stale and disgusting shite. And this is why I will constantly complain about it, because I want to see it how it was years ago, when good changes were made, when it was a simulation first. When I thought, "the people behind this game really love their football." Even if they added a speed option we could fix some of the errors I have with the game, rather than force this upon us.

I get worked up because I used to love the game, not because I love abusing people. There's only three or four people on this entire forum that I genuinely can't stand, and I usually don't respond to them because it's like talking to a tape recording. "Insert your comment here... Response; PES is a simulation, you CLOD."

But I am now going to drink a bottle of something in an effort to forget the millions Seabass will be raking in this year.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Badger, I'm not lying, I'm not sad enough to record it either, but the whole reason I'm so pissed off that people think PES is a simulation is because that's a lie.

So if you think I'm a liar then I can't argue with you, which is a good job really, because you love the game and that's that. Have fun.

Ok now I'm sure you're angry.

Take a step back here. I'm honestly not out to grab your beard. Accept the following, 95% of people here are utterly useless for judging the general feel towards either game, I'm here wondering why one side thinks like it does.

I am in no way endorsed by the people you hate so much.

I don't wear one of their caps after a race a la formula 1

I'm not even the face of the pro pes party.

I'm on a lone crusade bro, and one which has been greeted with a parade of flowers by the look of things.

On a serious level, I know that you're involved with that Fifa blog and it's a big deal and whatnot. But make sure you realise that all this is about computer games. This isn't the be all and end all. In a years time we will have moved on to the point where no one gives a shite about what was going off now.

You seem to be a literate bloke and someone capable of rational thought. Take a step out of my book and get to the level where you realise that everyone's a dipshit apart from 10 people on the globe.

chillaxing is the way to go in life. join me and we can play solitaire on msn games
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Badger, I'm not lying, I'm not sad enough to record it either, but the whole reason I'm so pissed off that people think PES is a simulation is because that's a lie.

I havent played pes08 or fifa 08 demo but i think pes6 and fifa 07 are not realistic. But i cant understand why is Fifa 08 so realistic now in comparison to fifa 07.Only one year later of the previews version. Sorry but i cant believe in your opinion.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I get worked up because I used to love the game, not because I love abusing people. There's only three or four people on this entire forum that I genuinely can't stand, and I usually don't respond to them because it's like talking to a tape recording. "Insert your comment here... Response; PES is a simulation, you CLOD."

Am I...

Am I on the list?

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I havent played pes08 or fifa 08 demo but i think pes6 and fifa 07 are not realistic. But i cant understand why is Fifa 08 so realistic now in comparison to fifa 07.Only one year later of the previews version. Sorry but i cant believe in your opinion.

EA had done it with NHL why not FIFA?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It is just a game and you're right, I'm sorry. I do apologise, you're literate yourself, between the poo references. And I'm sorry for making it personal. It just makes me so angry to see where the game is heading.

I honestly don't care what people enjoy, I swear to you. Noted, who is someone I speak to on MSN a lot, is enjoying the demo, and I'm not saying to him "you mong". It's just the fact that PES is not, to me, a simulation any more. I was genuinely and rather sadly emotional this morning when I got the demo, because it's not the PES I used to love. It was just a game but it was something I did with my time every day, or every few days at least, and now I can't bear to look at it. I find that genuinely sad, when something you've devoted thousands of hours to turns into something you can't bear to see.

But I apologise for being over the top.
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