Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

no offense mate but your really putting out such a negative vibe it feels exagerated to me..
Not to me, that's my opinion.

Your opinion feels exaggeratedly good to me, because I think this demo is shite. But play whatever you want to play and let people think whatever they want.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I was going to say that to try and sound less like a fanboy but I really really don't like it.

Respect to those who do though.

I prefer Fifa by a long way after playing the PES demo

but like i say i could pop PES on and have a laugh with my mates, Fifa is more of a serious simulation where you can really enjoy the way you play

It used to be Fifa with the high scoring games but i tell you now i see alot of 3-3' 4-4' coming when im playing my mates on PES
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

fair enough

I think one thing a lot of your guys need to remember (particular Jack and Placebo) is that this whole forum is made up of hard-core people.

For the mainstream, the same old view remains - for now:

PES is still the best, and Fifa is the same old shit.

Now this may change, but PES still has cult following, Fifa does not. You only have to look at the number of comments on versus the numbers on WENB to bare this out. Although, to be fair has not had the time to generate a following yet.

*****Don't just read the big letters on my post and start to attack me, lol********
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You're right Lionel, of course. I should really step back and not comment. I've always thought I was quite open-minded and that if you like something I don't then I wouldn't have a problem with that, but I'm really, honestly (and not in a pompous way) struggling to understand how people can like this demo. Perhaps trying the FIFA 08 demo seriously (which not many on this forum will do) has put a lot of things into perspective and brought out PES's faults even more, who knows. But I really don't like it.

But never mind, there's more important things in life. My neighbour has just got out of her car wearing the shortest skirt I've ever seen. Enjoy the games.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I remember that everyday, the posts I've been getting back these last few weeks hardly let me forget that, but I refuse to somehow censor my thoughts or opinions because some people are too immature, or too "hard-core" to be able to accept that as much as they have the right to post nothing but positive things I have the right to post negative things, but all in all I think I've been well balanced today :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i have just played the Fifa demo again after playing the PES one and i cant believe how much better Fifa feels

in PES i was making 3-4 passes and having a shot on goals on Fifa im having to make a shitload of passes just to get near there box

Awesome :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

After playing the demo, what I will have a hard time with is anyone who actually says that PES2008 is in anyway a realistic simulation of football, it's an arcade game pure and simple, IMO people should stop treating that word as some kind of horrendous defamation of their or Konami's character, you have a fun, fast, frenetic, arcade football game to play and enjoy, if that's your bag, more power to you :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I remember that everyday, the posts I've been getting back these last few weeks hardly let me forget that, but I refuse to somehow censor my thoughts or opinions because some people are too immature, or too "hard-core" to be able to accept that as much as they have the right to post nothing but positive things I have the right to post negative things, but all in all I think I've been well balanced today :)

No, you don't have to censor yourself. I'm just saying its kinda interesting that people have views here, that are not yet shared by the mainstream. It's a bit like if you are a massive Blue-Ray or HD DVD fan. You go into a pub and people don't know what the hell you are going on about! Same as if you go in and say "You know what Fifa is actually a better game now."

"What, give this crazy fool a double whisky, quickly!"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Part of my problem is I'm a northern lad, oop north, if we don't like something we say it's shit, if we like something we say it's great, there tends not to be in betweens, very little grey oop north, it's all black and white, like our teles we watch after workin down t' pit 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for threpence hap'ny and a mouldy loaf :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

IMO people should stop treating that word as some kind of horrendous defamation of their or Konami's character, you have a fun, fast, frenetic, arcade football game to play and enjoy, if that's your bag, more power to you :)

That what im trying to say to the fanboys in the PES forum

They wont have it at all just because we like Fifa

all it is for them is Fifa vs PES, Ea vs Konami regardless of what either plays like
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Part of my problem is I'm a northern lad, oop north, if we don't like something we say it's shit, if we like something we say it's great, there tends not to be in betweens, very little grey oop north, it's all black and white, like our teles we watch after workin down t' pit 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for threpence hap'ny and a mouldy loaf

Lol, one of my best mate's is from Leeds so I know what you're talking about, "It was fookin' shite that was!"

Why should everyone think like the mainstream?

No you shouldn't, absolutely not, just don't expect them to think like you, at least not yet.

E.g. I've got friends coming over for a video game footie session next month and I'm getting funny looks (and some stick) to suggesting we might be playing Fifa and not PES!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

man u guys arguing about what game is the best and why u like it or not is so fucking boring, mr jack bauer trying to convince everyone that he is just stating his opinion, jack not having a go but every thread u post is about u not liking something and how everyone else can do what they want and its just your opinion, dude its getting fucking old, and why on earth are so many people spending so much of their time analyzing everything from untucked shirts to shoelaces being undone? for fucks sake its a video game, man some people on here are ridiculous
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

why on earth are so many people spending so much of their time analyzing everything from untucked shirts to shoelaces being undone? for fucks sake its a video game, man some people on here are ridiculous

Perhaps because the full games aren't out yet? I can't speak for everyone but once the full version of Fifa08 is out my postings will reduce by about 97.43% (I can hear the yippee already) ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

man u guys arguing about what game is the best and why u like it or not is so fucking boring, mr jack bauer trying to convince everyone that he is just stating his opinion, jack not having a go but every thread u post is about u not liking something and how everyone else can do what they want and its just your opinion, dude its getting fucking old, and why on earth are so many people spending so much of their time analyzing everything from untucked shirts to shoelaces being undone? for fucks sake its a video game, man some people on here are ridiculous

So by default so are you, as by your reasoning people posting their opinions on a forum (what a strange concept that is!) are ridiculous. Which you yourself are doing by posting your opinion by saying how ridiculous it is to be posting your opinion on a forum. Do you even understand how thick/stupid your comment is? LMAO!

@ Jack, Ignore the thicko!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I cant see what Jack has done wrong? He has constructed his criticism fairly on his own opinion of his experiences with PES from previous titles.

He's not criticizing anybody for liking the game in fact he has said he hopes people can enjoy their PES but for him he simply cant. Fair play to him.

Lay off lads.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't really be bothered posting in the PES thread so can anyone who's tried the PES2008 demo let me know if there's any sign of improved manual passing?

Is it still the same awful RAS implementation and basically 8 direction, scripted, slow-rising power-bar and max power is completely inadequate?

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i am downloading both demos now - i will post my opinion on them later.

let me first state that i have ALWAYS hated fifa - except the '98 version (which i thought was average at best but at least it was playable), and let me also state that i feel pes has struggled to live up to the heights of iss pro evo on the ps1 - i never really got much enjoyment from the ps2 versions as i did from the ps1 versions, so i'm gonna be playing both on a clean 'next-gen' slate...

i would love for fifa to be good, because as a brand, it certainly has the most potential, but generally it never played too good. pes was the opposite - you always knew what you were getting (poor presentation, but at least it played well).

i haven't followed the hype leading upto both the next-gen versions of the games, so i'm not really sure what to expect, but from what i can gather this time around, fifa is catching up fast.

i would LOVE to love playing fifa, so hopefully that's about to change for me. i expect to enjoy pes, so no real change there.

i'll let you know how it goes...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm really worried the media are going to fawn over PES again too. Though their scores have gone down a lil bit over time, they've always been around 90%. I bet the new one is the same deal, regardless of how good it actually is. I couldn't understand how PES 6 could get the same score as PES 5. Suerly the fact that nothign changes in a year of development means that it can't be ranked the same.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can't really be bothered posting in the PES thread so can anyone who's tried the PES2008 demo let me know if there's any sign of improved manual passing?

Is it still the same awful RAS implementation and basically 8 direction, scripted, slow-rising power-bar and max power is completely inadequate?

Eight-direction yes, scripted yes (perhaps slightly less so but I've seen enough scripted moments), slow-rising power bar no (seems normal now), max power still looks inadequate.

Don't say I never give anything to this community. :thumbup:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

360 easily, the nextgen version are far superior then the current gen versions, well for fifa anyway. PES isnt much different though but atleast its widescreen.....

I thought he meant the games, not the controller/console? anyway......

Any news when youre getting the promo version Jack?!
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