Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm actually, and this is going to sound stupid, quite emotional. I've played Pro Evo since ISSPE2 on the PSone and I loved the first three or four, got tired of little changes to the off-the-field stuff (no more teams, no more competitions, done it all before), but each game has been playable. I had one or two good matches of PES6 online - I hated the game overall but online it wasn't so bad if you got a good player. But this is, I feel, the end of an era. I could never play this.

I'm always honest, and I don't argue if people think I'm not. Every year I've had a lot of negative things to say, but I have said positive things as well, because there have always been positives. This year, the only thing I can say is, the shots don't balloon over the bar any more. But everything else is the same as PES6, and the poorness of the game is exaggerated by the cartoon-like speed of it. Honestly, even though I prefer FIFA, I'm gutted, because I've bought every PES and every WE up to now. But this is terrible. I could shed a little tear, it's so sad.

The physics are ridiculous, every ball moves across the surface like it's glass. The way the ball bounces isn't real, at all. Everything is decided by the CPU (if you don't like their method of using manual pass), meaning that every pass you do is either perfect, or straight to the CPU. Goalkeepers punch things out for a corner that they have no need to even be APPROACHING. If I want to cross the ball then I barely get a challenge, just a wing-back flapping his arms at me. They don't try to stop you. But the speed is what kills it for me.

No improvements I can see bar the graphics and the shots that don't go over the bar every time (plus good referee AI and excellent graphics for the faces and the crowd). From what I can tell, everything else is either the same or worse. But then the speed of the game makes it hard to notice any improvements.

I'm honestly gutted.
Jack , I haven't got the demo yet , but this video shows exactly what you said...

It seems that there is no sign of any realism in PES2008. Physics and speed are ridiculous as you said ,at least that is what you see from these videos. :(

I hope fifa08 will get some demo bugs fixed so that we can enjoy a football sim this year :roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That's the vid I was referring to aswell BlackJim - looks very poor.

@ SXFuzz - well, I was pretty addicted to every version of ISS/Pro Evo upto 5 so in my eyes, yes it was once the undisputed king.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

You all know I'm shit at this game, three goals in two hundred halves.

Playing the PES2008 demo on top-player, I've scored six goals in five games - for the last goal I ran a defender from defence to attack, and scored (the opposition defenders all ran to the goalie, for some reason - not one player closed me down).

I'm gutted.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jack, I remember that problem on ProEvo5 too - do you recall it? Midfielders were scoring shit loads of goals 'cause the defense just backs off.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Oh yeah, you're right (my memory is terrible, I'd forgotten about that). That, to me, shows why I will never play the game again and enjoy it until they build it from SCRATCH for next-gen consoles. So many bugs, glitches and overall deficiencies come from code that is years old. The game is still a PSone game at its core and it's not on, not now that Konami have serious competition.

I cannot believe it, I really can't.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It could be worse - FIFA08 might have turned out crap and then we'd be fooked.

We've been saying for ages that Seabass has a challenge on his hands and at the first hurdle he may have failed.

It is gonna need a re-write, just like Joe Booth initiated, to get it right and to the level that today's gamer demands.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

good fighting jack ! :)

wish the ps3 demo would be out so I could fight right by your side
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm not trying to fight, I'm sorry if it appears that way. I'm really gutted, and angry at Seabass - not at the guys who like it, I'm honestly pleased that Han likes it and that other guys will as well.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I know but its like a fight becauseo some PES fanboys will defende their game and hate FIFA without even looking at the game - just for the name. that makes me sick
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

That CVG vid makes it look even worse then the liepzig vids. The sound of the ball being hit is so rubbish. And yes the speed looks ridiculous, although viewing small vids on a pc makes it look faster then when actually playing it. But even so, had to laugh at that saha run at the end of the half. And the ball looks really weird, does it actually slowdown when passed along the ground?! Seems to just glide like its on ice. And when are they going to sort out the pitch?! It has no mow marks whatsoever, theyve looked at fifa's pitches (which also has some "round" darker sections/patches) but they have forgotten to have the actual mowlines. :(

In some ways, even though i havent played the demo yet, feel the same way as Jack. I did after seeing the liepzig videos, it really does look to be the end of an era of playing pes daily till the next release comes out (and the pre release excitement that came along with it). Ive played, and looked forward to each release since the snes days (iss back then) but this doesnt interest me in the slightest as an actual game to buy and play. Im more interested in the demo just to see how poor its becoming.

And CVG is a joke of a site, not a mention of a fifa demo impression yet they say the 360's pes only competition is the ps3 version. Sad they are so ignorant to fifa and its qualities, and that from a "professional" games site.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Maybe they should release PES2008 from Xbox Live Arcade , cause from what we see atm , that's where it should be :p
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Haven't played the game (PES2008Vers 1.2) But seriously it does not sound good. i'm in the US so i won't play this demo for awhile and i personally could care less seeing how good the fifa demo is already(but please i need NOVICE!)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

oh god jack your such a drama queen somtimes, pro evo was fun as shit. they definatley improved on last years title alot on the 360. I had fun playing it...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No need to make it personal mate, that's only my opinion.

I didn't like PES6 but online (when you got an honest opponent) I enjoyed it. Otherwise, I didn't, and even so I prefer it to PES2008.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can someone explain why there are so little impressions in the pes8 thread? When fifa was released this place was buzzing. Yet in the pes thread ive seen about 5 impression and thomas continually asking about 1080.........
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'd say people are busy playing the game too. A mix of both. (What Jack said).

Edit: "a really cool thing i noticed on a goal replay. Aimar is in the left corner and as he is approaching the crowd gets up from a sitting position and they all stand in unison as if they knwo something big is going to happen, quality!"

I'd like to see this in FIFA as well.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

the CPU cheats (which are still there, your player slows down when a ball is a few feet in front of you when you're hammering the sprint button)

Yes, I remember this happening in PES actually. Just watched that PES08 video and I've got to be honest, I thought it looked OK. I will download and play the demo when I get home from work and then post my impressions after playing it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i cannot wait for fifa 08, this game is amazing and has me hooked

like everyone else the demo is getting on my tits because it's so damn short

noticed earlier djbril cisse has a tattoo on his neck, the realism is what i love

just downloading the pes demo now, looking forward to playing it also to be honest
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

"and its no neigh never..... :applause::applause::applause:

No neigh never no more.

When we play bastard pro evo .....

No never no more"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jee-whiz, PES2008 demo sounds real bad Jack. Just read the PES thread and there appears to be only 2 or 3 people being positive about it and one of them is Placebo who's basically spelling out how arcadey the game is. And another is Han whom I suspect wears PES pyjamas.

Part of me hopes it really is as bad as Jack makes out because if it is, surely there would be a major outcry which would force Seabass to take drastic action to radically improve the game for next year. My fear is that the game will generally get pass-marks and the ever so slow evolution will continue. I still want to like PES but I'm not accepting tiny changes year on year, nor scripted gameplay, scripted physics, cpu cheats and the woeful ML. PES2008 doesn't seem to have addressed any of this.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

my views on PES that i have just posted

"Im really struggling to find anything realistic about this game

the game is fast, the passes and extra fast and super accurate as are the through balls. the shots are let off like rockets and the graphics are like the simpsons

but with that said its still a good game, not for realsim but for pure fun"
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

My fear is that the game will generally get pass-marks and the ever so slow evolution will continue.
Look at the reviews that have been posted already from Gamespot etc... "Oh the game is so great, we literally can't wait to get hold of it." One huge fucking cliché after another. The magazines won't change because they have to suck Konami's cock to get any kind of info from them the next year, so secretive is their PR department. And they need it to satisfy the PES fanboys, of which there are many. This has been said to me by someone in the games magazine industry a few times (believe it or not, I'm not here to prove anything).

but with that said its still a good game, not for realsim but for pure fun
I was going to say that to try and sound less like a fanboy but I really really don't like it.

Respect to those who do though.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think people may have accepted that PES is actually a computer game, and a bit arcadey, whereas FIFA is like real football, and plays as real football does.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No need to make it personal mate, that's only my opinion.

I didn't like PES6 but online (when you got an honest opponent) I enjoyed it. Otherwise, I didn't, and even so I prefer it to PES2008.

no offense mate but your really putting out such a negative vibe it feels exagerated to me..
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I suspect that PES2008 will still attract glowing reviews from the games media. 9 out of 10's all round, comments like 'still the best footie game', 'PES retains it's crown', 'the best just got better'.

When will they wake up?
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