Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Coming from someone who asks when the conference starts, when it's written five posts up (and on the previous page), I'm sure that's a very hurtful comment.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I'm like your comedy sidekick aren't I? You'd be lost without me.

I'm sitting here in a comedy top-hat and moustache going "D'OHHH, you stupid boy".
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

btw i was talking about the thread in general not the last few comments
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Does anyone know of an equivalent of Evo-web forums for FIFA?

I want to try and get excited about FIFA08 so need to find somewhere full of fanboys where everyone is hyper about it, to see if it engenders some enthusiasm in me. You guys just seem to be talking about monkeys and stuff.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Does anyone know of an equivalent of Evo-web forums for FIFA?

I want to try and get excited about FIFA08 so need to find somewhere full of fanboys where everyone is hyper about it, to see if it engenders some enthusiasm in me. You guys just seem to be talking about monkeys and stuff.
SoccerGaming used to be good, but then it overflowed with morons, hence why I ended up here (there you go, you know who to blame now :mryellow:). They might have thrown a few of them out by now though.

And EA's own forums are full of kids, it's nothing but "NO U BALLBAG, SHUT UP N LISTEN 2 ME, MOVING HAIR ISM ORE IMPORTANT", "SHUT UP FAG, I WNANA SEE DA NETS MOVE IN DA WIND" etc...
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah, I used to visit Soccergaming for PES. I occassionally pop in to it's PES forum and it's still "fanboys only" territory.

I hoped there might be a mature forum somewhere, like this one :lol:. Is FIFA becoming a game worthy of such?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

You need to be more than a Moderator to do that coopz :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I hoped there might be a mature forum somewhere, like this one :lol:. Is FIFA becoming a game worthy of such?
Most definitely, their plan now is to make a realistic football game - I mean, the amount of things that amount to where the ball goes shows that (contact point, leg velocity, God knows what else but there's apparently a four-page document about it). They're out to make a simulation on the 360/PS3. But whether they decide in two/three years time to make an arcade game again remains to be seen.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Nothing new about this at E3 then. A bit strange if you ask me? Maybe they're having trouble or taking time doing all the next gen lower league teams. A delayed release maybe. Usually we have a lot more info/screens/movies at this stage from EA.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Maybe they have changed tactics, to combat nokami's no comments strategy. Normally fifa is always the first (or atleast it always seems so) with most, if not all of the games details released in pics, videos, pdf's etc while pes is just quiet with no news. Usually after the fifa storm of pr konami come up with their own bollocks, sorry pr, and the enthusiasm for fifa seems to reduce among the pes fans. Maybe this year they are going for a similar pr-release schedule to keep the hype up when pes shows its cards. After all they seem to be aiming at getting some of the pesfans from konami as they seem to be the only ones left to not buy the game. Just speculating though.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

fatlip's beginning to be annoyingly thick.

if your referring to me saying no mention of fifa before the thing was finished - it was becuase the first thing she said was what games were to be featured, and there was no mention of fifa.

Jesus, i wondered why you were getting on everyones tits round here - Now i know why.:roll:
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

new preview, credit and xbox 360 world

difficult to get overwhelmed at the prospect of another FIFA title, regardless of the continued (sometimes troubled) improvement shown in FIFA 07. (Aptly demonstrated with a 73% in XBW46... we'll discount the nasty Champions League cash-in.)

As you'd expect, it'll be bigger, brighter, prettier and more stuffed full of licenses than any other game, including several thousand more players than in Madden. But after years where they may have out-sold PES, they've never conquered their Konami rivals where it matters: on the pitch. This year though, there are several improvements which they reckon will set up a much more level playing field.

First up, the ball is truly animation-free. Last year's version went almost all the way (although there were still some artificial limits); now the ball is totally physics-driven. It's not tied to a string, it's not pre-determined in animations, it's just, to all intents and purposes, a ball. Which is great news, but lest we forget, it's exactly what we've enjoyed in PES for an age. With this in mind, EA are determined that FIFA 08 will become far more freeform. You'll have a wider range of spontaneous moves and you'll have to get player-positioning right for shots. Which, er, is all in PES. Already. Still, if they sort it, then it's undeniably great news.

Kick It
The other big focus is an area in which EA have far more expertise: a massively expanded skills section. On the one hand, combined with the physics engine, you'll have more opportunity to pull off sexy football tricks from all your favourite players, doing so by holding down the left trigger and using the right analogue stick. It's designed to be more organic and fluid than 'trick sticks' of the past and easier to pull off on the fly. Cruyff turns, Ronaldo stepovers and already over a dozen other moves are all promised, after they borrowed some technology from NBA Homecourt.

And let's face it, everyone wants to pull off the good stuff to truly humiliate their mates. However, we've got to be honest and say we're unsure of how much focus we want on these sort of individual skills; after all, it's a team game and to be fair, trick stick-style gimmicks have had dubious success down the years.

That said, the sounds coming out of EA Canada are encouraging, and if they can pull it off, this could rock considerably. Well wait to go hands-on with it before we give it a full endorsement.

Xbox World 360

nothing new at all, in fact i don't really know why i bothered copy and pasting it. in a word, this preview is SHIT
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Delete your post then mate! lol. Nah seriously we wont hear much more till August I reckon (1 month before Release) and possibly a 360 Demo on the Marketplace would be nice. Then wait another 2 months for a PS3 demo on the PSN....:)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

i posted it before i even read it :)

a demo would be the true test.

anyone remember when last years demo was released?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I thought previews actually meant these sites/mags played the game and gave a heads-up on how its shaping up. More and more these sites seem to just post some generic write up anybody could have done with the press release info.......Also cvg have shown they are very biased towards pes, even showing ignorance towards pes' faults just to criticise fifa. Bit of a shit site really, imo.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

JayM yeah I thought the same thing! it was very Pro PES. "PES has had this for years" I thought to myself What? PES has had independant Ball physics? no it hasnt! it has had CPU Programmed physics (mostly bullshit physics at that!)
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