Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

It depends on the producer they get. I used to personally know one of the guys who produced it, and honest to God, of all the people they could have hired, he was the last person on earth you and I would want to produce it (although, he was perfect from EA's point of view). He was all about animated hair, scoreboards that updated in real-time, birds that fly over the stadium, black-and-white "pressure" moments when the teams are in the tunnel, all of that shit. The first thing he pushed when he was put in charge was something to do with the music. :|

But with the guy they put in charge for FIFA 07 and now FIFA 08, they've got a really good chance of developing a great game. Both are really passionate about their football, and looking at their history in the business, they know what they're doing (although Joe Booth worked on the current-gen FIFA 07 - most of what he did involved game modes though, he "invented" the Interactive Leagues mode, which was absolutely brilliant and will be included in FIFA 08).

If EA are ever going to get it right, this is the year (and that's not based on them saying that in the press, that's based on me looking at the producers they've had for ten years, and the producers they've had for the past two years). And FIFA 07 was a massive improvement, so you can only hope FIFA 08 is as well.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah FIFA 07 on PS2/Xbox/PC was a joke, that think with the players dreaming in the tunnel? What was that all about?

I have to say every aspect of presentation on FIFA 07 360 was immaculate!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I wouldn't say that, the next five posts will be "BUT THEY ALL LOOK LIKE MONKEEEEES!!"
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I'm on about the menus, sound and music. They got it bang on in FIFA 07 360.

I agree anyway, the kits are far too baggy in FIFA games.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

new preview, credit PSW and

nothing all that new apart from the comment about crosses and through ball at the end. edit, is the thing about manual keepers new too?

the preview -

Kick velocities, ball swerve trajectories; anything that could possibly be turned into algebra has been crammed into FIFA 08. There's a 22-page document crammed with diagrams of wiggly lines through footballs - and that's just for shooting!

That document is why the ball now behaves so realistically. If it's caught square with the laces, it'll rocket in a straight line towards the goal, while any skew will send it curling away. You can now send Frank Lampard specials skidding low towards the goal too.

Tricks will play a bigger part in breaching defences, instead of just being showy and ineffectual. Tricks now seem to be much more organic and easier to integrate into overall play. Impressive-looking sequences can be strung together as space is sought in the middle of a packed park.

Finding that all important gap to unleash a rocket or killer pass will be more demanding than ever before. Now defenders will plug gaps more efficiently, with the whole team shifting its formation on the fly.

If it does all go a bit wobbly, you'll be able to switch to manual control of your keeper by pressing R3. This is especially useful during freekicks, as you'll be able to cover the bits of the goalmouth left unguarded by your wall, and when you've been caught on the hop by a quick counter.

Also rejigged is the way through passes and crosses are performed. Now they're completely manual, so your timing and placing of passes needs to be spot on - but when you crack it, the effect promises to be mighty satisfying

Oh my word?! full control over crosses. *Drools*
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

In PES, why do all the players adopt a monkey pose?

And this what the EA team chooose to copy!!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

:) wouldnt be early BETA when the game is due out in September and we arent that far away yet.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I can vaguely see resemblance to David Beckham and Wayne Rooney... my guess is its the England Monkey Team line-up.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Whoever want to slate Fifa get out of here and go back to your PES part of the forums

this is for people who are interested in Fifa not PES
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Shit, don't say that, I won't be allowed in the PES threads ever again... :(
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Coopz I was only havin a joke mate. Im all for both FIFA and PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

EA's show is tonight from 10pm til 11:15pm (UK time).

It's not 100% if they will show anything from FIFA 08 but, with it being E3, you'd imagine so. Keep an eye on Gamespot.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Coopz just don't make something out of nothing, it was just a joke, nobody's having a go at FIFA, i have nothing against EA as i play there NHL series and have been playing FIFA for handful of years. But you can't deny the fact that FIFA players have always been struggling from the monkey-like movements animations.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Re-Arranged, to some degree yes I think you are right about the non-natural movement in FIFA. It is apparent sometimes when I play 07 next gen. But the vast majority of movements look so very real and sweet! especially when C.Ronaldo runs down the right wing :) it looks just like how he runs!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I you listen to the pod cast on set up by one of the creators of this site (evo web)he is talking about a friend in the business who is a PES fan got sent a demo of FIFA08 and said he could not put it down.

In the pod cast he said that this guy told him that if Konami don't get this one right then FIFA will start to take over.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I you listen to the pod cast on set up by one of the creators of this site (evo web)he is talking about a friend in the business who is a PES fan got sent a demo of FIFA08 and said he could not put it down.

In the pod cast he said that this guy told him that if Konami don't get this one right then FIFA will start to take over.

Good news! It would be great if there were 2 genuinely good football games to choose between...or buy both, more likely.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

As is written five posts up the page, yes. You really are allergic to reading anything older than two minutes, aren't you?
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

LOL. Is it on a live stream anywhere? I don't think theres one on gamespot.
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