Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Absolutely agree. We were PES fans (fanboys?) which is the reason why we are here. This point has already been said so many times, yet people resort to FIFA fanboy comments :-s

I have really stayed quiet these past few months, because as you can see, this place has become quite a mess. Just look at the WE/PES thread, and you can see it's full of PES fanboys (Yes I will call them fanboys, because they just consider FIFA 08 'shit', simply because it's not by Konami, without giving the game a fair a chance).

You can just see how far has FIFA come, because I wouldn't ever believe that I would like a FIFA game. Just ask brunnoce, with whom I used to have long MSN chats, and continuously told him the WE was the better game, and the next gen would be even better. And just like me, other people like gomito, who were still PES fanboys (I agree, I was one too) before the release of the demo, are now giving the game a fair chance.

I can see how people still enjoy PES/WE. Despite the robotic animations, scripted gameplay etc the game was FUN to play. But the fun just wears off for some people like me. But I won't argue with those who like the new PES game, as I completely understand why they would.

@Placebo, I don't really know you well, or have talked to you, but you seem to be one of the few decent guys around here. But I think for the past couple of days, you've been a bit angry. You reply to Adonis was a bit hypocritical, and I think posting in the WE/PES thread is a complete waste, and even replying to ThomasGoal isn't worth it. I think you should calm down a bit, and avoid posting in that thread (which I too have done), and we can have proper, mature discussions here :)

That is a good post, but I do not agree with the statement I have highlighted,I can't see where Paul has shown lots of anger.I think anyone is entitled to a bit of a defensive attitude when you spend so much of your time helping others and adding value to the thread but certainly not anger;)

The Fanboyism thing I just ignore, because its childish to me,you like or dislike, end of.

I like em both but I prefer FIFA because its dared to try something different and IMO have made a good job of it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@Dr Force, maybe anger was the wrong word, but I couldn't think of any other word. I think he overreacted a bit to Adonis, and I just think he should ignore the WE/PES like most people, as having a discussion there is impossible.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I ask, has anyone here played J-League CC? The latest version of WE imo is the best footy game out there. Im totally surprised by the enthusiam for Fifa 08. I mean its ok, but some of the praise its getting is ott.

Now that Im 'looking after' a fifa blog I guess Im gonna have to try my best to get into this game. I need someone to try and convince me why this is better than PES.

here's a paragraph of my thoughts. Try your best to work through them:

First of all I dont think the game replicates real life footy better. I do think it looks more life like. I think the player faces are shite. Even if EA use better tech in creating faces, why go through the hassle if its considerably worse? The textures are nice. Some of the animations are stunning. The net animations are cack. Shooting's nice. Goalkeepers are much improved. The ball is floaty. Response times are bad, but better than before. The atmosphere is incredible.

Goodluck ;)
I have played hours and hours of WEJLeagueCC. I love it to death. I have played mostly multiplayer in the community mode, which is an awesome edition btw. This version is definatley the best ever for WE. I wish tere were more patchers doing this one...

now fifa has really gotten a hold of me. They really fixed the repsosiveness and the control you player has on the ball. The LT trigger is your friend...
At this point i was playing fifa all last week, yesterday i played WEjLcc for the first time in three weeks with my mates, and the second thing i said was "man i forgot what a great game this is" :) for me it looks like both games are great and im in for a real treat this fall/winter because i love the manaager mode in fifa and looking forward to beating some evo web ass in the online league
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

and I think posting in the WE/PES thread is a complete waste, and even replying to ThomasGoal isn't worth it. I think you should calm down a bit, and avoid posting in that thread (which I too have done), and we can have proper, mature discussions here :)

TG is the biggest PS3 and PES fanatic here

he wont give the 360 any kind of props even though its been proved that at the moment the 360 is superior in most ways inc sales, and the same goes for Fifa. He has tunnel vision and feels the need to support pes/ps3 when the 360 and fifa are both very good at what they do.

I feel sorry for him because hes missing out on alot of good stuff with his way of thinking
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think the bottom line is fifa deserves some credit this year. I'm very excited for Fifa 08 and I haven't been excited for a Fifa game since Fifa International Soccer 94
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I am loving the controls more and more... You can do supercancel, move the player to run for the incoming ball with RT, do 1-2s with ease... You can even put the ball into the box in an overwhelming number of ways!

Plus, the tricks and feints seem to work against CPU to a certain extent, which is quite lifelike IMO... I never liked that aspect of PES, where only shot feints can give you those extra inches to have shooting clearance, tricks have never worked properly as in real life.

The only downside I can think of, is the players' likeness with their real counterparts, but hey, isn't gameplay what all of us PES fans remark and demand of each new version? Even if this is next-gen and we could hope for everything, time is what matters the most when developing a software product, and I personally feel that EA has wisely invested their last year with FIFA.

A last question: People has commented here which is the best combination of Manual/Semi/Assisted in the game, but I seem unable to find it... Could you please tell me your choice?

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I post something on here and you take it as an opportunity to take a swipe at me. And you were they only one who did so. It shows what sort of person you are.

You were someone I truly respected, one of the more mature lot, but the messege wrote back at me was personal and offensive. Something I didnt expect from you.

It doesnt matter though, lets move on. I aint gonna lose sleep over it and neither are you.

Frankly I'm disappointed in you, that you don't have the courage of your convictions, you throw at me lack of common sense, absurd, laughable, foolish, and then say that I'm the one being all personal and offensive? Whilst sneaking off like some little bitch as if trying to take some higher moral ground.

If I insult someone I'm prepared to face up to that and back it up, apparently you're free with the insults but have no spine behind them. Well enjoy your moral high ground dear Adonis if it means that much to you.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hey Adonis,

Do you guys have a link for the fifablog yet? Or is it still being built/prepared?

As for making you see why you should give it a go, why we are liking it so much, i think quite a few have commented on it. But ill just add to it, seeing as i started playing the pes games from the snes iss days. And hadnt gone near fifa since 98 till last years 07 ng version.

I think if you are enjoying pes for the game it is, you wont feel inclined to try, or atleast put a long term effort in to fifa as there isnt much need. Which i assume is the perspective you are coming from. If i only played multiplayer pes and downloaded the demo just to give it a quick go i probably wouldnt like it due to the reponsetime and the whole different feel it has. You pretty much commented on the obvious qualities fifa has at first glance. Atmosphere, animation, texture, etc.

Correctly me if im wrong, but im assuming youre a multiplayer guy. If thats the case, i would say stick to pes. PES, moreso then fifa, will give you hectic, fastpaced attacking football. Which is what will innitially be more fun in multiplayer match ups.

Ok, so now on to why i really like fifa, and unless pes amazes me, ill onyl be getting fifa this year. Firstly, im a singleplayer. I would expect you to agree that pes singleplayer is pretyt crap in this day and age. The ML gives very little quality anymore, and the increased amount of scripting just makes the game even worse. fifa's ML is so far more advanced and better then pes' its just ridiculous. Start out in a lower league and do well and you can continue playing and improving your club or take a new job (when you get one offered) at a bigger club and start a new challenge, all within the same setting. Added to that you have the huge amount of teams & modes, the better graphics, sound & atmosphere. So far, fifa is easily on top. Now to counter that, pes has the better player likeness' and faces. But thats about it.

Now moving on to gameplay, I was worried about 08 as UCL's response was just to slow for me. So ive been pleasantly surprised by the 08 demo, and that looks set to be improved in the final version aswell. Also i havent played pes6 since feb/march so ive been able to get out of the pes speed/mentality. Atleast somewhat, as its been trained in to me over the past 10 odd years. But even so, im fairly clean in that regard. responsetime therefor for me isnt an issue in this version, so im now left with AI, shooting/passing/heading/etc.

Comparing each element;

AI could be equal, better or worse then pes. I havent played pes8 so i cant comment on it. What i can do is say how obvious it is how good the AI is in fifa atm. The comp really does work as a team and move and cover space in an excellent realistic way. It challenges you to think and look at player runs and space. So thats a +

Shooting has improved a lot from 07 and feels really good to me, you can again choose how much control you want and decide what you want to do. PES had a lot of scripted shooting, i would expect that to be the case again, but even if its not, fifa has excellent shooting. Another +

Passing has improved and is excellent. You can have full control and be very free in how you want to pass/play the game. Long passing is a great example of this, in pes ive never been able to totally control distance/direction/power because a lot of it was scripted. It would go near the player you were aiming for, but a lot of it was dependant on the defense and the ai would adjust it. Fifa hasnt got this, i can hit a ball to where i want, regardless of where me player of comp player is standing. Ive already hit quiet a few nice diagonal long ball to where i wanted them, and its let me use the ball in a way to get the upper hand and make a chance. +

Heading, i would say pes is better at this. Its more responsive and atm, feels better. I think fifa's heading is ok, +/-

Crossing, Im not sure actually, i think pes atm is better, but ive also noticed that the more i play the better range of crosses i can put in. So ill just keep it at +/- again.

So looking at those, its fairly balanced between pes and fifa for me. Each has its stronger and weaker elements. Which int he end leaves responsetime as the major factor for gameplay. If you are coming off pes, you will have a hard time with fifa and probably keep to pes. Which is fair enough, even moreso if you mostly play multiplayer.

Another factor for me is the crappy development and cash cow attitude pes has become since about pes3/4. Its the same game and has very little development. A couple of added animation, a tune up and the annual adding/removing of features. That alone, after so many years has pissed me off that i just dont want to spend the money on it.

So concluding,

If you want instant multiplayer fun as a hardcore pes player, youre best sticking to pes.

If you want singleplayer, youre best putting in the effort to get used to a new game because it pisses all over pes in this regard.

If you want to play a new good/great footballgame just as a change to pes, fifa is a worthy replacement.

If you want a more simulation based (slower pace, more about space and runs) footie game you should give fifa a go.

If you want more arcade, fast paced action you should go for pes.

It really depends on what you want out of a footie game in the end, each has its qualities.

[disclaimer; all the above is my opinion;
Real football is slower paced then pes,
The pitch has been made smaller just to compress the game (pes)
It has artificial adjustments/scripting to make it harder (pes)
Seabass has said they want to go more in the direction of arcade as he doesnt think the current NG consoles are good enough.]
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

TG is the biggest PS3 and PES fanatic here

he wont give the 360 any kind of props even though its been proved that at the moment the 360 is superior in most ways inc sales, and the same goes for Fifa. He has tunnel vision and feels the need to support pes/ps3 when the 360 and fifa are both very good at what they do.

I feel sorry for him because hes missing out on alot of good stuff with his way of thinking
I'm a ex FIFA/PC player Coopz
and in 2000 or 2001 i buy a PS2 with FIFA and one day a friend give me some PS1 game for burn it, and in the list of games i see ISS Pro Evolution 1, i try it and it's "le coup de foudre" and following day i go to a shop for trade my FIFA PS2 for ISS Pro Evolution 2 on PS1 and i give money for that ! and now i play all PES/WE and when i try FIFA i have never felt that.
And for the PS3 it's because i want PES and WE (no region code console) and i love high tech and home cinema.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

*shudders* The thought of an American celebrating over XBL microphones scares me. Annoying accents ;-)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

A last question: People has commented here which is the best combination of Manual/Semi/Assisted in the game, but I seem unable to find it... Could you please tell me your choice?


so far I am using everthing "with help" but the through pass. through pass (triangle) is set to manual. this is giving me possibilities to do real wide open passes which I never been able to execute in PES.

I will keep normal passing at "with help".
Long passes (circle) could be more realistic with manual but I will have to experiment with that in the final version.

And shots will stay "with help" for me. Maybe oneday when I will dominate the cpu on highest difficulty I will change the shots but no need now.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Man things are getting heated....

I just wanna play Fifa 08 on rookie. i can't score a goal.

Though i scored only my second one in about 100 matches last night
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@Placebo, I don't really know you well, or have talked to you, but you seem to be one of the few decent guys around here. But I think for the past couple of days, you've been a bit angry. You reply to Adonis was a bit hypocritical, and I think posting in the WE/PES thread is a complete waste, and even replying to ThomasGoal isn't worth it. I think you should calm down a bit, and avoid posting in that thread (which I too have done), and we can have proper, mature discussions here :)

In some ways you're right, in some I disagree, nothing new there ;) In some quarters there seems to be a mentality of "oh that person is immune to criticism because they do this or that", I can't go along with that, I was raised that if you have an opinion on something that feel strongly about you express it, if it's a problem you have with someone, if it's a problem with what someone says, you say it, if it pisses the person off and makes them respond in a negative way to you, fine you deal with the issue like a man and discuss it, throwing insults at someone with zero foundation is not the behaviour of a man, throwing insults at someone then not having the courage to back it up when they respond is not the behaviour of a man, and such things will always make me angry enough to express my opinion, no matter how contrary it may or may not be.

Maybe it's cos I'm a Northern boy ;)

Not sure where my post to Adonis was hypocritical, if it was it was, but I cannot abide by an attitude of "I'm trying to like it" or "tell me why I should like it", when behind that mask is nothing but contempt as was shown with crap like "the game's so great only a fool doesn't see that", sorry but I can't abide by such falseness, I try to be honest in all that I do, even if the honest means I piss everyone off, even if the honest means I appear hypocritical to you or someone else :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Wow TikTik, you can WRITE! I grew a beard reading all of that! Loved the disclaimer :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

When was the last time a FIFA game got this much attention and this much debate over which is better? Clearly EA have done something right, I never thought I'd ever say this but EA need a pat on the back.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@Dr Force, maybe anger was the wrong word, but I couldn't think of any other word. I think he overreacted a bit to Adonis, and I just think he should ignore the WE/PES like most people, as having a discussion there is impossible.

I agree that everyone should ignore the PES diuscussions in here and park them in the FIFA v PES thread.

I just find it pretty poor when members (long standing or otherwise) are not respected or bashed when so much has been contributed by them.

Anyway enough of this , lets get back on topic.

Tiktik's post is superb and pretty much say it all.In the age of live and MP the most enjoyable for alot of peeps is the single player mode which FIFA has no challenger.

Getting to grips with the complex and deep gameplay and taking that through say 5 seasons is exciting.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I cannot abide by an attitude of "I'm trying to like it" or "tell me why I should like it", when behind that mask is nothing but contempt as was shown with crap like "the game's so great only a fool doesn't see that", sorry but I can't abide by such falseness

:applause: I for one agree with you Placebo
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I agree that everyone should ignore the PES diuscussions in here and park them in the FIFA v PES thread.

I just find it pretty poor when members (long standing or otherwise) are not respected or bashed when so much has been contributed by them.

Anyway enough of this , lets get back on topic.

Tiktik's post is superb and pretty much say it all.In the age of live and MP the most enjoyable for alot of peeps is the single player mode which FIFA has no challenger.

Getting to grips with the complex and deep gameplay and taking that through say 5 seasons is exciting.

15 seasons I believe mate :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

*shudders* The thought of an American celebrating over XBL microphones scares me. Annoying accents ;-)
hey at least you can understand us! When i play against you brits you talk so fast i hink im listening to something other then the english language, its a good thing you guys can type! :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

When was the last time a FIFA game got this much attention and this much debate over which is better? Clearly EA have done something right, I never thought I'd ever say this but EA need a pat on the back.

if anything they need a pat on the back cause hopefully this will motivate seabass and co to make a better career mode
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hey at least you can understand us! When i play against you brits you talk so fast i hink im listening to something other then the english language, its a good thing you guys can type! :)

You'll likely struggle to understand me if we have to play each other. I've got a pretty strong, pretty fast Scouse accent, I've just started work with people who are from Manchester and surrounding areas and even they struggle to understand me at times :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

TIMOTHY EDWINS has booked leave, details as following:

From Date: 28/09/2007
To Date: 28/09/2007

Get in there :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think the country may be at a standstill next Friday as everyone takes a day off to play FIFA! ;)
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