Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Based on 07, UCL and bits and pieces I've picked up about 08:

In the full game you'll be able to adjust the angle and zoom for each camera and if you're able to find something you like it will of course remember that setting for ever and ever, personally I use Tele with maximum height and maximum zoom out to see more of the pitch :)

Brilliant! Thanks as well :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Good to know we'll be online at similar times then :)
Better play me soon mate cause I'm struggling big time ;)
I can't score!!! Too used to PES and when I get close to the keeper I freak out!!! Considering this is only on SemiPro I reckon the AI level is amazing. Unpredictable most of the time.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Sure I'll give you some games :) We both have to wait until October 9th so at least we won't get thrashed by any Euro-trash who'd have the game an extra 11 days or so ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I ask, has anyone here played J-League CC? The latest version of WE imo is the best footy game out there. Im totally surprised by the enthusiam for Fifa 08. I mean its ok, but some of the praise its getting is ott.

Now that Im 'looking after' a fifa blog I guess Im gonna have to try my best to get into this game. I need someone to try and convince me why this is better than PES.

here's a paragraph of my thoughts. Try your best to work through them:

First of all I dont think the game replicates real life footy better. I do think it looks more life like. I think the player faces are shite. Even if EA use better tech in creating faces, why go through the hassle if its considerably worse? The textures are nice. Some of the animations are stunning. The net animations are cack. Shooting's nice. Goalkeepers are much improved. The ball is floaty. Response times are bad, but better than before. The atmosphere is incredible.

Goodluck ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you need convincing that it's a great game and simulates football much more than PES does (which many of us including myself believe), perhaps you're not the right person to be "looking after" a Fifa blog :)

PES is superfast, small pitched and arcadey, you like that, many people like that, that's you're right, I'm uber thrilled for you if you've found the football game that makes you happy. But taking your preferences and experiences of PES and trying to force them into what makes a good football game (or inversely what makes Fifa a bad football game) is a pretty flawed way to look at it.

Despite my lack of interest (or respect) for what Konami have done (or should I say what they haven't done since they sat on their thumbs since PES3), I respect what you've done for the WE/PES community, but to come into a Fifa thread and slag off the game and then "ask" us to convince you that it's actually a good game is just uber cack (to borrow one of your words) and I for one think anyone trying to do what you ask would be wasting their time. You've basically come in here and said "your game's shit but I've got to try to like it for this blog we're going to make" which is just frankly insulting to all of us who like Fifa and are looking forward to Fifa........

If you don't have respect for a game you shouldn't be working on a "fan site" for it, I despise in some ways what PES has become and how Konami have pretty much over recent versions insulted the millions of people who bought their game, maybe I should make a PES fansite, what do you think? ;)

EDIT: Can I just add that yes I know you guys are 100% about the community, you put in massive amounts of time, energy and money to give to the community, I understand that, I massively respect that, I don't wish to spit on the efforts you've put in, however in terms of a Fifa blog run by you I stand by my comments, can I respectfully suggest you consider perhaps taking an administrative role and leave the day to day running to someone who actually is a fan of Fifa? I know your thoughts will be "you just insulted me to fuck who are you to make suggestions", but if you're still suggesting I would recommend you consider Jack working on it (if he's interested), he's someone who can at present be a fan of one game (Fifa) without spitting on the past he had with another game (PES) and I think he'd do a cracking job.......
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I ask, has anyone here played J-League CC? The latest version of WE imo is the best footy game out there. Im totally surprised by the enthusiam for Fifa 08. I mean its ok, but some of the praise its getting is ott.

Now that Im 'looking after' a fifa blog I guess Im gonna have to try my best to get into this game. I need someone to try and convince me why this is better than PES.

here's a paragraph of my thoughts. Try your best to work through them:

First of all I dont think the game replicates real life footy better. I do think it looks more life like. I think the player faces are shite. Even if EA use better tech in creating faces, why go through the hassle if its considerably worse? The textures are nice. Some of the animations are stunning. The net animations are cack. Shooting's nice. Goalkeepers are much improved. The ball is floaty. Response times are bad, but better than before. The atmosphere is incredible.

Goodluck ;)

Adonis, First I'd like to say that I appreciate what you do for all us soccer gaming heads here ;) Thank you.
Mate, I think you already have a lot of detailed info about FIFA 08 in this thread. If you played this demo and you're not convinced yet then I can't see myself doing it by trying to put in words something that speaks for itself.
I'm going to buy PES this year because I always do. I believe I have every single version of it including the Japanese ones (WE). I'm collecting it :) But this doesn't mean I'm desperately looking forward to playing it, as I used to be years ago before each release. Konami has been getting my money in a very easy way. Not their fault though.
Now having said that and to try to give you an idea of my hype for this year's fifa, I'd pay for the final game five time its cost because, in my view, this game is worth buying a new gen console. I honestly would.
Long challenging nights are back. Hmmm.... I guess I've been married for too long :-k
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If you need convincing that it's a great game and simulates football much more than PES does (which many of us including myself believe), perhaps you're not the right person to be "looking after" a Fifa blog :)

PES is superfast, small pitched and arcadey, you like that, many people like that, that's you're right, I'm uber thrilled for you if you've found the football game that makes you happy. But taking your preferences and experiences of PES and trying to force them into what makes a good football game (or inversely what makes Fifa a bad football game) is a pretty flawed way to look at it.

Despite my lack of interest (or respect) for what Konami have done (or should I say what they haven't done since they sat on their thumbs since PES3), I respect what you've done for the WE/PES community, but to come into a Fifa thread and slag off the game and then "ask" us to convince you that it's actually a good game is just uber cack (to borrow one of your words) and I for one think anyone trying to do what you ask would be wasting their time. You've basically come in here and said "your game's shit but I've got to try to like it for this blog we're going to make" which is just frankly insulting to all of us who like Fifa and are looking forward to Fifa........

If you don't have respect for a game you shouldn't be working on a "fan site" for it, I despise in some ways what PES has become and how Konami have pretty much over recent versions insulted the millions of people who bought their game, maybe I should make a PES fansite, what do you think? ;)

EDIT: Can I just add that yes I know you guys are 100% about the community, you put in massive amounts of time, energy and money to give to the community, I understand that, I massively respect that, I don't wish to spit on the efforts you've put in, however in terms of a Fifa blog run by you I stand by my comments, can I respectfully suggest you consider perhaps taking an administrative role and leave the day to day running to someone who actually is a fan of Fifa? I know your thoughts will be "you just insulted me to fuck who are you to make suggestions", but if you're still suggesting I would recommend you consider Jack working on it (if he's interested), he's someone who can at present be a fan of one game (Fifa) without spitting on the past he had with another game (PES) and I think he'd do a cracking job.......

Im not running the Fifa site at all. Funnily enough Jack is one of the guys running the site. And I am one of the admins, like you suggested. But isnt that obvious? Why the hell would come on here calling Fifa 08 rubbish if I was going to be an editor? Total lack of common sense.

Personally Placebo, after that post, my view of you has totally changed. You mask the offensive posting by hypocritical smileys consistantly, and your ways of backing Fifa are on the close of absurd.

The way you dismiss the PES series so easily is also laughable. Ive been lucky enough to play both final versions and the critisim PES 2008 gets is unfounded. The leap in graphics isnt the best, Ive continually vented by frustrations at that, but the gameplay is so far advanced only a fool would overlook such a great game.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Adonis, First I'd like to say that I appreciate what you do for all us soccer gaming heads here ;) Thank you.
Mate, I think you already have a lot of detailed info about FIFA 08 in this thread. If you played this demo and you're not convinced yet then I can't see myself doing it by trying to put in words something that speaks for itself.
I'm going to buy PES this year because I always do. I believe I have every single version of it including the Japanese ones (WE). I'm collecting it :) But this doesn't mean I'm desperately looking forward to playing it, as I used to be years ago before each release. Konami has been getting my money in a very easy way. Not their fault though.
Now having said that and to try to give you an idea of my hype for this year's fifa, I'd pay for the final game five time its cost because, in my view, this game is worth buying a new gen console. I honestly would.
Long challenging nights are back. Hmmm.... I guess I've been married for too long :-k

lol quite a commitment!

Im hearing this loads lately. EA certainly have captured the imagination of so many people.

Can I ask, are you playing the 360 demo or PS3? With the demo there is such a difference of quality. Im sure the happy people are 360 owners.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im not running the Fifa site at all. Funnily enough Jack is one of the guys running the site. And I am one of the admins, like you suggested. But isnt that obvious? Why the hell would come on here calling Fifa 08 rubbish if I was going to be an editor? Total lack of common sense.

How is that obvious, you said "Now that Im 'looking after' a fifa blog", what is looking after if not running the site? Unless you say "I'm looking after it but I'm not running the site". If you're just an admin why would you care whether you like Fifa or not? Why would you try to let yourself be "convinced" that your opinion is wrong?

Personally Placebo, after that post, my view of you has totally changed. You mask the offensive posting by hypocritical smileys consistantly, and your ways of backing Fifa are on the close of absurd.

2 smileys? If you actually knew anything about my posting habits you would know that I finish the majority of my sentences with smileys as I don't like the implied abruptness that using a . in forums indicates :) For a post of mine it contained a significant lack of smileys and thus should imply to you a level of seriousness in my tone.

And how exactly has your view of me changed? Surprise me by telling me you thought I was some kind of sheep who would always follow the crowd and would never dare post an opinion no matter how contrary, surprise me by telling me you though I actually suddenly decided in recent weeks I no longer care that the ML is shallow and hasn't been improved in recent years, that I really actually do enjoy overly fast paced arcade football games, and my liking of Fifa was actually some big ruse.......

My ways of backing Fifa? What are my ways of backing Fifa? You mean the ways based on playing 07 current gen, UCL current gen, 07 next gen, UCL next gen, 08 next gen at GCA and now 08 next gen in the demo, backing Fifa based on that is absurd?

The way you dismiss the PES series so easily is also laughable. Ive been lucky enough to play both final versions and the critisim PES 2008 gets is unfounded. The leap in graphics isnt the best, Ive continually vented by frustrations at that, but the gameplay is so far advanced only a fool would overlook such a great game.

So the criticism about PES having a shallow ML that has seen virtually no improvement since PES3 is unfounded? The criticism that Konami care so little about the wishes of the majority of gamers (such as a proper penalty taking system) and instead we get stupid animal heads is unfounded?

If you knew anything at all about me and my likes/dislikes you'd know that career mode is the only mode I'm interested in, you would know that for years I complained about the shallow career mode, but still continued to play it and support the series because there was nothing better out there, so saying that I just dismiss the game easily truly shows how little you know.

"only a fool would overlook such a great game" and you're telling me that my backing of Fifa borders on the absurd?

I've played ISS/PES/WE since the days of the PS1, Konami's core gameplay philosophy hasn't changed overly much since the start, the way Konami interpret football hasn't changed much since the start, I stopped playing PES as my core football game after PES5, I tried the PES6 demo on 360 that was it, you're telling me that the gameplay in PES2008 is nothing at all like that? The gameplay isn't so fast paced it's unrealistic? You're telling me the pitches aren't still overly small so as to force a compressed gameplay? Dismissing it based on my history of years, and years, and years playing the series along with the new videos, screenshots, texts, blog entries is laughable?

So when the demo comes out, if my opinion doesn't change and I don't suddenly go "bloody hell PES2008 is nothing like the PES I grew to dislike, I really love it, it's fantastic" I'm a fool? Who's the one being close to absurd now eh?
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I ask, has anyone here played J-League CC? The latest version of WE imo is the best footy game out there.

i'm with you on that.

can't understand the lack of editing support for it!
it's better than WEPES2007, yet there's more patching for WEPES2007 #-o .

it sickens me that alot of people here can afford both next-gen systems, but not get the best WE game.

shit, i'm finally gonna get FIFA again after all these years, along with PES2008. i guess it was ineviteble.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

lol quite a commitment!

Im hearing this loads lately. EA certainly have captured the imagination of so many people.

Can I ask, are you playing the 360 demo or PS3? With the demo there is such a difference of quality. Im sure the happy people are 360 owners.

I'm playing the 360 demo.
The unpredictability of the AI is what I like the best. It's excellent.
No game is "perfect" and I found three things so far I don't like:
  • When kicking a penalty there's a stutter as the ball crosses the line. I guess it could be fixed before the final release.
  • I don't like the "drag back" animation. The ball doesn't "roll" back but it "slides" on the pitch. Shouldn't be hard for EA to get that right. The rest of the animations are glorious.
  • Player likeness is not as good as PES. I can live with it though.
Nets don't concern me at all since they did look good in more recent videos.
Some doubts regarding AI -like goalkeepers not always coming after crosses- would be a worry but I'm happy to wait for the full game to see if they still occur at higher levels. I don't think it will still be the case.

Other than that, judging by its demo, FIFA08 is what I always wanted a soccer game to be.

TIP: Play the demo for a while and then play PES6 straight after ;)
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I agree..

I use kevano's controller config with shooting set to semi.. works great

classic alt
Auto switching: One bar
Pass Assistance: Assisted
Through Pass Assistance: Manual
Shot Assistance: Semi
Cross Assistance: Semi
Lob Pass Assistance: Manual

I'm finally scoring goals.. here some goals I just scored..

Jozy Ailtore

The Klose goal is wonderful!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Can I ask, has anyone here played J-League CC? The latest version of WE imo is the best footy game out there.

Yes, I've played it and it's ever so slightly less bad than PES6, but still has all the same fundamental flaws, annoyances, cheats, limitations and the overall experience is nothing different to what we've all been having for the past 6 years. It's just another tweak of the same years-old engine.

I think people are raving about FIFA08 because it's fresh, different, looks and feels next-gen, has new freedom, it's a new experience...and the full version promises so much in terms of career mode, options, etc. It may not be perfect but at least it's not PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im not running the Fifa site at all. Funnily enough Jack is one of the guys running the site. And I am one of the admins, like you suggested. But isnt that obvious? Why the hell would come on here calling Fifa 08 rubbish if I was going to be an editor? Total lack of common sense.

Personally Placebo, after that post, my view of you has totally changed. You mask the offensive posting by hypocritical smileys consistantly, and your ways of backing Fifa are on the close of absurd.
The way you dismiss the PES series so easily is also laughable. Ive been lucky enough to play both final versions and the critisim PES 2008 gets is unfounded. The leap in graphics isnt the best, Ive continually vented by frustrations at that, but the gameplay is so far advanced only a fool would overlook such a great game.

Personally Adonis I do not think that is very fair.Forum post's are notoriously difficult to gauge a persons attitude to anything, because it pretty much depends on the mood of the recipient.

I think what frustrates Paul and many others is the fact that PES fans come on here comparing it with PES rather than taking it as an individual Footy sim made by EA.I was one who also loved the PES series up until 6 on the 360 and I turned to FIFA in 07 (which was still more enjoyable flaws and all)

I know you have played alot of the demo, but how can you say the gameplay is so far advanced, can I ask on what basis? That comment I would have thought would be best served after maybe 1000 matches where you could have a feel for the scripting.The same goes for FIFA.

The demo is great, not absolutely 150% spot on, but its great, alot of people love it, some do not however thats video games, football games and lfe.One mans gold is another mans shite, but its surely all about respecting other peoples opinions and preferances rather than bashing each others down.

WEB site is first class but it is a PES site when all said and done and no matter how much you try to like FIFA, its never going to be your favourite game because its just not PES.

I agree with Paul in that PES has become too arcadey, overly fast,average graphics,poor career mode and is appealing to the pick up and play market (something FIFA has done until now IMO).The bigest factor though is that so many PES fans are either now buying both games or have stopped buying PES, that tells us something does it not???
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Random thoughts/observations after 3 straight days of playing:

Firstly - I am loving it so much; it's easily the best game of footy I've ever played.
No more dirty shorts for subs.
Throw-ins are a bit awkward, but then corners are a lot more varied now (scored a few headers from corners).
I've scored so many goals that look realistic.
General play is just amazing - stringing a move together really feels rewarding.
The sense of achievement when scoring is there more than ever - back to the good old days of pro-evo.
Players DO feel different and teams have different styles.
My biggest win this weekend was 3-0 as Barca versus Man Utd.
Has anyone noticed "Team Mentality" on the Team Management menu? Wonder what that is? I did notice that the oppostion do become more attack minded if you take the lead which is great.
I'm really boring my wife to bits over this game - I keep on calling her into the room to show her a move/skill/goal.

I just cannot wait for this game to come out so I can master playing as Liverpool. I a drunken haze last night I considered writing to Joe Booth to tell him what a great job he appears to have done!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Has anyone noticed "Team Mentality" on the Team Management menu? Wonder what that is?

I'm hoping it's where we can choose whether we play defensive, offensive, all out attack, all out defence etc. etc. the ability to alter how much our focus was on attacking or defending was something I missed from 07/UCL 360 as it was in 07 PS2 as I recall.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

^ yeah, that's what I see it as too - that will explain how I have noticed teams becoming more attacking when being a goal behind - I guess the CPU flicked the switch from defensive to all out attack or something?

Cool anyway.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I see pesbiased fan getting pretty upset because fifa is shaping up well. Being a pesfan i really like that fifa is putting some challenge, this year i decided to buy fifa after 10 years and try the pes demo before actuall buying it.

My problem is that pes has become predictable and arcadish, not to mention i mostly play on line and i am so sick of all the cheating lagging servers down and lack of options.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I was one who also loved the PES series up until 6 on the 360 and I turned to FIFA in 07 (which was still more enjoyable flaws and all)

Same here. I hadn't enjoyed a game of FIFA since ... I can't even remember the last FIFA enjoyed, must be something silly like 98. PES was MILES better than FIFA, it was realistic (even with the arcadey speed and small pitch) because FIFA was so crap.

Then FIFA 07 and PES 6 were out, and my opinion changes. Like Placebo, I'm after career modes, I want seasons and something to work on in the long term. FIFA has that, but the gameplay was rubbish as you could sprint past players so easily, players skated, WAY too fast (although PES was still fast) and so on. So PES was the better game because there was nothing else out. FIFA 07 360 changed all that, it became a pretty good game, although it did have flaws, it was a massive jump and started to become better than PES in many ways. Then UEFA CL. This is when EA made the jump. It was, without a doubt, better than PES. The speed of the game impressed me most, and being able to play the ball around and pick out plays.

Now we come to FIFA 08. True, I haven't played PES 2008, most here haven't. But if the sequence of events continues, and FIFA has gotten better again by a huge amount, then I'm obviously going to be sceptical about PES. PES 6 was a HUGE letdown. It was take improvements of a ridiculous proportion to go from PES 6 to better than FIFA 08.

I haven't read much about PES 2008, I've got very little interest in it as FIFA is exactly what I'm after, and from history then PES will keep the same core gameplay and won't be to my taste. I'll try the demo out of curiousity, why not? I'm not that ignorant to not try it, it doesn't cost anything to download a demo and try. Unlike a lot of PES fanboys who are still stuck in the old PES days when it played a decent game of football compared to FIFA, and refuse to give FIFA a chance because of its history. I'm going off history too, and like PES fanboys, I've got little interest in the "other" game. But I will at least try it. And no, I'm not a FIFA fanboy, like I said the last time I played was many many years ago. PES was the king, recently the crown started to slip. Now the up and coming game has come along and is challenging the king ... and I can't see a reason why it wont take the crown as it's already got one hand on it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

just watch a fifa08 vid and a PES08 vid. which one does more look like real football? for me its fifa.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I have to say that this game has really set the cat amongst the pigeons in the video footballing world.I hate going into work raving about the new Fifa 08 game to be greeted by looks of sheer disbelief and laughter by the pro-Evo lobby.
To be fair,12 months ago I would have been one of them.It was a thread Jack started when Fifa 07 came out that caught my interest.He actually dared to say that Fifa might just be heading in the right direction.He took a hell of a lot of stick saying that,brave lad.Jack, feel free to gloat and say "I told you so" mate.I hav'nt had so much fun since the early days of Pro-Evo when you just could'nt believe the "realism" the people at Konami were getting in the game.
Year after year people said,if only EA with all there licences and dosh could get the gameplay right,Yeah right,no chance.Until now.
This is where the battle lines have been drawn in the new generation football sim.
Ok Konami I've played the new Fifa 08 demo and been blown away by how good it is.Now you do the same.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I have to say that this game has really set the cat amongst the pigeons in the video footballing world.I hate going into work raving about the new Fifa 08 game to be greeted by looks of sheer disbelief and laughter by the pro-Evo lobby.
To be fair,12 months ago I would have been one of them.It was a thread Jack started when Fifa 07 came out that caught my interest.He actually dared to say that Fifa might just be heading in the right direction.He took a hell of a lot of stick saying that,brave lad.Jack, feel free to gloat and say "I told you so" mate.I hav'nt had so much fun since the early days of Pro-Evo when you just could'nt believe the "realism" the people at Konami were getting in the game.
Year after year people said,if only EA with all there licences and dosh could get the gameplay right,Yeah right,no chance.Until now.
This is where the battle lines have been drawn in the new generation football sim.
Ok Konami I've played the new Fifa 08 demo and been blown away by how good it is.Now you do the same.

Nice post. I hope Konami comes back with PES 2008 being a spectacular game, I'd love two quality football games for a change :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Nice post. I hope Konami comes back with PES 2008 being a spectacular game, I'd love two quality football games for a change :)
I agree, there's no law saying there can't be two great football games.
I think Fifa is excellent and hopefully Pro Evo will be too. I mean playing Fifa 08 is a perfect way to wait for PES 2008. Can't wait for the release of Fifa, only 7 days to go!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's out earlier in South Africa where he lives. I'm slightly jealous.
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