Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I understand how football works inside out, so i convert it to this and it works well :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Seriously, I've still only scored one goal in the actual match. :|

Won most matches on FIFA 07 pretty comfortably (on world class).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thanks for the feedback Ronaldo.Up til 6am??? now that is dedication lol

LOL u are walcome mate
i normaly don't play any demo more then 1hour till i delate them, but Skate demo & this on are hugly addictiv game demos, ea had a bad reputation about making sim games, but with Fight night3, Skate & fifa08, i must say EA has progress alot & are diffinitly going in right direction:applause:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I still haven't won yet, played about 15 matches, lost maybe 6 or 7 and drew the rest, mostly 0-0 with the odd 1-1, of course the wife has a record of played 1 won 1, but that was against me ;)

Scary thing of course is that this is the second easiest level, how many of us are gonna try Legendary when we get the full game and see by how many goals we're slaughtered? ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Jack Bee,

I have a theory on the goal scoring though...

I think the 4 minutes isn't enough for us. I know I can play great defending but not attacking.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

how do you let the ball go past you, like in pes?
do you have to use cancel? In pes, r1+de direction the ball is heading was enough - i don't know this feature is even available on FIFA
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ronaldo10, use LB on the 360 to jockey (it's LB on the New Alt control scheme anyway). When you hold that button down, the player strafes and will keep facing the ball, so you can back off to your net but still have control and be able to get a tackle in.

thanks Snoop i will try that out
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I agree paul.

There are always going to be people that decide its not for them because its FIFA after 5 games they think its the same as any other FIFA, which is clearly rediculous.

What I can't get is the fact that we were once all die hard PES fans and now we are not, so it does not take a genious to work out the correlation between going from one game to another.

For those that say its nothing like football are on a different planet in my book, it plays like football, players do not magically spin around liko Jacko when receiving a ball, there are sequence's of events that dictate the animation and I think EA have done a cracking Job.

Watch a premier league match, the ball does not ping around players on rails, its played into space and deliberately played into feet.Sometimes these passes are short or over hit and this is simulated also very well in the demo.

Shooting feels great and difficult to master, but its not ridiculous like a previous version of PES, at least you feel you are in control and thus its far more rewarding than the lottery of shoot and balloon.

I found it easy to dictate the pace(on manual) but difficult to mount serious sustained pressure,this will improve once I have mastered the free reign of passing, judging the weight and direction.

Nothing seems scripted to me, I have had a couple of heart stopping moments in the box where a couple of shots were blocked and the ball bounced agonisingly across the face of the goal.I had a shot from rooney that my defender blocked, but it him on the shin and skimmed over the top of my keeper.

I have heard some comments regarding the defensive heading that it favours the attackers.Not so in my games (around20), I cleared 90% of my crosses and defended the wide area's well, this is a massive improvement for me as well as the tackling which made me wince once or twice with some real crunches.

The ball physics are the best thing about the game (the most important too IMO) the spina nd weight is perfect for me and you can feel the pace of the longer passes now the player seems to put more effort and swing into the animation.If you watch closely the ball behaves different in accordance with its spin both in the air and on the ground, its beautiful to watch and I feel in control.

Free kicks are harder due to the complexity of the shooting and this is a good thing too, the set pieces are a little basic in that its pretty difficult to pick a spot but I can live with that.

The other thing that has got my attention are the keepers.The animation is spooky at times and they make some brilliant saves as well as some despairing dives for those out of thier reach.I had a couple of one on ones both for and against and the keeper reacted how he should have done.

This is so different to 07 and UCL in my book, its heavier,more dynamic and free flowing, I do not feel constraints in the way I pass or shoot and its far,far harder.I love the challenge and its going to be difficult to master but i think it will reward those that want to play it like football and punish those that want to play it like an arcade game.

The tricks look superb but and are nicely built into the players stats, i tried various tricks with scholes and he just did not cut the mustard, whilst ronaldo was pacey and balanced.the other thing I like is the fact that they are difficult to pull off in the heat of a game, you have to slow down and think what your next move is, not just fiddle the stick in full sprint (PES)as you just cock it up.

I am glad they have added the shot feint for those one on one moments as you feel you can actually outwit the keeper now rather than just shooting past him.

Anyway I have said enough, the game is magnificent,organic and free.The graphics are improved from 07 & UCL,its a different game full stop, with added clubs and a deep manager mode I do not think there is going to be room for another football game.

As good as PES is, its too much arcade now for me.This is how I like my football games.

Totally 100% Agree :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

One year ago, I wouldn't believe that I am saying this, but FIFA 08 IS THE BEST DAMN FOOTBALL GAME EVER! EA have nailed it.

Really, I wasn't thinking of giving FIFA 08 a chance, but man, I am glad I did. The flow of the game is perfect. It just feels like you are playing real football. I am still getting used to the the controls, but from what I have played this game just feels SO RIGHT! I can't really say whats good and whats bad, it's just like earlier WE games, the feel of the game is brilliant.

I felt EA for the past few years were trying to emulate Konami's gameplay. But now they have gone their own way, and you can see how far they are ahead of those idiots at Konami, and that fish-smelling baboon who leads them.

Im off to play ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I definately noticed a difference between the PS3 and 360 versions, the 360 version feels like it runs much better and definately looks better.

Gameplay speed. Those two words are the reason PES fans don't like FIFA. Everything else I think PES fans could handle and probably like, but they're used to the arcade-like fast pace of PES, with the small pitch resulting in a MUCH quicker game.

FIFA runs a lot slower anyway, and also the pitch is a lot bigger so those two reasons will put a die-hard PES fan off straight away. I can understand why they'd be so disappointed, coming from the pace of PES and the small pitch to slower FIFA with a huge pitch and having to spend that much longer playing your way from defence to the opposition box will annoy PES fans. They're used to getting from one box to another in pretty quick time, whereas FIFA means having to work around the whole pitch, and even passing backwards.

My opinion of course, I'm pretty sure I'm right, whether PES fanboys wish to acknowledge this is the reason or not :)

I agree, the reason PES Fanboys dislike this game is because its not a quick hit. By that I mean I can put PES and know that I will be able to score, or fashion a chance, with a few seconds of KICKOFF, because its potluck getting past a player with a striker.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

So, a very important issue that I've not yet seen mentioned in the post-demo reviews, any sign of cpu cheats?

I've heard one or two comments about players being locked into runs until they reach the ball (or the cpu reaches the ball first). Presumably, super-cancel doesn't work here - a bit like how super-cancel in PES conveniently doesn't work all the time -but if that's it, no other signs of the cpu controlling your guys, making them run the wrong way, making them slow down so they can't get to the ball first, scripted deflections straight to cpu all the time, every tackle near the touch-line is scripted to cause the ball to speed out for a throw to the cpu, 100% biased referees, every tackle by you is a foul, every tackle by the cpu is "play-on", your guys standing like statues to allow cpu to score, cpu keeper is a hero every match but your keeper has jelly hands, laws of physics endlessly changes to favour the cpu team, your guys stumble for no reason just so they lose the ball, every sholder charge results in your guy spinning 360 and falling but cpu guy just keeps running, scripted balloon shots from 1 yard, scripted passes at 1mph so you lose the ball, and the famous cpu turbo-boost?

Any of that fun-destroying PES crap here?

Nope, not a sign :) Supercancel works well if your player does get locked in, but Ive not witnessed it yet. I even super cancelled into a ball with Messi and he just done a lovely little knock down header, looked awesome :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Well I have noticed that your players are locked in runs and run away from passes and you cannot stop that, and usually the computer ends up with the ball, this is pretty much the only reason I lose the ball, dribbling round players is realtively easy, also when the computer crosses, might just be me, but the computer usually win the headers, attacking or defending, all my clearance headers always go to a computer aswell, as my midfield crowd my own box, so its like 8 defenders, and 2 forwards, and they swamp the midfield, so they always recieve it. There isnt no super cancel, which I would of found useful to say the least. Also whoever said free kicks are harder, there is no way that is true, they are so easy!

Im just downloading the PS3 demo aswell, see how it goes, hopefully I will play the gf later aswell, as she hates the 360 controller, prefers the PS one, so I will see what she thinks about it too. Thursday will be the real tester though :)

Yes there is :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)



it has just clicked, i won 2-0, messi and etoo both scoring very good goals. it all clicked and i actually felt like my barcelona team were far superior to the other team, and i felt i could score or at least create every time i got to their final third. i swapped controls and now its perfect for me.

its THAT good, my son was pestering me to fix his torch, to which i replied, "jesus christ ryan, did you see that stunning strike by messi" lol

to which he smiled and replied with "yes, but can you fix my torch"

as i said, you can really feel tyhe learning curve, and as sed before it doesnt help when its four minutes, in full games you could play it like such, slow and steady, not trying to go all out coz you only have 4 mins!


That post made me laugh hard. I can just imagine your son not giving a crap and just wanting his torch to work :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


Can someone please upload the FIFA08 demo?
For the people who don't have access to the marketplace....

Thank you.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

FIFA have done a brilliant Job of making youthink like a footballer would, so your control seems far more realistic because its not ping, play score,kick off, ping, play score etc etc etc.Its pass and move,control, look, run into space, go back, switch, hold the ball up etc etc.It needs to be commended for this reason alone, let alone all the ohther improvements it has made:applause:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hi guys here is my short impression of the demo,

after playng it all night till 6am, i have to admit i couldn't stop playng it, thank got i am not working 2day,
ok where do i start, the gameplay has improve in every aspect compered to 07, such as
the headers are very balanced thank Got for that (u can't score an easy goal anymore),

the shoting its hugely imroved + the shot animation look great 2,

the players collution its way better & more realistic,

the players animation never been better in fifa (in some parts even better then in pes)

& finally the tricks, that alon make a big differenc from last years fifa game, they are difficult to preform them, whitch its realistic & they give the depth to the gameplay, trying to master them

so from almost all the problems that i had & hatet in fifa 07, have improve greatly overall in 08, wich means they (EA) have listen to the critics & impoved the game in every aspect, they did them self a big favor in that respect, as the gamers will start trusting them again.

the bigest new improvment that i notic so far is the players of the ball runing movments, they move very realisticly in the open space, (never thought ea will pull that of) they have done a fantastic job on this department, as that will give the gameplay more length, something that fifa always lucked on (gameplay depth)

another thing that i like (some people may not agree with me in here JB) is the scooring difficulty, no more easy goals or sweet spot, that u can score in every game the same way, coz that can destroy the game,
that means hopefully when we play online, we should play build up football game (not playing with people that can score only from sweet spots, unlike fifa07 for example u could easly do throw ball or easy headers, to score 80% of the time ) i admit that playing with barca against lower team such red bull should be easyer to brack the defenders down, but that is to do with the fact that u only play half match + this game is taking pes direction, means u should play the game 10min minimum or more to really enjoy it, as the game plays a slow temp & u need to be patient when u attack & win possicion till the time is right to score (eventually u can't do that in this short demo as its way to short)

anyways here is some bad points i don't really like so far from playing that demo.

deffending is better then in fifa07 but still not great,
its early to say but sliding tackle it seams poor, i am over criticul in this department, but maybe coz i play deffenc myself:)
i can't see a brutal aggressive tackle, that u would see in premiership games, i like to see winning the ball by sliding tackle more often, if u have the advantge & time it right,
& why is only one animation for the sliding tackle, they should slide different depending on the situstion (pes got that right)

another problem i saw is, the line deffenc need to push up especially when u are losing, thats whay u can't see many 1 on 1 with GK as the deffenc set to deep

& the last one is when i cover in deffenc i want to be able to to press a button, that let u can run only backwards, instead of running around the player like a chicken with out a head, u know what i am on about

other then that this game its great, ea has done a very good job, thanks to my low expectation.

ok guys i am of playing some more
ignore my poor english spelling

First off, credit to you staying up so damn late playing it, I know the feeling. I was up till 1am playing it, I had to drag myself off it as I had work in the morning!

Press the Jockey button to run backwards, gives you abetter chance of defending and crunching the attacker :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


Can someone please upload the FIFA08 demo?
For the people who don't have access to the marketplace....

Thank you.

Already uploaded to usenet, I posted details of where to find it and how to get it a page or two back, try searching my posts and you'll find it :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Dissent meaning not being happy. Like when a player gets booked for dissent (complaining too much).
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Dissenters? can you explain that?

Dissenters = people who have a different opinion from the majority or norm, so in this thread the dissenters are those who don't like the Fifa demo, in the PES/WE threads the dissenters are those like me who think it's arcadey, cartoony, blah blah :)

Edit: As Snoop said, dissent = arguing or disagreeing with someone.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just a few first impression thoughts.

I like it, plays a solid game, but....I still like Pro Evo on the PS2 better.

The passing, heading and shooting - much better, but there's still about them. Can't quite describe it, but versus PES, it's just not there. Much improved from 07 no doubt though. Oh yeah, how come you never win a header.

Trick strick - Why couldn't they have made it one button? Having to hold L2 to use it is too clumsy IMO.

The running and tackling- Is it just me? or is everyone slow as hell, even when sprinting? And your touch whilst running is awful. And what about tackling? It just doesn't happen, unless I'm missing something for a little foot out tackle, all I can do is badly timed slides. Maybe I'll just have to get used to that.

The AI - Hard much?

The player models/animations - Why is everyone huge? Rooney looks like the Big Show for christs sake! And maybe the feeling off being 'off' extends to the animations, still not right.

That said, it's still decent, and with PES2008 looking just like PES6 on 360, then it can be safely said that it'll be the worst effort ever from Konami. So FIFA next-gen could be top this year.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Here lies a pro evo player and a PS3 owner but not a dissenter, my ps3 is delivering superb graphics and DTS sound with the superp FIFA 08 demo, i am liking very much, the main difference from what i gather is that the PS3 demo is in a staduim riddled with shadows at dusk, the 360 has a nice sunny day i believe.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Already uploaded to usenet, I posted details of where to find it and how to get it a page or two back, try searching my posts and you'll find it :)

Don't have an Usenet account... :roll: :(

The public ones I get 0kp/1kb download speeds....

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just a few first impression thoughts.

I like it, plays a solid game, but....I still like Pro Evo on the PS2 better.

The passing, heading and shooting - much better, but there's still about them. Can't quite describe it, but versus PES, it's just not there. Much improved from 07 no doubt though. Oh yeah, how come you never win a header.

Trick strick - Why couldn't they have made it one button? Having to hold L2 to use it is too clumsy IMO.

The running and tackling- Is it just me? or is everyone slow as hell, even when sprinting? And your touch whilst running is awful. And what about tackling? It just doesn't happen, unless I'm missing something for a little foot out tackle, all I can do is badly timed slides. Maybe I'll just have to get used to that.

The AI - Hard much?

The player models/animations - Why is everyone huge? Rooney looks like the Big Show for christs sake! And maybe the feeling off being 'off' extends to the animations, still not right.

That said, it's still decent, and with PES2008 looking just like PES6 on 360, then it can be safely said that it'll be the worst effort ever from Konami. So FIFA next-gen could be top this year.

You clearly havent played the game for more than a few times. And if you have, you havent tried to play the game its meant to be played. I'm not trying to diss you, or dismiss your opinion, but in my honest opinion I think everybody coming here stating these "bad points", such as the game being too hard, not winning headers, or being able to tackle, just hasnt took the time to adapt and learn the way of playing.

You HAVE to play like a real footballer otherwise you will fail, and you will lose headers and not be able to tackle. It is NOT PES, you cannot run EVERYWHERE and smack the x button to tackle. You have to stand off your man, jockey him, and wait for the right time to tackle, or even stand off him and bring another defender over to tackle him.

For headers, you need to position yourself with Jockey, and time your header. Its not gonna do it for you, ala PES. You have to do everything yourself.

Give it time, learn to tackle and head before you come in here saying its a bad thing about the game, please.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Seraphs you clearly are trying to disguise the fact that you do not want to like this game, you've been the same for weeks now. There is no obligation to like any game so no need for the pretance at being neutral and all that.

Not at you Seraphs this time.

But those saying it's easy and the AI and GK's doing weird things remembers it's only on a low skill level. And remember this is an early build with the likes of Heinze still at Man U and the old style cage nets.

Well how could I be like it for weeks, considering I have only played it today and last night? My views were, WERE based on the videos, and thats the way the game looks, I stand by those still, they way they hit the ball is weird, and sometimesthe ball and the player dont react like they would in real life. But I have to say it is still fun and a good game overall. My main two gripes which are the major downs in my eyes, all the rest is petty crap, but those are the keepers are just terrible with crosses and free kicks. On such a low difficulty they score free kicks so easily, and the other was the way players lock into runs and shite, although I have ben told you can super cancel, although i dont know how, once I find, it will be even better, I dont dislike the game though, I will be getting the game when its out anyway :D Probably play you online, show you how to play it :D Haha

But still the only reason I think Barcelona play a faster game is, they have a higher tier of faster players upfront, in Messi, Henry, Eto'o and Ronaldinho they are the fastest combination compared to the other teams. Where should I put some videos up, I got some of PS3 and 360 :)

kevano how do you super cancel? Cause thats my biggest annoyance! My players lock into runs, cant move them for headers very well, or stop their runs away from ball, to run towards it. Otherwise then its only the keepers. What is the jockey button also?

Oh yeah forget to mention, all those PES players, me included haha, whoever didnt think you cant do the old hold x and square tackle, you know where you get a team mate to try to tackle aswell, it IS in fifa, hold B with the default controls and it will, just letting you know, just incase you didnt :)

I keep forgetting more things, right the PS3 for anyone who cares, can have upto 7 players aswell. So much better for playing with your mates, would be class!
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

First off, credit to you staying up so damn late playing it, I know the feeling. I was up till 1am playing it, I had to drag myself off it as I had work in the morning!

Press the Jockey button to run backwards, gives you abetter chance of defending and crunching the attacker :)

trust me i am dead tired right now, but it was all worth it,
thanks for the tip, i am going off to try it
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im loving the shooting on this

i can be running with Rooney at an angle and hit poorly connected shot which pea rolls into the keeper arms, then running with space on his right foot hit a very hard well connected shot straight down the keepers throat

you dont get variety in PES, the shots are always the same
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