Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hi guys here is my short impression of the demo,

after playng it all night till 6am, i have to admit i couldn't stop playng it, thank got i am not working 2day,
ok where do i start, the gameplay has improve in every aspect compered to 07, such as
the headers are very balanced thank Got for that (u can't score an easy goal anymore),

the shoting its hugely imroved + the shot animation look great 2,

the players collution its way better & more realistic,

the players animation never been better in fifa (in some parts even better then in pes)

& finally the tricks, that alon make a big differenc from last years fifa game, they are difficult to preform them, whitch its realistic & they give the depth to the gameplay, trying to master them

so from almost all the problems that i had & hatet in fifa 07, have improve greatly overall in 08, wich means they (EA) have listen to the critics & impoved the game in every aspect, they did them self a big favor in that respect, as the gamers will start trusting them again.

the bigest new improvment that i notic so far is the players of the ball runing movments, they move very realisticly in the open space, (never thought ea will pull that of) they have done a fantastic job on this department, as that will give the gameplay more length, something that fifa always lucked on (gameplay depth)

another thing that i like (some people may not agree with me in here JB) is the scooring difficulty, no more easy goals or sweet spot, that u can score in every game the same way, coz that can destroy the game,
that means hopefully when we play online, we should play build up football game (not playing with people that can score only from sweet spots, unlike fifa07 for example u could easly do throw ball or easy headers, to score 80% of the time ) i admit that playing with barca against lower team such red bull should be easyer to brack the defenders down, but that is to do with the fact that u only play half match + this game is taking pes direction, means u should play the game 10min minimum or more to really enjoy it, as the game plays a slow temp & u need to be patient when u attack & win possicion till the time is right to score (eventually u can't do that in this short demo as its way to short)

anyways here is some bad points i don't really like so far from playing that demo.

deffending is better then in fifa07 but still not great,
its early to say but sliding tackle it seams poor, i am over criticul in this department, but maybe coz i play deffenc myself:)
i can't see a brutal aggressive tackle, that u would see in premiership games, i like to see winning the ball by sliding tackle more often, if u have the advantge & time it right,
& why is only one animation for the sliding tackle, they should slide different depending on the situstion (pes got that right)

another problem i saw is, the line deffenc need to push up especially when u are losing, thats whay u can't see many 1 on 1 with GK as the deffenc set to deep

& the last one is when i cover in deffenc i want to be able to to press a button, that let u can run only backwards, instead of running around the player like a chicken with out a head, u know what i am on about

other then that this game its great, ea has done a very good job, thanks to my low expectation.

ok guys i am of playing some more
ignore my poor english spelling
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm pleased to say, in my experience - no. Apart from the player selection "locking" after a corner is headed away sometimes, but using the right analog stick to select counteracts this 50% of the time, and as you mention, players "locked into runs until they reach the ball" (but it's once per game, if that, compared to once per minute in PES).

There's the fact that I haven't seen the CPU give away a single foul yet (after eight hours of matches) as well, BUT I'm assuming it's impossible in the demo, because they've blatantly shoved some of my players into the ground and got nothing. And it works both ways (kind of) because there is an option before the game to enable cards, yes/no - but I can chop a player down from behind, then kick him, shove him, and break his leg five minutes later, not one card has been given out yet. So the demo isn't complete, obviously.

My biggest problem in the game is that defence. If you play as a lower-league team and their defence plays like this, then we'll all be playing on Novice, which is ridiculous. I have to agree with Airjoca on that.

But apart from that I'm in heaven, it's truly beautiful.

Thats strange Jack, as i have conceded/won both freekicks and yellow cards. And the "onrails" movement ive found to mostly be happening on throughballs. Normal passing seems to be more free, to me atleast. Started to use the jockey button and it helped a lot. I was getting my defender infront/along the striker and winning the headers. The defense is really good, although i do think its to do with how good we actually are. I have spells were it clicks for me and then i can really open up the defense. Also it could also be to do with fatigue, you only play one half so they are probably all super fit.

@ Han regarding simulation/arcade. Your mistaken mate, Seabass has actually said pes is going more towards arcade, and thats what he wants to do more and more. He thinks the hardware he is working with isnt good enough to go full simulation, even saying he expects next-nextgen to be the moment when they really change/innovate the pes franchise. Booth (fifa director) has actually said how much they are going to simulation and moving away from the old arcade fifa of old.

@ Winston, no cheats as far as i can tell. The onrails elements works both ways as far as i can see. Also the locking Jack mentioned ive seen maybe once or twice (in about 20halfs now). But again they have happend to both me and the comp. But thats it. We wont know if it cheats in the managermode, but it cant get any worse then pes, or atleast not as blatent. I also dont think it will be their tbh, booth worked on 07 currentgen and their maanagermode didnt have any cheating as far as i could tell. If you played well and were the better team you would normall win, no strange last minute goals conceded or blocking of your players. Ands eeing as he is responsible for 08 nextgen, i think you can tell actually as the qualities that were in 07 currentgen are recognisable in this aswell, and are clearly different from 07 nextgen.

Oh and the players do look horrible in the replays. Its strange as ingame tele cam they look great and balanced and well animated to me, but when the replay starts your better off skipping it as only the ball looks good really. It has some framerate issues, the players look wrongly proportioned and even the animation can look a bit off (for example seeing a player en profile go from jogging to running looks poor).

Also im finding the sound really good, it does have its moments were it seems its loading, or has forgotton to load a jeer or cheer with a shot, but most of the time you hear them cheering, booing, getting irritated. Im sure i even heard a vage "shoooooot" when the opposition player had some space for a shot.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

hmm that did not come to my mind jack sorry .... i wonder what it is and what is the dmeo league while dhoosing yr side?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

sorry to ask again but is there no way to sue the dpad for player movement for the ps3 version. the analogue control dosnt agree with me
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ronaldo10, use LB on the 360 to jockey (it's LB on the New Alt control scheme anyway). When you hold that button down, the player strafes and will keep facing the ball, so you can back off to your net but still have control and be able to get a tackle in.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No, I just did not find it. Can happen. I wanted to play as much games as possible last night (is that a positve thing? ;) ). It was pretty late, so I did not look too well into all of it.
You can read my opinion about the game some pages ago and I was pretty positive. But if somebody say it is a simulation and PES is arcadey I bring some arguments how ridicilous that statement is. EA themselves has argued many times that FIFA is more for people who want just to get play without a high learning curve, like PES is, and now some people overhere say the opposite from what EA said....:shock:

i do agree with u on here, but i must say this year version its not as pick up & play game as it use to be
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@ fernadez, nope, couldnt in 07 either. Really f$%ked my up as im an old skool d-padder. But even the analog feels good to me in 08.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i do agree with u on here, but i must say this year version its not as pick up & play game as it use to be

I think someone said earlier that some FIFA fans will go to PES as it's easier to pick-up-and-play :) I think FIFA might lose some casual fans due to the slow speed and difficulty level rising, casual fans went with FIFA due to the arcade characteristics but now it's PES which is more arcadey. PES 2008 still looks too fast for my liking, but I'll give the demo a try and give it a fair chance.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Something on your 360 has fucked up then because I swear on my mother's life that Ronaldinho has his name on his shirt in the European version, Placebo has confirmed this. You need to delete the Singapore demo first and clear your HDD cache (or at least I did), but there is a difference, 100% definitely. I would bet my life on it, because I've seen it.

If that's true, why is it always Man Utd that has the flaming ball whether they're home or away, why not both teams?

I agree, I wonder what the flaming ball actually means.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

tiktiktik, thats a crushing blow mate, i starved myself of pro/winning for months to give this an unbaised go.....and now its all come falling down
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


You either love it or hate it.

Thankfully I love it. The football feels more real than PES (im basing my theory on PES6 Xbox 360 - wouldnt be fair to judge PES2008 just yet). PES feel more arcadey, and im a realist.
(I hope im wrong)

Very true.

And I will go even further and say.

This the best EA can do on this gen regarding Fifa.

There ARE gripes that I have, mainly the difficulty and shooting at goal (which are very unfair and not user defined).

There's no other way to put it. If you keep saying "ohh next years game will be better" than you'll never enjoy what they give you now. personally i laugh at the players that think this game will be any better next year.

This games it. don't like it? Play somethin' else cuz it ain't gettin any better. I don't wanna wait til next year either i' myself have been saying that for ages. And i AM SICK OF IT.

This year i compromise and just play the game i'm given. Who cares anymore anyway. Developers and publishers don't entirely care anymore either.

I might meander into idiotocy from time to time.

But again, This is the best fifa ever
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

@ Fernadez, i felt the same last year when i got the game. However if you persist and give it a chance its worth while. It does take awhile though, but atm im not missing the d-pad in 08 which is probably quite an achievement for me :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Konami made the announcement this afternoon, with president Kunio Neo saying he reckons it's "the greatest football game of all time".

"Demand is massive for what is easily the best Pro Evolution Soccer title to date, and we anticipate record sales as we bring the series to PlayStation 3 for the first time, and unleash stunning versions for all leading formats."

Im guessing he hasnt seen the new fifa yet then. Stunning is just a wrong word to use for any pes.......
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

PES 2008 coming out 26th October. FIFA will have sold a bucketload by then, crazy decision to bring it out so long after FIFA's released!

Thats always the case, nothing new this year then, i dont see it harming sales of PES, i always buy both games, the difference this year is that FIFA looks as though its a proper football game, thats what could harm sales of PRO EVO, not so sure meself, i will enjoy both this year, i have a sneaky suspision though that with PES i will be able to actually smell the grass!!!..only one winner in my opinioun, that is US the gamer!!!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

gonna have to try at least, dissapointing though, im enjoying it but the dpad would have helped alot. 1st time i've played fifa since ginola was on the front cover,c abt even remember what year that was.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm definitely getting a bit better, but I haven't scored in hours and hours and hours. It's very frustrating, and considering this is the second-easiest difficulty, it's a bit strange. You do notice a class difference, as Barcelona it feels like PES (faster players and faster responses), as Man Utd it feels like typical English team and typical FIFA (slower, bulkier, stronger). I seem to get more shots off against Man Utd than Red Bulls, but I think that's because Red Bulls pack the defence and don't really try to get forward, whereas Man U are a lot more balanced.

If I don't start scoring soon though it's going to be beyond a joke. Beautiful game though, the passing moves you can pull off are stunning. I just badly need to adapt to the attacking movement (perhaps I need to learn the tricks - every time I've done a trick so far I've been FLATTENED).

EDIT: Forgot what I came on here to mention. :roll:

The European version is definitely different, I just had a CPU player yellow-carded and I got SENT OFF (:|) in the same game. Lost my temper and tackled Scholes after the ball had gone. But the referees seem very, very, very very very lenient in general.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm afraid it's deluded to think both titles will not sell by the bucket load, there is really only two football Sim's on the market across a lot of formats... Kids will by anything and there will always be hardcore fans of both games. I for one will be trying my hardest to like Fifa this time...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Please, please, please please PLEASE, tell me how. Write a ten-page guide or something, pleeeeeease.

Haha, I am certainly no great Fifa player (yet). I have played PES for the past 6 years and didn't even play Fifa 07. Most of the times I draw 0-0 with only 1 or 2 shots. But that match was just one of those matches where everything went well (except for scoring).

You need to be very concentrated while playing this game, otherwise you will lose possession way too much. The most important advice I can give you is to not only think forward. Pass back to your defenders if you don't see any space. But I assume you already are doing that :) It took some time for me to get used to it though, being used to the counterfootball of PES6 multiplayer.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm definitely getting a bit better, but I haven't scored in hours and hours and hours. It's very frustrating, and considering this is the second-easiest difficulty, it's a bit strange. You do notice a class difference, as Barcelona it feels like PES (faster players and faster responses), as Man Utd it feels like typical English team and typical FIFA (slower, bulkier, stronger). I seem to get more shots off against Man Utd than Red Bulls, but I think that's because Red Bulls pack the defence and don't really try to get forward, whereas Man U are a lot more balanced.

If I don't start scoring soon though it's going to be beyond a joke. Beautiful game though, the passing moves you can pull off are stunning. I just badly need to adapt to the attacking movement (perhaps I need to learn the tricks - every time I've done a trick so far I've been FLATTENED).

EDIT: Forgot what I came on here to mention. :roll:

The European version is definitely different, I just had a CPU player yellow-carded and I got SENT OFF (:|) in the same game. Lost my temper and tackled Scholes after the ball had gone. But the referees seem very, very, very very very lenient in general.

Yeah man the shooting at goal and just attacking in general is a horror fest. heres to hopin rookie is cool! :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have no doubt that PES will be a great game, not stunning and not to my taste anymore, but still great.What it really lacks is the depth, excitement and realism of the career mode.The thought of taking Notts County back to the premiership is enough for some to hop across considering the lack of distance between the two games gameplay now.

They seriously need to improve the graphics (not the facial models cus they are fanatstic)but the overall feel is still lacking when I compare what I have seen in FIFA.

The main factor is of course gameplay with FIFA scoring higher every year and focusing on customer requirements rather than what made it good before and adding bells and whistles.

the animation is spot on for me.Look at a PES video and see how they move and pass its unrealistically quick,its smooth but not realistic.FIFA takes time to adjust the body and plant the foot which is real, but less responsive.Ican live with that because I want football to look realistic and feel like a game on TV.

This demo is an older version, you can tell from the vids released about a week ago, add the commentary,more flexible nets, better crowd synch and the gameplay goes up another notch or two.

I have never felt more pleased with a football game than this one,that says an awful lot as regards to the great strides FIFA are making.I may get PES, I may not ,but at onetime it was always PES.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I like it a lot, have to get more into it to feel all the details, but we will see after a year what was the best version, just buy both and after a year you know what you played the most.

cheers, back to the demo
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Haha JB i thought u said Placebo confirmed this?

i think you need to step off the game for a bit :)

As for shooting i dont see what the problem is to be honest, i just pass, pass and pass again till i find a player in enough space for a shot, im regularly getting 5-10 shots a game and winning 1-0 mostly but have had the odd 2 and 3-0
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Haha JB i thought u said Placebo confirmed this?

i think you need to step off the game for a bit :)

As for shooting i dont see what the problem is to be honest, i just pass, pass and pass again till i find a player in enough space for a shot, im regularly getting 5-10 shots a game and winning 1-0 mostly but have had the odd 2 and 3-0

I think I may avoid you in an online/League game coopz:shock:
3-0 WTF:applause:
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