Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

since konami is not gonna release pro evo to wii , i am lookig forward to this , i hope ea will make a good game !
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The thing Konami is pushing that will make the game great is this "revolutionary AI" that will see when you're using the wings too much and stop you - which was in UEFA CL. So it seems to me that, after all the shouts of "FIFA is trying to copy PES and failing", that PES is now copying FIFA. :mryellow:

But obviously, we don't know anything until we've played them both. The screenshots of PES7 and FIFA 08 don't suggest a huge improvement, but the reaction of Adonis's contact upon playing FIFA 08 was fantastic. I know which one I'm looking forward to the most. :)
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The thing Konami is pushing that will make the game great is this "revolutionary AI" that will see when you're using the wings too much and stop you - which was in UEFA CL. So it seems to me that, after all the shouts of "FIFA is trying to copy PES and failing", that PES is now copying FIFA. :mryellow:

But obviously, we don't know anything until we've played them both. The screenshots of PES7 and FIFA 08 don't suggest a huge improvement, but the reaction of Adonis's contact upon playing FIFA 08 was fantastic. I know which one I'm looking forward to the most. :)

too right mate my thoughts exactly
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Only THIS teaser, which shows in brief what you can acheive using the new tricks engine (i.e. all of the tricks are done by you moving the guy's feet/legs, not by a preset button combination and a pre-recorded animation). It's only a few seconds long though.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All EA have said so far is that you hold down a trigger button and then use the right analog stick to make certain movements, e.g. push the stick upwards and then rotate it to the right to make a stepover with the right foot - which could be the base of a move, you could follow that up by doing something else such as, I don't know, a backheel, and there you have it; your own copyrighted move. The Jack Bauer shuffle, the Stringer Bell suckerpass, the whatever.

From what Adonis's contact had to say it's revolutionary, but those who haven't tried it yet are a bit worried that it will be too complicated. I know at least two mates who will be lost without a set button combo for a set trick - they lose it whenever they have to waggle the right stick for anything.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Oh Christ, I dread to think what your moves will involve. If they're anything like real life they'll have to introduce police officers to the game. Still, they'll come in handy for Joey Barton's "headbutt teammate to confuse the opposition" move.
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Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Football games are bigger than ever before, raking in millions for the likes of EA and Konami. But what does 'next-gen' really mean for football games? Well, less repetitive commentary for a start...

Speaking to CVG recently about the future of football games and their move to next-gen systems, Andrew Wilson, executive producer of football, EA explained, "We ran out of space on the disc with current gen. Last year's FIFA had 26 leagues, 15 thousand players, kits, players, stadiums, audio and music, you just run out of space. The next gen discs have got more space so in the short term we will have much more commentary on our games."

Wilson believes that the online sides of PS3 and 360 are where developers can really take football to a new level. "Looking long term, these consoles are now online. And I would love to think that we can start to pump dynamic commentary into the game on a weekly basis so you never hear the same thing twice.

"But think about competitions. Imagine having commentators popping up to commentate on interactive games. So you're not reliant on commentary from our game anymore, you got someone who gets online and comments every week instead, who then gets a reputation."

Food for thought? Look out for our full interview with Wilson in the coming days where he talks more about the evolution of football, gives his opinions on the age-old rivalry between FIFA and PES and discusses how the crowd will play a bigger part in the performance of your team on the pitch.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

FIFA 08 is dribbling over CVG this morning in first screenshots from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game. Pass mince pies over the images.

EA's making plenty of noise about the latest iteration in the series, saying it "will create a football experience that matches the complexity, finesse and beauty of the real-world game." Wow. The game engine plays a big part in this, according to the publisher delivering animations and ball control that is so responsive you feel like you are actually on the pitch.

It's also making bold claims about the AI, which is says is "so smart" and "features a 35-point decision engine which enables players to process multiple decisions and reactions in real-time."

"The A.I.'s dynamic 'Threat Map' system", EA continues, "captures the excitement and realism of football. Players are now aware of their surroundings, reacting authentically to threats and opportunities to make intelligent football decisions."

Plus, in FIFA 08, we're told, the shooting system is benefiting from improved control and precision thanks to a "next-generation ball-striking engine" that apparently calculates shot success by combining an almost infinite number of different contexts, including ball spin, pressure from defenders, player attributes, and even air pressure to recreate the drama and unpredictable nature of shooting.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

FIFA 08 is dribbling over CVG this morning in first screenshots from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game. Pass mince pies over the images.

EA's making plenty of noise about the latest iteration in the series, saying it "will create a football experience that matches the complexity, finesse and beauty of the real-world game." Wow. The game engine plays a big part in this, according to the publisher delivering animations and ball control that is so responsive you feel like you are actually on the pitch.

It's also making bold claims about the AI, which is says is "so smart" and "features a 35-point decision engine which enables players to process multiple decisions and reactions in real-time."

"The A.I.'s dynamic 'Threat Map' system", EA continues, "captures the excitement and realism of football. Players are now aware of their surroundings, reacting authentically to threats and opportunities to make intelligent football decisions."

Plus, in FIFA 08, we're told, the shooting system is benefiting from improved control and precision thanks to a "next-generation ball-striking engine" that apparently calculates shot success by combining an almost infinite number of different contexts, including ball spin, pressure from defenders, player attributes, and even air pressure to recreate the drama and unpredictable nature of shooting.

whatever if i wanna point at the bottom right part of the net it should go in no question...

I want better control then what we've been having.

this "whenever,however" approach just lets EA decide where the ball goes and that's usually into the same animation it always has doen...POPPING IN MAGICALLY LIKE A MAGNET INTO THE KEEPERS HANDS!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

whatever if i wanna point at the bottom right part of the net it should go in no question...

When Eto or Owen or Rooney or whoever else aim at the bottom right corner in real life does it go in every time? No it doesn't and neither should it in a game IMO.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

When Eto or Owen or Rooney or whoever else aim at the bottom right corner in real life does it go in every time? No it doesn't and neither should it in a game IMO.

No but the things is that it's a video game and whats so greta about that "other" soccer title is that it kinda lets you have a say in where the ball goes kinda like ok kick it HEREnot THEREbut HEREand "maybe" it goes in but at least it "looks like what i tried is what's happening.

In fifa 07 and in UEFA CL I don't like the feeling i get when i kick at goal
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)


I love those Volvic adverts!
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

EA's making plenty of noise about the latest iteration in the series, saying it "will create a football experience that matches the complexity, finesse and beauty of the real-world game." Wow. The game engine plays a big part in this, according to the publisher delivering animations and ball control that is so responsive you feel like you are actually on the pitch.

It's also making bold claims about the AI, which is says is "so smart" and "features a 35-point decision engine which enables players to process multiple decisions and reactions in real-time."

"The A.I.'s dynamic 'Threat Map' system", EA continues, "captures the excitement and realism of football. Players are now aware of their surroundings, reacting authentically to threats and opportunities to make intelligent football decisions."

Plus, in FIFA 08, we're told, the shooting system is benefiting from improved control and precision thanks to a "next-generation ball-striking engine" that apparently calculates shot success by combining an almost infinite number of different contexts, including ball spin, pressure from defenders, player attributes, and even air pressure to recreate the drama and unpredictable nature of shooting.


To be honest, reading all that makes me think the game is going to be a load of pish.

The more they big up the sales pitch with "Threat Map systems" and "next-generation ball-striking engine", the less I believe it will be any good.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Speaking to CVG recently about the future of football games and their move to next-gen systems, Andrew Wilson, executive producer of football, EA explained, "We ran out of space on the disc with current gen. Last year's FIFA had 26 leagues, 15 thousand players, kits, players, stadiums, audio and music, you just run out of space. The next gen discs have got more space so in the short term we will have much more commentary on our games."

Nextgen discs have more space? Uhhh you mean ps3 discs have more space then?! Agree with winston though, sometimes saying too much just makes the game seem far less interesting/good when it does actually come out.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

The more they big up the sales pitch with "Threat Map systems" and "next-generation ball-striking engine", the less I believe it will be any good.
To be honest, I thought the same thing about "threat map systems" - all football games have that, even PSone football games had that (a system that tracks where players are on the pitch in relation to where they should be positioned according to the formation, pulling them back or leaving them there depending on the stats of the player). They've just given it a name and tweaked it to be more aggressive.

If they'd said that from the start I would have been more inclined to believe them.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think that has been posted before TG.

Edit: Yeah it has
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

All EA have said so far is that you hold down a trigger button and then use the right analog stick to make certain movements, e.g. push the stick upwards and then rotate it to the right to make a stepover with the right foot - which could be the base of a move, you could follow that up by doing something else such as, I don't know, a backheel, and there you have it; your own copyrighted move. The Jack Bauer shuffle, the Stringer Bell suckerpass, the whatever.

Can all this be done whilst running? Or do you have to stop dead with the ball first?

As for back heel I'd expect that to just be done by quickly tapping backwards and pass.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I wasn't saying you use the trickstick to do a backheel, I was just saying you could do that at the end of your trick to make your very own combination of stepover/twirl/whatever/backpass.

As for running, I don't think so, I think pressing the trigger button to start the tricks makes you slow up a bit.
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

I think most tricks (whilst running) will use the right stick in the same way it's done in PES/FIFA (except 07 360).

I don't think we should think of R1 in FIFA 08 as a trick mode button, more of a WALK button, as opposed to R2 being SPRINT and holding no button being RUN.

So in RUN mode you'll have the usual set of tricks (zidane twirl, flicks), whilst in WALK mode we'll have another set of tricks (trapping, close control, flip flap, dragging).
Re: FIFA 08 (360 & PS3)

Yeah, that's what I'm assuming. But when you're running they will be more limited, as it would be in real life (I can't wait to see what you can do when you slow down, apparently it's all about trying to fool the defender and in PES you don't get a feeling of that).
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