Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Anyone pre-ordered FIFA from ShopTo? I don't know whether to pre-order and hope I get the game early, or just visit some shops in town. I'm edging towards pre-ordering, but I'd be gutted if it didn't arrive by Friday morning.

£160 spending on games at the end of September, steep month!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

has anyone went in to the ingame settings and turned everything to manual? Jesus this game is free but its frikin hard i aint scored yet.

Loving it PES is up the creek without a paddle
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Now that Kouroux (I think it was) mentioned the defensive headers, I'm noticing that they can still be iffy. In most games they've been fine but I just played the Red Bulls (dying for an easy win) and I was very rarely able to get my head to the ball in defence. Realistic, because their players were getting into position well (and weren't moving when I tried to shove them out of the way), but frustrating none-the-less.

Also I'm finding it really hard to shoot. You play in the arena with Ronaldinho and you're like "wow, this is incredible" (the way you can pinpoint the aim has to be seen to be believed). But when you're not the world's greatest player (or third greatest player according to FourFourTwo), I'm finding it extremely hard to shoot. I haven't had a shot on target in something like four halves now, and this is Man U v Red Bulls we're talking about.

But I like it hard (ahem) and everything is spot on. The pace, the responsiveness, the passing, the shooting (as long as I can score sometime soon)... Even the goalkeepers, who were my biggest worry. I'm ecstatic.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Anyone wanting to try Be A Pro mode, if you select your teams on the menu and then see the "match settings" screen with the options all blanked out (half length etc.), you can press RT and change the camera mode on that screen to "Pro". You can't stick to one player and play a proper Be A Pro game, but the camera mode is there none-the-less.

It's not very smooth, I have to say, don't know if I could play it like that.

so this not out in england yet then?
It's been delayed. No idea why, the version you can download with a Singapore account works fine, in English, no problem.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm glad the shooting is hard, a lot more realistic than being able to plant a perfect shot everytime. You should have to work for your goals, and it sounds like people are :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Now that Kouroux (I think it was) mentioned the defensive headers, I'm noticing that they can still be iffy. In most games they've been fine but I just played the Red Bulls (dying for an easy win) and I was very rarely able to get my head to the ball in defence. Realistic, because their players were getting into position well (and weren't moving when I tried to shove them out of the way), but frustrating none-the-less.

Also I'm finding it really hard to shoot. You play in the arena with Ronaldinho and you're like "wow, this is incredible" (the way you can pinpoint the aim has to be seen to be believed). But when you're not the world's greatest player (or third greatest player according to FourFourTwo), I'm finding it extremely hard to shoot. I haven't had a shot on target in something like four halves now, and this is Man U v Red Bulls we're talking about.

But I like it hard (ahem) and everything is spot on. The pace, the responsiveness, the passing, the shooting (as long as I can score sometime soon)... Even the goalkeepers, who were my biggest worry. I'm ecstatic.

Thanks Jack

I also prefer the challenge as it makes it more rewarding.PES6 was just a lottery shooting thats why It died a death in my book.

this seems to have hit the nail on the head and sorted out 90% of the previous games issues.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Coopz, can you put it on Youtube? I can't access file-sharing sites at work :(
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Now that Kouroux (I think it was) mentioned the defensive headers, I'm noticing that they can still be iffy. In most games they've been fine but I just played the Red Bulls (dying for an easy win) and I was very rarely able to get my head to the ball in defence. Realistic, because their players were getting into position well (and weren't moving when I tried to shove them out of the way), but frustrating none-the-less.

Also I'm finding it really hard to shoot. You play in the arena with Ronaldinho and you're like "wow, this is incredible" (the way you can pinpoint the aim has to be seen to be believed). But when you're not the world's greatest player (or third greatest player according to FourFourTwo), I'm finding it extremely hard to shoot. I haven't had a shot on target in something like four halves now, and this is Man U v Red Bulls we're talking about.

But I like it hard (ahem) and everything is spot on. The pace, the responsiveness, the passing, the shooting (as long as I can score sometime soon)... Even the goalkeepers, who were my biggest worry. I'm ecstatic.

Can I just say Jack, I've occasionally singled you out for being too negative but today it's been a pleasure to read your diligent and positive comments on the demo while I've been at work.

I predict big things for the game and developments to come which will dismay Konami.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

If this isn't enough to make PES fans at least try the demo for a half or two then seriously, they never will. It's got PES's responsiveness, the passing is quick (or slow depending on how you want to play the game), the shooting is pin-sharp and there's no bugs that I can see. It's only the faces that let it down (Tevez looks like a random bloke from out of the stands who's put a Tevez shirt on and climbed down onto the pitch - they've got his body shape right but his face is well off). And if graphics put you off a game, well, how many times have PES fanboys moaned that the only people who play FIFA play it for the graphics...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

fuck me this is quick at downloading lol, only been on 15 mins and is up to 73%
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Anyone wanting to try Be A Pro mode, if you select your teams on the menu and then see the "match settings" screen with the options all blanked out (half length etc.), you can press RT and change the camera mode on that screen to "Pro". You can't stick to one player and play a proper Be A Pro game, but the camera mode is there none-the-less.

It's not very smooth, I have to say, don't know if I could play it like that.

It's been delayed. No idea why, the version you can download with a Singapore account works fine, in English, no problem.

I have just tried it and think its awesome
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Is it possible the change the controls?

And another thing: I really miss the camera angle PES has when the action gets closer to the goal.

But I really like it so far!
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

jack have you turned all the assistance off? its freedom at its finest
To be honest I had to put the passing on semi-assisted, it's extremely hard. I'm sitting there passing from right back to centre back to left back to centre back to right back... Trying to get the hang of having complete control. PES has fucked our minds up, man, we expect everything to be done for us.

When the full game comes out I will be playing with nothing on, I'm sure (better shut the curtains then). It will take some getting used to.

How does it play with the default settings?

I have the feeling most players won't bother to play it in full manual mode.
As I've just said, I prefer it on the default settings to be honest. For now.

Is it possible the change the controls?
Unfortunately, and it's been like this for years, you can only choose between two setups (and two tweaks of those setups). You can't customise the buttons.

My dad is 60 and needs sprint to be :triangle:/Y, if he can't have that he can't play the game, which is a shame.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Seabass has been bummed.

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Seabass has been bummed.
You're joking, right? I've already had three or four messages saying "what are you playing that shit for, PES is king", when they haven't even played the demo - and will never play the demo.

Seabass will get as much money as ever, don't kid yourself. But never mind, we have a good choice now, and we're free to make it.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Does anybody know what time we might expect demo on PSN ? I only normally play PES as Fifa has under performed for me in the past but this sounds quality !

Also as its not coming out in Europe should I set up a US PSN account ? Thanks for any information.

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