Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

imo, Fifa 08 -----> 360 PES 2008 ----->PS3. All about the controller.

Regarding all this PS3 hate, I love mine mainly for the wifi. The way it is at home to get my games console online it would have to have wifi, paying £60 extra for a 360 adaptor isnt cool. Theres other factors too.

But Im sure Fifa 08 will sell loads on the PS3. Its the first footy game on the console, the public will go crazy for any sort of footy action. I just prefer it on 360 as the game is amazing with the analogue stick, somthing I cant use on the PS3 for very long as I get cramp.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have never had cramp in my hands :D

I dont really mind about the controller, better positioning for the analog sticks I don buy either, because if its better on the 360 why dont people complain about the right analog stick? Even then from PS pad to 360 pad, the change isnt exactly major, the thumb barely moves from PS controller to 360 controller, but then again I dont really mind, a analog stick is a analog stick to me, no matter where it is, hence why I dont mind if I get Fifa on the PS3 :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I have never had cramp in my hands :D
When I used to play on the PS2, I used to love the pads and couldn't see myself using anything else. From the first day I had a 360 I hated the pad, I couldn't get used to it and I didn't know how I was going to play a football game with "these weird triggers".

But with it being a next-gen machine, I stopped playing on the PS2 for three months or so, and forgot about the issues I had completely. Then, I was challenged to a game of FIFA 07 on a mate's PS2, and after five minutes my hands were killing me. Trying to move the analog sticks felt like you were trying to move your thumbs the wrong way. Seriously, it felt really wrong. :|

I don't think it's a matter of "which pad is best", to be honest. I just think it's which pad you're most used to. If I was given a PS3, I'm sure I'd get used to it (but I don't like any of the PS3 games out at the moment bar one, nor the online features and accessibility compared to the 360, so I'm happy with how things are for now).

Wow, alot fo fanboyism to the 360 in here.

Erm, no, a lot of people who like the 360 in here maybe? :eh:

Bit of a difference between saying "I like this and this on the 360" and "OMG I CANT BLIEVE U HAV A PS3 DER SO GAY!!!1!!!!1!"

The word "fanboy" is really getting on my tit, not least because you have to say before every post "I'm not a fanboy but". (Followed by "in my opinion" - God that pisses me off, you don't see games magazines saying "this game is great, in our opinion")
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Fanboy accusations are getting on my nerves aswell, seriousl what does it matter what you play the games on, as long as you are enjoying it why care about Sony/M$ or anyone else.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im used to all the pads, thats probably because I play each console around the same, well actually I lie, the PS2 has help my main attention just because of PES6. None the less I love both pads equally always have :D

Its not even fanboyism, its more to the fact that people are actually correct in saying the 360 has more games, more people own one here as it seems and also to the point, we are talking about preference in controllers, hardly fanboyism :S

Well anyway, I will get it on PS3, as I will be getting Halo 3 same time, meaning equal time using the 360 pad and PS3 pad haha :D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I can play with the pads on the 360 and PS3 they really dont bother me but i do like the 360 ones more. I think im becoming a fanboy fanboy.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Does anyone know if all the management games will be played in daytime?, are there any night matches?, or weather?.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Apparently there will be night matches but no weather. They said that, at this moment in time, the weather would look nice but have no effect on the gameplay, and so they'd rather wait until they can implement it properly. Don't know if that's an excuse or not but there you go.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Apparently there will be night matches but no weather. They said that, at this moment in time, the weather would look nice but have no effect on the gameplay, and so they'd rather wait until they can implement it properly. Don't know if that's an excuse or not but there you go.

Well night matches is good. Thankyou.;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Night is definitely in there as I saw it as an option for quick match mode.

Presumably in manager mode the midweek games will be played at night, as they've got "seasonal pitch degradation" in there it's possible they'll have something along the lines of it being darker in Winter than in Summer, just a guess, prolly wrong ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

lol that sounds like a bit of a cop out to me

It's probably true that if it was raining you'd expect the ball to drag and sliding tackles/dives slide further. It would probably need a lot of messing around especially with the next gen engine and ball physics.

quick questions

Anyone know if they've added some really shitty stadiums?

I love playing in the crappy places in fifa 07 (ps2) and then finally working my way up to a super stadiums. the change in atmosphere is amazing and you really feel like you've made it.

If they have... then i hope they don't use the same sound files for the crowd. So when you score it doesn't sound like a 60,000 full stadium cheering

and does anyone know if the away fans cheer when you score while say losing 4-0 will be a quiet 'ohhh well' rather than a screaming 'YEEEEAAAAHHHH'?


something id like to see them add maybe is the motor storm style ground deformation.

So a sliding tackle in rain could rip up the turf for the rest of that match AND the ball would actually blip over the turf if it rolled by.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

No good asking me about sound I heard virtually nothing at GCA, had some crappy presentation on behind me and some woman was shouting into a mic very loudly for most of the time, so I didn't hear anything at all of the sound (other than I did hear that there's a new Arsenal chant in the game, but it's just that one that a few clubs "borrowed" from Manchester Utd, the "oh, oh, blah blah blah, we all follow the Arsenal"). :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Ive had the same problem going from the 360pad back to the ps2 pad. It just felt so small and lightweight. For me the d-pad is far better then the 360 ms pad, however if you want a decent d-pad for pes on the 360 there is a good madcatz pad out there for 19pound. I got that for pes360 and found it just as good as the ps2 d-pad.

As for the pro 360 in here, i think its more to do with thomasgoal and his general pro ps3/pes comments. Even though he didnt actually critisise the 360 in his last post the whole "pro pes/ps3 anti fifa/360" he has is recognised by most posters and because of that the response is a bit ott from some.

Personally if the ps3 was cheaper, and i didnt already have 360, i would get it, just for the added blu ray really. Most of the games i play are mutli platform anyway and im not an online gamer either so the whole live quality is a bit lost on me. Thankfully MS has given the 3year warrenty now so that also counts for them and for me personally a reason that the ps3 is not yet needed.

Also the question in here from somebody about which one they should get is an obvious reason why there is some ps3/360 discussion.

Anyway, back to 08..........

Does anybody know what time the demo will be released? Is there a standard time or do they change from game to game?

Also it would be good if they have some generic stadiums for the lower leagues, but some reason i just dont think theyll have it. Hope im wrong.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Anyway, back to 08..........
Thank CHRIST. :)

Does anybody know what time the demo will be released? Is there a standard time or do they change from game to game?
The other night I went to bed quite late, checked for demos and there was nothing new. At 7/8am (BST) the next day, there was an NBA Live 08 demo. Other times I've seen them arrive at noon. So I think it depends on when MS get their arses in gear.

Also it would be good if they have some generic stadiums for the lower leagues, but some reason i just dont think theyll have it. Hope im wrong.
Probably because of the amount of time it takes to make next-gen stadia with ten times the detail compared to current-gen.

I didn't think of this actually, will be a bit daft playing as Tranmere with an 80,000-seater stadium.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


there are lower league generic stadiums as can be seen in the Australian game vid over at fourfourtwo.

According to the EA website, the pitches and general stadiums are of a far lower quality than the next few divisions upto say the premier league.

So we will see an upgrade of stadia as we go form Div2 to the champs league.

I love the fact that they have included degradeable pitches through the season, so gone are the perfect astro-turf loks of past games.Missing the weather, but I know they plan dynamic weather for 09 that actually affects gameplay.Imagine starting a game in january with blazing winter sunshine and then a snow fall half way through, causing players to slip and the ball to zip about.

In the meantime I am looking forward to the offline challenge as much as the online one at the moment.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I read that the pitches of lesser quality stadia will degrade worse than those of Prem and equivalent teams, so could be some really dodgy pitches come January, hopefully they'll affect ball movement/bounce and such :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I don't think anyone here hates the PS3 or are Microsoft Fanboys.

Its just we are true gamers and aren't ignorant and blind to what games are on the market right now and in the near future and the only single reason to buy a PS3 would be MGS at best at the moment.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if half the Sony Fanboys like ThomasGoal had a Xbox 360 secretly.

PS3 fans are at the stage where Xbox 360 fans were a year ago, all the games are being over-hyped by desperate fans Look at Lair and Heavenly sword great visuals average gameplay at best.
They are even excited for Everybody's Golf thats how bad its gotten.

I consistently post news on all these threads and Good news about the PS3 is SO rare i am scared ppl think i am a Xbox fanboy because i only post bad things on the PS3 forum but even then the bad stuff i post only half of what i read.
Delays, difficult and expensive to program for, Management reshuffles and terrible sales charts.
The Xbox 360 sales have tripled in the UK since the price cut
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Tnx Force, forgot about that. Thats really good, crappy stadiums and pitches to go with the crappy teams.

Seeing as the game is now only weeks away, and assuming the demo confirms our hopes, what are you going to be doing first? And not first as in a couple of friendlies, but first as in the manager mode which i think most of us will be spending quite a bit of time in.

Im not sure whether to start with a really crappy lower league team and build up or start with liverpool and try to get into europe. The reason for this is partly due to the response time. Im thinking if i start with pool the response time wont feel to bad and ill get some early enjoyment from the game, however im also considering starting with a really crappy team just to "learn" the game and lose all thoughts of pes. I know if i go with liverpool ill be stuck with pes memories, as ive been playing them for years in the ML, which i think will only work to frustrate me. Wereas if i start with a lower team that i dont "care" about ill be far more relaxed in the game and also attribute the slowness to the level of the players, which should subconsciencely mean that when i get to the pool level of teams the speed/response should feel really good. And it will also add extra gametime to my career as i will eventually be aiming to take liverpool to total world dominance :D

So what are you guys gonna do?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

First things I'll do:

Make the transfers that have been missed before the transfer window closes (it could be a few days if not a week or so before EA release the roster update patch), then I'll fix all the appearances and stats of Sheffield Wednesday's players (use data from Football Manager if needed for accuracy), then start manager mode on the hardest level for a couple of games to see how much I get slaughtered, then re-start on a more modest skill level.

Might also have a quick Owls v Blades be a pro match just to see if I like it :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

First things I'll do:

Make the transfers that have been missed before the transfer window closes (it could be a few days if not a week or so before EA release the roster update patch), then I'll fix all the appearances and stats of Sheffield Wednesday's players (use data from Football Manager if needed for accuracy), then start manager mode on the hardest level for a couple of games to see how much I get slaughtered, then re-start on a more modest skill level.

Might also have a quick Owls v Blades be a pro match just to see if I like it :)

off topic but do you really rate simek that highly? in the few US matches i have seen him play he has looked good. hoping he can really fight for the US back spot for 2010. Does he play on the left as well?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Im not sure whether to start with a really crappy lower league team and build up or start with liverpool and try to get into europe. The reason for this is partly due to the response time. Im thinking if i start with pool the response time wont feel to bad and ill get some early enjoyment from the game, however im also considering starting with a really crappy team just to "learn" the game and lose all thoughts of pes. I know if i go with liverpool ill be stuck with pes memories, as ive been playing them for years in the ML, which i think will only work to frustrate me.

What you could do is use the competition creation mode to create a huge competition featuring the top 2 teams of every league featured in the game, (excluding Championship,league 1,league 2), that would give you something like a 54 team competition, choose a team for yourself at random, and see what happens, playing against all those many many different teams from many man different countries will soon make you forget the ML and playing the same old teams over and over again ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm in a very similar position to tiktik, except I'm more likely to choose the lower league team (probably Tranmere) and see if I can work towards getting the Liverpool job :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


I think I am going with your philosophy in starting with a very average team(cant say crappy as the likes of JB & Placebo may well rip me to bits:D;))Like Notts County and put alot of effort into learning the manual passing and all the new aspects to the game.this way i will get to enjoy the bigger games more, like meeting Chelsea at home in the F.A Cup etc. The anticipation of the season increases a tad more when you go on the giant killing act.

I will also spend alot of time shuffling the team, getting players out on loan and famaliarising myself with the various options.

Just cannot wait to have a crack at the Div2 title with Super Notts and hopefully may well get a shot at making Notts Forest great again lol.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

off topic but do you really rate simek that highly? in the few US matches i have seen him play he has looked good. hoping he can really fight for the US back spot for 2010. Does he play on the left as well?

In terms of the Sheffield Wednesday team and in terms of the Championship he's very, very, good, obviously on an international level he's just a kid, time will tell how good he can become, he hasn't had the greatest start to the season but then neither has the rest of the team :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)


I think I am going with your philosophy in starting with a very average team(cant say crappy as the likes of JB & Placebo may well rip me to bits:D;))Like Notts County and put alot of effort into

If you want to make me happy then a crap team I recommend you choosing is Grimsby Town, they're my home town club and in League2, they'll be a challenge for sure ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

As for the pro 360 in here, i think its more to do with thomasgoal and his general pro ps3/pes comments. Even though he didnt actually critisise the 360 in his last post the whole "pro pes/ps3 anti fifa/360" he has is recognised by most posters and because of that the response is a bit ott from some.

Personally if the ps3 was cheaper, and i didnt already have 360, i would get it, just for the added blu ray really. Most of the games i play are mutli platform anyway and im not an online gamer either so the whole live quality is a bit lost on me. Thankfully MS has given the 3year warrenty now so that also counts for them and for me personally a reason that the ps3 is not yet needed.

right on..
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

for those like me who had forgotten about the lower league pitches/stadiums, some screencaps from the 4-4-2 videos:

Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I'm in a very similar position to tiktik, except I'm more likely to choose the lower league team (probably Tranmere)

I know what I'll be doing when I get the game. Single-player career mode with Tranmere (obviously), PLUS a multiplayer (offline) Champions League with mates, PLUS multiplayer (offline) FA Cups for quick bursts whenever time is short and you just want to knock everybody out, PLUS starting the Online League (the ranked one, not the mess-about one) with Liverpool, PLUS starting an Evo-Web online league.

This is why I'm always desperate for FIFA to be good. Compare all that to the two things I play PES for, the ML and the offline multiplayer. I'd include online as well, but I take no joy whatsoever out of a million "ranked" friendlies.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thanks, it looks briliant eh.

just make sthe game that much more realistic at a lower level and builds the anticipation to take part in a big game when the opportunity arises.
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