Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I be curious to know why they don't have manual keeper in next gen and just now put it in their current gen title.. ? They use to have this back in the 16-bit era.. why can't they have this option in the next gen era?

I really would like to hear the reasoning behind this.. sounds like you didn't ask him this though..
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I didn't specifically ask him about manual keepers, but the answer would be part of something I already covered about the makeup of the current gen and next gen teams :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

well that's a piss poor excuse considering it took them how many games to finally put it in their current gen FIFA title? sad really.. why would they ever go away from this is strange.. it must be hard to program or something.. like I said.. manual keeper was the norm for awhile back in the day.

I personally think the real reason they don't include everything on next gen is so they can hype it in the next years release by leaving it out on purpose this year.

any ways, thanks for all your info.. I still am very excited about a FIFA game for the first time in years.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

It's easy to be cynical with EA, it's how I've been about them for a long, long time, but what I saw yesterday really impressed me, and the guy I was talking to really impressed me, he seemed very open, honest and listened to every point I made and question I asked, even those which essentially were slagging EA off a little ;)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Great stuff, Placebo. Many thanks for taking the time to post all the highly informative comments.

I'm pretty convinced that FIFA now appears to be a great game with a great team behind it, ie. they know what they're doing and will only improve the game in years to come, which is a mouth-watering prospect.

I'm sure PES is still a great game but this year's version just seems too thin on content and progress, so I'll probably give it a miss. But now Konami have genuine competition in terms of gameplay, they'll have to start putting in more effort into revolutionising their gameplay and perhaps more importantly, their off-pitch options.

The years ahead will surely see 2 high quality football games.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

from a personal point of view, the pazzaz can wait for now.For the first time in history Ea are putting every bit of investment to the gameplay first rather than trying to mask it with pazzaz and that can only be great news for us.

The little touches matter a great deal but they will evolve over the next 6 years just as Konami did in the years before it.

EA are absolutely spot on, and trust me, it takes alot for me to say that.;)

@placebo, my arthiritis is not affecting my hands yet mate:D
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I agree winston im dodging pes this year until its cheap in the january sales. I just feel its will be too the same. Unless i hear otherwise from trusted sources or get the chance to play the demo.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Great stuff, Placebo. Many thanks for taking the time to post all the highly informative comments.

I'm pretty convinced that FIFA now appears to be a great game with a great team behind it, ie. they know what they're doing and will only improve the game in years to come, which is a mouth-watering prospect.
I'm sure PES is still a great game but this year's version just seems too thin on content and progress, so I'll probably give it a miss. But now Konami have genuine competition in terms of gameplay, they'll have to start putting in more effort into revolutionising their gameplay and perhaps more importantly, their off-pitch options.

The years ahead will surely see 2 high quality football games.

I think that is the main difference, my understanding is that Konami have not had the sort of shuffle that EA have and thus you carry forward last gen mentality to a completely new peice of hardware and market.This point can be seen in the graphics engine where Konami have made strides forward and it looks nice, but not next gen strides.

The gameplay for PES has always been great and I think it will be improved still, the question is though is it so much as to make me sit up and take notice of those improvements considering the similarities to last gen.

FIFA looks completely different in graphics and gameplay in comparison to its PS2 cousin and is trying very hard to simulate a real game of football.Now before anyone jumps on top of me with a Konami beating stick, I know its not going to be a 10/10 game, but its working towards it and seems to be succeeding.

Konami has been the definitive football title for as long as I can remember, and rightly so, however, its looking more arcade than realistic next to the FIFA videos(IMO)albeit still a fantastic game.

I want realism and attention to detail, something now afordable on the new hardware, its just who you perceive is pushing the boundries more, in terms of satisfying your £40 hand over.

FIFA looks slick, looks like football at a wonderfully realistic pace, giving you time to stop look up and play a pass whilst alowing total freedom via manual passing. With the added response times and overall improvements over 07 & UCL it just may well take more PES fans again this year and that is a reflection of EA's marvelous effort.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think that is the main difference, my understanding is that Konami have not had the sort of shuffle that EA have and thus you carry forward last gen mentality to a completely new peice of hardware and market.This point can be seen in the graphics engine where Konami have made strides forward and it looks nice, but not next gen strides.

The gameplay for PES has always been great and I think it will be improved still, the question is though is it so much as to make me sit up and take notice of those improvements considering the similarities to last gen.

FIFA looks completely different in graphics and gameplay in comparison to its PS2 cousin and is trying very hard to simulate a real game of football.Now before anyone jumps on top of me with a Konami beating stick, I know its not going to be a 10/10 game, but its working towards it and seems to be succeeding.

Konami has been the definitive football title for as long as I can remember, and rightly so, however, its looking more arcade than realistic next to the FIFA videos(IMO)albeit still a fantastic game.

I want realism and attention to detail, something now afordable on the new hardware, its just who you perceive is pushing the boundries more, in terms of satisfying your £40 hand over.

FIFA looks slick, looks like football at a wonderfully realistic pace, giving you time to stop look up and play a pass whilst alowing total freedom via manual passing. With the added response times and overall improvements over 07 & UCL it just may well take more PES fans again this year and that is a reflection of EA's marvelous effort.

thats a damn fine post!:)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think that is the main difference, my understanding is that Konami have not had the sort of shuffle that EA have and thus you carry forward last gen mentality to a completely new peice of hardware and market.This point can be seen in the graphics engine where Konami have made strides forward and it looks nice, but not next gen strides.

The gameplay for PES has always been great and I think it will be improved still, the question is though is it so much as to make me sit up and take notice of those improvements considering the similarities to last gen.

FIFA looks completely different in graphics and gameplay in comparison to its PS2 cousin and is trying very hard to simulate a real game of football.Now before anyone jumps on top of me with a Konami beating stick, I know its not going to be a 10/10 game, but its working towards it and seems to be succeeding.

Konami has been the definitive football title for as long as I can remember, and rightly so, however, its looking more arcade than realistic next to the FIFA videos(IMO)albeit still a fantastic game.

I want realism and attention to detail, something now afordable on the new hardware, its just who you perceive is pushing the boundries more, in terms of satisfying your £40 hand over.

FIFA looks slick, looks like football at a wonderfully realistic pace, giving you time to stop look up and play a pass whilst alowing total freedom via manual passing. With the added response times and overall improvements over 07 & UCL it just may well take more PES fans again this year and that is a reflection of EA's marvelous effort.

WOW. excellent post!!!!! (anamenos9 from fifa forums :D)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thats the difference this year, and last year aswell. After playing 07 you could just tell that they had made the base engine really good and it had the potential to become an excellent, better then pro evo, football game. It had its faults last year, shooting/goalies/stutterbug/crossing/ etc, but the base was laid last year and you knew that if they continued with the effort they were on the right track. UCL continued the improvement, even if it was a bit of a cash in. This year the reports are showing that they are continuing the effort and improvement and showing a really good rate making the game better and better. The pazazz can come later imo, they just need to keep focussing on the core game and the pazazz wont matter too much.

I think this is in stark contrast to pes, and a reason why so many of us are looking at fifa as a real alternative. Something which hasnt been the case for years. Konami just dont seem to be putting in the effort and seem to be doing "just enough" each year to keep the hardcore happy, although even that is slowly backfiring. For the ps2 it was enough, just, but its now not enough anymore, they are giving lastgen updates on a nextgen console. You only have to look at fifa's effort to see whats possible.

This year it will be close imo, pes could probably just edge it gameplay wise, overal fifa is easily the better option. Last year i said that it could be very close, with fifa possibly overtaking pes this year. I dont know if thats the case yet as i need to play it. But if its not this year, surely next year pes' time is up in its current state. And lets remember that seabass sees the development cycle of pes360/pes08 in the same way as we7/8/9, meaning they already have their new "pes3" engine in place!

Cant wait for the demo :D.

Tnx placebo for the extra info.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hey Placebo ,I wanted to thank you first for all the information you gave us concerning the game because it's something you didn't have to do but you still did it so big up for that and props to you .
I wanted to know how is defending ?Since you played UCL 2006-2007 on the XBOX360 you must have noticed that sometimes players (any kinda ,average or good players) would pick the ball and go on dribbling 4-5 defenders before scoring a cracking goal which in real life is really hard to do . I mean is it easier to dispossess a player than before or is it the same thing .
ps:Sorry if this question has already been asked and answered.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Hey Placebo ,I wanted to thank you first for all the information you gave us concerning the game because it's something you didn't have to do but you still did it so big up for that and props to you .
I wanted to know how is defending ?Since you played UCL 2006-2007 on the XBOX360 you must have noticed that sometimes players (any kinda ,average or good players) would pick the ball and go on dribbling 4-5 defenders before scoring a cracking goal which in real life is really hard to do . I mean is it easier to dispossess a player than before or is it the same thing .
ps:Sorry if this question has already been asked and answered.

It hasn't been asked don't worry :)

Firstly you're welcome, as I said previously I mainly went to get a Fifa fix myself as I'm struggling a little like the rest of you with the anticipation ;) but obviously being able to give you guys info that you might not get through official channels is pretty fun :)

Yeah on UCL it does happen from time to time that a player will pick up the ball and have a kind of 30 second invulnerability from the tackle, obviously this time around I was playing human v human which I've never done before, so it is possible the AI has some quirkes, but in both matches I was able to win the ball well when I timed my tackles or attempted interceptions correctly, obviously because you're competing against someone in the heat of the excitement you get a bit carried away and mess up your timing but I thought I defended pretty well.

What I did notice and like was that those defenders which are slightly better than the others around them will do a noticeably better job, for example as Sheffield Wednesday I noticed that Frankie Simek was my best defender by far (in real life he's head and shoulders above most of the team), but Steve Watson also did a good job especially in winning headers, when I was Liverpool Carragher was just awesome, winning tackles and headers, but I did notice that Finnan defended well in a quiet, calmly confident way (I know that sounds weird because I was the one controlling him but it just felt like Finnan you know?) :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

i get you - PES gave that feeling but only with the big stars really - grabbing Henry and running with the ball you could almost feel you were him. i dont know. just the way he ran and how he acted you really felt as if it was him. The way he took shots, everything. even if he had a stupid spoof name you knew it was him the moment you saw him run and pass.

Fifa had the same thing, Big name stars could run faster or kick a ball on target more often. The running and shooting animations etc

But I can remember picking henry up and controlling him and then the next match taking someone like solano - putting him up front and getting the same results more or less. sure henry ran a little faster but it didnt matter as i could still score with solano.

I like that they're giving more players their individuality. AND not just the big name stars but they're thinking about the whole game. They already have most of the big name guys feel right anyway.

Ideally what i want is if i play someone crap up front then they have a really bad time of it. Maybe they dont run into space like a world class striker does or maybe their first touch is off. I want to know that if im playing against a crap team and i have amazing talent then i will destroy them. and if i play a world class team im going to have my work cut out for me.

I dont want the AI to cheat more with the better teams - go on unstoppable runs and score amazing shots without having to charge the power up for it. and the crap teams just stand there like zombies when defending.
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Thanks a lot Placebo for all of the great work here :D I was wondering whether or not you could notice different team playing styles. For example when you played against Arsenal did it seem like you were playing against Arsenal - by that i mean were they always passing on the floor, at a quick tempo. Also was there a noticeable gulf between Arsenal and Sheffield United was it? By that i mean were Sheffield noticeably less technical and played a more direct game to Arsenal's style. I hope you understand what I mean, and I really do hope that Fifa incorporated team styles in one way or another. I ask this because obviously i wanted to know, but also in an interview on Piggyback's guide to PES6, Seabass said he wanted to add team playing styles, which he clearly hasn't :lol:
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

The two matches I had were against human opponents so the playing style and such was dependent on the different human players involved, however I did notice quite a significant difference in the two games, for example the Wednesday v United match the ball changed hands a lot more because the players on the pitch weren't so skilled to make runs with the ball and not be tackled and there wasn't anyone on either team that really had the kind of pace and agility to pull them away from defenders (for example how van Persie and Babel did in the other match) :)

I found myself playing a quicker, more direct game of football with Liverpool, probably because with Gerrard and Alonso in the centre you feel more confident to spray long balls around, and with Babel, Torres and Pennant you know you've got fast players with a good chance of latching on to the long balls and through balls :)
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Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Placebo, I appreciate your limited experience of the game, but would you say that playing with crap teams like Sheffield Wednesday, there's as much chance of success in playing a direct, long-ball style as trying to play a slick passing game?

I'm really intrigued by something said by the EA rep at the FIFA presentation in Lepizig where he said that their new threatmap engine and AI means that you can play a variety of styles of play, from the passing/possession game, to long-ball, to relying on the individual player skills.

Arguably, in PES you could pump long balls forward but frankly, it was not worth trying that style as the AI defence wins 99% if not everything and any flicks ons you do get are subject to the "all defelctions are scriped to the cpu team" garbage in the PES engine. Basically, that style of play doesn't exist in the PES AI model yet it is a style of play adopted by many teams.

I'm really looking forward to a footy game that offers some real scope for an aerial battle and trying out genuinely different tactics.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

I think it depends on who's up front, with the Wednesday example if Sodje or Clarke were up front then I'd be tempted to try longball if short passes were't working, I didn't really try long balls yesterday because I had Jeffers and Burton up front and neither are particularly tall. From what I saw yesterday though I'd feel confident in that if I had tall strong players who lacked a bit of skill, for example in the lower leagues that the long ball tactic may well work, certainly it seems you can with a little practice get good at winning headers in the air by predicting the appropriate point of "best heading impact" :)
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Unfortunately my time machine is broken :(

EA already confirmed in their own forums that the game will feature an appearance editor, and that you can edit the appearance of generic players, so I think it was simply a case of the appearance editor being hidden somewhere in the build I was playing or it had been removed for reasons of unresolved bugs or something like that :)

I sincerely hope...

NBA Live 08's demo uis a BIG dissapontement ALL the videos looked promising BUT the game itself is riddled with the same problems that 07 had...It feels like on a slider attribute tweaked game (OK rant over)

back on topic gentlemen
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Unfortunately my time machine is broken :(

EA already confirmed in their own forums that the game will feature an appearance editor, and that you can edit the appearance of generic players, so I think it was simply a case of the appearance editor being hidden somewhere in the build I was playing or it had been removed for reasons of unresolved bugs or something like that :)

i really really hope youre right man...but knowing EA , my guess is that we wont have taht kind of editor for another year...i just cant imainge this feature not beeing in a full version built(talking about the one u played).

but again i do hope for the best
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Just noticed this with regard to the Be A Pro mode:

Its from gamespy, dated the 24 aug (leipzig):

In addition to a normal exhibition, Booth showed us "Be a Pro" again. Now, in the PS2 version, the camera is set to the default, which means that at some points, you'll run off the screen. However, in the PS3 and 360 versions, the camera follows your superstar around the pitch. You'll be judged on a variety of choices and moves, which seem to help you with experience points. The AI will pass the ball around, and you can hit the pass button to request it. However, you'll lose points if you're either not properly open, or if you hit pass too often without setting up a play. If you're a player like David Beckham, you'd ideally be rewarded for the sorts of things he does best: turning over dead balls and that killer assisting cross.

What we discovered during the session is that EA Canada will be patching the game at some point after launch -- the word was four to eight weeks -- to enable online Be a Pro. During our early May tour of the Vancouver-area facilities, Booth mentioned that the team's ultimate goal was to recreate a virtual World Cup online with twenty-two players in time for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Looks like they're on their way faster than we'd anticipated. You'll be able to link with ten other gamers, and each of you will be able to play a specific position on the pitch.

Isnt everyone so far saying its a single match offline mode?
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Yeah, but it was said weeks ago that they are going to patch the game for 5v5 online play. Not enabling Be A Pro. Perhaps they're one and the same, with each player being a "Be A Pro" character...
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

Nah, it's old. That's the one that I said "UH-OH" after, because of the GK AI on the header. Placebo even screencapped it to show the GK positioning.
Re: FIFA 08 (Next Gen Chat)

ohh dear... video looked great but again we see a glimps of the dumb GK AI in the first goal scored by chelski...
the fk goal looked great, nets are amazig.
the last atalanta goal, almost an onw goal, looked real too me...that kind of things does happen in real life.
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