FIFA 07 (Xbox 360)

Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Just a few hours ago, i was in one o f biggest media stores near by me!
EA's Fifa 07 for the 360, for PS2 and X-box are sold out!!!! there was no way to find this Game they are waiting for new copies......otherwise you can find PES6 for any system!!!! So I think Konami has get the lesson about their new Game!

after asking the Guy who works in the store he told me that Fifa07 for 360 was sold out in a few hours, and they have 120 preorders so.......:shock: !!!!!

Gamemags have given Konami the better score with 88%-93% and EA#s Fifa07 only83-86% on the 360, but a lot of old school PES/WE player have bought Fifa07 for x-box and the 360!!!! why??? because it feels better!

i have to wait to get my FIFA07 till next monday, i have plyed PES for some hours Today (get it from the video club) and sorry on my normal TV it looks like a refreshed PS2 version!otherwise FIFA07 looks on my normal TV amazing! I love the pitches and i love the new Gameplay, its not perfekt but Ea is on the right way!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

It might be selling like hotcakes but I bet the returns will be flooding in! I am taking mine back to Game today. It's rubbish.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

El Diego, judging on the last few posts you've made, you're not taking much notice of your sig.

PES6 is the worst effort Konami have ever released, in my opinion. The game is unplayable online (yep, I said it, UNPLAYABLE - you get the ball, an open goal, you tap the shoot button for as short a time as HUMANLY POSSIBLE and, whether you've held down "controlled shot" or not, it balloons out of the stadium nine times out of ten - who the hell wants a football game that only does what you want it to do TEN PERCENT of the time? Well I suppose that's up to you, isn't it?), and the master league, although you seem to love it, is a pile of unrealistic crap that they have plastered onto the side of their games for ten years. The entire package is disgusting. In my opinion.

FIFA 07 is a next-gen football game and puts PES to (an incredible amount of) shame. In my opinion.

I doubt those who have played the demo and pre-ordered the game will be as disappointed as you are.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

FIFA is clunky, scripted (YES, SCRIPTED) and plays badly. It doesn't feel like football, it doesn't even LOOK like real football. For EA's third attempt it's shocking. They use the same old marketing gimics, clever presentations and "We have worked hard on the player models but they still look like WWF wrestlers" routines. It just plays awful - the passing is terrible, players just run from one box to the other with ease and I don't think "Wow, what a goal" when I score. It's piss poor and I know you think this deep down Jack but you have nothing better (football-wise) to play at the moment. Granted, PES6 is SHITE online. I don't even bother with it but I found FIFA07 pretty poor on LIVE too. The opposing player always uses FIFA's fucked-up system and flaunts it. Also, the CPU AI is awful - when in real football does a player try to control the ball with his chest rather than header it away in defence? How often does a player take 4 or 5 players on the field and rifle in a shot? You don't see it much but when you do, it should be special. Not in FIFA - it happens EVERY game. It's boring and unrealistic. The fact that PES6 has scored BETTER in EVERY magazine or website I have read speaks volumes. It is a better game. It's the same old shit yet again when it comes to EA's product and lets not forget, it's their THIRD NEXT GEN ATTEMPT. It's poo-poo and PES6 keeps me coming back for more night-after-night. The amount of hype you guys gave this title made me think "Wow, I HAVE to get this!". My copy of FIFA07 is already gathering dust.

Just my opinion.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

El Diego said:
FIFA is clunky, scripted (YES, SCRIPTED)
Several people have said that and so fair enough, I might be missing something; but I've played the game more than most, and I've not seen this.

El Diego said:
and plays badly
I recall you saying the opposite a few days ago. If it's as bad as you now say, I'm sure you wouldn't have temporarily thought it was fantastic. Is the difficulty curve a bit too much...?

El Diego said:
It doesn't feel like football, it doesn't even LOOK like real football.
Coming from Mr. "It's All About Gameplay, Not Graphics", I find that quite ironic!

El Diego said:
the passing is terrible
Which says it all, for me. Several people who prefer PES over FIFA have begrudgingly admitted the manual passing system is an innovation, and that PES would be a better game with it. To say the passing is terrible means either you're a fanboy, you're biased, or the difficulty was too much for you to get used to. PES puts every pass where the CPU wants it to go. Not where you want it to go. Meaning piss-weak, piss-poor passes to the wrong players.

Again, PES is a game that only does what you want it to 10% of the time. When I score in FIFA it's a product of my own work, and so it feels GREAT. In PES when you score, the feeling of elation is down to "my God, the CPU has cheated me left and right, it's not put my passes where I wanted them and every shot out of TWENTY has gone over the bar (yes I've had that happen virtually every single fucking online match), but now I've scored".

If you want realism, you're playing the wrong game and sticking to it because you can't get used to a more realistic one.

El Diego said:
It's piss poor and I know you think this deep down Jack but you have nothing better (football-wise) to play at the moment.
I'll admit that I'm playing Football Manager way more regularly, and that there's a lot wrong with the game, not with the gameplay - apart from bugs that PES has as well (FIFA's goalkeeping madness is exhibited in PES as well - and the button-lag madness in PES is the worst bug I have ever seen in a football game, YOU CANNOT PLAY THIS GAME ONLINE - no bug in FIFA is that big). The offline mode in FIFA is terrible, granted; but so is the offline mode in PES (you'll be fine with it because you like the master league, which is great for you but WOEFUL for the rest of us who want something else but "points" and being Real Madrid for ten years).

El Diego said:
Granted, PES6 is SHITE online
At last, something we agree on! And for a lot of people, they've bought the game to play online - me included. Therefore, IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY, and it's a waste of the disc it was printed on.

El Diego said:
I don't even bother with it but I found FIFA07 pretty poor on LIVE too. The opposing player always uses FIFA's fucked-up system and flaunts it.
Try playing some of the people in this thread. And try playing PES online - when it works - as a lot of them do the same. Noticed people's formations? Four up-front? That's so realistic, isn't it? Do you know why they do it? Because if they shoot from thirty yards, the keeper will spill it, the second, or third, or fourth striker will get the ball palmed onto their foot, and they've scored.

FIFA is a totally new game, PES is last year's version with a terrible passing system, no freedom to do anything (players huddled together like penguins and your teammates running into defenders instead of into space), a game that is unplayable online (that's a pretty big feature they have entirely fucked up, and a selling point to a LOT of people).

I know which one I prefer.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack, you can disect and analyse the two games as you much as you want and boy, do you go at it in Evo-Web! :)

I don't particualry care what people say about FIFA, I THINK it's rubbish and yes, at first I thought it was brilliant, but like ALL FIFA's I have played, the cracks start showing very quickly. For me PES6 plays more like like real football and that will do me. I didn't buy it for online so that doesn't effect me although it would make a brilliant game even better if Konami sorted it out (apparantly they are releasing an update?). I will save my FIFA07 for exchanging for either Gears Of War or COD3 - it offends me that I wasted £40 on it.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Fair enough, that's your opinion - and my opinion is the same but reversed. It offends me that I paid £50 (and not £40, after reading the hype I had to go and get a copy from the shop closest to me rather than off the internet) for a game that you can't play online, and is the same as PES5 offline. Total, total waste of money.

I can understand people thinking I'm a bit of a prick going on and on about it, but I don't like to read people saying things that I regard as totally untrue, in the same way that PES fans wouldn't let it lie if someone said their game was crap (and they wouldn't - so I don't see why I should, especially seeing as it's got through to some people who are still enjoying the game, having a decent game of football and laughing at PES this year).

Both games are, as a package, poor. As I've said, I would rather eat bark than play the master league ever, ever again, and the fact that there's no leagues or cups to play offline in FIFA is absolutely abysmal in this day and age. But gameplay-wise, I know which I prefer and which I hope I never have to play again until there are some serious, serious improvements. And I'm sure you feel the same way as well.

If Konami get my letter, and take notice (which is about as likely as a cow flying past my window with a Tranmere shirt on), then I'll be a PES player again this time next year (providing FIFA don't improve on the gameplay again, of course).
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Hey guys,
I just bought the XBOX 360 and FIFA 07 yesterday.
So a steep learning curve for me to get really comfortable with the
system and the game....
When I first loaded the game, it said that there was not enough free
space to save something.....i have 12GB on the disk free....don't know
what it's trying to save??

How much space do you need to save on it ?
I played my first match, and man....just getting used to the controller
and I had one shot on goal in my first match as Liverpool v Arsenal..
lost 0:3....i liked some of the stuff, still early days though...
i think the menus are'nt that good...

i only have a memorycard and have had no problems, maybe its looking for one?

As for the menu;s, i assume you mean the slanted ones, as they are annoying imo. But you can change it in the settings and have normal 2d ones. It has got a steep learning curve, but thats one of the main reasons im still challenged in pro level, as apposed to cruisin through games on 6* pes already :D

@ Diego, how can you say the passing system is rubbish?! Its one of the best parts of the game imo, you choose (when you have adjusted the settings to suit your game) where the ball goes and if you pass it badly, as i do when im not concentrating its my fault. Shooting feels good aswell, i have to aim. It has niggles, but then so does pes in equal ammount imo. ML is that same old shit, was reading the new review of iss pro evolution on Macca's gaming site (you can get there via soccergaming) and even though it was a great game he noticed how the ml hasnt really changed since then. How sad is that!? Although the one comment i really agree on is the 'there nothing better this year'. Which is true, i would have rather have had a decent pes then go for fifa, but seeing as pes is soooo shyte this year with little to no development and fifa has improved a lot ive gone for that. Yes it has niggles but i would rather play that then the same pes again,. And im enjoying the challenge of lerning to play a new way, instead of knowing the same stuff give me succes in pes which has worked for the past, what, 5 years now!. The fact that you play a ML with real madrid shows you like to have the best players so you can do everything with ease imo, which also gets highlighted by the fact you cant/wont give fifa passing the time it deserves as its a great system. But then it seems like youve changed you mind about 5 times so far between the 2 games its not much of a surprise ;)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I think FIFA plays a pretty mean game of football (especially online), but fuck me, they didn't bother to take the elastic-ball bug out. Jesus.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

El Diego said:
Jack, you can disect and analyse the two games as you much as you want and boy, do you go at it in Evo-Web! :)

I don't particualry care what people say about FIFA, I THINK it's rubbish and yes, at first I thought it was brilliant, but like ALL FIFA's I have played, the cracks start showing very quickly. For me PES6 plays more like like real football and that will do me. I didn't buy it for online so that doesn't effect me although it would make a brilliant game even better if Konami sorted it out (apparantly they are releasing an update?). I will save my FIFA07 for exchanging for either Gears Of War or COD3 - it offends me that I wasted £40 on it.

Konami releasing an update... wait...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Konami will NEVER release an update!

Have you not figured out now from the last 3 years that Konami don't give a flying crap about public opinion and bugs in the game? Did they release a patch last year to correct:

- No crowd.
- No weather except in friendlies.


Could have taken them all of 5 mins.

Konami don't even have a website for the game this year and the demo has come out after the final release. Worst batch of licenses for 3 years because they don't want to pay the money and a next-gen version that is a port of the PS2 version but with slightly better graphics but STILL HAS SLOWDOWNS!!! Seabass himself admitted that it takes up to 2 years to reshoot all of the animations for next-gen so Konami won't be releasing a true next-gen version until probably 2008. Have fun waiting.

The general consensus on every PES/WE forum is that this is the worst version yet with passing and shooting the WORST for any version of it. So if passing and shooting suck, what realism is there left? Headers? I played the PC version and to say it was scripted was an understaement. There is NO WAY you can say FIFA with a totally free player and ball system is scripted. Either your control of the English language is poor or you don't know the definition of the word. A free player and ball system is as far from scripted as you can get. In PES6 the ball goes where you don't aim a good proportion of the time. Sure, in real life players make errors but PES6 has the world's best players playing like Sunday League players. The fastest players get caught up over the space of 5 yards by the slowest defenders. Yeah - great realism. The tallest players constantly get outjumped by the shortest players and that's been the same every year.

I strongly disbelieve you've even played FIFA 07, I really don't think you have. Having read your posts in this thread, I really believe you're just a Konami fanboy just trying to put down FIFA as part of the pro-Konami campaign. If you don't like FIFA then leave the thread, don't post the same thing every 6 hours, it's getting boring and the more you post, the more obvious it is that you really don't have the game.

Goodbye and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

El Diego said:
FIFA is clunky, scripted (YES, SCRIPTED) and plays badly. It doesn't feel like football, it doesn't even LOOK like real football. For EA's third attempt it's shocking. They use the same old marketing gimics, clever presentations and "We have worked hard on the player models but they still look like WWF wrestlers" routines. It just plays awful - the passing is terrible, players just run from one box to the other with ease and I don't think "Wow, what a goal" when I score. It's piss poor and I know you think this deep down Jack but you have nothing better (football-wise) to play at the moment. Granted, PES6 is SHITE online. I don't even bother with it but I found FIFA07 pretty poor on LIVE too. The opposing player always uses FIFA's fucked-up system and flaunts it. Also, the CPU AI is awful - when in real football does a player try to control the ball with his chest rather than header it away in defence? How often does a player take 4 or 5 players on the field and rifle in a shot? You don't see it much but when you do, it should be special. Not in FIFA - it happens EVERY game. It's boring and unrealistic. The fact that PES6 has scored BETTER in EVERY magazine or website I have read speaks volumes. It is a better game. It's the same old shit yet again when it comes to EA's product and lets not forget, it's their THIRD NEXT GEN ATTEMPT. It's poo-poo and PES6 keeps me coming back for more night-after-night. The amount of hype you guys gave this title made me think "Wow, I HAVE to get this!". My copy of FIFA07 is already gathering dust.

Just my opinion.

All I can say is I respect your opinion, apart from the childish rant parts but I disagree wholey. I saw PES for the first time today it was actually running next to FIFA in Gamestation and it looks absolutely awful.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

El Diego said:
It might be selling like hotcakes but I bet the returns will be flooding in! I am taking mine back to Game today. It's rubbish.

NO Please don't let me finish my edits and THEN decide!

I am co pletely changing stats to reflect a better flowing game trust me. The rearch i'm doing and everything else is really making a difference El diago.

Just give me some time put fifa aside and just play something else check back here every so often and if you don't see an edit thread then sell it. But please let me have the chance to make it better for us all.

AND my result have been stellar.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I don't see how a load of editing can change it's really clunky, unresponsive style of game?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

There's no hope for PES then, is there...

(I do agree with you though, I can't see editing fixing my issue with the game, which is the goalkeepers)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Without going to much into detail right now.

NBA Live 07 had the same issues and I fixed those issues and at operationsports my thread blew up with people enjoying the game differently.

I wouldn't be spending the past days with it now if i didn't think it was possible and if i wasn't get great results. these edits are a pain to do and i am happy that they are working out.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Jack Bauer said:
There's no hope for PES then, is there...

(I do agree with you though, I can't see editing fixing my issue with the game, which is the goalkeepers)

theres ways and i've done em'. i just hope nobody's hard up for trade-in credit or cash to go and sell it right away. I sold a couple of games i bought back recently becasue i didn't take the time to edit them...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

diego said:
I will save my FIFA07 for exchanging for either Gears Of War or COD3 - it offends me that I wasted £40 on it.

And you dont think 40pounds for pes6 is offensive? Besides the fact that you like the game, think its better then fifa, surely the amount asked for what is a very poor version compared to the currentgen, and even those are so lacking in development are also offensive.

Posted a response to this earlier but for some reason it didnt get posted.

pes6 for 20 i would buy, but for 40? No way. But besides some of the niggles youve mentioned i totally disagree.

@ mattswiss, you can change the menu's from 3d to 2d to make them more friendly, if thats what you were talking about. Not sure about the memory, i use a 64mb card and its fine. Maybe its trying to look for it?
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I had to switch down to Amateur mode to score my first wins and
then moved back to semi-pro...where I am atleast scoring goals
but still losing 1:2..
Strange, I have scored 2 headers from's all about timing,
not seen the chesting bit...maybe it's just the timing of the header.

The commentary and atmosphere are superb...
the graphics are good in HD, but I feel the faces could be a bit more feels a bit weird...can't explain..

Passing at assistance set to 0, looks good....initially I was spraying
it around inaccurately, but getting it better now...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Im bemused at El Diegos comments. The more i play fifa, the more it feels like im in a REAL game of football. I havent seen the players chest or volley it in ages, its just about timing. Using the Left Bumbper to move your man helps a lot too.

Theres so many animations for every type of move, its incredible. I think if they fixed the dodgy keepers (which as it happens, havent been dodgy in about 15 games) then the game will be even better.

Every time i play it I wanna go back on it again and again. My shooting has improved by a country mile, as has my defending and passing.

JayD and JB i wanna play you two again soon, specially JayD. There'll be no more than 2 goals going past me this time i promise ;). I might even have a shot on targer if I decide to :)
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

I give up this game is utter garbage

Nah just kidding :lmao:

Anyway. right now i'm going through play throughs with different edits. finding out what works best.
I'm finding out how each attribute works.
Overall the speed of the players are way to much and ONLY go down by the second half,but the first half is almost nerve rackingly caotic and fast. i am changing that, but again i need to do it so that it doesn't weffect stamina's through the game. So far so good but a long way from done.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

OK 3am .I Found the formula.
Now it's onto changing EVERY player in the game...

Ummm not fun. i hope you guys appreciate this work once it gets released as a save file...
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

BumperMan I dont think hardly any people here have the ability to copy a save file to their Xbox or will have the guts to apply your savegame and change their whole game as they like it as it is.
Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

Noted said:
BumperMan I dont think hardly any people here have the ability to copy a save file to their Xbox or will have the guts to apply your savegame and change their whole game as they like it as it is.

Ok so you want to discourage me?
Pretty much everyone that i know has a 360 file exchanger if i can show proof to one user that it works then maybe they'd go and pick up one? That's what happened with some of my previous edits most notably with NBA Live 07(that game was garbage out of the box. I made it feel like it was worth the 60 bucks everybody thought they just wasted)

I'm just doing something for the community sounds like what you'd be doing is even discouraging the current editors of PES and WE over at the editing and patch forums.

At least don't discourage me. i hate that kind shit.
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Re: FIFA 07 (Xbox 360) - Next-gen

not discouraging atall but you said ' i hope you guys appreciate my work ', dunno how many of us will be able to properly as dont know how to put in option files etc on my 360. sure its not hard but if its anything like chipping my ps2 was i wont be doing it!:)
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